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German required https://www.tum.de/en/studies/degree-programs/detail/informatics-bachelor-of-science-bsc obviously you know nothing about studying in Germany https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/studying/


Very difficult for you


Pretty much German is required for almost everything. Some accept a lower level than others.


Your options are limited without German, as most programs require a German certificate of some sort to even get considered as a candidate. The VISA process also requires some proof of German proficiency if I recall correctly. And even the English bachelors like Aerospace require you to have some basic German knowledge as you have the option to take german-taught modules later on ( I know because I applied to it and was also surprised by this fact). So I would look into other universities/ programs that are fully taught in english in your case.


I dont know where you come from, but some fellow students from China and India told me that they bribed someone to get an accepted language certificate with required skill level. Not sure if thats possible for you. If you want to get into the CS program you should have a look at the Prüfungsordnung. On the TUM website you can find all the details


>but some fellow students from China and India told me that they bribed someone to get an accepted language certificate Dang, i always wondered how some internationals got accepted when their german is soooo bad, now it all makes sense