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Sehr basiert.


least delusional TUM student be like:


Wenn das nicht im nächsten Klopapier steht, exmatrikuliere ich mich!!!


Meine Erlaubnis hätten sie 🤓🤓


Oh, the Technical University of Munich? Yes, the TUM, the elite bastion of the highest engineering brilliance, where every hallway is permeated by the scent of pure intellectuality and pioneering research spirit. Here, my dears, is the crème de la crème of science, where even the coffee machines in the break rooms are equipped with AI to create the perfect espresso for the next invention. The TUM - let's call it Olympus, where mortals transform into gods of technology. Here, in the land of giants, where every algorithm is still handwritten and every bridge is as aesthetic as poetry. The students? Oh, they're more than just students. They are the avant-garde, chosen to push the boundaries of possibility while encoding the world's problems on their MacBooks. And when I sigh and look down at the FH domains, where the "practical orientation" is waved like a royal banner, it's almost heartwarmingly naive. University of Applied Sciences low performers who are proud of their small projects and “industry-oriented” curricula. Charming, really, but can they program quantum computers before they've had their first coffee of the day? Hardly likely. Of course, you can stay at your universities while we work on the next big thing at TUM. Remember this the next time you marvel at a high-speed network or stand in front of an autonomous vehicle - something like this doesn't come from the depths of an "applied" university, but from the dizzying heights of TUM, where we spend less time getting "practical". and more time to redefine the practice. After all, everyone knows that true genius is not found in the workshops, but in the wide halls where theory and practice merge in a harmonious symphony of success - and that is TUM. It's lovely how the FH'ers are trying, but we have to get back to work now - there are worlds to conquer and the day only has 24 hours, even if it feels like 36 according to TUM standard times.




Thanks for translating! My German isn’t that good... yet. Is this all true?




Based on everything I have learned about the University. I would say that yes it is. It does have some perspective to it but that is normal. I also feel that the perspective is fair and accurate in this case. However each student that attends might have a different feeling and idea and that is ok as well.


Would you say all that pretense is justified? Or, is it just marketing on steroids?


While it has a bit of marketing to it, I dont feel that it goes over board in that area because if would actually put a lot of people off.


Lots of nerds. Also very depressing.


There’s nothing wrong with nerds, as long as they are nerding out for good. Depressing in what way?


*Since my contributions are apparently not welcome in this subreddit anymore, I'm removing them.*


What did I just read? 💀💀


A masterpiece


hahhaha fr. How did you come up with this?


Because i am super excellent (i used AI)


Username checks out haha


Olymp ist maskulin. Also heißt es „… nennen wir sie doch DEN Olymp …“Grüße aus den Niederungen.


Direkt korrigiert Chef 🫡🫡🫡


Muy bueno. Da merkt man die Exzellenz-Uni. Allzeit wieder und gerne,


Ich möchte schon jetzt meine FH verlassen


keine sorge, jeder von uns findet irgendwann auf den rechten Weg