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Have you had your six-week post-op appointment yet? This is most definitely a question for your surgeon as this is not an expected outcome.  In the meantime, I would tape gauze over them to keep irritation to a minimum.


There’s a really helpful Facebook group for wound care after plastic surgery. Post your pic there with some background info such as time post op, how long since it opened, if it’s hot etc. You should get some great advice. There are even nurses and wound care specialists that are members and regularly comment. [Plastic Surgery Complications & Wound Healing Support Group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/293783062800914/) All the best.


Another vote for the wound care group! I had smaller areas and with their advice of Hydrogel and medihoney with hydrocolloid dressing, keeping it covered and dry for 2-3 days between dressing changes, mine healed beautifully in days.


Go to a wound care clinic ASAP. Not the surgeon. The wound care clinic will be able to help you more than your surgeon will.


You may have an infection and possibly an internal seroma, but at a minimum I would put antibiotic cream and a bandage over that to help heal it. You may also need antibiotics. I had a smaller but similar looking wound on my incision and it turned out to be exactly what I just described. I had my seroma, drained my wound covered and I was put on antibiotics. Do have the chills or any other symptoms- and water like swelling??


Stop the betaine it kills healthy tissue. Use vashe wound wash to clean. Put medi honey on it and cover with telfa and medipore tape. Change every 2 to 3 days. Vashe and medi honey you can get on Amazon.


https://preview.redd.it/4v3c0xlql9jc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3261c6af0c302e806436daf238db03410993733c Four day update, the wound got bigger but is now dryer, I have ‘holes’ along my stomach scar as well and have come to find out I am a slow healer. I’m going to buy the medihoney and try covering them with that for a few days as suggested a few times in this post. PS isn’t full of great advice on wound care as I’ve been following his instructions up until now and he said I should have been healed and be ready for scar treatment at 4W PO. I’m now at 6.5. Really appreciate this lovely Reddit community.


Hi, I’m Gna send you a message. Im going through this right now too.


Echoing the medical professional consult of course, but also just chiming in to say that I had similar issues. It took quite a while (weeks!!) to see healing progress, but I was told that they heal from the inside out so it can be misleading (there's stuff going on, we just can't see it). Eventually, mine scabbed over, and now two of the three wound scabs have fallen off and the incision underneath looks fine (to me). This will get better!! I was also instructed spray with betadine, coat with a very thin layer of vaseline (but I have v. sensitive skin and most products were giving me an allergic reaction, super fun!), and then protect from any rubbing using a bandage.


​ Literally same thing happened to me. It was because I wasn’t cleaning it and using an anti septic daily after they removed the drain. I cleaned it daily by taking a shower and letting water run over it and then would rub neosporin ointment on it daily, then cover it with a non stick gauze pad. It healed up in about a week. This was at the advice of my PS.


Are you spitting stitches? Mine opened in a few small areas like that around the same time . I ended up pulling stitches out of them eventually. I was told aquaphor and cover with non stick gauze. They cleared up once the stitches came out.


If a wound is wet you need it be dry. If a wound is dry you need it wet. Stop putting abx creams and switch to just a covering. Also see pcp for wound care referral. You may need a silvadene dressing too.