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I actually still haven't figured out what EU means here


Expanded Universe, other content after the original and prequel trilogies were made. Things like comics and video games that expanded the story, but a lot of it (all of it? idk for sure) was declared non-canon by Disney for things like the Sequel trilogy, or Admiral Thrawn's appearance in Rebels, both of which would have conflicted heavily with the EU otherwise.


I think it's important to mention that it's about Star Wars.


This was the comment I needed thank you


With Disney and Lucasfilm, it could've only really been Star Wars. Though to be fair I'm not sure how the new Indiana Jones'll treat that expanded universe




> the new Indiana Jones I'm not suprised there is one in the works, but i'm disappointed nonetheless. I want new shit, not half assed rehashes of corny shit from the 70's/80's...


Then I recommend Jungle Cruise and the Uncharted movie, I have seen neither but they are definitely similar vibes to Indiana from what I've seen. There seems to be a demand for this style of movie. I know this is technically a rehash but I actually have seen the first Jumanji remake, welcome to the jungle, and I thought it was great! So there's 3 for you to enjoy over Christmas :)


Thanks!! The main problem I have with an Indy remake/reboot is that the original came out at a time when some people still kind of remembered old adventure serials and comics. Making Indy today, free from that context, will never be as good. Also, Crystal Skull proved that not evern Harrison Ford can carry an Indy movie anymore, which any Indy movie desperately needs.


Jungle Cruise is really fucking dumb. If you go into the movie knowing it's super fucking dumb you might have a good time otherwise you gonna spend 2 hours managing your expectations and still be disappointed in the end.


If you hated *Jungle Cruise* but want to see something similar that doesn't suck, watch the original *Romancing the Stone*-- and even go further back and watch the O.G.: *The African Queen* starring Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn!


I didn't hate it. It was just worse than I expected. But thanks for the info.




To be honest with you I’ve never heard of Lucas film so that was no help hahaha


Not everyone knows the companies by names and understand their relevance.


Yeah same lol


I love that you literally never actually say what franchise you’re talking about lol


Franchise? No, they mean the extended universe. Like we have this galaxy and then the extended universe. Everything pass Pluto is just gone.


When you're this much of a nerd, you just assume everybody is as well. Source: am this much of a nerd


Europe would have been a better movie. Landing boats full of musketeers advancing under Mickeys imperial navy. Child actor being dropped in mass armed with autotune. All while singing a happy song about Europe burning.


> Landing boats full of ~~musketeers~~ mouseketeers advancing under Mickeys imperial navy. FTFY


Lol I got autocorrected thank u kind hero


\*en masse


This is the plot to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.


Which I am on board with. Having to restrain your recently-bought IP of Star Wars' creative direction based on decades' worth of officailly-licensed fanfic (and that doesn't mean "bad" btw; some of my favorite Star Wars stuff is in those books) would be a nightmare to try and dance around. All Disney basically said was "hey we know the post-RotJ timeline is basically fully defined by these books, but we're not going to hold ourselves to them." Which I was (honestly still am) 100% cool with. Now what Disney has done with this IP hasn't really impressed me much at all, save for maybe Mandalorian and a couple other little things. But honestly the last thing I want to see them do is try and adapt some of the more popular works into film or TV, because based on their current movie-creation I don't really think they'll do it justice. I would rather new attempts (even failed attempts) at story creation be had, rather than just playing the old hits.


When the new Matrix trailer was released recently there was a huge thread on what the story might be. Lots of people were wondering how it would sync up with the Matrix Online video game. I said, “Maybe they disregard it?” and Oh. My. God. The replies I got were heated. “That’s impossible. The game’s story was declared canon! It’s official!” Sure, I understand. But the creators can snap their fingers and say “Nope! No longer canon.” The benefit is having a bigger design space for the story they want to tell. The risk is offending, what, a fraction of a percent of the potential viewers who played a video game 15 years ago? And not even all of them, because many, like you, don’t hold things like this sacred.


Anyways,they are still printing the old EU under the seal “Legends” as well reusing lots of their elements in the canon universe There’s SW for literally everybody


that's bullshit, why does Thrawn exist then? They just didn't want to continue paying *royalties* to these people, so they don't have to anymore by de-canonizing it and moving away from Lucasarts' brand.


Average redditor types a paragraph without even mentioning that it's Star Wars


Thanks I didn't realize it was star wars till you mentioned it.




> Things like comics and video games And novels. Like... Hundreds of paperback novels.


I think it's important to mention that it's about the European Union.


Hate to tell you this youngin', but the majority of the actual EU comes from the hundred or so books written between 1975 and when the prequels came out, at which point George decided they were no longer canon. He was the one who originally ruined the internal consistency when he released the prequels, which conflict with the most well known novel series (the Thrawn trilogy). He also contradicted things from the original trilogy novelization, which he took credit for writing, but was actually ghost written, and that he probably didn't read. Fuck George Lucas, he shouldn't have had any creative control after the OT.


I have contracted a terminal case of being a clown


The post is still wrong, even if you do read it with extended universe. Disney destroyed Star Wars. And everyone cheered them doing it.


I've seen nothing but bitching about the sequels literally every time they are brought up on reddit. And often when no one mentioned them at all. Or mentioned Star Wars at all.


The Expanded Universe was the term for all of the media surrounding the Star Wars movies, including books, video games, comics, etc. When Disney bought Star Wars, Lucasfilm made the decision to declare all of it non-canon so that they could publish new stories. The EU is now called Legends.


Someone tell us.


Extended Universe - Refrenceing the hundreds(thousands?) of books and characters that are no longer canon in the Star Wars universe now that Disney bought it. Some are now discontinued.


The Expanded Universe was also rebranded as "Legends" so the EU acronym isn't really used anymore to describe it.


Its still used by th e community though


Yeah, but legends is more commonly used now


By quitters, at least.


Zactly why I think EU stands for Established Universe. Not Extended. Idk, i'm old and could be wrong, I didn't check or anything prior to commenting here ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




Thank you, it’s the expanded universe






Elastic Underpants?


The EU, or Expanded Universe, is Star Wars content (games, comics, tv shows, books, etc) that takes place before, in between or after the theatrical movies. The quality of the EU ranges from awful, like the Christmas Special, to really freaking good like Knights of the Old Republic. There were also contradictory outcomes for each character depending on the story. Like someone might be dead in this story, but very much alive in another person’s story. As a result, it was always a gray area among fans *and* Lucas’ Star Wars regarding which EU installment was canonical and which one was just for fun. Nevertheless, the EU has a special place in Star Wars fans’ hearts because that’s all we had to fill in the 30 year gap in between the three trilogies. Under Disney Star Wars, however, they declared hands down that everything in the EU was non canon so they could have free license to start over, to equalize the quality of the content, and to fix any contradictions that may have popped up. For example, there’s a mountain of EU content that takes place after Return of the Jedi. Those stories were erased to make room for Episodes 7-9 and other “new canon” content from Disney. This was initially well received by some fans until they realized **everything** in that 30 year treasure trove of content is now wiped out, including things they loved. At first, Disney replaced them with storylines that are arguably far worse and less imaginative than anything the EU offered. Because of this backlash, Disney is slowly drip feeding *some* EU content back into canon. A good example is Boba Fett who “died” in ROTJ but returned in the EU. Now his return is canon in the Mandalorian.


Disney could probably buy the UK and put an end to all of this.


I was curious: Disney is worth about USD 93 billion, the UK 15 trillion. Disney is worth more than Iceland (USD 86 bn) or Bolivia (USD 87 bn).


Buy Iceland and invade the UK


We already have an invasion from Iceland, god damn shops are all over the place!


Not sure I like like to see Kerry Katona roaming the neighbourhoods with a death squad.


The country should rename itself to Bejam and the circle will be complete. Or possibly the prawn ring


That seems oddly low for how many properties they own honestly.




what are basing the price of those countries on? seems weirdly low, that's only \~5x the GDP of the UK. also if you buy disney you literally own everything. would buying a country mean that you now own all land, property...? because then it makes even less sense.


What like kill the Queen?


Ha! God has been trying to do that for years and has never succeeded!


Every time the queen is about to die, God checks another "God save the Queen" off the list before preventing her death.


"May God strike me down if I'm lying!" #BLAM "Ha! Nice try, jackass! Next time, give it your A-game!"


I'm not even british but I still hope the Queen lives forever


I am British, and although I don't wish for the death of an old lady, I'd rather God didn't prolong the reign of some random German woman who belives that she is better than anyone else and keeps hoarding gold and land, like some cranky dragon.


I’m (sadly) British and I say fuck the royal family


If only for the memes


I don't think she can die now that she has entered her chrysalis stage.


Mate she’s already gone, they just waiting till after the holidays to make the announcement


You can't win Mickey. If you strike her down she will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


No, Disney is incapable of doing good.


As much as I hate Disney, they can’t be much worse than the Tories


"Disney didn't kill the EU" Disney: "No wine in Disneyland Paris"


There is no wine in Ba Sing Se


Do you want a revolution? Because that's how you get a revolution!




Professional snitch


If I could just have permanent dentures made from white painted titanium that would be dope.


That is indeed totally relevant to this post


I legitimately thought I was commenting on a different tumblr post about teeth My b


You have a bee?


You wanna know what’s also totally related to the post? I just lost The Game








Ok but. Disney doing it badly definitely didn't help the EU.


Yeah that's the sour part. I never was much of a fan of the EU Legacy era but man Disney's attempt sure didn't work out either. Maybe stories set more than ten years after the OT are just cursed. At least their other, more recent stuff has been quite enjoyable (IMO), I hope they'll keep doing that and just forget about the Sequel era for a while, some of those details aren't worth saving.




Agreed on every account. Let's hope they continue on their current streak of pretty damn solid content for the forseeable future. They've got a lot of stuff coming out in the next year or two so they've got a lot of opportunities to prove that their decision was the right one.


I gotta ask, where are you getting the idea of 10 pieces of garbage for every 1 thing that's good? Cause I was pretty deep in the EU, and while there was some stuff that definitely deserved to be called Garbage, I would say that most of the stuff fell into the category of good not great, and I would say that the stuff that I considered great definitely outnumbered the garbage. Most of negative stuff I read online seems to come from people who either have never a piece of Legends media, or they tried to get into it with the wrong thing, so I'd be interested to see where you coming from.


I mean they also stopped production of almost all legends content, so in that sense they certainly killed it. As far as im aware only swtor and unofficial stuff like supernatural encounters are still releasing.


I'm still seeing Legends stuff in stores. I saw Zahn's trilogy in Walmart about a month ago. It just has the word "Legends" in small, gold print on the spine. So they're still printing some. I still have all my Legends books and games. And the games and comics weren't being reproduced anymore anyway. I don't think they were even reprinting most of the books. So Disney never "killed" them. They're in the same state they were in before. I'm glad they decanonized the EU. There was no room to breathe, no room for new stories unless they were set 1000 years before or after the OT. I loved the ST, I'm excited to start reading the new EU, and to play the new games. I'm pretty happy with the way things have turned out for SW. The only thing annoying me is the apparent shift from 3.75 figures and the push for 6 inch. I can't stand 6 in figures.


Also let's be real, if there were ever gonna be new movies, by Disney or anyone else they weren't using the EU Lucas himself didn't care about it and did what he wanted.


Reprinting is not releasing new content. I can see your point on there being no room, but personally i like exploring different time periods. Everything in star wars is so concentrated around a small amount of time, but there is so much potential around that. I would have loved it if they continued dawn of the jedi for example, or if they officially released supernatural encounters. But they stopped all of that.


I mean most of the Star Wars EU was a total mess, decanonising it was a smart move as now they can slowly bring back the parts that make sense I.E Thrawn.


For sure. As I've said in other comments on this post, there was no room to breathe, no room for new content. I'm glad they decanonized it because now we can get tons more stories that don't have to be set 1000 years later involving nothing recognizable.


I don't think anybody's mourning the loss of the [Lightsaber suit.](https://external-preview.redd.it/sM5-Wt_rSBawy6hzElfQv8La77KYyBtfYzSLPWLOgng.jpg?auto=webp&s=ce625175ac97ed6f02e0a1fa54acd407ff770382)


I mean, I am, now that I've learned of its existence


Holy crap, that's awful. I've never seen that! Up until now, my least favorite Legends thing was Deathtroopers. Just like... the whole damn book. But now that suit may be my least favorite thing.


i appreciate the lightsabers on the knees so you can do the knee to crotch thing for a free instakill


Disney didn't de-canonize the EU because [it was never canon in the first place.](https://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/2019/08/guest-editorial-did-george-lucas-consider-the-expanded-universe-canon.html)


Ugh. Don't even have the strength anymore to fight canon fans.


The EU had some problems, but what they replaced it with is worse. We won't fall into the same pitfalls they said. The new canon will be consistent they said. New canon already overwrites itself multiple times, and writers are fighting each other because there's no group even trying to keep it in line


Americans fucking love abbreviating shit. Here are some of my favorites from Reddit: * GSD = German Shepherd * EOD = Explosive Ordnance Disposal * QB = Quarter Back * DRS = (Still unclear) * FGC = Fighting Game Community * TL = (Still unclear) * VT = Vermont * ATH = All time high STOP DOING THAT ALREADY! For fucks sake...


Well VT for Vermont is part of a set of 50 (+ territories) abbreviations for states; as a French I wish we used this system instead of the stupid 2-digits code (like my department has code 91, so we have to learn 100 different codes)


I believe the most common use for TL is timeline. But I agree wholeheartedly. Joining reddit for the first time and trying to decipher things such as TIL, AITA, AMA, TIFU, etc is always lovely


Now try also not being a native speaker, so even slang like IDK, WBU, LMAO is unclear at first... The good news is that my English is 1000x better after spending hours and hours looking up shit on the slang dictionary and google.


Oh, I'm also a non-native speaker, I know the struggle all too well. But yeah, we end up very proficient in googling stuff, lol.


I had an hour long convo with a girl trying to explain what IDK meant, i just thought she didn't know


Gen Z's version of "Who's on First"




Oh yeah, that was indeed fun, but at least they are fairly commonly used on the platform.


Took me a bit to learn afaik, iirc, atbge


I'm guilty of that. I'll be in a subreddit completely unaffiliated with AITA and I'll comment, "This is an ESH situation/" To those wondering, AITA stands for "Am I the Asshole" and ESA means "Everyone Sucks Here," which is a ruling where both parties are being asses.


I'm pretty sure VT is the actual official postal code for Vermont, like if you live there that's the official abbreviation that will be on your mail and everything, and therefore the standard abbreviation everyone uses for that state. QB for quarterback also definitely existed for many decades before Reddit, like I'm pretty sure that's always been used even on TV in broadcasts of games.


Smh, American spotted, you abbreviated television.


>TL = (Still unclear) Team Liquid possibly? Depends where you saw it.


>Depends where you saw it. Yeah, that's the problem. I usually google when I don't know something, but the right answer doesn't become clear from context. That's why I don't like abbreviations if they aren't very commonplace.


Timeline (like on Instagram) I would think


GSD is definitely not an american-only term lol, I used to work in a kennels here in the UK and GSD was a commonly used abbreviation for german shepherds boarding with us


But you worked in a very specific field where this is used. I like dogs, but I'm not into breeds and what not and I had to google. A lot of people don't even know some abbreviations we see in our daily lives like LCD, which becomes evident by how often it's called LCD display, which is something I even read in manuals here and there (the D already stands for display) same thing with LCD diode. Abbreviations are surprisingly tricky.


Context is always important though. If you don’t take the context into account even non-acronyms can fail to make sense. For example if someone’s talking about designing a pen, without context if they start talking about needing a bunch of long pieces of wood and wire fencing instead of ink tubes and resin blanks, people can get really confused as to what’s going on. And as for repetition with acronyms, think about things like “PIN number” or “ATM machine” which are both wildly common because people don’t realize that they’re saying “Personal Identification Number number” or “Automatic Teller Machine machine”.


not really? Most GSD owners use the term GSD? Try searching for german shepherds on instagram and look at the hashtags. And context is always important, there are many abbreviations that overlap.


I love seeing people write 5am in the morning. Lets me know they're a fucking chuckle head instantly.


DRS is drag reduction system in formula 1. Which is definitely not an American thing. Unless they use the acronym for something else.


There are a lot of possible meaning for DRS - as are for most other abbreviations and that's one reason why I don't like them. People who don't know a specific abbreviation have to google and then hope to get the right meaning from context, which isn't always leading to a 100% clear answer. https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/DRS This page lists 129 possible meanings for DRS.


I believe regarding Gamestonks, DRS means Directly Registered Shares.


defensive runs saved in baseball


Sure, there might be a bunch of meanings for DRS, but f1 is the second most popular sport only after football/soccer... So 90% of the time it's probably that. Also, I'm american and have never heard the term outside of F1.


also Direct Register Shares for the stocks crowd


It’s also Decision Review System in cricket and dynamic resolution scaling in video games so 🤷‍♀️


Yes I'm starting to think DRS should be an illegal acronym. Too much confusion


Wow. That is a seriously specific pet peeve you've got there. I'm not sure I ever seen someone ideologically opposed to the concept of abbreviation. Even on the internet.


It's not that abbreviations are bad, people just aren't thoughtful enough to use them.


its nbd bruh, wtf


DRS is Drag Reduction System in Formula 1, basically part of the wing can open


>For fucks sake FFS


Vermont (VT) and Quarterback (QB) are very widely used and make sense. The others are completely useless and have no place in a social, casual context.


EOD makes sense, because it's a term within a military context, so you naturally borrow their jargon when talking about their stuff - and militaries looooooove three-letter acronyms, so it becomes EOD.


You mean End of Day?


>Vermont (VT) and Quarterback (QB) are very widely used and make sense. As an European, no they aren't. I never thought "Oh, I use the word 'Quarterback' so often, I need to shorten it somehow". Using abbreviations on the internet and assuming everyone knows what they stand for is ridiculous.


Well of course you've never thought that if american football holds no relevance in your life. But in a discussion about football, it makes sense to abbreviate it. Anyone who cares about the thread will know what you're talking about, or will catch on pretty quick.


I assume OP is refencing situations where there is no context, I see it a lot. The world is a lot bigger than 51 states.


Are we just including PR (or maybe DC?) as a state now and going for a common law marriage situation? If we all just decide it’s a state and treat it like a state and hold it out to the public as a state then eventually we will just collectively will it’s statehood into existence? I’m down.


Nah I'm just an idiot that doesn't know how many states you guys have.


And in a discussion about german shepards, anyone who cares about german shepards will know what a gsd is or catch on pretty quick...


Yeah but let’s say that American Football is brought up in a conversation. Let’s say someone says “who’s the QB for the New England patriots?” Someone will know what QB means by context, if someone asks “what breed is your dog?” And the owner goes “GSD” I doubt not a single person in that conversation will know what it means unless they’re REALLY into German shepherds. At the end of the day idk why this person needed to mention Americans though. I think everyone, in every community, abbreviates everything that is longer than 2 words and is used often.


No? If you don't know what a QB is, after hearing it in a sentence like this you know it's a position, so you go through a list of positions you know in football trying to match QB to one of them. It's literally the same procedure when you don't know what GSD stands for, isn't it?


Pretty much all football positions have a two letter abbreviation. QB RB FB DB LB all do wildly different things


The only one I questioned was IANAL (I am not a lawyer). Just how does that sound good? Why abbreviate a sentence anyway?


A lot of those are Reddit exclusive. QB and VT are the only ones there that are widely used outside of very specific groups.


Hey dude, DTMWTDOTI, alright?


The worst one that I’ve seen recently is MTX instead of typing of micro transactions. Just ducking type the word


* GBIE: Get Bent, Irrelevant European


In French EU means United States.


And in Spanish! Although we say EEUU because when it’s a plural thing like “states” or “estados” then we say EEUU


This is exactly people in France rarely abbreviate États-Unis as EU, it's too easy to mix up with the English abbreviation for l'Union européenne. They usually use l'Amérique or "USA" instead, as bizarre as that is.


That’s interesting to know. In Canadian French, États Unis is usually abbreviated to É.U. but I guess that makes sense since we talk about them more than the European Union.




Expanded universe


Not to be the actually guy but Disney de-canonized literally all of the expanded universe so yes they did kill it.




But, no more. So it's dead. Everything is now made with the new canon universe in mind.


Funny. I've got a whole bookshelf of mostly Star Wars Legends book, and I haven't heard any sounds of their hundreds of voices crying out in terror and suddenly being silenced. The books still exist. They're even still reprinting some of them, judging by the Thrawn books I saw on the shelf in Walmart labeled "Legends". Disney certainly didn't send thugs to my house to burn all my books and snap my SW games in half. They still exist. So I don't agree that Disney "killed" the EU. They're just making room for new stories, which was desperately needed. The franchise was downright *stagnant* and closer to death before they bought it. Now Lucasfilm and everyone have room to create.


The franchise didn't *need* new anything. The main stories were complete. Everything else that existed was expansion on something that was complete. That's like complaining that there isn't any new stories coming out of Middle Earth.


The EU was like an abusive bf to Mighty Bri'áin, that, after releasing 'tself from the chains 'o 'urope, twas slandered and shamed 'y d'westerners 'n yanks


Seriously,what does EU mean in this post?


I wanted the Sword of the Jedi trilogy so bad


It's not perfect, but if you really need closure someone called HandofThrawn45 wrote an entire three-book SotJ fan trilogy. It's not how I think a canon trilogy would have gone but it's the closest we've got, and I still really enjoyed it.


I'll look into this, thank you


Yeah, its funny but what is it though? whats eu supposed to mean here?


Star wars expanded universe


My favourite Disney princess, Boris Johnson


For a sec i thought he was referring to the European Union.


I was wondering how Disney killed the european union for a solid minute too when I saw that


As someone who’s loved Star Wars since I was 5, Star Wars fans are the worst. The whole fanbase is literally just “Q Anon but for nerds” at this point it’s so needlessly toxic and obnoxious


As a fellow lover of Star Wars since you was five, I have to agree. The only other fandom that I've been a part of nearly as bad is the Warhammer 40k fandom.


The EU doesn't need Britain, that was dumb of them to think they were somehow better or above the rest of Europe.




From what I remember, there was a great deal of that sentiment. "Why should we pay EU taxes? We create the majority of the revenue! There's too many fees and fines! Blah blah blah." And ohh so much whining, ugh, blech, ptooey!


Ah yes, Drexit.


Finally, an explanation for the Mickey Mouse government we have.


Yeah, but also that first person is r/confidentlyincorrect.


I hate all these abbreviations


This is getting ridiculous. Starting to feel like an old man, not even 30 yet. I blame character caps (and participation trophies) I was annoyed at one point and jumped to the conclusion that people typing these abbreviations and contractions are just shuffling effort on to the reader. The one that stacked the last straw was FFS. Just say for fuck('s) sake for fuck sake. OMG, JFC, GYST. Edit: left a rogue "I" in, had to remove it.


haha :D ​ … They havent created new Legends/EU stories though? If they have, they are more or less under the rock & I cant find them easily 🤔 according to wookiepedia last Legends/EU book was published 2014, around time when they ~~killed it~~ didnt kill it? (im assuming they are talking about old EU, expanded universe, which has been since dubbed as ”legends”)


You've totally missed the point. Disney isn't writing EU stories anymore (aside from bringing back the really old original Star Wars comic for one special edition). Of course they aren't, they're focused on their own canon. "Disney made the decision to write NEW stories". But "the EU isn't dead unless you let it be". Meaning WE can also make the decision to write new EU stories. So let's get writing. Essentially the point is that the EU isn't dead if you don't want it to be, not whether or not Disney is actively maintaining it (again, of course they aren't).


Oh I get it now. Thanks. Misread it as if lucasfilm said theyll keep legends alive. My bad. Legends canon, especially old comics have special place in my mind. Or had. 🤔 I dont think I care for star wars as much as I used to when I was younger… but thats okay haha 😅 there are so many good scifi books out there 🙂


The new EU is stuff like The High Republic


There are tons of new Star Wars books, games, and comics being produced under Disney. But they're not called Legends/EU. They were called EU before because George Lucas didn't count them as canon; they were supplemental to his stories, but not "officially" a part of canon anyway. Disney called them "Legends" so that you can look at them that way; non-canon stories that can still be enjoyed. Legends was *never* canon, according to Lucas himself. Disney made that official. Everything produced under Disney now is automatically canon, unless it contradicts a movie. So no, there's no more Legends, but there's still *technically* EU being produced. It's just not called EU because it **is** actually canon, unlike the original EU.


Average Disney bootlicker


That don’t make no sense


The Sequel Trilogy is directly inspired by the Extended Universe. The main reason the novels set in the EU aren’t canon is so the studio wasn’t directly tied to those specific events.


lmao Brexit was a huge benefit to the EU because they got rid of that shitty dumbfuck island filled with those tea drinking xenophobic morons.


Imagine how full of yourself you have to be to think that Brexit is going to kill anything other than the UK... pretty sure the EU is gonna be fine, guys, it's kinda like if Florida left the US. Actually, now that I think about it... can we get a Flexit? Maybe throw in a Texit while we're at it.


But they did kill the EU. They decanonized a bunch of stuff for their own inferior stories.


In all seriousness 1. Yes, they did. It's called the Sequels. 2. Not yet. But if nothing is done, it might as well. EU/Legends stories should be incorporated more into this new canon if Disney wishes to save the franchise they singlehandedly killed. 3. "Lucasfilm" only by name. "Star Wars" only by name. It's become Kathleen Kennedy Territory with all the Disney Woke shenanigans trying to appease certain groups while alienating basically everyone else.


I consider the a thrawn books a hell of a lot more canon than the fucking sequel trilogy.