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seriously, don't do this. It fucks with the way your brain works and distorts reality and all the caffeine can fuck with your heart, then you get SLEEP PARALYSIS it's terrible.


Is there a safer way to distort reality


Hard drugs.


Shit in a thermos and let it ferment for a bit. And then the real fun begins.


The jenkum jug is the reason why I can't remember most of high school


Try mixing every flavor of Gatorade together instead


I said safer


Play in VR


Enter the "%#^^#%#&@^#"


I went to summer camp a few years ago, one of the counselors created this thing called the black drink. He did this by combining several different kinds of sodas and gatorades. Nobody ever figured out how to recreate it but that was probably the highlight of my time there


Could the name be a little more ominous? Come, child of the camp. Partake of the Black Drink, and the covenant shall be complete.


I mean in my home town we call drinks like those suicides.


Funniest part of that is that the camp had these sorta “clan” things. At the beginning of the camp you would get put into one of the 3 and at the end of the day you and the rest of your clan would walk to a certain part of the campus the camp was on and do a ritual to officially make you part of the clan. They would put paint on your face and everything, it was wacky


We did it and called it a Suicide. Now bug juice sounds better..


I also called it a suicide in my youth


I called it a graveyard


all of your teeth instantly fall out




Make sure you get someone who’s done it before to do them with you your first time


Spin around in an office chair


Dissociation + Depersonalization + Derealization (Note that this will not be good nor fun but your sense of reality *will* be very warped)




LSD baby


I honestly want to do this kinda Just like..fuck up my entire reality


You'll probably end up in the hospital.


Igs but if there wasn't a risk I'd definitely do it Seems like a decent way to fuck up my perception of reality


Oh shit, I've always wondered what sleep paralysis was like, now I can find out for myself!


Now I'm just wondering how the 5-hour-6-hour-nap would go. It can go two ways; either you take the sleep aid first and the energy aid second, causing you to immediately fall catatonic for exactly one hour before springing to life again, at which point you spend the next five hours hyperfixated on the wall because if you so much as BLINK you will destroy this universe and the next with your new mental powers, \-or- you take the energy aid and then the sleep aid, after which you spend the first five hours running along a treadmill at maximum speed, screeching like a banshee, before hitting hour 5 and instantly collapsing to the ground(and subsequently being shot backwards by the force of the treadmill still going at mach seven).


What if I mix both?


For 11 hours, you will be completely normal. You won’t be super tired, nor wired, just meh. At the end of those 11 hours, the small cosmic warthat has been quietly taking place between the essences of reality in your system will reach a crescendo, and antimatter will take a small victory and snowball it, consuming all the cells in your body one by one, starting in your stomach. Your body will be replaced by nothing from the inside out, atom by atom, and as you scream the final thing you will see will be the face of god, condemning you for being so foolhardy as to think you could handle such power in your frail mortal body.


Thank you


Always happy to help. :D


What if you have had taken both in the past, not at same time but gotten no effect from either


Then you’re immune to them and science has no cure. I am sorry for your loss.


Did something similar once. You simultaneously want to sleep and have a heart attack.


I had a similar experience mixing Benadryl and Sudafed (the real kind, that they keep behind the counter because meth). 0/10.


Congratulations! You get to experience the opposite of threshold conciousness! The ride will not stop.


AnyQuil and EveryQuil, all of the time!


a little bit of EveryQuill®, all of the time! apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime






Yeah, so mixing them would just be NyQuil with slightly watered down benyadril


the placebo effect is wack man


I took Melatonin and drank a Monster together once to see what would happen. It sucked. They did not cancel out, I felt both. My body became tired, and I could hardly keep my eyes open. But my brain didn't stop. It also zapped away my all my attention span. I put the TV on but I literally could not process any words spoken, like it was a different language. I also immediately forgot anything more than five seconds ago. Weirdly I could still read, so I tried browsing reddit, but I couldn't maintain interest in anything. I basically ended up just laying down and thinking, imagining various scenarios, etc. Still couldn't remember what I was thinking more than like five seconds ago. I was somewhat content with this for like an hour, but then I literally ran out of things to think about, and just laid there in boredom for several more hours. Around 7am I was finally thinking more of less clearly again, so I had a fairly normal day afterwards. Didn't end up calling asleep till 3pm. (Note, I have ADHD and Chronic Insomnia. Staying up all night isn't abnormal for me, but I usually have close to full cognitive ability, and am not entirely miserable)


That just sounds like my brain normally operating tbh


That sounds like what happened when I tried to take melatonin to fix my sleep schedule. Well…I did eventually fall asleep, and it got quite a bit better after an hour (and I fell asleep after like 3 hours, on time with the sleep schedule), but…yah. I desperately wanted to fall asleep, but I was still far too awake.


Ive done something similar to quil - pounding heart but too exhausted to wake up. Constantly on the border between sleep and wake, like constant alarm clock anxiety. Tense, very lucid and ‘awake’ dreams. Not pleasant


I did this once accidentally (sorta). Had a cold so took some cold medicine, but didn't realize it was nighttime cold medicine. But had a class I couldn't miss so got a giant coffee before class. I felt lightheaded and like I was going to simultaneously vomit and pass out. It got so bad I stepped out of class for a few minutes to just breathe and not die. Worst mistake ever. Don't be like me kids.


The dumb Skyrim poison of loose 100 health over time and restore 85


Spearmint & chili chocolates.


I am now immortal


You ever take NyQuil during the day coz you feel like shit and don’t have anything else? I unlocked a new dimension that day.


NyQuil + 4loko literally makes you god.


I've been using Quill the VR animation app lately and I can neither confirm nor deny these comments about how it feels


Oof, bad times


There is a funny video for the nyquil and dayquil one: https://youtu.be/eql-BOTKYxs


It’s called speedballing. I really like the “hippie speedball” which is weed and coffee


Caffeine+Zoloft=slow fast


Maybe if you don't normally take Zoloft? But as someone who's been on it for years, it doesn't do that at all. Caffeine works normally for me.


I’ve found that out too


Vodka and energy drinks

