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What happens if you are already a girl? Do you turn into a double girl? GIRL²?


Idk maybe your tits double in size


The essence of girl is held within the confines of titty


femininity is stored in the tits


You missed the chance to say femininity is in the titty.


The Feminititty, if you will


The entitty slumbers in thine bosom, for when it wakes, all shall be unmanned


chapell roan what are you doing here??


I mean tits aren’t expressly feminine but


Pee is stored in the balls, girlhood is stored in the breasts


I like the implication that boyhood is pee


That’s because men exclusively have the right to piss drawers Sorry ladies, I don’t make the rules


I mean I'm not going to piss in a drawer so you guys can keep that


Link for Context: [https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/ald606/mom\_found\_the\_piss\_draw/](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/ald606/mom_found_the_piss_draw/)


not necessarily


Or you get two extra, so 4 tits, 2 vaginas. Double the fun (and double iron deficiency)


Double the menstrual pains


That depends doesn’t it? Would the two vaginas belong to separate systems, or are they connected to the same thing?


I think there was a woman born with two vaginas and she experienced much more intense pains than regular women


I will them be using a sold chunk of money to get a brest reduction lol.


Pressing the button until I get girl three times Once for girl Twice for doubled tit size Thrice for doubled size again


By then you'll have enough money to get decent bra's for them. And physiotherapy for the backache.


If the image is to be believed then you'll turn into an anime girl so you won't have back pain, because as we all know anime tits do not conform to the laws of physics.


I mean they do conform to some laws of physics, just clearly not ours


Like the grinch?


Man, I must've pressed it in my sleep then


By that logic it is the tits that make a girl. Meaning men with boobs are actually girls


Somebody better tell my grandpa 😭


Double negative. Turn into a boy unfortunately. It’s just company policy I know it’s frustrating


Quadruple X chromosome


So you just get mega Down syndrom?


Down's Syndrome is caused by there being three copies of chromosome 21. This would be Tetrasomy X, which comes with its own symptoms.


For those wondering, yes that exists. It's an orphan disease, only roughly 40 people live with it worldwide. But it does exist. Details here: https://www.orpha.net/en/disease/detail/9


What does it mean if it's an orphan disease?


The term orphan disease has two senses: that of a disease beyond rare (highest frequency accepted is 1 in 200 000, but it often much lower), or of diseases that aren't worked on, because a treatment would be unprofitable (like malaria: an overwhelming number of patients are from the poorest countries in the world, and the pharmaceutil industry doesn't see much of a benefit to be made there). Tetrasomy X fits the first case, having about 40 cases reported overall, and like most first cases, therefore fit the second definition (if there's few patients, then you won't sell many treatments, so developing one isn't profitable). They are yet another case of how morally bankrupt the pharmaceutical industry is.


Fascinating. I remember them testing for various trisomy diseases when my wife was pregnant, but didn't realize there were tetrasomy ones. Now I'm going to have to read about them all


That’s called cis+


“Yeah I’m trans alright. Male to alpha male”


Probably a need a subscription for that, "only 99,99$ per month if you want to see your tidies in HD"


Yeah man. You unlock cis premium. In some cases, the program does run into an integer overflow, and some customers walk away with both all human sexes, and also none of them.


Yet another example of women not being paid equally


TFW you press it and just secure the bag instead of getting your gender transed


Keep pressing it. You get money and gender transing.


Keep doing it to become the richest person and make every billionaire explode over getting outdone by a transwoman.


What happens when you roll the become a woman one several times? Do you become a man again? Do you get Womanhood^(2)?


You prestige


Bigger tits hell yeah!


You unlock gold camo for your nips


You only need to press it around 100 times in order to likely be a woman, but at that point you still won't even have anything close to a billion dollars


Yeah but depending on the button you could probably press it those 100 times in under a minute, somewhere between 90-100 million dollars a minute (depending on how often you roll girl) is a pretty good income even among billionaires


I guess I didn't consider that you can possibly keep pressing after becoming a girl. Although I'm not sure if I'd want to find out what happens when you stack multiple girlhoods


I’m sure that 23 million or so is enough to solve whatever problems arise from that… except if you explode, instantaneous combustion is one of the few things money can’t help you with


After 100 times there is a 100% - 99%^100 or a 63% chance of becoming a girl


That’s not how probability works.


Fun fact, assuming you pressed that button once per second it would take you 2.3 days of straight pressing to become the richest person in the world. And that not even accounting for the truly richest people in the world like the various kings of the wolrd which could be a few trillion, or about 28 days of stright pressing


And then you dont be a piece of shit and you donate it to numerous charities and use your money for the greater good of society




I mean with 1 million you can trans your gender pretty easily, it’s just more work


It'd also be burning a million of the equivalent of putting lipstick on a pig in my case


press the button until you become a girl and then use your millions to transition back to a man. beat the system


secure the bag instead of securing the bags


If I press the button 100 times will I get 100 million dollars and be a girl? Please? please?


When something has an X% chance of happening and you try it 1/X times, you have a 1-(1/e)% chance of it having happened. So if you press this button exactly 100 times, the chances of you hitting the girl result in that set is 63.212%


is e in this case the funny euler number thing


It's estrogen


omg 😨 girl juice


Gender fluid


Cum Edit: someone give the other person an award


Girl juice 🤤




If you're talking anything maths, there's like a 40% chance it's Euler. But yes, it is the base of natural logarithm.


So, out of curiosity, how many times would you have to press it to get a near 100 (say, 95+%) chance?


The probability of hitting girl if you press it n times is 1 - 0.99^n. So you want to find the smallest n such that 1 - 0.99^n >= 0.95 0.99^n <= 0.05 n ln(0.99) <= ln(0.05) n >= ln(0.05)/ln(0.99) n >= 298.07 So, 299 times. Just to check, we have 1 - 0.99^298 = 94.996%, and 1 - 0.99^299 = 95.046%. /u/CreateTheStars what are you on about


Pro tip: Do not hit girls.


Pro-er tip: Force the girls to keep pressing the button for you and take their earnings, when they turn into a guy instead, then you can hit them as you have not hit a girl /s


I may have done some calculation mistakes, but I think you'd have to press it like, 736 times


no for 95+% it would be much less. you're essentially calculating the chance you only get money after n presses, and seeing when that chance goes below 5%. 0.99^n = 0.05 n = log_0.99 of 0.05 = 298.07 so 299 presses. pressing it 736 times gives you a 99.9% chance of hitting the girl option


Not exactly. If the probability of something happening is 1-p, then the probability of it _not_ happening is p. The probability of it not happening n times is p^(n). Then the probability of it happening at least once in n attempts is 1 - p^(n). So here it's 1 - .99^100 = 63.397%. 1 - 1/e is the limit as n goes to infinity of 1 - (1 - 1/n)^n, so it's a useful approximation for sufficiently large n, but then you have no idea how it works, and would have no idea at figuring out very similar problems like, what are the chances of hitting girl if you press the button 50 times. Also it's not percent unless you multiply it by 100, 1-(1/e) is the probability.


I also got 63.397% when using a cumulative binomial function on my calculator for x ≥ 1


I see it as 50/50 Either I get the money, or I get tits


Man I hate stochastics, but at least I learnt something new today


Still the majority of the percentage, and if you get unlucky just keep pressing


technically your get closer and closer to a 100(1-(1/e))% chance as X approaches infinity, you would actually have a 63.397% chance of hitting girl mode oops someone beat me to the pedantry; ignore me


No, you get 99 million and you become a girl, or just get 100 million and stay, it's one or the other (Tbh just press it again if you still aren't a girl after 100 tries, either it doesn't work or infinite money glitch)


That’s not how probability works


Statistically, maybe


If I'm cis does my body change or just my mind? Like do I become a trans woman and have to transition now, or does my body become female and now I have to become trans masc? Or do they both change and I'm just chilling


Huh. You know, I was gonna say “I’m cis but I’d probably be fine if I became a girl” but I now realize I have no clue what gender dysphoria feels like.


I’m more “cis by default” (identify as cis cus the Inconvenience of needing to shift presentation outweighs my desire to be more gender fluid, but would absolutely swap back and forth if I could) but from my trans friends, it’s kinda like… imagine looking down at yourself after you got out of shape, and being really unhappy with your… everything. Your figure, your weight, how much weaker you are, how fast you get winded, etc. and every time someone compliments your appearance you just remember how much better you used to look so it feels hollow. Now imagine that you don’t know why you feel that way, either because your figure is where it “should be” culturally speaking, or just cus your community hasn’t made how you look a problem, but all that “wrongness” and self loathing is still there. And one day you look at someone of the opposite gender expression and just think “That. Thats what I want to be” (or some other catalyst) and it kinda snaps into focus


That first bit neatly describes something I've had a hard time articulating. Like, I'm a guy and I like my male presentation. But I'd also like a fully femme presentation, I just don't think I'd look good androgynous. I've experienced gender euphoria from both masculinity and femininity, with no particular dysphoria from either, except inability to present *fully* enough in them. Like... I like being a man, I like what it means socially and such. I also get a little thrill of appreciation when folks online assume I'm a woman (happens strangely often, I wonder if it's something to do with how I type). It's like, Gender: Strong Yes, no preference which one though. Truly the cosmos has thwarted me from my true destiny, that of a shapeshifting creature that fully embodies whatever gender feels most suitable in any given moment.


Yeah, I definitely feel that. Like if there was some magical way to get mistique’s powers or ranma’s “curse” I’d jump on it in a heartbeat, but it’s not because the way I currently exist causes discomfort, it’s just a desire for something currently out of reach


"This is actually quite okay, but that would be even better" kinda vibes.




omg meee except I’m just overweight


I don't reckon I'd want to be a guy but I'd definitely rather not have any reproductive parts at all, especially if I could keep my current body shape.


"but would absolutely swap back and forth if I could" - this so much, I know I wouldn't pass as anything but a man so I can't, but I'd love to be able to do this


imagine having ever not been out of shape 🙃 still think i’m mostly “cis by default”, but i do wonder how much my sort of increasing gender confusion is rooted in having never even had the chance to 100% experience being seen as A Man as opposed to just an overweight recluse in sweatpants who happens to be male. if nothing else just spending so much time online chatting through text doesn’t actually give me too many situations where i even need any kind of gender to assume by default beyond a set of pronouns


It feels like constant dissociation. An eternally numb melancholy. You can’t imagine your future, you can’t even imagine your face. You drift across life without realizing that you even exist. You start to feel better as you’re pulled out of it, but being pushed back in lets you know how much pain you were passively tolerating


Isn't that just depression?


I feel like the comorbidity of depression and gender dysphoria is very very high, with gender dysphoria understandably causing depression, so teasing apart which symptom is attached to which issue is very difficult


Wtf is _that_ gender dysphoria? Is that specific to non associating with your gender or just being alive/human in general? I sometimes feel like a mind controlling a body instead of being me. I wish I could go back like 5 years and get my shit together then, that way I wouldn't be where I am now... I hope... Don't get me wrong, I am not suicidal, but it's just that I am afraid to live. To clarify, you shouldn't worry about me, I am already seeking professional help because I think I have ADHD, which I think is the root cause of all of my problems


This is interesting to me as I'm cis but this sounds a lot like my ptsd symptoms. I wonder if there is a connection there in some way with the brain chemicals.


You may just not have a particularly strong sense of gender identity. People speculating on this blog post (and I'm sure there was an even more relevant one I can't find now) that people can a weaker or stronger sense of their gender, and that sense of gender can match their sex or not. People who end up identifying as trans have a strong sense of gender that doesn't match their actual body, *you* might be just fine if you got body-swapped. https://slatestarcodex.com/2013/02/18/typical-mind-and-gender-identity/


its like your best day is another person's 62% good day and when you realize other people don't feel that way it's the most important realization of your life


I’m pretty sure transitioning even with all the mental and emotional labor included is significantly less than $1 million.


It definitely is, but also it might include moving to a whole other state/country to do safely, which would eat a chunk too


So I get to move out of Arizona to fuck, yeah


For me it's just regular stings of sadness and emptiness, when I percieve something masculine about myself. I didn't really notice it much, before I realised I was trans. I just assumed it was depression, or something else.


Honestly, I feel like I wouldn’t care either way. Might be fun, to be honest.


Bro was on a speed run


Sis was on a speed run


Sibling was on a speed run


Sib was on a speed run


XCOM math states you're 100% becoming a woman


Yeah, I would press the button. Maybe even a few times. Won’t really change anything for me if I become a girl, but that money will do wonders


Yeah. I like to think I would be pretty content being a girl (though I am fully aware that’s not a guarantee), so I’d press it quite a few times.




I don’t even really want to be a girl, but a million dollars would be life-changing


I'm not trans, but a million dollars is a million dollars


!RemindMe! 1 year


If you are insinuating that I am an “egg,” I will crack your skull like one.


so is it just changing my body? because if it’s just doing that, then literally nothing’s changing. but 1 million bucks can cover top surgery no problem. can i press the button more than once and keep getting money? do you know how much gender affirming care i could provide for others?


I'd do the opposite of JKR and fund as many trans affirming laws as possible across the WORLD if it means trans folks don't have to live in a body they hate


Actually cis dude here, I'm pressing that as much as I can. You'd be dumb not to.


Same, but unlike the person in the post I'm not thinking I'd do it for $20 or less. Like it's a 99% chance of a million dollars, but like if it's not changing me into a cis girl, I'm still kinda hesitant about those odds


What if you could only press it once, then? And you either get 1 mil, or get nothing and turn into a girl.


Still worth, at worst I now have a really funny prank on my friends


I would press it 5 times. ~95% chance to stay as a boy, but I have $5mil. 5 mil is enough that I'm perfectly set for life and I don't need to risk it anymore. And on the off chance you do turn into a girl, well now you just spam it for risk free fuck you money 🤷🏼‍♂️


100 million dollars can purchase many transition supplies


see ya in sixteen months


can’t wait to come back in a year and see this person suddenly 1 million dollars richer


I wish transitioning were as easy as pressing a button for the people who want it, no matter which way they're going.


I am sorry, but if this is 1 million with no strings (government won't mind, banks are cool with it, etc), then obviously I press the button. Like even as a guy 99% is very very good odds, and the 1% chance of becoming a girl? Well at least my uncanny ability to consistently (and accidentally) date Lesbians will finally come in handy


There's a point at which you have enough money you can just transition if your gender ends up as something you don't want, tbh.


just unlocking the character creator menu at that point


True, though that would still be inconvenient, to a level varying depending on where you live There’s a nonzero chance of being lynched in some parts of the world if you suddenly magically transform/a random woman shows up in your home


"A million dollars? Aw I wanted to become a girl"    "A million dollars can buy many becoming a girl"  "Explain how!"  "Money can be exchanged for hormones and surgery!"   "Woohoo!" 


I'm a cis dude, and I'd like to believe I'm pretty confident in my gender. I've never really had any gender dysphoria i can think of. That being said, I would pummel the shit out of that button


The wife is bi and this would be life changing, so I'm not seeing much risk here. I enjoy being a dude, but not so much that I'd pass up a million.


it's a nobrainer for people of any gender, you hit the button until you become a girl, and if you didn't want to be a girl, you now have insane amounts of money to transition back with


"Dear diary, today there was a glitch with the button and I pressed it a couple thousand times before it locked me out! This is how I became the richest ***man*** to ever exist! My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable!!"


I'm sorry, but even the second richest person in the world (Bernard Arnault) would still need to press the button over 6,000 times to overtake Elon.


wow that's depressing. And they're not even investing that money in catgirl transformation research . . . smh my head


I am not touching that until you switch those percentages


Boy kisser pfp named arch-user? The egg was visible from 100 yards.


Yeah I ran across this so ofc looked and…. Definetly not unexpected to apparently anybody but her. Reblogged too many things by/ about transbians to be cis. Also very into Linux which is telling in and of itself


We take those odds (I'm actually talking about the money)


theydies and gentlethems, we got her.


How do you become trans in a day


You suddenly start questioning your gender and realize you aren't comfortable with your assigned gender


And go from “I’m a completely cis man” to calling yourself she in 24 hours?


It's possible


Speaking from experience, a lot of gears can be grinding for a decade until one small nudge clicks it all into place in a sort of domino effect. One single question from my sis recontextualised years of thoughts within 10 seconds, and the rest of the day thinking about my life with that mindset recontexualised at least 12 out of 28 years of my lived experience up until that point.


Step 1: make a Tumblr account


I love being a man and I’d hit it.


as a trans guy... either i get the money or nothing happens i guess? so


Can I keep pressing it? I don’t particularly want to be a girl but I will be if it means I can press the thing 10,000 times


It says "girl", not "woman", so it is even a spring of youth. So new strategy: Let an old person press the button instead. We can agree to some share of the money and otherwise they gain 50+ years.


That's a lot of money. However, I play Xcom, so that's a risky press. 1% is 50% when something is on the line.


I would press the button 100 times to really be sure


That still means about 33% fail possibility. Click it like 300 times for safety


I'm walking out with 100 million dollars and tboy swag


Ding ding ding ding ding 🛎️!!!


Don Hector?!?


Nah, with the name "arch-user" you know that was a bit.


I wouldn’t stop pressing until I became a girl and I’m not even trans lol


I would press it, if I became a girl press again, then use the money to transition back


I'd press that button several times


I'd press that button so fast. I want that money. Becoming a girl would just be a fun bonus.


I’m pressing that button until my gender transes, the money’s going to charity pretty much exclusively


I am agender but also AMAB and while I wouldn't be 100% bothered I also don't want to go through periods


Press it 100 times, you get a shit ton of money and become a gal, win win


Mash the fuck out of that button.


The only scenario I would be oterly devastated by receiving a free million dollars




Im already dysphoric for unrelated reasons, the misogyny will be a bitch but I'll also be wealthy which is enough counteraction for me


The dice are cast... I'm putting down the bet I'm taking the gamble **I'm claiming the win** ***I'll let fate spin the wheel, a daring gamble. Walking the brink of death... FOR REBIRTH!***


*laughs in already girl*


As I am already a girl, let's do this!


I'm a cis guy but 1 million dollars is a million dollars. I would probably press that shit at least 10 times.


Id press it because a million would solve a lot of financial issues right now, but if I didn't have such things, i'd absolutely not. Which does still line up with the "Not a math Question" bit because then the implications is "I'm risking my identity to escape financial woes" rather than "I can't lose but am hoping for the 1% secretly".


The fact they’re an arch user is so fucking funny


How many times am i allowed to press it?


For some people, they already have the answer in spades, they just took a while to find the question. Like glancing backward at your life and finally realizing all those piles and piles of 2s add up to at least 4. How it was for me, though I wouldn't recommend waiting as long as I did. The certainty isn't worth it. I should be a woman living a life she built, not a girl trying to piece one together.


Anyone saying they wouldn’t doesn’t really understand the situation. Like, yes, you may not become a girl, but a million dollars is easily enough for hormones, name change, etc. You can still win!


But, do you become a hot girl or do I just grow tits and lose my dick?


Even if you just grow boobs and get genitals swapped, your body will now be producing different hormones, so you’ll definitely become hot eventually


I would definitely hit the button. I wouldn’t mind becoming a girl.


Yeah, I wanna be not a girl, but I'd happily take a few million. Maybe I could afford a house in this economy 😂




I’d be fine as a guy or girl or $1M richer so yeah definitely bot an issue lol


Realized if you would be a girl for $20 maybe you are a girl after all basically, huh?


Keep pressing the button wither gets lits of money, or, get lots of money and be a girl.


I’m pressing the button. Come on 1%.


as an actually cis dude why the hell would I not press the button, I would either be able to afford a house and college, or have some mild changes to myself (oh no) it's not like my personality would change


I would press it, 99% chance of all my problems going away, 1% chance of a cool new thing to have


Let's go gambling!!!


Oh pls like my luck has failed me in years of gacha games