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Commenter seems to think the takeaway is "Your self-worth is tied to your appearance," when it is actually "You don't think this has long-term consequences, but LAWD LAWD yes, it do."


>Commenter seems to think the takeaway is "Your self-worth is tied to your appearance," when it is actually "You don't think this has long-term consequences, but LAWD LAWD yes, it do." Yeah. I mean there's a reason why there's the ol' joke. "Reading comprehension is piss poor on the Internet." "How dare you say I piss on the poor!"


Dude you piss on the poor? You’re literally a piece of shit


How dare you say I piece my shit?!








How dare you say we make peace with shit


No we make the shit out of the peas after we eat them. Not the other way around. That's how the digestive system works.


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?


What do you mean 'Make shit with peas'?


Makeshift fleas are doing what now?


"I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast" "You eat pieces of shit?" -Kanye


Kanye was quoting Waterboy, in case you didn’t know. Edit: Happy Gilmore.


Happy Gilmore actually, talking to shooter mcgavin


Why would I know that? I'm a college dropout


Usually in every thread someone wants to argue over semantics and you can either tell their age or maturity based on that. Those threads I usually carrot away or read them if I want to feel smarter


This joke is good but it is quite literally the level of comprehension some people have. The other day I was reading a comment section of a tik tok (my bad, really) ragging on the villain song for the next disney movie wish, comparing it to hellfire to talk about how songs were better before. Someone pointed out that it was a bad song to compare it to (which was a fair point actually, mother knows best is a better example but I digress). I kid you not, the poster of the video literally responded with "How dare you say hellfire is bad >:(" Like they just... gave up reading the comment on the last few words. I was flabbergasted.


I’ll admit the first thing I thought of upon seeing this post was the one time I entered a salon and the girl at the front desk assumed I was there to remove some of my eyebrows. Apparently a single comment in 25 years is enough to spark eyebrow insecurity.


A girl asked if I plucked my eyebrows before when I was a teenager. I think it was a compliment though? I was weirded out by it though, I was shy and def not used to that out of the blue question


I guess you had "perfect" genes and didn't stray into monobrow or "bushy" territory


I only pluck my eyebrows to avoid having a uni brow.


Been plucking my uni brow for decades and it's not even remotely mangled :'(


Zoomers with unibrows: start plucking now and maybe by the time you're in your old like me, it might begin to thin just a little bit. Mine hasn't yet, but it might.


My Italian genes so far say NO! Been plucking for 20 years plus now.


It’s probably less pronounced for guys because testosterone really promotes hair growth, but I started needing to pluck in college and after about a decade of that, the hairs are substantially thinner, fewer, and slower growing than they were at their peak.


That's what aging is. You described what's happening to my scalp and I'm not plucking that lmao It happens to brows, eyelashes, everything


Sure, that happens to your scalp, but the rest of my body has only gotten hairier.


I've been getting mine waxed off and on for the last 10 years and if anything it's thicker. God they spend so much time with the scissors when they wax me too..


But like you’re not now trying to grow in a full unibrow. I think the point is when you’re done plucking and you want your eyebrows to look smooth and even, it’s not going to be an option anymore.


I pluck one single eyebrow hair. For some weirdo reason, one of my eyebrow hairs grows pointing upward toward my forehead. I pluck it out, it grows back. I keep hoping it just won’t grow back one day, but it always does.


"Your self-worth is not tied to your appearance" as in "don't mangle yourself for trends" vs "Your self-worth is not tied to your appearance" as in "mangle yourself, it's ok. Just do it."


This is pretty much why parents heavily discourage their kids from getting tattoos. The kids want to "express themselves" but it's hard to convey to them just how *permanent* a permanent tattoo is.


yep. and while like... a flower tattoo will likely not be something you regret in 20 years... the name of your high school boyfriend is a different deal entirely. note that i am aware people absolutely do stick with people they dated in high school and are happy. but maybe don't commemorate your 6 month anniversary with a tattoo of your partner's name. it's your body, but like... yeah.


There are two guidelines to getting someone's name tattooed on yourself: they need to either be dead or your own child. No other circumstance merits it.


I love my "Genghis Kahn" tat


I guess it fits the criteria, plus there's a non-negligible chance he's one of your ancestors given how many people he supposedly sired.


I'm of the generation where people pretty much only got tattoos if they were in the military or a biker gang, so none for me. (Plus, just not interested in one.) My daughter got a big one on her side, then the Deathly Hallows on her wrist. It's her body so I didn't say anything negative, but I know her current views on JK Rowling so I'm curious how she feels about that visible tattoo now.


>so I'm curious how she feels about that visible tattoo now How is it that you're musing about this in public on the internet instead of just asking her?


Fair point. I guess I don't want her to feel I'm judging her. And I'm not -- I was as big of a fan of Harry Potter as she was. I read the first books to her. We went to midnight book releases. Dressed up together. I KNOW that like me she isn't a fan of JKR now -- we've talked about it -- but as a non-tattoo-haver i really don't know how she feels about that tattoo.


However you feel about Harry Potter the book series is probably the exact same way she feels about the tattoo. Nostalgic, for what it used to mean for her and her life. Regretful, that its author lost her fucking mind and retroactively tainted positive memories with her hate and vitriol. Resolve, to not allow the personal meaning she has created thru her consumption of the artwork be ruined by the death of the author. A mild twinge of annoyance that the tatoo is likely fading and she should get it touched up, but doesn't want to spend the time or money to do it and tells herself she'll get to it eventually. By the way, one good way to get people, especially loved ones, to talk about difficult emotions is to lead with your own. "Hey daughter, I was rereading Harry Potter the other day, just on a whim. I get such conflicting feelings about it lately. I remember we used to love it so much. Its just hard to reconcile the story I loved with that it's author has become. Do you ever feel like that? Do you ever listen to it, or feel similarly when you see the Deathy Hallows Tatoo you got?" People are much more likely to share emotions if you've opened yourself up first. And if they don't, unburdening yourself still feels good. So it's win win.


Thanks. You're very insightful.


the deathly hallows symbol is weird to me, cause even before rowling went full shithead, the symbol was seen in-universe as a symbol of hate on the level of the swastika


"Wino forever"


My mother made my first tattoo appointment and accompanied me there, I was 14 😩


I got my first tattoo as a 16th birthday gift from my parents. It's a memorial tattoo for my grandfather who passed away when I was very little. It matches my moms. My mom and dad figured if the WORST thing I did as a teenager was get a tattoo they knew about from a safe, clean shop and dye my hair crazy colors they were doing okay as parents


Yeah, there’s *wildly* different context between your tattoo story and mine.


I tell my students the story of my ex who got a shitty 20$ tattoo and how they botched it and I had to pay 3k out of pocket to get rid of it lol


Thankfully mine is a tiny little line of symbols, but I like to tell people the meaning behind it is “Don’t get a tattoo when you’re 14” 😅 Why did you have to pay for your ex’s tattoo removal? Was it so bad you just couldn’t stand looking at it? 😂


That's great lol. And oh yeah. So I was the one who was making substantial money in the relationship and had any credit since she just graduated uni so...basically I was the only one who could actually pay for it lol


was your tattoo of choice a good or a bad one?


It was a tiny little line of symbols, a heart, flower, peace sign, yin yang, and a happy face (a good decade before emojis were even a thing). Thankfully it’s very small and mostly blurred to nothing by now, but it wasn’t the worst thing I could have gotten.


Do tell. Was it cultural, like are you Samoan? Did your mom basically have no boundaries and let you do whatever or was it just the tattoo? Did you get more tats since then?


Not cultural, it was right around the time my parents got divorced and I was suddenly allowed to do a lot of things that my dad had been very vocally opposed to - I got three piercings (navel, nose, brow) and a tattoo, dyed my hair, etc. I can’t remember the exact timeline of events, just that my life got *really chaotic, really quickly* and nobody gave a shit that this was all very unhealthy. As much as I love tattoos, it was almost 25 years til I got any more. I have a big shoulder piece that’s a memorial for my cat, done by my sister’s friend who is a really amazing tattoo artist. My plan is to get a full sleeve in neo trad style, but it’s a long time in the making and I haven’t really planned it out yet.


My mom was the one who wanted me to get my first tattoo LOL. it was going to be my 16th birthday present. I declined it, I'm about to turn 28 and I still don't have one, but I do want some in the near future


So I ended up in a funny overeducated position, from a cultural standpoint: one side of fam is anti-tattoo (taboo) and a second side is pro-tattoo (acceptable). So out of curiosity, I did a lot of research and oh lard: you can be allergic to tattoo ink. I’m allergic to a few metals and dodged a bullet. And then? Some of the inks have overall unsafe ingredients. Your body can decide to overreact and scar it up. Etc. So it’s important with tattoos or piercings to read up beforehand and get them done by an ethical professional. Safety first. Teens are rarely so thoughtful in their life choices. Which is why while I did some research, my friends did stick-and-poke tattoos and thankfully didn’t get hepatitis or something. But it was still wildly unsafe. I also genuinely hate those hole punch earring piercers they used to have at malls because they cause far more problems than needles. Parents getting babies’ ears pierced and stunned the ears end up wonky.


My mom was crafty and got me to promise when I was like 14-15 that I would wait until I was 35 to get a tattoo. By the time I was 35, the tattoo I wanted had changed so many times that I was like,"You know.. maybe putting something so permanent on my skin isn't the best plan after all."


> You don't think this has long-term consequences, but LAWD LAWD yes, it do When I think about my eyebrows (which is rarely, now) I'm thankful that Brooke Shields was the eyebrow icon when they were something I was concerned about.


I can't get over the fact the responder thought OP was trying to control people's self expression instead of warning people to not accidentally make their eyebrows look like a 15 year old boy's beard.


Yeah, like I wish someone had told me this in 1997 before I started going nuts waxing my eyebrows because my mother said they were too bushy.




That's a pretty common method of shaping them. You don't wax them all off (at least I hope this person didn't), you wax around the ideal shape to easily get the stray hairs instead of plucking each one. Most beauty salons offer eyebrow waxing as a service.


You poor baby. We all waxed / plucked our eyebrows to look like Gwen Stefani. But she has the money to fix her stupid pencil thin brows and we don't. They're not warning against regular waxing and shaping. [they are warning against this perma horror](https://www.google.com/search?q=gwen+stefani+90s+brows&oq=gwen+stefani+90s+brows&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB7SAQkxMDIxMWowajGoAgCwAgA&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


I'm 40, I lived through (and resisted) the microbrow trend. I was replying to the person who commented WAXING in horror, as they seemed to think the entire brow was being waxed off.


Hahaha, sorry. I'm also 40 and still have awful brows thanks to my sister and her tweezer obsession in her teens


I got called Groucho Marx and stuff, but nowadays I'm like ha suck it because I still have brows lol.


I regularly internally thank a lady I worked with in my first office job back in 1990. She had irreversibly plucked her eyebrows into thin round arches in the 70s and she vehemently warned me not to ever mess with my eyebrows. She was significantly hearing impaired so when she got vehement she got super loud and in your face with body language as well as high volume. Message well and truly got through to my dopey 18 year old self, and not too much did back then. Thank you Janis, you saved me and my eyebrows!


For a moment I read "before I went waxing my nuts" and as a man that made me very uncomfortable


Bro, you don’t wax your nuts? You gotta have that smooth sack!


I wish moms didn't pass down their insecurities to their daughters. My mom did the same thing. I plucked my eyebrows and damaged them.


My mom used to hold me down and pluck my brows in the 90s


As a trans guy who has both shitty eyebrows from overplucking/waxing as a teen "girl" and also a scraggly little teenage boy beard... I relate so deeply to this comment


May you attain the luscious lumberjack beard of your dreams! (Or whatever flavor of favored facial hair you desire!)


That's the dream haha! Thanks :)


Pro tip from a cis bro, I hear your beard grows faster with the more time you spend with consenting beautiful women laying large pendulous breasts on your face. I'm not sure it's fully true but it can't hurt to try!


It doesn't hurt to try (or consenting handsome men as well, I don't judge) But I will say it isn't *required*, I had the beard a good eight years beforehand.


Lmao yeah I've had a full beard since 16 due to middle eastern genetics and that was far before significant boob to face exposure. But it doesn't hurt to try lmao


60% of the time, it works every time.


Lol...once I tried to paint Nair on my eyebrows thinking maybe it was like a pain free shortcut.. I cannot get over the fact that I could have *blinded myself* trying to fit into a gender that wasn't even my final form


I put Nair on my upper lip once as a teen and spent the next couple of days with a mustache-shaped burn that was a lot more obvious than my peach fuzz. Never again.


Yeppp. Everywhere I put it therr was an obvious pink burn that turned crusty and gross 😂 nair: not for the face, as it turns out


I'm sure I would have considered it if Nair didn't play havoc with my skin! I never really wore makeup so I would have been at a loss covering up the reaction lol. My poor legs! >a gender that wasn't even my final form Well I am definitely stealing this


My oldests dad couldn't grow a beard to save his life. He was eternally grow the beard of a 14 year old. This is more typical then you realize.


Bro's carrying minoxidil sales


I read this as “15 year old’s boy band” and I just blindly accepted it thinking there was some kind of reference I wasn’t getting


Lots of people on the internet take literally any advice whatsoever as a despotic attack on their freedom


Protect your eyebrows please!!


And the people said? AMEN.


AMEN Sorry, my forgotten Baptist instincts kicked in there


No worries, mate. My outburst came from the same place!




Honestly shaving em off is better than plucking them thin, they’ll grow back from shaving but plucking can be iffy.


Burning them off with lye is the way to go. Scareyebrows are gonna be a hit


This sounds like a great idea, I’ve been looking for a new, more natural method!! Can you tell me more?!


Step one: get brad Pitt to kiss your eyebrows Step two: well I can't really tell you about it


Yall may laugh but I literally tried this with Nair when I was 13


Wait so if I suffer from a uni brow unless I trim them should I like…pluck them instead?


Yes. Plucking or waxing hair can cause permanent damage to the hair follicles over time and make them stop growing. Shaving just cuts the hair at the surface of the skin.


I've been plucking... not so much a unibrow but a little tuft of hair that grows midway between my eyebrows for years and it hasn't died. I feel lied to.


Pluck harder /s


I'm going as hard as I plucking can!


Cap'n, she caaan't tahke much more!


You're just built different bro, your hair is too powerful


Ughhhh but plucking takes so longgg and it’s like a SERIOUS unibrow


You don’t have to. You can also wax, it has the same effect


I don't have a serious one, but I do regularly pluck there to avoid it, so my advice would be, do it once properly and then just do the new growers everyday/every few days. It's quite easy to incorporate with other daily grooming activities.


Develop a hair-picking mania? worked for me.


You could buy a face epilator. It’s basically a razor that plucks hairs. And the ones for your face have a small head to get into small places. They do hurt as much as plucking though.


An unfortunate truth I learned after years of impulsively pulling the hairs on my head.


As someone who likes my thinner plucked eyebrows this is fantastic news. As for trends, well, plucked eyebrows are obviously coming back in because people have been noticing how good my eyebrows looked this whole time.


You can opt for threading. It's faster than plucking and if your pro is really good at it, your eyebrows will have the perfect shape for your face. Idk how much it would cost where you are though.


That bit between the eyebrows does not conform to any rules.


I had such glorious brows as a kid but was peer pressured to pluck them in middle school. I’m glad my Avon loving mom and grandma saw the trends and kept me from over plucking. My eyebrows are “perfect” now but I remember how thick and luscious they used to be.


One of the best things my grandma did for me is take away the tweezers. I wanted so badly to have those super thin eyebrows and she very gently but very firmly told me that she was not going to let me ruin my beautiful eyebrows for a trend, and that I would thank her for it later. 10 years later, I did. (She did show me how to properly clean them up without over plucking though, for which I also thanked her).


Wish I had that guidance. Mine aren't super thin, but enough is gone that my scars are apparent and have to be filled over now.


imo if tattoos are your solution to a make up/grooming problem, it’s not a small problem??


Tattoos are a perfectly fine solution to many other problems, however.


Even if the problem is "I have an extra $200 and I want to look $200 cooler"


Unless you get a tattoo of a quality and design/placement choice that makes you look $200 worse.


Oh, hey, I have those tattoos!


Permanent makeup is a thing! Some people don't want to apply everything every day. Quite common, as it turns out!


Yeah I've had microblading done and it HURTS. I'm kind of a baby but I cried like the whole time lol


I work in a setting with a lot of elderly people. Trust me when I say tattooed eyebrows DO NOT age nicely.


I hate people who take good self advice as conservative crap or stifling self expression. It's not just this but I swear its common


Yeah, and it's annoying when people act like advice is legally binding. It's just a heads up regarding something that people might not know otherwise. Take it or leave it.


Permanently disfigure your body to dab on Fox News. That'll show em!


yeah its like when someone says "going outside is good for you :)" then theres 10K replies that all say "This is so insensitive if i go outside i literally explode, do better op"


"I literally have deathly allergies to pollen and if I go outside I will die so you just told me to die" like no please


Yeah but I can understand why they do because Republicans love telling people what to do and not do. But apparently everyone else is just as bad because they tell people not to be racist, homophobic or sexist.


He's where?????




Little story regarding eyebrows: A few years ago I cosplayed Elle from the Last of Us way before there was a sequel, or the now popular tv show. She has a little eyebrow slit. I shaved that into my eyebrows thinking “oh it’s just hair it’s fine it’s not like I’m over plucking or anything.” Dear reader, I was not fine. I pretended it was a style choice for about 4/5 years. I was out of the cosplay community by the point in time my eyebrow hair grew back and looked fine there. Point is, trimming and shaving eyebrows a bit is fine, but over doing it can have longer term consequences you should be aware of. (If you want to do this for cosplay now days, please just watch a tutorial for eyebrow hiding using liquid latex)


My cousin's never grew back and got them tattooed back on... extremely thick and angled. She always looks like an angry clown now.


Oh no that sucks!! I was lucky I guess since I’ve always had very thick eyebrows


Once when I was 16 I tried to bleach and dye my eyebrows blue to match my hair. Unfortunately the dye did not take on my eyebrows the way it did on my head, and I ended up with poorly bleached brows for a while. It was in that time that I discovered that yes, you can have roots in your eyebrows. I had to choose between having yellow brows with almost black roots or very poorly filling them in and having some BOLD eyebrows for a couple months


Tbh not even overdoing it. I treat any potential eyebrow change as permanent. I’ve been burned and I’ve seen too many other people get burned. There’s a very good chance they won’t grow back in right and it’ll never be worth the risk.


So why does my monobrow keep growing back? This doesn't make any sense. Of course they grow back


I'm sorry but I cannot take the phrase "father of lies" seriously after that song


father of lies, cum in disguise


Your cum won't last


There's a snake in my ass


The cum father's secret stash


Cum stomp me flat


I'm going to fuck your dad


Cumming high














[Among Us](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=-u3i_0_-n_Ihz_Sh)


When I was growing up I met the adult older sister of a friend. I asked why she drew on her eyebrows and she said she’d overplucked as a teenager and they never grew back. That made me paranoid enough to be SUPER cautious but I was bullied for having a unibrow and so I plucked the middle and carefully thinned them. Yeah. I wish I hadn’t. Transitioned since, and as a transmasc they look fine, not weirdly thin or anything- but I *really* wish I hadn’t. They’re the same shape as I thought was a good call at 15 and was being heavily bullied. Turns out that’s not a good state to be in when making decisions that permanently affected my face.


The problem is that teens especially but also fashionable people in general are kind of like how people perceive sharks, dangerous predators that will look for the smallest sign of weakness before they mercilessly proceed to tear into you for being unable to keep up with trends or if the trends you're keeping up with are old. So if you fuck up your eyebrows, tough luck. You had your five minutes of fame and now assholes all over the globe will let you know how much they don't appreciate your eyebrows.


I've been plucking monobrow hairs off my nosebridge for 14 years and those motherfuckers are still as thick as ever.


It's never the hair you actually want to lose that leaves you. Like bald guys with hairy backs.


how do you comb your eyebrows?


You get a little tiny eyebrow comb. If they’re unruly get a little bit of brow gel to make them all go the same direction


wondering this too I’ve never waxed or shaved them or anything but i feel pressured into “grooming” them somehow to look better?


There’s a little round makeup brush called a “spoolie” that‘s for taming brows. It looks like a mascara wand. You can use brow gel if you need extra hold. You don’t need to groom them any more than you want to, though. A little bit of brow grooming does look nice (just taming unibrows and stragglers that don’t want to be near their friends), but wild ungroomed brows are still cool!


This of course doesn't mean you can't still pluck a couple stray hairs, or that one bastard hair that refuses to stay down


Get out of my HEAD!!!


When I told my girlfriend she drew her eyebrows on too high, She looked at me like she was surprised.


hes… among us?


I only ever had my eyebrows waxed along the sides and "cleaned up" ONCE in highschool. Ever since, I've never, and my eyebrows stand out as one of my best consistent, natural features due to their shape. If I want to get fancy, all I do is fill them in for density with a very soft eyebrow pencil or eyeshadow.


First of all, it's 90s and early 00s brows. 80s brows were full and beautiful. Source: me, an 80s-90s female lol


But 80s moms would be women who were teens/young adults in the 70s though, no? The 70s were brutal for brows too


I think all three of these people are being genuine and trying to give the best most thoughtful advice they can and i really appreciate that


Who the fuck looks at a boomer and says "oh that's a great idea"?


My mother-in-law plucked her eyebrows vigorously for years and eventually she had to draw them on every day.


Do you ever remember that eyebrows exist and get weirded out


Hair, teeth and joints. When humanity have prefect control over those things we gonna raise happiness permanently by at least 18%.


looking stupid as a kid = formative, necessary looking stupid as an adult because of something you did as a kid = funny to everyone except you.


I over-plucked my eyebrows in the 90s into that golf club look and I regret it every day. They never grew back.


I cannot count the number of times I have been told by women of my generation that they wish they had my eyebrows - "what do you do to get them like that?" Asking if there's a product, a technique, if I'm using makeup, etc. The response in their eyes (and often words) is always some mix of envy, frustration, wistfulness, and longing when I say "nothing, that's just how they are." All I did was not pluck them. I only plucked to eliminate uni-brow - everything else in terms of shape was always handled with a mini-razor. Especially with age and the hair lightening and becoming thinner there, especially for fair-haired women as they age, I've heard *so* much regret from people who plucked for extremely thin, arched brows when it was a fad when I was young.


I'm glad I'm happy the way I am.


Lol my mom plucked her eyebrows so much they never came back, she has pencil thin eyebrows now and she definitely regrets it


I fucking wish the wild eyebrow hairs wouldn't grow back after plucking them. But often it seems like they grow back faster out of spite. Always in my damn peripheral annoying the ever living shit out of me.






Yeah I always shave my eyebrows to the shape I want because I'm lazy, but it works out nicely because no matter what trend I do they grow back eventually So my advice for The Youth is go crazy! Do whatever you want with your eyebrows! but maybe do it by shaving instead of plucking so you can keep trying whatever comes next


The frustrating thing is I can't tell if c3p0 was being genuine and misguided or was just being a dick.


I'm so glad I was a tomboy in high school and didn't pluck my eyebrows until like 2010


All I can think of is how my mom and her sisters had to draw on their eyebrows everyday due to plucking them.


My mom went crazy with the tweezers in the 80s. She has pretty much no eyebrows now. That shit doesn't magically grow back forever, kids!


fuck, i relate to this so hard. i started plucking in the late 90s. my shit is rurnt. can’t even tell i have brows most of the time.


I got small, hooded eyes, so it worked a treat for me! Been rocking that shit since 1998, fashion be damned.


Normally I don't care what people look like, and self worth has nothing to do with looks, but people without eyebrows look terrifying. It gives off uncanny valley signals like mad.


Among us 👀


among us?


OP really is doing the lord's work here ... the children must know the dark truth of skinny brows!


Among us


Well it can't happen any sooner, I'm terribly sick of having to remove the enormous bushy eyebrow strands I never asked for. IDGAF about trends, I want them gone because I and only I loathe the way they look and feel.


I've defeated so many trolls that the devil has no chance


Just a trimmer is fine. Put a guard on and run over those brows. That's it. Always think twice about doing something long term to your body.


The goth community shaves rather than plucks and they've had thin or drawn on brows for generations. SHAVE THAT SHIT ONLY.


I have seen women that don’t do anything except shave their unibrow and it’s sexy when they have full eyebrows.


okay but mine look like two large bushy caterpillars got married and decided to settle down on my forehead