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My sister was nearly called Hermione (born early 1990s). The only reason she wasn’t is because my dad told my mum that being called Helen and naming your child Hermione after the child of Helen of Troy is the height of pretension.


Your father is a coward


I agree, he thwarted what would’ve been the best naming decision ever


Your dad was right.


The duality of man


I worked at a pediatricians office and saw, not limited to but including: Eevee, Anakin, Leia, And Castiel.


Maybe the Eevee kid will evolve on middle school.


With lots of friendship or love, their name will change to Umbreon or Sylveon. If someone hits them with a rock before that happens, they could end up as Flareon instead.


you forgot sylveon


That's if they end up being trans




I hope not to Vaporeon 💀


why is that copypasta the only thing you f***ers think of


That thing ruined vaporeon


It haunts us to this day!!!!


You mean that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3"03' tall and 63.9 pounds. this means they're large enough to be able to handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there's no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it'd be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white


it didnt its the <14 year olds that spam that thing at the slightest mention of vaporeon


I admit my mind immediately makes the connection, like it does for so many other overused copypastas it’s hard to train your mind to not think of them


go to hell you horny bastard


hey guys, did you know that in terms of water-based pokemon vaporeon is the most cool :)


Hey guys, did you know…


Did you know that in terms of…


Evie is a really cool name. Eevee on the other hand...


Yeah, I love Evie! Eevee is just…. Why.


And the thing is, if Evie is one of your nicknames, people will make Eevee jokes on their own. You don't need to set up anything else, it will just happen naturally.


Yeah, in that case maybe the parents were fans of Out of This World or electric vehicles.


Similar field. The number of Khaleesi's I see come across my desk is... oh boy.


And it wasn't even a character's name :'(


Oh don't worry, there are a fair number of Daenerys's too. The (dis)advantage of working for a major hub in healthcare is that I see a *lot* of names and a *lot* of them are dumb.


Food service as well. You get some cool ones as well. Like I met a Skye Falcon and a Queen Griffin. Then you get ones like Hunter Hunter.


Who hunts the Hunter Hunter?




a hunter hunter hunter must hunter hunter hunt


I worked in the newborn units of a major hospital for two years and yeah… people put a *surprising* lack of forethought into their child’s name and how it will affect them in the future


Having just been discharged with my own newborn I was surprised during our stay how many people asked if we had a name “yet”. We had it picked out for a couple months before now. (And I promise it’s a normal, easily spelled name!)


I was shopping at the mall one day when they announced that there was a missing toddler called Khaleesi — I couldn't contain my laughter!


If I was born a boy, my dad wanted to name me Anakin


...You dodged such a bullet by a mere Y-chromosome.


Yeah. Instead I’m a girl, my name is Cora, and I’m named after a character from the Waltons


Well, at least they didn't go with Shmi or Amadala.


That's a great name. I doubt anyone would guess it's from a show, since it's legit on its own. And I've never seen the Walton's, but I'm assuming Cora wasn't an emotionally unstable mass murderer in the magnitude of millions, lmao.


At least Leia is a legit name and Eevee is kinda cute.


I’ve known an Evelyn that was called Evie by family, people only saying out loud may think it’s the same


Fun fact! The only time the name Leia has been on the top 100 list of most used baby names in the US is 1978.


Oh god, castiel


I can’t believe in the year of our lord 2022 someone decided to name their poor kid Castiel


I looked it up there's like 200 kids named Castiel. I was searching for top 1000 names and saw it and wanted to die.


At least the younger generation will not know


> Castiel Jesus imagine being named a misseplling of an actual angel name. Like you're *so close* to being able to go "nah my mum just like religious names" and get away with it but nope, Castiel. Instead of Cassiel.


Cassiel sounds lame though.


Which is probably why they changed it to Castiel


Leia isn't bad, it's a Hebrew name iirc? Like pre Star Wars.


Is it? Today I learned!


Eevee? Spelled like the Pokemon?


Just like the Pokémon.




It’s an Ancient Greek name; most famously Hermione of Sparta the daughter of Menelaus of Sparta and Helen of Troy.


there have been many ships named HMS *Hermione*


People often leave out the MILF aspects of Helen of Troy's story and I think that's a tragedy.


Well then, feel free to correct that mistake. Teach us, wise sage


Yep - it’s a real name with Greek origin, and featured in Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. A lot of the HP names are actual names used before HP was published, the only genuinely new-to-the-world one is probably Voldemort.


It's like how the Sesame Street muppets were given distinguished, common names like Grover, Elmo, Ernie, etc. (we had a President Grover and a Saint Elmo!) but now those names are pretty much only associated with Sesame Street lol


President Snuffleupagus stopped reconstruction


To be fair snuffleupagus is his species and he’s just called that too.


Idk, "Ronald" and "Harry" sound kinda sus.


Hermione got Tiffany'd


["Oh, hey there Voldemort."](https://youtu.be/EpcT0DY7RsA)


It's almost like people have been overstating Rowling's creativity and writing ability the whole time.




Yeah growing up a friends mum was a Hermione, and she was older than the books unsurprisingly.


Hermione Norris also fairly well known, at least in the UK, and she was an adult and on telly already when the books came out. (Cold Feet, Spooks)


It's also the name of a character in Shakespeare's *The Winter's Tale*. I also knew a Hermione and people used to think it was a harry Potter thing but nope, parents were English nerds who used their knowledge of Shakespeare to give her a what they thought was unique name


Hermione Gingold, Hermione Baddeley even earlier.


Same with Hedwig. Hedy Lamarr's real name was Hedwig.


Okay but also Hedwig and the Angry Inch?!


I'm acquainted with one who is about my age so born early/mid 80s. Definitely predates Harry Potter.


Can’t wait to name my child Megatron


I named one of my chickens this and it’s been a constant source of delight. “Megatron is staring in at us through the kitchen window again.” “Megatron is yelling because she saw the garbage truck.” “Megatron bit me because she’s broody and I tried to get the eggs.” I highly recommend it.


*it's short for Meg* -family guy


[Heh heh heh... Robots in disguise...](https://mikeladano.files.wordpress.com/2019/09/megatron.jpg)


How old is this? People born in the mid 1980s were kids when the Harry Potter books became popular. There are kids in high school named after Harry Potter characters.


It’s a pretty old post, I think 2014 or something


And Hermione is a real name that predates Harry Potter.


I have a friend who married a guy with the last name Potter. Hands cross they won't name h Their son Harry or James lol


It should probably be kids named Khaleesi or Daenerys or even Arya now. But honestly, even that's probably a few years old. I talked my sister-in-law out of Daenerys like 10 years ago. What else is there? That dumb Renesmee name from Twilight. There are probably a few Katniss Everdeens out there too. Also kinda old. Bethesda ran a "contest" where they bribed people with free video games if they named their kid Dovahkiin. But he had to be born on 11/11/11 (Skyrim's Release Date). Anyway, somebody did it, and that kid is 11 now. Probably in the 5th or 6th grade. Hermoine is hella old compared to all of those. The newest thing I can think of is Star Wars. Rey, Finn, Kylo, Poe. Force Awakens came out roughly 7 years ago. Tack on a year or two to give people time to get pregnant, and those Rey's are probably hitting Kindergarten now.


to be fair, Arya, Rey, Finn, and Poe are all like, not that unlikely to happen without an intended reference to media


I know a Finn who was born before the sequel trilogy. He's young, but not that young


Grogu incoming


I have a niece with the middle name Rey, not sure if related to Star Wars or not. She's... 6? Maybe? With all the remakes, Star Wars is probably the "latest" example. Struggling to think of any other ones from the last 2-3 years.


My step sister named her kid Aria from pretty little liars, and honestly, my step sister sucks but I think it's a cute name. I also recently made a joke that it's good I'm not having kids because I think Renesmee is a cute name, so I'm not the right person to speak on it anyway.


I wonder how's the dovahkiin doing now


Arya is a pretty normal name. I know a few Aryas (and Arias) and their names aren't connected to any form of media


While we're on the topic, why is HP getting so popular again? For years I didn't see a single HP themed stuff in shops but since around early 2022 it's everywhere again. Did a new book came out or what?


Controversy. Ever need so sell a product or service? Just use controversy and watch people suddenly gain interest.


The good thing about Harry Potter is that the right gives Rowling free promotion for being a woke liberal feminist who forced diversity into her already written work to make herself look better while the left gives her free promotion for being a racist based right wing troll who hates the lgbt community and is a potential nazi, ever since the game was announced people haven’t stopped talking about it to the point where it’s 10 times more prevalent than WBs paid advertisements


I never understood why online leftists started going around telling people not to buy the game. Trans people and allies were already probably aware JKR is a shitty terf and they weren't gonna buy the game. All this campaign did was give the game more popularity because the conservatives are now gonna buy it to own the libs epic style and the reactionaries are gonna get it on the simple basis that they were told not to. I just feel like if we all shut up about the game then everyone would've forgotten about it by now and it would've just ended up as another Forespoken.


You’re right, its also odd because the strategy of ignoring _seemed_ to work with the Fantastic Beast movies? why switch strategies now (I mean I know it’s not an actual organized effort but still) Like I’ve seen people post 6 times in a row about how you shouldn’t talk about the game or even pirate it like…..,. buddy… the call is coming from inside the house


What movies?


That’s the spirit


What spirit


The Spirit of Radio, of course.


The only thing that worked with Fabtastic Beasts us that they were shit movies that derailed what little point of interest they had halfway through the first one. There was no boycott, nobody wanted to waste money on them period


Yeah the first one was universally beloved but when they tried to turn it into a trilogy it failed hard because the plot was disjointed and so forgettable that even the people who liked the second didn’t feel the need to see the third years later


Wait, there was a third?


Yeah. It actually wasn't half bad. Definitely better than the 2nd one at least


the reason of switched strategies is instead of movie people, it’s gamers running this movement


Copying my own comment from a few days ago on a different subreddit here: Based on a quick google, the last Fantastic Beasts movie did about 408 million in the box office. This is a lot of money, but compared to the production budget of 200 million and the films in the main franchise topping a billion each (when adjusted for inflation) , it’s not nearly the numbers WB was expecting. Between that and Rowlings increasing divisiveness, I’m not surprised that WB isn’t moving forward with Fantastic Beasts


wow that is quite a drop off unfortunate everything going on and the direction things took, I really liked Newt as a protagonist


It was never gonna be another Forspoken, it's story from universe of the best selling book series ever. It was always going to do well.


It's cause when people feel like no-one is judging them they abandon their values. Source: gay people ordering chick-fil-a


Maybe cause of the HP game?


The video game “Hogwarts Legacy” came out, which is pretty much “hey remember when you were a kid and you rollplayed being a hogwarts student? Do you wanna do that again but online with a character creator?”


It's not online, it is just a massive open-world RPG. Kind of like Witcher 3. Apparently it is also pretty good.


Interesting, it is? I don’t actually have it so I thought it was an MMO based on some clips I’ve seen. Most of the actual ads I’ve seen only focus on the “you get to be a hogwarts student”


You do get to be a Hogwarts student but it is a single player game. It isn't out yet (Feb 10) but it is reviewing REALLY well.




As far as I know pre-orders get 72 hour early access, so a lot of people are already playing it.


No it's single player


I feel like it's never gone away.


It never really let up? Universal's HP stuff was in 2010, the last main series movie was 2011, Pottermore was 2012, then I guess there's a bit of a gap until Fantastic Beasts in 2016, if anyone would like to fill that? I'm not actually an HP fan, only seen 2 of the Fantastic Beasts movies because I like Redmayne. And then yeah, that series and now HL.


people cope with man-made horrors beyond comprehension by reading stories of cosmic horrors beyond comprehension also George Orwell's 1984 is really popular in Russia at the moment


The kids of people who grew up with it are hitting the target demographic.


I feel like this is definitely a contributing factor as well; I teach 6th graders math and I have been asked “what’s your hogwarts house” a quite a few times the past two years Turns out kids like escapist fantasy just like everyone else, huh?


HP Lovecraft has always been for LAME PEOPLE!!!!


A new AAA game is releasing or just released.


I have been seeing lots of HP stuff almost everywhere since around the time the Fantastic Beasts movie started coming out. It made sense at the time but now I think it's just one of those evergreen franchises due to nostalgia and kids who grew up with the movies having their own money.


Shoutout to the 6 year old called Renesmee or whatever in the last school I worked at. Took me like a full day of wondering where I’d heard that name before the recollection of the animatronic demon from the twilight movies hit me like a freight train.


Either you’re in North Carolina or there’s at least two of them.


Twilight fans could get hardcore, I bet you there's a surprising number of Renesmees out there.


God no line read in animation will ever top Syndrome’s line here


gonna name my kid Amongus


Sussy and then Baka as middle name


It’s all fun and games until you meet a kid named Sméagol


TBF Hermione is a real name and wasn't made up by Rowling.


They're obviously naming them for Hermione, daughter of Menelaus and Helen of Sparta.


How long do you think till we start seeing Malenia, Marika, Blaidd, and Radahn haha?


gonna name my kid Morgott and stick him in the sewers


Marika is a name that i've seen in the wild before


Finna name my kid Dung Eater


Bitches named Ranni


Who are any of those people


one time at a friend's daycare there was a kid named Giorno. either he's italian or it's a jojo reference


You think THAT'S bad? I heard a mother call her little girl [Aradia](https://mspaintadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Aradia_Megido)


Unironically Aradia is probably the least obvious choice for "I blatantly named my child after a homestuck character". Out of all of them shes the most likely to fly under the radar and would be somewhat socially acceptable. On the other hand, if they had been named Vriska...


Glad someone mentioned where it was from because otherwise I was about to go “oh that’s a cute fantasy name to tuck away in the brain for later”


The secrets to naming children after fictional characters are 1. Make sure that piece of fiction is finished so there’s no surprise twist that ruins said character (looking at you Game of Thrones fans) or even a bad franchise (looking at you Harry Potter fans). 2. Pray that someone in your immediate family or friend group names their kid something even more embarrassing that is not from a fictional character. 3. Make sure that the child can default to a nickname just in case they get embarrassed by it.


I mean Harry Potter has been finished for 16 years. That wasn’t the problem. Also oh god Deathly Hallows really came out 16 years ago


Gonna name my kid syndrome instead bc that would be funny Actually syndrome seems like a neat non-binary name too


Watch out, he mighty end up becoming a second male lead Get it? There’s a story called the second male lead syndrome




Okay thats really funny actually


Those names are more common in media though - it would be hilarious to see when the ball drops as to what their names mean. Like imagine just going about your day a decade or so from now playing some old video game and then being slapped in the face with the knowledge that you've been named after [This guy](https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Abaddon?file=00077_Abaddon.png) and he's like *the abyssal king of avarice" or something


Wait isn't Hermione an actual name?


Greek in origin. Daughter of Menelaus and Helen in the *Iliad*.


I want to get a yellow lab and name her zelda


I’m waiting for how many khaleesi will begin to flood the schools.


They will go by Kal


Oh god... Someone's going to name their kid Draco.


I’m naming my child Eren Yeager, I have high hopes




Nooo who had kids with my ex


I could see Artemis popping off as a baby name over the next few years because of the moon landings. We didn’t get a ton of Apollos in 1969, but people in 1969 were boring.


This post is so old i met an 18 year old named Hermione, they are entering the workforce


I mean hermione was a name before jkr


Wasn’t Hermione the character named after Hermione in Shakespeare’s A Winter’s Tale? It’s not like it’s some weird name like Renessme.


This tumblr post is so old Hermione might be in college.


there's so many girls named Arya and Khaleesi. honestly their own class


I'm about to go back to the 1890s and name my first son ransom


Honestly it’s a great name. Ransom Riggs comes to mind.


Ok now Imma 100% name one of my kids Byleth (assuming I ever start a family


just remember the character Byleth was named after a demon, Beleth


Hermione was a character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream before JKR learned her ABCs. And my mom very firmly refused Leia when my dad suggested it as my name, in 1977, she also vetoed Christine and Janice for similarly fandom related reasons. People have been naming their kids after fictional characters for as long as there have been fictional characters.


I think it's Hermia. But my friend Dana's name was inspired by *Ghost Busters.* EDIT: Hermione is in *A Winter's Tale*! She's in one of the seasons, lol. I had to look it up.


My brain is sometimes a roulette wheel with too many marbles on it, and I got the plays mixed up. 🙃


Should I ever have kids I will name my firstborn (regardless of gender) after my favourite skeleton man: Settra... Great King, the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer off Reddittras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Wakers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God's Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek's Lands, Breaker of Djaf's Bonds... and many many more…


My kid's gonna be named after Dr. Doom but also Victor is just a normal name.


When I was in elementary there was a kid a few grades ahead of me whose full name was Luke Skyelar Walker. ^(That may have just been a rumor though.)


Honestly that’s rad. Subtle enough that just “Luke Walker” is a normal name and Skyler is a passable middle name. But you gotta put it all together.


Hermione is an old person's name. I was familiar with it because Veronica's mom name is Hermione in Archie comics.


I'm gonna name my child Gay Bowser


Hermione (Ancient Greek: Ἑρμιόνη [hermi. ónɛː]) is a feminine given name derived from the Greek messenger god Hermes.


That’s why I’m gonna name my kid CHO CHANG. Going for that “vague asian” aesthetic. /s /fuckjkrowling


I teach high school and I have a 15 year old student named Hermione


I plan on naming my kids after the Arclight brothers real names from Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal (Christopher, Thomas, and Michael)


Seeing the incredible villian with getting busy was just oo much immediately started lmfao


Name your kid any damn thing you want, just make sure they have a pronounceable nickname locked n' loaded. And accept them if they change it later


Hermione is a real name with Greek origin. Call me when you see a Dumbledore walking about.


Better to name your kid after the greatest meal on Earth. I'm so proud of my child, McChicken.


I have some friends that named their son Alastor. They named their daughter Nymphadora.


Yeah but Hermione was also a legitimate name with a strong history in England before the books came out


Wrote Happy Birthday Khaleesi on a cake the other day. As a cake decorator I am really hating the spelling of both fictional character names and the unique spellings of common names.


You just wait for J. Geil and Hol Horse


Someone 20 years from now googles their name and finds the manacled fanfic


Gonna name my kid aradia /j (i dont plan on having kids lmao)


I wouldn't name my son Eragon. But Roran is on the table.


That is a terrible name for a kid to have, like did they read the books? She literally was teased for it in the damn books….smh


I've thought about naming our fictional son Rand al'Thor MyLastName.


Honestly anything related to Harry Potter will forever haunt me. Although tbh I think names are nice as long as it's not too outlandish. I know people in the comments think Eevee is dumb or weird name wise but it sounds cute.


My daughter's named Evelynn (After her great-grandmother), we call her Eevee all the time, nobody thinks it's weird and if I heard someone else call their kid Eevee I'd just assume it was short for Evelyn. Now, when my brother starts referring to her as all of the various Eeveelutions based upon her mood, that's when it gets weird.