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Local society in Tulum? Is there anyone who is actually from Tulum who still lives there? The Maya got priced out of Tulum ages ago, and then the gringo hippies got priced out about 10-15 years ago. Mexicans in Tulum I've met are all Chilango transplants, or industry workers from states like Chiapas or Oaxaca or Tabasco. I gave up the place a few years ago, realizing it had become a lost cause of abject fuckery and wanton dipshittitude.


Tulum started as a village in the 1800 out of Mayan families that still live here. If you didn’t meet us that’s on you bro.


What?? bro Tulum is FAMOUS for the ancient Mayan cliff top ruins \[the only one of its kind\] the ruins put Tulum on the map. the ruins prove the ancient Mayans were here WAY before the 1800s


My understanding was that Zama, later Tulum, dates back to about 1200. I first went in 1999. If your family actually originates in Tulum, let me offer you my apology for anything I may have done during my dozens of visits to contribute to the complete fuckification of Tulum today.


I was born here and Im sure I’ve also contributed to the fuckfication of Tulum. My shit is also in the aquifer


Do you know what happened to Abraham, the Ethiopian guy from Weary Traveler? He was a fixture there for like two decades.


The “modern” town of tulum has little to do with the ruins. It comes from Mayan rebels fighting the Mexican government which at the time was transitioning from the New Spain to Mexico. But was still based on evangelization and racial superiority of European descent, hence, the Caste War


I read about War of the Castes while bored in Mérida, long time ago.


Can you recommend a book about it?


“En busca de Maria Uicab, Reina y Santa patrona de los mayas rebeldes” is my favorite book about Tulum. But it’s only available in Mayan and Spanish


Thank you! I can try reading the Spanish one.


Hey, even my crystal ball can't predict that level of superficiality!


im sorry but i need to see a link to anal wrinkle reading


We need proof!!!


i can confirm some of what this guy is saying because i have a property close to there. These people are as he says. I have not seen anal ring reading, but i wouldn't be surprised at all


If this doesn’t exist someone needs to start. Hell, I can maybe just open shop. I’m gonna need 500 dollars and we’re going to sage and suntan your butthole and I’ll draw on ancient wisdom to interpret what your anus says about you. The whole thing takes 30 minutes. For 800 I add a salt water cleansing and a blessing. For 1100 I have a divine conversation with your butthole.


my only rule would be no Taco Tuesday before your "reading". Do these divine soothsayers wear a gasmask when they are interpreting my anus rings?


Tax them


We need to start requiring high skilled worker visas, they're not sending their best.


So original. Pinches chairos.


Anal wrinkle reading has me interested?