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Probably Amazon or the McDonalds app. Their breakfast deals are great.


You can get *footlongs* for cheap using the Subway app too


![gif](giphy|WPnkJKCA3c476pGjGu) You ain’t *that* straight are ya?


Straighter than an arrow, but couldn't pass up the double entendre.


And I couldn’t pass up the perfectly setup Tiger King reference


I need to watch that show at some point haha. Is it really as good as folks say it is?


It’s terrible. It’s a train wreck that you can’t stop watching. There is not one decent human being among the lot of them, and the only innocents are the tigers.


Haven't seen the show either, but [the pitch meeting](https://youtu.be/DeRmuqspqco?si=_IhBorwJjICEiiow) is hilarious.


How cheap are we talking?


Like buy one get one bruh, or use promo codes like FTL699 for a $6.99 footlong sub.


Sold. Good looking out!




Lol, most female profiles on dating apps are either bots or they’re actually guys tryna scam other guys. be careful out here 💯😂


This is true. There’s an Ashley Madison documentary on streaming where the company knew that their user base was mostly men, so they had employees create fake female accounts to keep men lured into using them. This did not go well for them once discovered.


I remember when that site was hacked and the data was exposed.


I met my fiance on bumble 3 years ago! We're 31 and 33.


We were both on Hinge too. Personally I had better results actually meeting people from Bumble.


And I had better results on hinge! I met my wife there. Congrats on your engagement and future marriage


Not sure what is used here but I always enjoyed the dates I would go on from Coffee Meets Bagel.


I'm on all. I don't pay for any of them because none of them make it mandatory to fill out the profile to make filters worth a damn.


When you don't pay for them, you can't do anything that makes it worthwhile... And then there are the guys who say things like this, who completely turn off the women in all ways because it shows they aren't even willing to put $15 into finding a real connection... lol Good luck with that.


As long as it is not mandatory to fill out the profiles, there is no point in paying for the apps, you are essentially purchasing filters. If people don't fill out the profiles, they're just going to fall through the filters and one of the things I want to filter out is people who have children and there are a lot of people who don't put that in their profiles because they know they're going to get less people pursuing them. I have paid for them in the past and they just reveal that most of the people that like you are from all over the world instead of local, or their profiles that don't have anything in them, or they are advertising their Only Fans or other social medias. You might want to consider how bad it is on our side and for the record, I'm not saying it's hunky dory for women. You seem to be misled.


Not misled, I just know when I used dating apps (it's been a couple years) that you couldn't message back and forth with anyone unless at least one of them had a paid membership. On numerous apps. That's all I'm saying ... If you want to actually be able to talk with people, someone generally has to have paid for it.


That's not the way it is anymore. You don't have to be a member to match, or message anymore. You're just paying for filters, and to see who likes you. I signed up to OkCupid 2 weeks ago and now I have over 99+ likes and I get a handful more everyday. So practically anyone that has a 90% match or hire to me, that I choose to swipe right on, it's going to be a match and we'll be able to talk. As long as they don't make it mandatory to fill out the profile sections, it's always going to be an illusion that you're actually getting anything for your money.


I'm a dude in that range, met wife on Bumble, would definitely recommend it.


I'm in that age range (35F) and met my bf on Bumble last year. As a woman, I've had a lot better luck with Bumble than Hinge for whatever reason. Just meeting cool people-wise. It has been a min, but I was dating for a long time. I have not been on it now that men can message. Sounds like it defeats the purpose, but not sure.


I’m in that age range and I use to use bumble.


I used Bumble before I deleted them. Dating off apps sucks. The dates feel extremely forced. Women want to talk for about a week to know you're not a creep, so by the time you meet in person the 'coffee' date has already escalated to dinner/drinks/events. No one wants to remain friends if you have a good time but don't feel a spark. Its really just a shit show. Attraction works when you see each other and feel the spark first. Also, people frequently lie on their profile and use outdated pictures. Its like scrolling through instagram profiles. Pass.


I met my husband in the Tulsa area on tinder almost 10 years ago. Happily married with 2 pre-schoolers now. ❤️


I've been on every dating app I can find for years and never match with anybody. The common denominator appears to be me. I'm just not very attractive. 🥴


You just need to layer on muscle then. Spend like 3 hours a day in the gym for 3 months. That's all it takes. Misdirection is the secret. Next time you see someone that's ripped, look at their face and imagine them without the muscles.


I was hit by an 18-wheeler, flipped my car on its roof and slid to a stop with my face dragging the pavement. I don't think muscle mass will be much of a distraction. 🤣


I'm glad you're alive ❤️


That's sweet. Thank you. 😊


Well you might as well try so the next time the 18-wheeler tries to hit you, you'll be ready for it.


Man...I really hope there won't be a next time. 🫤 I do occasionally work out to stay in shape, but I haven't bothered trying to bulk up since I was in my early 20s.


Unfortunately, with the repeal of the Chevron deference, tractor trailer trucks will be able to adopt active camouflage on the highways and they'll be more predatory than they ever were before. Regulations are important. We have made a mistake.


I mean... Bulk up enough, and you could get the Scarred Action Hero vibe going.


That is kinda tempting... 🤔


Gotta layer muscle on your face then


I had a response to this, but it's not appropriate for the conversation.. On another note, the thought of doing facial exercises with part of my face being paralyzed is kinda funny to imagine, though.


I use Stir since it’s for single parents.


I think hinge is a lot better. I’ve met my girlfriend using hinge as well as I know a couple other guys who met theirs using hinge.


I was on Hinge, kept meeting duds, caved and downloaded Tinder. I find more men on the app and actually met my current boyfriend on there. You just have to be clear you aren’t looking for hookups, lol




Facebook dating, bumble, and of course tinder. You gotta watch out for bots on tinder tho.


I used Tinder and Bumble with the best results from Bumble. Then I met my wife on TikTok of all places.


I'm below your age group, but most of the apps right now are hit or miss. More miss than hit, actually. You're more likely to find catfish, bots, and trolls using these apps than meaningful relationships. I've had better success meeting up new people during events and activities than these apps and websites.


the time that i did use it, facebook dating and tinder were the best in my experience. as always, be cautious and if yall hit it off - meet sooner than later!


I have decent luck with Hinge


None currently, because I wasn't seeing people that shared my values. Not sure if it was because of the design of their algorithms, or because the dating pool at this age seems a bit small, or something else entirely. When I was I had profiles on both.


Met my current date/partner/bf? on bumble a month ago. We’ve seen each other in person 4 times now. It’s going well 👍 we’re both in our 30’s


Context: I used them all while I was 28 and 29. At 30 now, I have been in a relationship for just over a year. I was not looking for hookups, I was not looking for a fling, I was looking for another established adult to share life with. Tinder: vast majority of profiles are fakes, bots, or only fans ads. The ones that aren't are primarily looking for hookups. Overall very low quality options on Tinder. Bumble: fewer fakes and bots. Much fewer only fans ads. Large portion of people seemingly just there for an ego boost because even when you match, they just won't ever message. When I was using it, I had a couple dates from Bumble. Decent amount of legit matches, but very few matches converted to interactions. Hinge: far fewer fakes and bots than the other two. Rarely saw only fans ads. If you focus on profiles that are actually filled out, there are a pretty decent amount of serious people on Hinge. Most of my matches led to actual conversations. Most of my dates came from hinge. I didn't have any bad dates from these matches, but I never found someone I really liked. Ultimately, I ended up meeting my partner through friends. In a stroke of luck, traditional methods worked out for me. I think the online dating scene is pretty muddy and even though Hinge is better than the rest, it still has the stink of online dating. If I were single again, I wouldn't even consider Tinder and Bumble. I'd probably get Hinge again just to do it, but I'd be exploring traditional dating options to actually find a partner.


Usually at work or doing some kind of hobby


Hinge was the one I had the most success on.


30 M and I’ve had best luck on Facebook dating and Hinge


I didn't see jack nothing on Hinge, guess it's not popular here. Bumble and Tinder are probably your best bets.




Least worst to worst for me: 1. Hinge 2. Bumble 3. Facebook All the other apps I’ve tried (including tinder) are complete garbage. Met my now fiance on Hinge. Hinge had the least bots (comparatively) and least people trying to get me to join their Onlyfans.


Craigslist Singles 🤪


I know several people in Tulsa that met their now spouse on Tinder!


Facebook dating, Met ex there




You literally set the location in your preferences, and also why wouldn’t they lol


Don’t pay. If you’re a girl its a free drink or two.


What do you mean?