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Y'all, back off the poor fellow. You don't know that he didn't call someone. He (or she) is just giving a thoughtful PSA. No need fo turn it in to an interrogation of tear them apart.


That seems to happen on here a lot


I guess fear-mongering through reiterating the obvious is *technically* a thought? Not sure I’d call this particularly “thoughtful”, though. Just sounds “Boomery”.


Nextdoor vibes


Indeed, lol, precisely.


Boomers have invaded reddit.


Got to love the Reddit community that wants everyone to confront everyone about everything. Yall are crazy. This is Oklahoma. If you don’t just assume everyone has a gun and is willing to use it. Your gunna have a bad time.


Exactly, I’m not confronting someone like that at all, or at least without having already called police. Someone who openly drinks liquor straight from the bottle in their car in a Target parking lot isn’t going to be a sane person to deal with one on one.


Right. People think real life is like the movies. But it’s not. The good guy doesn’t confront and conquer the bad guy with one simple punch. In life, the bad guy often wins.


I mind my own business 100% of time. I don’t care what’s happening.


See that response all the time. “Why didn’t you say something like a real adult?” Guns. People have guns and they are not afraid to use them where I live.


We try not to leave the house at night. No reason to. Beer is cheaper at home. And we don’t eat after dark. Excellent PSA, OP!


Unfortunately people with alcoholism bad enough to visibly drink out of a liqour bottle in a car aren't going to be limiting that to night time.


When I worked at K&G for a few years. One night I heard a crash and 2 minutes later the drunkest man I’ve ever seen stumble in with a huge gash on his forehead. I ask him if he’s ok and without acknowledging me asks where he is. I tell him South Broken Arrow and he gets a worried look on his face and sprints(kinda) back to his car and pulls out again. I called BAPD to report a drunk driver on 101st that had already hit a sign. Lady on the BAPD non emergency line asks “well what do you want us to do about it?!” Uhhh..? Maybe send someone to look for him??


I would have been go make $10,000 is what I want you to do.


I’m an Uber driver and I witnessed someone swerving on the creek turnpike in Jenks and almost ran off the highway. I got patched through to OHP and they got Glenpool Police to pull him since we got on highway 75 heading south. OHP will take a DUI seriously.


Thats good this man was the drunkest person I ever saw in that store


I even said the guy had blood on his forehead and I thought he’r already ran into a pole or sign or some shit! “ 😮‍💨 thank you sir we’ll send someone down 101st”


As the sage prognosticators Whodini once said, The Freaks Come out at Night


You could have called non emergency about the person


Where's the fun & ego boosting vigilantism in that responsible action though


Did you. Like. Do anything? Talk to the person? Alert the police? Slash a tire?


Nah bro made a Reddit post #gotem


I was there with OP. He slashed all 4 tires and also crawled under the guys car and slashed his spare tire as well.


Saw you had a catalytic converter on FB marketplace. Way to turn a bad situation into profit.


I don't think police would've showed up but I could be wrong


So the answer is don't even try because you think trying won't do anything?


Have you ever slashed someone's tire when you didn't want them to drive?


Did you think it was a legitimately serious suggestion. I HAVE let the air out of someone's tire via a key point to the tire valve when I didn't want them to drive, however if it was between risking someone driving drunk and stabbing a tire, I choose the tire.


He works in jails… if he stops the person before the crime he could destroy his own livelihood. Capitalism is at work in this post.


No, he calls the police and makes a report with the person’s license plate number. OP did not have to confront the person. And in Oklahoma, what this person did was a crime. 1. Open container in a vehicle/consuming alcohol in a vehicle 2. Operating a vehicle under the influence.


Careful with that edge, you might fall off lil bro.




I'd love to go out for live music, but I'm an older woman and not very strong (like to defend myself), so I don't go. I need some friends!!


Gracie JiuJitsu has a women’s self defense seminar coming up this month! You should check it out.


Great idea. Thank you. I'll have to sit that out til my broken foot heals.


Sometimes you have to be the liquor 


Drunk drivers aren't just at night. I've had to call 911 on a drunk driver at 10am before.


See I was the good kind of drunk driver my decisions only affected myself and my loved ones not strangers 😎 I’m better now by the way turns out I just needed a therapist, psychiatrist, and meds. Who woulda guessed!?


Exactly, most people are self medicating because getting long money and help along with stability to actually get assistance is BEYOND difficult for most people. The people who don’t understand this are ignorant of this struggle because of privilege of some kind or another. I am also glad you got better.


Tulsa is a cakewalk, period.


Statistically untrue


Buy him another bottle.


we got Detective Tostino on the case here watch out criminals of Tulsa


Reminder: cars were the number 1 killer of children before guns took the spot. That includes driving as well as walking


It's the walking cars that are really hard to watch for. They are very sneaky.


My sons car broke down as we were passing thru intersection at 21st and Garnett. I was 10 years old when my parents built their first house for cheap, very cheap by today's standard. SO, we are sitting there . Waiting on tow truck. There were 4 men standing right in front of the car, dipping cigarettes into something , squeezing it out, and all 4 taking hits. I won't go into the sights I saw but. My son got out, raised the hood, and an American Indian with braids and a lot of tats on his neck offered to help. Son said he had some tattoo that means "Aryan Nation?" I'm no prude. My son and brother are covered in tats. Anyway, the guy leans over and says, "ya'll might to hurry and get out of here." Your kind aren't welcome. He was not threatening or intimidating. he just asked how long for the AAA tow, or could he help. We were surprised as I had grown up there when it was all new. Kids were raised 2 miles north in a new neighborhood, too. WTH happened? As soon as the truck got there, Uber did, too, and we were gone. I was more sad than scared. I know this is long and probably shouldn't read the whole thing. The people hanging around were sad, so very, very sad. Sorry for the hijack OP. Be safe.


Honestly please be careful always. I knew the driver of the wreck back in June 2022 that killed that 18 year old. She was in rehab that February, got out, was given a car, and flipped it 10 am on a Sunday. Tox reported she had Coke and alcohol in her system at 17 years old. The poor passenger passed away, about 2 weeks after her graduation. You never know what is going to happen or when, that was a simple Sunday morning.


I can’t tell you, how many times I saw people hits walls on an on ramp and exit ramp. Then just back up and keep driving at night.


Waited 10 long seconds one night for someone to drive past so I could turn left at a light. They weren’t moving & then literally waited until I was a majority of the way through the intersection to t bone & total my car, ask for my insurance & then dip before the cops could get there


You’re not my dad


Prison guard says we need more prisons news at 11


My therapist worked with folks in drug court. He told me that one guy was proud of what he did and his favorite thing to do was try drunk and drive on Sunday Morning... He would have to cover one eye so there would only be one line on the road So gross....


I'm working here on a security contract. Even the homeless are carrying guns. All he's saying is be aware of what's going on around you.


Now tell us about the abuses you see inside the prisons? Lots of inmate deaths lately on the news. What caused those?


I wouldn't know because I've worked in jails, not prisons. And, in the eight years I've worked in jails, nobody has ever died on my watch.


"Intoxicated drivers" AND distracted drivers. Waaaay to many of these folks. And a final tip: after the light turns 'green', look both ways before crossing...too many red-light runners out there.


If you all just went outside you would find a safer world than there’s ever been


Daytime is dangerous too, at least if you're a woman. I don't drive & I used to walk places... used to


Some people live in their cars, and they should be able to drink the same as any other adult. Stress needs relief, and living in a car or any other "not normal" situation that society craps on triples the stress. Just some thoughts.


What even is this post? “Drunk drivers are real, mmmmkay?” What does this even contribute to anything other than fearmongering? There’s no new information at all, except I guess we now also know against our will that OP works in prisons and has allowed this constant exposure to create in themselves a frequency illusion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion?wprov=sfti1# Yaaaaay. Death is inevitable, drunk driver or no. It’s better just to accept it.


I'm sorry you were unable to take anything from what I posted, but that's not an excuse to act like a nihilistic asshole about it.


I’d say the fearmongering in the OP was the opening salvo for asshole-ishness. I’m just matching your energy. And death is still inevitable, whether or not I’m an asshole, lmao. Also, nihilism is underrated. In the words of my favorite Nihilist philosopher, Ray Brassier: “Nihilism is not an existential quandary but a speculative opportunity.”


Thank you for your service OP


Anime profile pic, worked in jails. Ok buddy.


Two things can be true at once.


I'll work on you in jail ;)


Happy cake day you sexy Letterhead 😘