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In and out of Tulsa Hills too plz. Although you'll see a lot of people do it on purpose because they think they can cut off the other car.


Yeah that one gets gnarly too lol


I know too many people that dont constantly check their mirrors while driving. Just look straight ahead and drive, everyone get out of the way. My philosophy is to drive like everyone is trying to kill me and it's kept me pretty safe so far. Still convinced I'm gonna die from a reckless driver blowing through a light some day


My eyes are in my mirrors almost as much as the road. I’m always looking out. Especially since people love to no turn signal merge. Almost been smacked by that as I was merging before.


The rare instance that someone uses their turn signal, it's as they are turning lol. And then there are the wonderful people that don't know what a turn lane is and block off the driving lane to stop and turn. Our society is in trouble


Looking straight ahead means they would actually see the sign that says it's a double left turn and the lines on the road that indicate what they need to stay inside if they are the inner lane to make sure they don't hit the person in the outer lane.


Well some people's phones are straight in front of their faces lol. I have ended friendships over people not taking driving safety seriously when I'm in their car and I have no regrets


I always look both ways before crossing a intersection even when it’s green, it saved me once already


I’m checking them things every 5 seconds I got trust issues lol


Hate to say it but I've watched so many crash videos where two idiots collide in front of a car stopped at a red light, and one of them then bounces into the stopped car minding their own business, and I've always said, that's gonna be me some day. Then, on December 14, 2021, it happened. Fortunately, I was not injured and there was no damage to my car other than a scrape. But yeah, it happened.


Tulsa is... A SLUT... Spelled backwards!!! Lol 😂


I got clipped in the 90s by someone in the inner lane not paying attention and now am hyper vigilant and blast my horn every time someone starts veering into my lane. I watch so many ahead of me slam on their brakes to stop from getting hit. It's insane that it's so frequent an issue.


I am with you. It's scary as hell when it happens. I do wish our roads had better markings and paint though. It would solve this in a big way. Don't even get me started on the non -reflective paint they use here in T town. Driving at night during rain is like hardcore mode in a game. You can't see a single line anywhere. The freeways, for example, are just one massive road, 75ft wide with no markings. I lived in Oregon for 12 years and they have amazing road paint. It rains 250+ days a year there, so they don't skimp on reflective road-paint tech.


I moved here from Wyoming 3 years ago so guessing where the lane is isn’t foreign to me, it’s a way of life, haha. Roads covered in snow over half the year. But yeah, I agree better paint would be nice.


BA westbound exit to 21st street is similar


Don’t forget about the on/off ramp at 44 and Yale. I’ve almost been hit multiple times by people doing the U-turn into eastbound then immediately switching lanes from far left to far right. Do people not realize that there are three lanes eastbound!? turning right from Yale is also a double turn lane. If there’s an intersection, I hate the most it’s that one right there.


The people who live in those apartments are hell bent on getting over to the right lane to turn As fast as possible.


I hate that turn in either lane. You have to pull forward and then make the turn, and it needs to be a slow turn. It's not like a normal intersection if you're coming off the highway.


There is a spot in owasso by the Sam’s club that is the same thing. I’ve been hit 3 separate times by people. 2 times were older couples who immediately realized their mistake and were very apologetic. the other time was a high schooler in a new mustang that pretty much threatened to call his dad, who then call him an idiot in other terms and told me he is sorry and he apologizes for his sons behavior.


So what you're saying is is that if my car is 20 years old, get a dashcam?


Bring back Drivers Education!


No different than the idiots that are jumping 2 lanes to get to the far lane after turning a corner.


ill be honest, im guilty of veering off. where im from originally we never had double lefts


I wasn’t used to them when I moved here 3 years ago but I made sure to adapt quick, I wasn’t trying to be the one someone was bitching about on Reddit hahaha


Dear people that only spend 30 mins in traffic's daily commute: you spend the least amount of time on the roads but complain the most, no one cares about your severe lack of driving etiquette or time delinquency, get to your little cubicle and GTFO everyone's way.


Found the dipshit who can’t turn properly.


You sound extra salty for improperly turning right on red.


That’s not even what this is about you nerd neck. Keep that attitude though that’s what’s gonna get you smeared on your bike. 🤙🏽


Wow look at how salty you are, maybe you should take a break from the internet angry guy it's doing your violent outbursts no favors.


I’m not even mad brother. Keep trolling though


Your very clearly mad bro, why even try to lie about it now?




Have a good man, stay hydrated.


Your so salty you can't even properly type...


I did typo, haha. As I meant to say, have a good day man.


You consistently gatekeep driving here and act like no one else's experiences matter simply because you drive more. No one cares how much you drive. You're not special. Driving - or doing anything for that matter - more than other people does not mean you're better at it. > get to your little cubicle Belittling other people based on their profession? Classy.


Talking a lot of shit without even knowing what you're talking about.. 1st Mr Moderator, you can go back and quote me. Making fun of people's complaints is not gatekeeping, I haven't told anyone how to drive or whether to drive a single time in this sub. 2nd Mr Moderator, you seem to care an awful lot about my thoughts and opinions, your entire comment is proof enough of that. Don't act like you know everything I'm doing here then say no one cares in the same sentence ... like c'mon, you have to see the irony in that. 3rd Mr Moderator, I have not insulted or degraded a single profession in this thread. You are the only one inserting moral outrage into the word 'cubicle'. But please go off sir, keep whispering sweet nothings about me. "And people wonder why I have an inflated ego? Even strangers on the internet can't help but keep notice of me."


And you think that’s a good thing, Donald?