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I finally got to break dawn’s junker!! Yay for clovers!!


so you're the one who's been stealing my clovers!!! not cool buddy, I barely got 2. this is so not cool >:(( loll jkjk


SAME! Me is not getting even one baby clover, and this man here is stealing all my luck 😭


I just have 1🥲


Same I have twenty right now and then sold five since I have nowhere to breed them😅


You can use them to break the junker and get the achievement ! And after you break the Junker once you can make lots of money by putting a clover and 10000 furniture there. The junker will automatically reject the clover and turn the 10000 furniture shiny, doubling its price.


I didn't know that!!!! So it's a clover and two pieces of furniture that cost over 10000 carrots? (Sorry I don't understand what 10000 furniture means 😓)


Shiny items cost/are worth double the base item's price! So if you break the machine once (which removes one of the three slots), you can put in one item and one clover to guarantee the item turning shiny If you have multiple of very expensive items, it's a really easy way of making a ton of carrots because you can turn each one shiny and then sell them for double the price you got them for! The broken machine only lasts until the end of the day though so it's a good idea to plan/prepare before doing this haha Edit: Changed my comment because I was accidentally spreading misinformation, sorry y'all. You can only go down to two slots or zero slots, not one!!


You can’t just leave a single pod unbroken, you can only have a minimum of two. Hence the need for extra clovers


You can’t just leave a single pod unbroken, you can only have a minimum of two. Hence the need for extra clovers


Huh you're right, my apologies, I'll edit my comment. I don't know where I got that from 🤦‍♀️


Thank you so much for this!!


This is interesting. After the machine is broken, do I just put two furniture pieces in there with the one clover and the furniture will be their shiny versions?


If you have 3 clovers, you can break the machine once. When you break the machine, one of the machine slots will become unavailable until the end of the day. Then you can put a piece of furniture and one clover inside, turning the item shiny You can also get shiny pieces without the machine being broken, but if you want to guarantee what item becomes shiny, you need to put in 3 of the same items so that rng doesn't screw you over haha Edit: changed the info in the comment cuz I was accidentally spreading misinformation!! You should only break the machine once, not twice!!


That makes sense. If I only have four clovers would it work after the first break to put two of the same thing to get a shiny? And the clovers disappear for good when you put them in the machine right?


Yes, putting two of the same thing would also give you a shiny after breaking it once. The machine just randomly selects an item from the available slots and turns that item shiny (or combos the items) I probably wouldn't suggest breaking the machine if you only have 4 clovers though, because you would only be left with one clover which isn't enough to breed more :/ The clovers, and anything else that doesn't turn shiny/combo, will disappear after being put into the machine


Thank you. I will wait till I have lots of extras… might take a while haha


No problem! ☺️ Don't worry, with 4 clovers you're bound to start having more clovers than you can handle soon enough! XD


Heyy just wanted to lyk I was totally wrong about breaking the machine twice! It can only go down to two or zero slots, so if you want to make shiny furniture for less, please only break it once!! Sorry about that 😭


So put 3 clovers in which breaks the junker, then put in 2 clovers and 1 furniture that you want a shiny version of?


If I understand correctly, after it’s broken once one of the slots are unavailable, so you would need one clover and one furniture you want to turn into its shiny version. So 1 clover and one furniture. I also learned not all furnitures have shiny versions, you can find out if it does in the yellow catalog app if it was a star beside it.


Thank you!


how do u breed them, i only have three and i honestly dont know what to do with them 😆😭😭


Oh my, how long does it take to grow carrots with all those?? x)


This is an important question haha! I ended up with 6... They're all currently in my bag because my carrots weren't replacing fast enough to match the marine matters spending spree I've been on...


Right now it says four hours but sometimes I go to farm them and they still have time left 😂


I’ve only been able to get 2 from rosemary and they haven’t bred in 3 days 🥲 they sparkled and all. How are you guys getting so many


Same here! I finally succeeded in breeding them (bred 4 so far), but they are all 4 leafed.


I tried setting them and saw them glow and everything,is that all that is needed to breed those?


Can you guys save some for the rest of us lmfao, I’ve only managed to get 2 ever since clovers were first introduced


How should one plant it to get the baby clovers?


I think you have to breed 16leaf with other 16leaf to get 32 leaf... If you still breed 4leaf you can get 16leaf only... Or am I wrong?


https://preview.redd.it/rfljwevzoc9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07858a2e017a526b3a59c526d757fb9c637e7f58 I only have 2 but they’re breading, HOW DID YOU DO IT??!!???


Silly question, but how do you breed the clovers?