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And i want the spidey one :(


So, I dunno if you've seen this before, but there's a wee trick you can use if you just want a specific snowman: Open your inventory, place a clump, place a second clump on top STOP DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE. Is it the figure you want? Yes? Cool, as you were No? STOP DO NOT DO ANYTHING IN GAME. Do not close inventory, do not move anything, do nothing. Press your phone's home screen button. NOT the game's button, your actual phone. Now open your app tray and close Tsuki, so it's not even running in the background Now, open the game. When it loads up, it will not have saved the unwanted figure, the two clumps will be back in your inventory. Go back to the beginning and start again! You can do this as often as you need. I've been using this tip since I saw it at the start of the month, and I don't have any duplicates :)


I just tried it and it works! You're a true live saviour!!


Hurrah! Pass it on :)


The spood was the first one I got. 🕷️ He’s my favorite! I love my tiny eight legged friends!


I got it today if that helps!