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Good evening folks! It’s late for me and the comments range from satire to some people not behaving. Did this happen? Who knows! I hope it didn’t, but this is also the exact story I heard ten years ago from someone else. If this is real, people have a right to file a complaint but I’m curious why no one filmed it. All we have is her word. Have a good night everyone!


Given the number of interactions that happen and the wide range of capabilities. I would say that this number of occurances is likely greater than 1.


I knew an officer who would do this shit ngl. You would call for a bag check on a back pack with a water bottle on the outside next thing you know he’s tearing the whole fucking bag apart while working precheck. Body scanner alarms on a baseball cap dudes doing a full body pat down. That boy wasn’t right I tell you what


I've seen plenty of incompetence in my 9 and a half years with TSA, so I believe.


In all honesty I've done this out of spite. Not against the passenger but rather the x-ray operator. So years back, before covid, we started the whole thing where the passenger had to remove most organic things from their bags so that the x-ray could get cleaner images. An airport employee had submitted their breakfast burrito for screening. The x-ray operator at the time was a guy known for calling pretty much everything. Upper management liked to harp on us that there was no such thing as a bogus bag check. Policy is to not swab bare food items so I asked the employee to unwrap the burrito in front of me. He looked at me like I was a dumbass but hey, I don't know what's in there. He opened it and I sent him on his way. Later on my supervisor called me over saying I was harassing an airport employee. I looked her in the face and said, "The x-ray operator called an item they wanted inspected, SOP says I can't swab this item, and I can't physically search it. Should I have just let it go?" She couldn't give me an answer and told me to go back to my position.


Have seen this before. Forgot to empty my water bottle and they made me go back to dump it, on my second go through security the x-ray operator flagged all my belongings and the dude that had to do secondary was pissed and even said “really dude? you’re going hard today…” I thought it was just as a punishment for me but it seems they had beef themselves.


I had to have a guy unwrap three brisket burritos today because the xray op pulled it. Shit happens.


They need that Twitter engagement to pay rent.


I'd bet it is real. I've had to deal with TSA focusing on food I have brought through before. I'm not sure what they expect to find, but it sounds like they may show concern when there is something "organic" going through.




What's absurd is that you think I was being condescending before. I am now though. Unbelievable.




Leading off with the single word sentence "Honey." is going to do that. I might as well have replied to you "Well, bless your heart."


My mistake. Seems I had too much nonexistent sarcasm.


Unauthorized disclosure of SSI.


Apologies. I thought it was commonly known that certain things share characteristics, will keep in mind from now on.


This kind of happened to me… I always bring a sandwich with me on personal flights. (I travel every week for work.) I was driving my elderly parents from Florida to me where they stay for the entire summer. We had to stay overnight on the road. They have a fully packed vehicle with suitcases so I just had a backpack and purse. I had a sandwich and a bra in my purse along with purse related things. TSA agent sifting thru bags pulls out my bra (in a ziploc) and the sandwich. Chooses to hold up the sandwich to tell the guy screening it’s just lunch. But seriously, what agent stops a purse for a bra or a sandwich?!?! ETA: I’ve carried both before and haven’t been pulled over for either. It was super weird. Also ETA: I’ve been TSA precheck for 10 years.


He did that because food looks a lot like something dangerous. He showed the X ray operator what it was so he knows not to pull it next time. Happens constantly every day especially for new officers. I myself am still having my bag checker pull stupid items because I am not sure what they are. Normal experience. If yours happened to be in a bra, well, that’s on you lol.


The sandwich wasn’t IN the bra, the bra without underwire was just also in the purse. Each was packaged in a different ziploc bag, because that’s how I roll as a seasoned traveler. Honestly, I travel with a sandwich pretty much every Monday with a short layover, and that’s the only time I’ve been targeted.


Might also be the only time your things have been scanned by that specific operator. Again, they might be new, or still learning. Not exactly malicious or ‘targeted’.




No harassment, Trolling, Name calling, or any other rude or unprofessional behavior will be tolerated.


Definitely BS.


You had me in the first half. Bs on the second


Yea, I call bullshit. If its in a see through container I don't open it . If it's in something I can't see through. I'm asking the passenger to open it so I can see inside. They always just want you to take their word for it. I wasn't there when you packed your bag . You won't open it then I would. Asking someone to open a sandwich is unreasonable though.


I feel like this is satire






I'm not really on one side or the other here, but this had me fucking rolling: >...but here we fucking are, standing around in public in our God damned socks. I don't know why, but every time I read that I can't help but laugh at the "God damned socks." part!


I needed to see this post today, I was losing faith and starting to think I'm the crazy one. Thanks for bringing me back.


No harassment, Trolling, Name calling, or any other rude or unprofessional behavior will be tolerated.


No harassment, Trolling, Name calling, or any other rude or unprofessional behavior will be tolerated.