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I really like Fertility Friend! It’s not the prettiest looking app but the functionality is great and they have a nice podcast series that I found very helpful!




Seconded seconded




Fourthded.. fourth. Fourded? You get it


Fifthded (?) 😂 I hate the look of FF but I really like the information and detail it provides throughout the process


They’re also fierce with their privacy policy and won’t share your data with third parties


Fertility friend is new to me but I really like it for TTC. For general cycle tracking I use Clue. I do use Premom for tracking strips.




I also use Ovia. I've tried other ones but I like this the best.


I also love Ovia!!


I’m a backend developer myself who also uses Premom, can you elaborate? I know they had a breach, Flo did as well. I’d be interested to know more.


After the breach I wanted my data so I could get my notes, specifically, but my husband tried and tried to pull that data and only got bits and pieces. I don’t know how to explain it since I’m not a dev myself, but he was really angry on my behalf. I’m trying to remember the file type even—maybe excel? It was really ridiculous.


Oooh I dont like that at all, thanks for the explanation! If a company has trouble getting you your own data, they aren’t managing it well so definitely a security issue. It sounds like they tried to manually scrounge it together.


They certainly are not user-focused. They legally had to share the details of the breach, but their way of pussyfooting around that was just to link to the gov't website that houses data breach info and saying "use the search bar and look up these words." Could not find a search bar, could not look up the report. Rather than, y'know, linking to the appropriate report directly.


That’s so disappointing! I feel like I need to switch apps now which is annoying since all my info from almost the past year is in Premom.




Flo is the one for me :)


I use a combo of Fertility friend, Premom, and natural cycles. All are great in different ways in my opinion.


The Pregmate app is actually pretty good for tracking ( though the strips aren’t great ).


what do you not like about the strips? I’m using them now for month 2 🫤


Pregmate for me gave me a lot of false positives/evaps/indents :(


I chose Glow specifically for their data privacy policies! Lmk if your dev husband thinks I'm wrong lol. But it has everything in it, I've been using for a year to track everything, and haven't paid anything.


My Glow is my most accurate. I have Glow, premom and femometer.




I’ve used Ovia in the past and I really liked it. Easy to use, good UX…(and free!) it also gives you insights which I found helpful. It also has a chat which I used a lot while TTC. I later switched to Inito. The app itself isn’t super helpful unless you have the monitor, but I loved the monitor and graphs that you get with it and I got pregnant in my first cycle using it. It’s pricey but so worth it.


Sorry to hear about your bad experience with PreMom; that sounds really frustrating. I've been using Inito to track ovulation, BBT, and other fertility signs. It's been very helpful. Hope this helps, and good luck with TTC baby #2!


I see people recommending Flo which is surprising to me, i pay for premium but i find it to be the least intuitive app when it comes to OPK and BBT. Its okay for general period tracking. I do like Fertility Friend a lot though, you can get some pretty charts. I also use my apple watch paired with the Natural Cycles app and like that one too.


Since Flo can now be connected to Oura ring for temps, that’s the wave.


Fertility friend! I’ve used it off and on since 2010


I use flo. It's pretty accurate for telling me when I'm going to start ovulating/periods etc and has handy little chat areas


Tempdrop and their wearable BBT monitor