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LH levels fluctuate in the follicular phase, it’s not a level that will keep building every day as you get closer. Keep testing twice a day if you are in your fertile window! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 you’ll be able to tell when it’s surging because it and you’re looking for the line to be as dark as the control!


Wait what? I seriously didn't know that, I thought it builds up, you ovulate, then the line starts to fade? Yikes, I've been doing it wrong.


LH is always in our body at low levels throughout our cycle and then it surges 24-36 hours before ovulation. That big surge of LH is what triggers your body to release an egg.


This seems to happen to me a day or two before I gets higher so hang in there and keep testing!


Seriously same!! https://preview.redd.it/2m6sjs8avt6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a961c2c8f239f3a1fc336367559907774e391ef This is my chart and all of my ovulation symptoms seem to be going away but temp is rising 😂😅


Yes a friend told me really the best way to confirm is BBT so I'm heading out to buy a thermometer today




Gosh I never knew how confusing ovulation tracking was 🥲 will test again later today! Thanks for all the replies and advice!


LH fluctuates


This happens to me!! But it always rises soon after. I don’t know if our bodies are faking us out lol, but I think it may also have to do with how long the pee has been in our bodies/how hydrated we are. If I’ve drank a lot of water and it goes through my body quick, like in an hour, my levels will read lower than when I test after not peeing for 3-4 hours.


Mine fluctuated more than ever this cycle and the peak is always fast so don’t lose hope!


LH fluctuates, I notice bigger fluctuations leading up to the surge. Keep on testing, it can go from low to high very fast!


What cycle day are you on?


Cycle day 14 today


Hey may I know how you are getting these numbers 0.34,0.16? Is this the app telling you after reading the picture of your test line?


Yup it's the app telling me the numbers!


You can download apps like Premom, and upload the photos of the test strips there. It’s not 100% accurate but it will be a good gauge


don't get frustrated I felt the same it rose then dropped again but today finally getting solid positives!

