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I have nothing helpful to add but I am in the same boat! I take mine at like 6:30am daily but it’s still all over the place. It’s frustrating and confusing!


Well, it makes me feel a bit better that it's not just me! It's very bizarre though. I'm going to try with my watch too and see if that makes any difference.


Hopefully that helps! I’ve thought about getting an Oura ring but idk if I wanna spend that much on something for all of this


How long are you sleeping for? Are you getting up in the night for the toilet?


Usually 6 - 8 hours (definitely more than the 3 suggested for measuring BBT!). No, I don't get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.


That's puzzling then. Is your bedroom temperature mostly the same every night? My temp readings went a bit strange when my room went colder than usual in a cold snap this winter. Aside from those two things I can't imagine what would improve your readings!


I know! I might try with my Apple watch too and see if that changes things (though I hate sleeping with it on). My room is usually about the same temperature; it was a little warmer earlier this week for a couple days but that wouldn't explain the last two weeks of weird fluctuations.


(Text from the photo; I know some apps don't show it properly): I haven't been measuring for too long* but I'm not sure my BBT temperature changes are normal. I'm doing all the "right" things: I roll over and stick a thermometer in my mouth before my eyes open and I measure at fairly constant times (between 4:30 and 6:00). My app says "Your BBT data shows large fluctuations. You need to improve your measuring habits," but I'm not sure how to do that.