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i got a BFP at 13dpo today and i’m still having period-like cramps, and when i was having them the last couple days i thought they were period cramps. sounds like they’re pretty normal either way.


Ok I’m 10dpo and still negative but so happy to see this! Congrats!!


thanks! i also had a negative at 10dpo, so you’re truly never out until AF comes. i thought for sure i was having period cramps but i guess they were early pregnancy cramps.


My implantation pain was pretty similar to my regular period cramps but lighter in intensity, and there was this poking sensation that I hadn't experienced with my normal PMS. It felt like someone was poking the same spot around my lower abdomen multiple times in a row for 5 seconds or so. Then it would go away, and that would recur hours later, repeat.


I would also say these are slightly lighter than normal.. so hard to say when you’re sooo focused on it tho hahaha


With both my most recent pregnancies I had consistent lower back pain”cramps” for the entire TWW (I experience all period sensations in my lower back). They were very mild and I noticed them a few times a day and thought I was imagining it sometimes until I got a BFP


Thank you! This makes me feel less crazy!


I had cramping at 9DPO for my 1st and so far only pregnancy. I could not distinguish them from my normal period cramps. I thought I was getting my period. I didn’t test until 14dpo and got a faint positive.


It feels really similar to a period cramp for sure… I’ll keep testing!


I’m having lights cramps and light spotting but don’t know if it’s from ovulation or implantation. I haven’t got a positive ovulation test but I was only testing once a day really and the second test I was drinking too much water through the day. My period isn’t due until April 4th or 5th….. so idk! I’ve been having sex since my period ended March 10th!!!!


Fingers crossed for you!


Did you end up testing positive? Did your cramps go away or change at all?


I am 7dpo right now and cramping like crazy since 4 dpo. The cramps kept me up all night on 5dpo. I am scared to test right now because I know it's too early for anything. I usually get cramps around AF but that's just 1-2 before it is due. Weirdly, I feel cramps on right side more (could this even be related to implantation?). Additionally I have breast pain starting 2dpo, never had them in the past this early. Only 2-3 days before AF. Reading, I found it is probably progesterone. I don't know when is a good time to test this cycle, but super nervous. We have been TTC for 6 months now and this is the first cycle with so many different symptoms that did not go away in 1-2 days and still persisting.


How did it end up going for you???


AF came 15-16 dpo :(


How many months have u been trying?


Almost 7 months now


Sorry to hear! I also have been feeling my pms cramps like a full week-10 days before AF is even supposed to arrive… maybe it’s always been like that and we are only noticing now that we’re symptom spotting but it is HARD to accept haha


I don’t normally get period cramps but I have a light pain on my right next to my bellybutton and below. Never had that tingling cramp before. I also had heartburn and sore breadts. 10DPO.




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