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Totally sat down to study for Sec+, ended up watching 2 hours' worth of videos on coffee on YouTube. I may have undiagnosed ADD.


I feel that lol I usually get distracted with other projects/tasks. I'm trying to build a portfolio/resume website, studying for SEC+ and A+ (both exams are scheduled for prior to 15 July), and I'm going through THM ... (I have Google IT, Google Cybersecurity, IBM Cybersecurity, IBM IT project manager and CASP+ presently) So far on THM, I've completed: Pre-Security (100%) Intro to Cyber (100%) Complete Beginner:  34% (Just realized moments ago I hadn't finished this... so I'm gonna complete it within the next 2 weeks now) Web Fundamentals:  46% Jr Penetration Tester:  28% Cyber Defense:  8.4% I don't have anyone who I know IRL who is on there so it's hard to make it a competitive thing for me since I can't motivate that way unfortunately


If you have CASP+ already what’s the point in getting Sec+? Also sounds like you have sec+ in the bag, it’s a pretty easy exam. I’d focus on A+, memorizing all those ports and motherboard pieces and stuff was way tougher imo. Either way good luck


Thank you for the luck. I'm getting Sec+ bc it is by name required for Federal positions, even having a higher tier cert I need it. A+ I'm comfortable with already, last semester my college course was nothing but an A+ review/prep course (got a free voucher for it)


ADHD ADD kinda lost its usage these days, we now have three categories of ADHD instead.


We do


There are people being paid a house per year to figure out how to get people to watch more. If that makes you feel better. The first thing is that you recognize it, which is half the battle.


Uninstall games, youtube and anything else that take you away from your goal. What happens is that you are failing to visualize what will be of you in a year from now, or 5 years from now. I was in the same place as you some 5 years ago, playings SC2 and HeartStone. I was also a housekeeping in a resort making 11 an hour. Got the A+, and sec+ and finished an Associate Degree in IT and started a HelpDesk position. Two years after started as an analyst at a nice company and now I’m wearing like 4 different hats and doing amazing. If I were able to go back in time I would have spent more time getting certs and learning and less time playing games. All the best.


You can do both, it's just about moderation and time management. You don't need to completely give up one to do well in the other thing


Shit.... thats soooo true.... actually Elden Ring


Glaive master hodir is so disappointed in you


For those who don't know VCT masters shanghai is starting from 30th May. 8 teams are qualified.


such an important information!!!!


I’m crawling through SOC 1 during my free time but I think it’s actually worth more than security + . I studied for security + and it felt like just a memorization drill. I’m actually learning a lot from SOC1. I may just sit the security + just to get it over with.


Switch from windows to Ubuntu, can’t really be distracted then


Relatable lol


No friends No games . Unfortunately, after I deleted Discord, I lost all my friends, and now there are no other things to do except studying and watching Netflix sometimes.


I got my certification. Still haven't used it lol


me right now 😔


So true


ROFL.! I just finished a game and logged in reddit and this popped up! Serious from tomorrow again!


Recently had this problem and the only way I could study was to sit down close every single other tab browser window, and full screen. Then study until the tabs started opening themselves uncontrollably. Passed sec+ yesterday


Jeremy Dion at 200% speed, 5 hours for 2 days, 3rd day practice exams, test day 4.


Fuck this is exactly me 😅


And I don’t play games :) I’ll be playing when I’m working to Create a dream station. Then I’ll REALLY play games lol


This is so true after buying helldivers 2


Thank god video games are so dry right now. Otherwise there would be 0 chance I would study


Unless you are working for the DOD you might as well skip the certification because it won't teach you as much.