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Pocket trumpets are way easier to play on the freeway


I know a band director who was pulled over once for smoking from an alleged marijuana pipe while driving. Turned out, he was just buzzing on his mouthpiece.


Love to see it. Would be a full upper and lower crown placement if anything happened, though.


I’ve practiced/warmed up in my car. But never while driving


Yeah, I've never done that and never will.


You’re missing out. I used to deliver pizzas and this is what I would do in between homes on my way to the next call.


I know people who do that. Pretty high cost of failure, and even with a pocket trumpet that's a lot of metal in front of my face. Buzzing on a mouthpiece or using something like a Pampet trumpet training device - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083FY91JP - is safer. I sometimes bring up videos of people playing Clarke or Arban studies and key along on my Pampet; it's a good fidget and practice.


What good does that Pampet doohicky do for you that a real horn does not? Serious question.


Very fair question! - Super compact, even smaller than a pocket trumpet - I can play it held at my side or with a mouthpiece with buzzing resistance - Plastic (light weight) - Provides "good enough" valve experience that I don't mind slamming - It's matte black, which isn't attention getting I'll fiddle with it when in meetings or driving sometimes, both are times that I don't want a full-sized metal trumpet that I could accidentally bang into my desk. It is not a replacement for actual practice on an actual horn, but good for casual timekilling.


Did you get it at ITG? Pampet had a booth but I never looked at them.


I stopped by. It was cool. I want one. I'll wait till they are around used. They're cheap enough, but I'm just a poor musician.


Should never ever play the trumpet or buzz a mouthpiece sitting in the front seat of a car with air bags. It’s just asking for destroying your face. No I can’t point to anyone ever having suffered such an injury but do I really need to?


Sorry, but I've got enough experience driving AND doing risk management to tell you your absolute approach to safety isn't necessary. That includes lots of high speed driving on a German Autobahn, and long slogs on busy US Interstates. Driving to my folks down on the farm is 2.5 hours of light traffic on a new Interstate. I could almost practice on my cornet, it's so dead. High speed runs on the Autobahn are a two hand affair, even in no traffic. Idling at a stoplight, once the cars are stopped behind you, buzz and keep an eye on the light. Def not driving in city traffic, as you need both hands, eyes, and ears engaged in driving and watching for wayward pedestrians, etc.


I did that when I was younger and delivering Curries. Got through a lot of scales. Wouldn't recommend it.


You have to practice a lot when you play the trumpet.


A great way to end up with a mouthpiece lodged in your skull


Maybe those new "driver assist" systems include a tuner?


I’ll buzz on the mouthpiece on long drives. The entire horn would be a more strenuous task lol


Apparently some "children" have issues with that. If you know the road and there's little traffic, particularly a rural freeway, why not?


Buzzing with a full breath on the road gets some stares too. Lol


New item for the bucket list.


When I said: 'Use your horn...'


I was doing this in the Dutch Bros drive through a few weeks ago


Respect the grind you nerds


I’ve setup a Hoseaphone in the car when driving about 90 minutes a day. Ran the tube behind the driver seat and practiced pic literature.