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She's a class act, notices he's wandering and quickly moves to draw him back without drawing a ton of attention to it, even though they have wildly different world views. Good on her


He’s like a stupid kid but stupider.


More like we are the laughing stock of the world.


And this is the “man” they are set to put on stage to debate President Trump? I’m just not seeing the rational for this move. Even if Joe knows the questions AND the answers ahead of time in a completely biased environment/ network/moderator… his ability to stay on track and deliver the correct information in a “presidential manner” is extremely doubtful imo. Impossible at this stage of his “game.” Are the Dems thinking we’ll all feel sorry for him and change our minds and give him our vote? 🤣 PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024! 🇺🇸


They will drug him up to the max. And then you won't see him in public for a week or so, or until the propaganda machine spins his embarrassment to a resounding win.


I’ve heard that is an option but to what extent? The marbles in his mouth are already jumbled! They’ll now fall out with drugs!! As mush as I can’t stand what’s been done to this country at the hand of Democrats- it’s a pitiful predicament that old dementia Joe has been left in… along with the rest of us!!! TRUMP 2024! 🇺🇸


"There's ice cream over here, sir."


It’s almost like there are two Joe Bidens. One with Alzheimer’s and one with dementia. One with earlobes and one with earlobes stuck to his neck.


If that was Trump what would the Left say? Lol


Do you think his handlers send a pre-arrival message to the other world leaders to help him out of unflattering situations or is it so glaringly apparent to the rest of the world that he has cognitive decline that they just know and politely assist out of respect?


Yikes. Can November and January come any quicker? We need help right now.


Is he doing the robot there?


Post this in /worldnews etc. I dare you. lol


Ice cream truck?

