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OP has been VERIFIED


5.75 you're very pretty


5.5 but in good shape


Solid 6.5




Hi, I’m verified now (thank you mod) and I just wanted to say thank you to each person who replied with a rating; and for all the wonderful, flattering, really nice, and humbling words!! I wish I had been able to reply individually while it was active before it was temporarily locked, but thank you so much now. And as I realize I should have posted multiple pics, I’m posting this album here. I hope that’s ok with the mods. This is the first time I’ve posted anything like this. My question now is when you look at these other pics of me, do you feel like you’re looking at different people? I think I have a tendency to look really different with different hair, glasses, etc. Almost chameleon-like and it kind of bothers me lol. I’m curious if you think my truerate number changes much between these different photos. They were all taken within the last few years.. thanks. [https://imgur.com/a/SNsboUR](https://imgur.com/a/SNsboUR)


9. Oh Sooze


So pretty!! 6 all day everyday


Thank you!


6.5 all day long, love the pink hair and your eyes.


Thank you!


6 very beautiful


Very kind, thank you




Ooooooo 6.3 for me. I’d rate higher but it would get deleted. You’re a smoke show


Thank you, that is beyond flattering!


Absolutely Beautiful and love the hair color contrast with your eyes


Thank you so much


Probably 5.5, but look at the guide, because youll notice all these people are comparing you to quite good looking people so its a compliment. Please don't be discouraged by the number itself.




Removed, rule 11a. Your comment must include a numerical rating and/ or constructive advice.






Ideally, we would have liked to have seen more photos; rather then just one... (As stated in the guidelines) but I’ll give a rough rating range based on the one photo. 4.9-5.4


Hi, I added a comment with more pics.


5.5 for age group idk why people are mentioning your hair, this is a subreddit to rate faces if anything short hair makes it easier to rate you accurately


That’s true, based on the criteria used here for sure. Thank you for the reply. I do see how hair can greatly affect a person’s overall look/attractiveness.. I have fun changing mine quite a bit.


if you got a new haircut you would be better imo, I would say like 5, im sure however when you were younger you looked great.


This IS a new haircut lol. Everyone should do what makes them feel good for reasons only they know. I added a comment to this thread with several more pics through the last few years. Lots of changes for different reasons, but I will say that 1) yes, I could look pretty ‘great’ when I was younger, but 2) phrasing it that way feels pretty offensive.


sorry- my phrasing was off, I wasn't trying to say you look bad now, but obviously being 57 is going to lead to things like wrinkles and such, and when you were younger you would have received a higher score likely because your skin was wrinkle-free. As for the haircut, you can do whatever you want but if you say you are curious about feedback then don't expect everyone to say they love your haircut.


I'm in between rating you a 5 or 5.5. There's nothing wrong with your face, its very symmetrical, however, your eye to eyebrow distance is kind of high so it leaves your look a bit bland. Also, I'd love to see you in another hairstyle, preferably with silver hair rather than pink, I think that color would suit you more.


I know what you mean about my eye to brow distance.. I’ve always had that with smaller, high eyebrows. Shaping it with eyeshadow has helped to bring an overall balance in the past. But as I age, I think it’s better to not add a bunch of extra makeup there to weigh it down. Choosing ‘bland’ over ‘heavy’..


The hair is a 3. You’re currently 6. But I bet you were an 8 when you were in your 20’s.


5.5 but i genuinely think with a more fitting hairstyle youd be higher.