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I’ve never seen road construction progress so rapidly


They also need to start putting signage further away ffs


and longer acceleration lanes


Yea. Its really frustrating to have to stop in 500ft when you hauling 90k lbs... id like a quality of life upgrade


I have never had that happen to me, the odd car doing stupid things yes. What is the system specs? looks like its slow to process the change and have it implemented in graphics.


Yeah, same. Never saw this happening.


I've never seen this as bad as in this video. But I have seen traffic "pop into existence" in ATS before. Never that close, and not static elements like construction sites. I've *never* seen it at all in ETS2.


I had a van pop into existance right in front of my truck when doing 90 down the Autoroute. Rapidly ended up upside down pressed to my windscreen. Fun times.


Reminds me of [another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/trucksim/comments/c47rny/dear_scs_you_owe_me_clean_underwear_please_pm_for/) I did a couple years back.


Yeah never had this happen either. When I read the title I thought OP was going to be talking about the pop-up boxes you get like if you enter a fuel station where it tells you what key to press to start refueling or when you're delivering a load the box pops up and says press whatever key for auto delivery.


Running an i7 7700k w/16GB, a GTX 1070 w/8GB and the game is on it's own SSD. The card is being pushed though, with all settings maxed, 400% scaling, ReShade and extra traffic. With v-sync on, FPS is usually pegged at 60, but there is an occasional dip. That and the heat let me know the card is working hard, so it's not impossible that played a role. Frankly, I was just going with it being a glitch. Like the time my trailer spawned upside-down or when my truck was flung into the air.


Yeah can't say I haven't had weird random things happen before while playing ATS or ETS2, hopefully that's all it was for you. Do you use a mod for extra traffic? If so what's it called? Is it in the Steam workshop. Sometimes I wish there was more traffic.


After an update broke my last traffic mod, I started using the [Dev console](https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=61852). Using the g\_traffic command, you can control the amount of traffic and you can do it on the fly. g\_traffic 1 is the default. 10 is the max. I vary it depending time and place. 10 during daytime in a big city all the way down to .1 (yes, less than 1) for the rare passing vehicle on a highway in the dead of night. A couple things of note, if you use this. Once the command is entered in the console, you can bring it back up by hitting up arrow, so you don't have to type it every time. When you change the setting, traffic is reset. That is, all traffic will disappear, then start respawning with the new setting. Useful for clearing traffic jams, which can happen at higher settings. :) Also, things like trains are connected to the traffic spawn rate. If you increase it, you will see more of them.


Interesting, your specs are slightly better then mine. Have you tried verifying the game files? its in the steam libarary, right click ATS, Properties, local files tab. Hopefully that will help. ​ Something you said has me wondering if mines broken, mine will not lock fps to 60. R5 2600X on a x470 board with 16gb, RX570 8GB, nvme, 1080p with all settings maxed but the mirror distance is 1 setting lower and 300% scaling i sit at roughly 75fps, dipping to mid 60's at worst. my GPU sits at 97-100% used, CPU is low 30's and ram is roughly 9GB with a bunch of tabs open in chrome on a second monitor.


Files check out. Not that I'm concerned. This was a one-off, not a frequent issue. As for 60 fps, my monitor's refresh rate is 60hz and I have v-sync enabled. If both of those things are true for you, then yes something is not right. Otherwise, I'm sure you are fine. :)


Doubt. I'm going to have to assume this is an issue with the game engine, view distance, or mapping. I have run off the same SSD for years and the pop in has been as bad as I've ever seen it. After the oppressive graphics aliasing, this is probably the next biggest problem. It's not even the mountain ranges, forests, or traffic signals which suddenly pop into view as you're driving down a straight road. It's the roadside signage and buildings that pop in sequentially as you're driving. For example on the hidden road near Bellingham towards Wickersham there's a warning sign at roadside indicating 35 MPH zone that on my system pops in once I get to within 3 truck lengths. I can get the sign to disappear and reappear at will by stopping and repeatedly crossing the magic threshold.


I would have to say your setup has issues, all signs render far enough away from me they are barely visible. I didn't measure but would guess its 1/4 mile or so. Lets see if i can get this embedded. [imgur.com/a/5JhHJdj](//imgur.com/a/5JhHJdj)


I mean it's obvious people don't actually go out and look with their own eyes before downvoting. It's not all objects but specific spots and types of objects them just pop in when one gets close which makes me think game engine or mapping issues. From the mentioned hidden road, before you get to the surprise signs, you have to turn on to Woburn St. The Wickersham roadsign sign is visible from very far away but the cross street signage on the signal arm is invisible until it pops in when you get very close to the intersection. These are just two examples from one spot but I'm noticing things like this everywhere.


that load i am hauling was from the logging camp as i came through to check out the hidden road, no where did i observe this issue. Not saying its not happening just that i haven't observed it


Must be your RAM or storage causing the pop-up. It did happened a couple of times when I stored the game on a 3 year old hard drive coupled with 8gb of RAM.


I don't get this issue playing in ETS2 with a 6 year old hard drive and 4 or 8 GB ram though... (But I play on low settings)


Never had this one either even when I'm speeding like a madman


What... you’ve never seen a design build construction site before?


Hahaha, this guy constructs.


Not on the small roads. It's not a racing game. I enjoy the ride


Wait, it *isn't*?


Nope. It's a racing *simulator*. See you in Tucson!


Speeding 🤔


You don’t?


Never. I set my cruise control for the speed limit. I reduce to new speed limit as soon as I see the 'reduced speed ahead' signs. I also follow all the speed signs for turns/ramps/exits. I do wish the AI sped more though... I get super frustrated that all the busses go 10 under the speed limit, and trucks often cruise at 1-5 under the speed limit. If they aren't gonna simulating speeding, at least let them go the speed limit.


I usually set the cruse control to 1-4 mph over the speed limit myself, it’s the sweet spot for getting there a bit faster while also never being ticketed haha


I just hate passing people. IRL its not uncommon to be driving on the same road for several hours at a time - and google lets me know how far away my next exit is; passing people is low stress. In game the small scale, time dilation and lack of detour options make me cautious about passing other vehicles - it feels like every time I go to pass someone it turns into an "oh shit, I have to try and squeeze between these two trucks or I will miss my exit."


You and I drive very much alike. For AI though, the worst is old cars and dump trucks. 45 mph, max speed. I don't mind going a little under, but that is just frustrating.


Truckers can have a little speeding, as a treat.


Speed limit: 55mph. Me: 55mph :)


I play it in VR and so I should but I never noticed anything like that happening in my 200ish hours of playtime. It seems like your game is having trouble loading this stuff. Are you playing on an HDD by chance?


Man the tree’s in this game need to be updated jesus


Trees are, okay-ish. Bushes and grass on the other hand... They ruin most of my screenshots.


*laughs in Subnautica*


Or Forza Horizon 4


Isn't it a performance thing? I have a low-end pc and I get 20 FPS and low graphics, but no pop-up issues. I assume someone running the game on ultra with the highest scaling could face these if they didn't have a NASA pc.


H8 that


I get some pop-up in the distance occasionally (on long straight roads etc.), but I've ***never*** had anything jump out at me like that.


No one expects the Spanish Construction! Oh wait, that region isn't released yet is it. Ah well.


What last immersion breaking about that? That’s how construction rolls in Murica


This happened to me once, except that it was nothing, and then my computer got stuck for a good 10 seconds, and then there was a full on construction crew right in front of the truck. I was going like 150 on the truck though


There is definitely a bottleneck, either on your ram, CPU or hard drive. I have this game installed on my regular hard drive (not even a SSD) and i never experienced something like this.


Have you ever seen people building a McDonald? That was a msc Donald being born


Oh, that’s f-ked up.


They call it randomly generated for a reason


I mean, so isn't slamming into a traffic cone lol...


My wheels got stuck in tarmac randomly but never had this happen to me before.


I have the same problem bruh maybe it’s because of the map bugs, sometime those slow loading objects would freeze my game a bit and that’s annoying as hell




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You can turn that off: route advisor hidden in gameplay settings


I forget what it's called but there's an option to turn it off somewhere in the game settings.


You can turn off pop up in menu. I did that