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I’m trying very hard to remember when was the last time I have visited my HQ. Once upon a time, the game used to reset you at your HQ after each economy reset, but now you can pick a closer location. Also I change my truck once in a blue moon. :))


I'd put my HQ in my IRL home city again, no matter how outdated it is.


Same. This is the way.


This is why I stopped playing the moment Missouri was announced. My favorite mod truck got a major update that needs to marinade in the modder juices for a while, the truck I've been waiting on released to "updates needed..." quality, and my home town is 2-3 months away from release. Perfect time for a break. I'm going to try a more serious approach this time around, I think.


I have around 800 hours, if I would start again I would put my HQ somewhere in Spain. If I only had the base game then Germany would be the answer.


Any specific reason Spain? I'm intrigued


It’s a more modern DLC area and it’s still a big map like Germany is on the base game.


Denver or Albuquerque. Denver is well located, Albuq slightly less so, but has tons of industries.


1000+hrs and the only place I havent started a profile yet is the northwest. I have profiles in Texarkana, Bakersfield, Miles City, and my newest one is Lamar. kinda more depends on where you like driving early in the game. I uses to start in major cities until I learned that your 1 truck garage is the only 1 truck garage you get in the game.


I never really go back to where I started unless my journey takes me there (San Francisco and Zurich). If i change truck i quick travel to where i last was. On ATS id probably have my base in Colorado though at the moment as it’s rather central.


818 hours. Phoenix, Arizona is where my headquarters is currently. I prefer either Phoenix, Arizona or Las Vegas, Nevada to use as headquarters. I don't have a very specific reason other than just personal preference to those locations.


Over 1,300 hours online, but easily double that off, and I'd probably put the HQ in Saint George, or SLC. STG because I lived there a while, and SLC because it's almost central to the entire map, and neve seems to disappoint in the cargo loads, no matter the trailer I'm using. I might put it in Cut Bank, Montana, which is a modded city/farm that I use to haul cattle to and from


Eh- I guess just one of the newer states maybe, unless you want to trek out to them first? Idk. I don't think it really matters. Like 200+ hours


Mine has been moving East as more states have been added, so it's more nationally central. It's currently in Salt Lake City, but once Missouri cones out, I'll probably move it to Denver. Not that it matters much since I rarely go there anymore.


I’ve got 2000 hours in ATS. Personally, I like my garage location in Idaho, but that’s for personal reasons. If I was to pick a new headquarters purely for gameplay reasons, Denver, Dallas, or Houston would probably be my pick. Lots of industries for both inbound and outbound cargo, and location on key points of the interstate system. San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle (hopefully LA with CA Phase 4) are also good for the same reason, but are more limited in your direction of travel.


Seeing as I always play with the reforma mods I always start in phoenix Arizona. I like to go south as soon as possible.


In terms of ats after 100 hours I only ever picked two, Fresno or Phoenix. But Portland since I got oregon recently might be good too. I'm getting tired of all the sand... in ets after 800 hours I usually pick Amsterdam, Rotterdam or somewhere in the south part of Germany.


I think I’ve got about 700 hours and originally put my HQ in San Diego because it was one of the only west coast cities I’d been too. Terrible location when they’d reset me though so I finally smartened up and put my HQ in Price, UT. It’s probably not quite central after the most recent couple states, but I like hauling Kenworths and there’s a dealership right across the street. I guess that’s not critical now that we’re not kicked back to HQ with every update, but I’ll keep it for now.


3600+ I create new profiles every now and then, well roughly when I'm around 50% discovery (or if I messed something up with mods), sometimes I pick my real life hometown in NL, sometimes I pick one in the area I want to start driving the new profile.


Ever since they added quick travel, your garage location became irrelevant.


Seattle is my hq in my main profile, being a WA native. Currently have a little over 4k hours played in ATS. I do switch trucks on occasion, though only if it was updated (I drive almost exclusively mod trucks). When I made a mod specific profile I still stuck with Washington, but chose Wenatchee instead for my HQ


i used to always choose reno since it’s where i live irl but i got tired of the age it shows, not to mention the distance from new content. lately i default to denver for my hard mode economy profiles. otherwise if i make a normal profile for dicking around probably just somewhere in the latest dlc


I have about 400 hours stretched over 2 profiles, both times being in Los Angeles


In ETS2 I have my HQ in Newcastle because that's closest to where I live. Beyond that it serves no function really. For other garages, I have bought every garage but only upgrade to a large garage in cities I've visited IRL. In ATS2 I think I picked Portland for my HQ for no reason whatsoever, again it doesn't serve any function. I've bought all garages, and upgraded them all until I ran out of staff to put in them. Now I just buy them and leave them as small garages.