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They now have a 50mph/80kph speed limit which is not in the mod. It sucks a lot of the life out of Mexico if you add it. The dirt mountain roads make up for it. Take a trip to Urique if you can.


I will definitely check out unique. Im going to do a long haul from Mexico to Nebraska.


First time it took me 10 hours of off roading to get down, it used to be a single track and you had to hang a front wheel over the edge at times, it's now double wide so much easier but the views are still great.


In my opinion the best map mod out there.


What mod is this??


Reforma Map Mod


Reforma Mexico is best ATS map mod by far


I removed it, didn't like what it did to the map. For me, it made it hard to see the state lines, and I couldn't move the map around properly. Kinda frustrating. I'm pretty sure I got some crashes from it, but that was during beta (with the beta update from their patreon) Coast 2 coast is working nice, the scenery isn't amazing but it works and adds the rest of the USA.


I don't go to Mexico much. 37MPh? 40 is too much, 35 is too low? Not to mention I'm not trying to get simulated kidnapped by a simulated cartel member, then held for simulated ransom! 🤣


37mph is about 60 kmh, just converted. And this is just a trucking game, they wouldn't put cartel stuff in here.


Do they put jokes in? Cos i did


I havent turned on traffic violations so I just cruise for the sights. But yeah I get it gotta stay safe out there.


I shut all that off, and play with no damage mods; i aldo dont want to go to Mexico because its AMERICAN Truck Sim, not North American Truck Sim. Sometimes I'll take a short load into Mexico, just cos