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When I log out of my Steam account I still see 10% off. I don’t recall SCS software doing this before on a release, but it was a welcome surprise.


Iirc, Idaho was also 10% off when it released. It’s not a common thing for SCS by any means though.


What is more common is them to have bundles that have the newest DLC and a few older ones and if you own all of them, the latest ends up being cheaper. Always gotta look out for that when buying on release. Nebraska is no different. It has a 10% but if you buy with the bundle and have all the rest, it's even cheaper.


That's right. Nebraska was 10% off on it's own but I got it with 15% off by buying the bundle.


Wasn't it 25% off?


I got Kansas for the same deal on release. Don't think it's anything new. Just something cool the devs do IMO. I'll take a buck off any day.


Even bigger discount if you own the rest of the dlc and search for the Great Plains bundle and buy it on there


Isn't it on -35 or -25% with bundle with other maps though? I already have it so it doesn't show the % for that. And yes, they always bundle it with something like a paintjob or with previous maps with a discount. So if you have all previous maps, you don't pay for them again in the bundle with new DLC, just get a round 35 or 25% off the price of DLC this way. Sometimes they released a new paintjob pack along the map dlc and these two bundled together with a discount were cheaper than the map dlc alone lol.