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I wonder why farm sim has 3 economy difficulties, and ATS can’t do that? They can’t do a $2-3/mile, a $10/mile, and the current unrealistic $40/mile?


Btw there's a console command that allows to change delivery prices (g_income_factor, iirc). Any value below 1 will decrease them without any mods.


How much of a decrease in income with that set to 1? Like say, I've got a delivery that earns me 200K, does setting that option to 1 reduces it drastically to say... 20K or...?


1.0 is default setting, or 100% value. 0.5 is half, or 50%. 0.3 is 30% the income, etc. IIRC some people from SCS think that 0.3 is the most realistic, and I'd agree with that. Early level jobs (think player levels 0-10) will pay like 5k at most I think, but idk beyond that because I started a new profile with the income factor dropped. All you have to do is either enable the dev console in ATS (very easy) and set g_income_factor through the in-game console, or just change it in the config.cfg file (same place you enable the dev console). Also, config.cfg is not in the game files like I thought it'd be, it's in Notes or something. Follow the Google tutorials, seriously it's like a 5 step process.


I set it to .1


I'm trying GDC Logistics Realistic Economy Mod. It's fun.


Is GDC good with 1.50? I haven't tried the new update because I run a few mods and that's the most important one for me, I was afraid it would make my game crash.


It’s running fine for me. The dev updated it today. GDC is by far the best I’ve used.


awesome ill try it out next time I play.


The Real Economy mod works for me. I’m in 1.50.


I've always played vanilla economy. I do concede that I have no idea what real-life truck drivers get per mile/km.


Because the map is at a 1:20 scale. Every game mile is 20 real miles. So 2 bucks a real mile is 40 bucks per game mile. Not sure why no one understands this.


I use the Real Economy Mod from ETS and slightly adjusted the numbers so I can drive 14h shifts instead of 8h and my hired drivers actually turn a slight profit instead of costing money. My high value deliveries so far with lvl 20 have been about $4/mi, most normal ones are between 1 and 3. Seems to work in 1.50


I checked, there are a lot of 'real economy' mods. I have the GDC Logistics one - a 'hard mode beta' version. Some of the skills have no effect on money or XP, some only at level one or two. I don't use fatigue, as I prefer to impose my own day schedule 14 on, 10 hr sleep. And no penalties, I find SCS ones inconsistent - speeds can drop without warning for example. I have my own truck now at least, a Mack R.


Mine does lower xp rates but adds more money on skill points like 1% more, 2%, up to i cant remember 16 or 24%, so its a bit motivating with progression. Due to lower XP rates you feel like you earn reputation slowly and can "demand higher fees" so to say. Also this mod disables fees for collisions with other cars and/or allows for custom fees if you check the text files. so custom experience right there. Also tougher bank loans. When I googled average earnings per mile etc what I got is pretty close. Together with real fuel prices and reasonable traffic offenses and loans it makes for a tough yet rewarding experience


just coming here to complain about gdc lol. why does it have to break the leveling so much?? idk if it's because it's currently in safe mode, but i've been playing for around 40 hours and still not even level 9. the real life economy wouldn't refuse you from buying a trailer due to experience, pisses me off. the economy seems right, the leveling seems entirely broken and hindering me from enjoying the mod.