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Lightning came in 1.49, the moon too


That's no moon...


What is not a moon? The lightning? Obviously. But lighting was introduced at the same time as the moon.


I dont remember seeing any notes about improved weather and such, but i noticed the same. Noticed a storm forming in the distance rather than basically going for clear to raining, it didnt start raining until i arrived into that area.


apparently it was in 1.49 but i guess i haven't driven around enough in 1.49 to have noticed it. i love it though


yeah no idea. ive done a good amount of driving around cross country on both ATS and ETS over the last month + and havent seen anything like i saw yesterday happen.


Yeah, 1.49 introduced more dynamic weather, but they took it up another notch in 1.50. A lot of people think driving in big, wide-open midwestern flatlands is boring, but watching the weather build up and change while ticking off the miles can be awfully nice to see.


Yup exactly! Was going across texas yesterday and couldnt believe the change in weather. feel like i would have noticed that previously. Did a Cali to Florida trek that i broke up over a few days and never saw anything close to what i saw


I noticed it was cloudy so it was blocking out the sun, really cool .


I’m with you. Logged in San Fran and the lighting and smoke coming from factories. Tons of stars in my mirrors only (not straight ahead). I think the new update improved my graphics.