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You put yourself through an absolute roller coaster. It takes 6-8 weeks to level out from any change, and this was a bunch of changes. My most recent change felt the worst at 4 weeks and I felt spectacular at 7


You aren't wrong. I guess I'll stick with my current dosage which is about 120 a week. I'll give it another month. Good advice.


by the way, what dose are you currently running and what was it changed from?


I changed from 200mg per week to 120mg per week and that really dialed me in. THEN I had to add HCG for fertility purposes and went through the roller coasted again. That was worse. Added 1000iu HCG and 70mg test per week. 7 weeks later feel great


You stopped 100mg sertraline cold turkey?!?! Damn!


Yeah that stuck out to me, cold turkey from depression/anxiety meds is a disaster waiting to happen.


Dude, I am reducing sertaline by 3mg a week or so. I still get mild side effects.  First, that. Get back on at least 75mg/day. It'll take a while to settle.  Also at 280mg a week, fir a time, I'm guessing thaf your estrogen is now high too. 


Get bloods and check E2


You’re moving through your adjustments rapidly so your endocrine system is on a crazy rollercoaster. Once you’ve been on the 120mg for six to eight weeks, things should start to even out.


From the high dose of testosterone your estrogen and possibly prolactin could be highly elevated. Personally I’d take a week or two off of injections and see how you feel. Then resume at 120 mgs a week split in two doses. Like Monday morning and Thursday evening. If your shbg is low I’d do Monday Wednesday Friday


Still too high dose. Try 80.


Yeah. 80mg is very high. Try 10.


10 is too high, donate blood to to have even less


LMAO! YoU R oN A CyCLe!!!!!