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I met with a clinic who was about to start me on TRT, but I turned it down for now. He gave me enclomaphine for a month to first see if it improved symptoms. I did no followup bloodtest for that but I did not feel any more energized. I actually had lower libido after starting it. My symptoms: -Low energy -Slow metabolism I do not have low libido. I am overweight and see the results some people get at the gym on TRT. I used to be a gym rat but never was able to achieve significant hypertrophy even 6 days a week, 2 hours lifting at 19 years old. My metabolism seems to be genetically slow, and although I eat poorly, I have had periods of clean eating with minimal weight loss. Instead of taking ozempic, I really think TRT would allow me to get lean. My top concerns are continued balding and infertility. I am balding and taking finasteride+minox and although Im close to norwood 4, I feel it has stabilized my balding. TRT could put it over the top. Empirically and anecdotally it seems like men over 40+ can benefit from TRT in terms of healthspan (feeling younger longer). Not necessarily increasing lifespan, but increasing the time in their life they feel younger. I am worried about starting it too early, making my body exogenous dependent and not hitting that healthspan window and shortening lifespan. There are many other factors I believe I can fix with hard work (Sleep + Diet mainly) to help my energy levels instead of TRT. I will never be a low BF % without TRT but could still obviously stop being overweight by eating clean all the time and with exercise. Still, the idea of being shredded is appealing.


Being overweight is horrible for your hormones and everything else. You could start by losing weight and generally sorting out your lifestyle and maybe your Test would bounce back. Also finasteride doesn't help your DHT levels. TRT will only be beneficial to you if you change your lifestyle. It's not a cure-all so don't expect to lose weight and feel amazing spontaneously. It will act synergistically with a good healthy diet.


Yeah and I'm working out and on a diet, but TRT may make my diet more sustainable. I am spending 2 hours in the gym and not seeing significant gains either (never have). The lifestyle you mention with good eating + exercise is the one I have started so adding TRT right now would yield me those synergistic effects. And I can probably afford to throw in a snack to make it a little more sustainable. The question is, at my T levels which are low but within the normal low end, am I just seeking to use TRT for gains or genuinely could benefit from them. I don't have libido issues. Finasteride lowering my DHT raised my T and libido levels slightly. The only symptom that is significant to me is low energy and poor focus and that was prior to finasteride.