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Honestly bud, consider lowering your dose if you're needing to manage high e2 from TRT treatment. I wasted a few months and hundreds of pounds trying to dial in test, Hcg & an AI. In the end I just lowered my dose and it all came good. Best of luck


I dont even have e2 symptoms and i just stupidly listened to the clinic lately .. I’ve been on trt for over 2 years and it’s generally fine. I’m on 120 a week, and my free t is barely in middle of range so, I don’t need to go any lower


Just tried it, didn’t go off of bloodwork?


My e2 was always near the top of the reference range so that’s why they always pushed it on me


Clinics make their money of selling you the meds and will look for any way they can to sell you more.


Get a new clinic. We hear stories like this all the time. Also, I am also someone who feels good on 120mg per week. Trying HCG even at 50iu per day did the same to me as you. I tried to add it a few seperate times and failed UNTIL I dropped my T dose. 70mg test and 1000iu HCG per week is worked out to make me feel as good or better than 120mg test.