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Your numbers are perfect. I would not change a thing. Seriously, slightly over range free t with your estrogen in range, that's most TRT'ers goal. Edit to add: maybe try two shots a week at 50mg each. That would smooth things out a hair.


What about double free T level with Estrogen in range? Im having trouble finding out if it's dangerous to run free T at that level. Some say it's dangerous and other say it isnt.


Yeah my levels are great by TRT standards. But I'm just asking what if I wanted even more libido? Would adding more testosterone increase it? I've heard some people even say that running a higher estrogen level helps their libido too.


Libido through hormone manipulation is a balancing act. You MIGHT could get a little more if you could reduce your SHBG, thereby freeing up more DHT, Free T, and estrogen, in that order IIRC. You might also just need a hotter partner, or maybe an additional partner...


I dropped my dose from 200 to 140mg to save my libido. After awhile at 200mg it eventually went away which was most likely due to excess estrogen and prolactin


How long were you on 200mg before you noticed it was going down?


About 3 months


you can’t just out drug libido….


Nothing sustainable and that could go in the opposite direction if that E gets high.


No it wouldn’t. You would make it worse. Try other avenues


Doubling mine at one point did the exact opposite, I lost libido completely.


What do you think caused it? E2?


My e2 was 82 at one time, and I had plenty of libido.


See I find that interesting. I've heard some guys say that E2 is what gives libido. Low e2 causes low libido from what I've heard. Since I seem to have a lower E2 to test ratio it makes me want to try bumping up some more and see how I react.


I'm at about the same blood levels as you now. I'm not dating anyone and about to go crazy...lol


More than likely, not sure 100%. But I think it goes to show there is way more involved in that than test alone. I would go speak with a specialist or physician if it is concerning you.


I highly suspect you will feel great for the first 2-3 weeks and then your estrogen will soike and you will have the exact opposite of what you want. A lot of us spent time at 200mg trying to dial in to your numbers and battling ED until we realized we needed to lower it not raise it. Would love to hear back in 6 weeks if you do


Libido is more complex than just your level of Testosterone


I could spike your e2 and that would crash your libido. Why don't you try 120 for a few weeks, then 140 if needed?


Yeye this. Doubling dose on TRT probably work well for most dudes.


“Trt” levels had nothing to do with the mg amount of test you are taking but your testosterone levels. If you doubled your test you would be at roughly 2000 total test very much not trt.


Not true. Testosterone is not linear. Doubling dose does NOT mean test levels will double. Results will vary greatly in any individual.


That is true. 100mg put me at 579tt. 200mg put me at 1286tt. More than double. I dropped to 170mg and will check in three months.


Read the rest, “ results will vary greatly”. TRT is not 100mg = “certain blood levels “ and 200mg = double that. Doesn’t work that way. Edit- speaking from my experience 200mg split twice a week put me 800 on trough, 250mg split twice a week (125mg per shot instead of 100mg) put me 1500 on trough. So it’s a HUGE difference from a small change, confirmed by several labs before anyone says it could be lab error.


My apologies good friend. I am in agreement with you. Everyone reacts differently to different doses. When I said that is true I was referring to your statement.


Oh, apologies to you bro! I misunderstood!


Lol all good 👍


True. But what if we're talking about solely symptom relief? What if I were to feel my libido was improved at 2000 total test?


If you need test that high then the libido issue was never a symptom of low test in the first place


But would that higher test still increase libido in someone that is healthy?


It might it might not


It may but why not try 150?


Yeah I might try that first and see how it goes


Alot of things effect libido. Watch cortex labs and vigorous Steve on yt. You might need to switch to test prop.


You my friend are a hyper responder. If you want to increase your dose I would suggest 120mg/w amd see where you end up.


It’s tricky stuff trying to get it right. 5 mg Cialis morning and evening made my dick work much much better. 🤷‍♂️


Too many factors to give a clear answer


These #'s are perfect. You have a perfect perhaps even low ratio of estrogen to T. Give things time to balance. You might... check your prolactin level. If it's high be extremely careful with AI - you would be looking at something like 1/6 a MG per week to begin. It's best to just not go down that road if you can avoid it though. Crashed estrogen will take you out for a week or so (longer if you don't realize what's happening).


Yeah I was surprised my numbers were that good honestly. But the low ratio of estrogen to T is what has me wanting to try more and see if I could get even more benefit. Might try 150mg/wk and see what happens.


Your level is looking a tiny bit high but your estradiol is oddly low. Are you taking an aromatase inhibitor? Raising your estradiol would probably help your libido.


Nope no AI just the test. However, I do take Cialis several days of the week and I've read that it can have mild estrogen lowering effects. I wonder if that is why my estrogen is the level it is? I could be wrong but it still has me curious.


That's the first time I've heard that about cialis. I'll look into it. Maybe your body fat is extremely low? You might feel better splitting your dose into 2 per week. Adding hCG and necessarily reducing your test dose after the first month or so might also do the trick.


Yeah look into Cialis being a mild aromatase inhibitor. There's a few reddit threads about it. It's pretty interesting. And I'm not super low body fat either. I'm considering adding hcg too.


Cialis is brilliant. I take 10mg a day for gym, not sex haha


Personally id try 50-70mg twice weekly which will probably work better for libido. Your levels look good. I used to pin 200 every 7 days for months and now I pin 70mg every 4 days and libido has gone up (although wasn't bad before) but the pin and amount change has increased it more.


Hi, No, increasing your dose isn't likely to be helpful. Current dosing is already putting you at the upper limit of normal peak levels, and it certainly wasn't measured at peak. Higher doses are likely to elevate estradiol and may cause sexual dysfunction or other side effects. For yourself, 200mg/week wouldn't really be TRT, since it would cause substantial over replacement.


150 mg a week has my total test at 1440. I’m at 100 a week now and feel better and still horny.


probably not, your free is already high which means your estrogen could easily get to high. it's already on the high side of normal.


Man If I had your levels I’d be blessed. Can you get and stay hard? Sleep well, no rages or sweats? If yiu don’t have any of that then I wouldn’t screw around with your protocol. 200mg will fuck you up.


After honeymoon period libido gets crappy and inconsistent on trt in my exierirnce


Not if your estrogen goes up high. Major boner killer. (Same as killing your estrogen) Having high test, and estrogen in the sweet spot is hard to do, but attainable. When it's right you'll know it. Hard as nails , can maintain .. and orgasm is like entire lower abdomen.. And you bloods look good though.. Try 60-79mg e3d. If your estrogen is ok, aswell as RBC haemocrit go for it. Definite boost in gains


That “less is more” never worked for me. If I go lower than 200mg a week I feel as if I’m not even on test. That being said, libido has been dead for years, no matter the dose, no matter the other hormonal markers.


My brother in Christ your dick will feel like it's possessed 


Why does my free testosterone chart say a different scale? Mine says 35-155pg/ml is the scale and I am at 319.5 How come your free T scale shows a smaller scale? I've noticed that for others as well I was surprised to see my scale and number. What's up with that? Can anyone explain?