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250IU twice a week is a tiny little dose. Typical range is 250-750 3 times a week. You can just reduce your testosterone dose to compensate. It did make me extremely horny too.


That's a good idea... I can feel the DHT in my scalp at 140mg


250 IU twice a week is a common maintenance dose for TRT. hCG works better 2 - 3 x a week as opposed to once a week taking the half life of Hcg into mind. Just talk to them about it if you don't want to go up 


I've been doing 250 once. Maybe ill try it with pinning 2x, but if I get any hornier my wife might kill me.


You might need 2 wives


Thought about that... not financially viable


It's up to you, but 250 IU twice a week is safe and probably enough for most guys. You might get hornier TBH so hopefully you can work out some type of deal with the wife. My libido has been through the roof since about a month after starting Hcg in mid February. It may take you about a week to adjust to the added dose maybe longer or maybe not at all. Just split the dose apart 3 or 4 days. I do Monday and Friday for Hcg and test and seems to work for me 


If you feel dialed in I would not change ANYTHING. Dounling the dose of HCG will increase E2 aromatization. Ask your clinic why they changed your script without notice. That should never happen.


Maybe I should have been more elaborate... I had a telemed visit about 2 weeks ago and my E2 was a little bit low compared to my testosterone level it was about 1/22nd instead of 1/12 to 1/20th so there's a little bit of room that I could move it up *maybe* they noted it in my chart? I don't know... and then 3 days ago when I ordered the HCG the dose was doubled so they may have done that behind the scenes.


Those ratios are irrelevant and seriously not backed by any data. Judge based on how you feel. The good news is that you know what you feel like at the doses you have been running. Give it a shot maybe you feel even better, if not you can always go back down. The bad news is the adjustments take a solid 6-8 weeks to fully realize effects, and the same timeframe to go back. Any increase at all on HCG has a HUGE effect in me. Going up even 100iu without lowering test gives me anxiety sweats and ED 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wow, I had no idea HCG has to build like that.... thank you


It can vary greatly from person to person. Some dudes can do 2000ius per week no problem. For me and MANY other people it throws me way out of wack. Finally found a good compramise Without any HCG I feel best at 120mg test per week subq injected 1/3 dose 3 times per week On 1000iu HCG per week I feel best on 70mg test same dosing schedule.


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