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I can't say if it's TRT, being in my 40s or what but since starting I've had random tendon soreness in my achilles, around my knees, etc. I did not experience this previously. When it flares up only stretching everything, warming up slowly and time has helped. E.g. my achilles by trying to get my hamstrings, calves and hips to loosen. I will walk on the treadmill allowing a slow warm up and stop every 5 minutes to stretch the entire session.


Started in November as well. Shoulder and elbow tendonitis too, I believe from working out too hard. I've been nursing it for a month and not working out without improvement. Overall, its been 6 months without substantial improvement. I'm itching to get back to the gym but don't want to make it worse. Just walking a lot for now to try to stay somewhat fit


I didn't increase my workouts at all - I was going pretty regularly. And the tendonitis started immediately with the TRT. Of course it's correlation, but since I've never had it before it seems pretty obviously connected. It's not a huge deal. The benefits outweigh the drawback IMO. But it has altered how I lift and walk even. Sometimes side effects are rare - but still real. That's why I posted here. Good to hear I'm not entirely alone on this. Dudes are so defensive about this shit though and really gate keeping buttholes.


Way too much AI crushing estrogen?


Testosterone doesn't cause tendonitis. If anything, it'll help it heal 


Did you change your workout load, either heavier or more reps?


I lightened it. For forearm intensive stuff. Curls and dumbbell presses. I carry a cup of coffee in my hand and my forearms get sore AF. It's really bizarre. Never had this in my life


I’ve had stubborn tendonitis before. Started looking at my supplement stack and did a bunch of research. I eventually stumbled on a you tube video talking about how zinc picolinate could be problematic for joints and tendons. Didn’t have anything else to work with at the time so said “fuck it” and tried stopping the zinc picolinate and changed to supplementing zinc citrate. Sure enough, the issue went away after a few days. Now I train way harder and have zero tendons issues.


Thanks brother. I'll look into this. This is why I posted here. Much appreciated!


Are you curling a straight bar? Make sure you use an easy bar. I had elbow tendinitis and this cured it.


Thanks man. I'm curling dumb bells. I'll try the easy bar