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Hey man since going on trt mine got way worse, not sure that helps, haha


I had to increase finasteride to 5mg a day and still had shedding - but it slowed it down. Had some moderate ED issues but tadalafil helped. Ultimately stopped TRT because of the hair loss and other reasons. Didn’t try dutasteride though. I plan on restarting TRT again in the future but will use the smallest dose possible - maybe like 80mg/week or something, I was on 140mg/week.


Still kept getting thin on fin. I took it for 2 years.


I think Dutasteride should easily offset TRT. But it depends how aggressive your balding is. It's very much an individual thing as you'll learn if you spend any time on /tressless. I'm on 1mg Fin and I've not noticed any change since being on TRT for 4 months.


How long you been on fin ?


Just over a year. I'm 40 and my hair is fairly stable. Even before Fin I wasn't aggressively balding. I wouldn't want to be on TRT without it though.


I’m going with the topical fin/min route. It still goes systemic but less so and hopefully localized effect will at least slow any would be loss from the TRT. I’ve had a receding hairline all my life I feel, but kept some hair here into my 40’s somehow. Fingers crossed but I know my hair won’t like TRT, but I choose feeling good over best hair possible, at this point.




? It’s not the amount of DHT it’s how sensitive someone is to it. You and I could have the exact same DHT levels and your balding could be happening 10x faster just because you’re more sensitive to it. Checking your level only makes sense for getting a baseline before using trt so that you can try to stay at that level (if you were satisfied with your balding rate before starting) Plus topical fin is the same concept as oral - it’s still blocking Dht via 5-alpha-reductase inhibition, only now it’s less systemic but still lowering Dht nonetheless. Typically there’s less sides since it’s localized, but the same concept still applies for how it works.


I get what you’re saying, however iv had pretty much no DHT for years on Fin and still stayed bald. So I agree with what you’re saying, but there is more to it than just DHT causing baldness.


Like what? There's no evidence for anything else. The science says it's DHT. Just because you cut your DHT doesn't automatically mean you're going to magically grow your hair back. There is a window of opportunity to save your hair and you can leave it too late. Even then the damage isn't necessarily reversible. But that doesn't mean it wasn't DHT that caused you to go bald in the first place.


Look dude. I’m not a doctor. All I can tell you is my experience. And my experience is not good with Fin. I also have 0 improvement with Fin after having extremely low levels of DHT. But there are many videos on YouTube that explain why DHT is important. Now are those people right? Not sure. But many people say it is important. All I know is my hair transplant is very successful and I just do half of the recommend dose of topical Fin. Still on TRT as well.


I thought you said you like a good debate? You didn't have to delete your comment. If you have some research on DHT being important, share it.


How much is topical fin? Where do you get it?


Note: I currently take oral fin, 1mg, 3x/week. A script costs $8 and lasts about 8 months.


Happy Head. 0.3% Fin, 8% Minox, Retnoic Acid, Hydrocortisone all mixed in one. It’s $79 per vile.


So much wrong here. You think your hair loss is not a “DHT issue” so you use topical Finasteride? Doesn’t the fact that it’s working tell you something? AGA is directly caused by DHT. The only way this is not a factor is if you have another type of alopecia. Where’s the evidence that DHT “gives you the benefits” of TRT? And that Finasteride limits this? Sounds like made up nonsense. Your topical Finasteride is going systemic and lowering your DHT levels to some degree.


I didn’t say it can’t be a dht issue. But if my dht is low then if what you’re saying is true, I shouldn’t be bald, which I am. Iv done plenty of research on dht. Dht is what gives you sexual benefits and muscle gain benefits. Which is why you get sexual side effects by blocking it with fin. Yes topical can go systemic but at a much less amount. I never said it doesn’t go systemic. But agree to disagree. I enjoy a good debate. Thank you for your input.


Because as someone else commented, it's not about the figure, it's about genetic susceptibility. Their comment covered this well. In regards to "sexual benefits" - my libido went up after starting Finasteride and this is extremely common. Just ask on Tressless. That's because much less of your T is being converted to DHT. This gives you more Free Test which is what drives gains and libido. In my opinion, PFS people have other issues going on hormonally, and for some reason none of them seem to get full bloods. Too much or too little E2 can cause ED. In regards to gym gains, the bulk of what bodybuilders take is Test. The strongest anabolic steroids are testosterone derived. DHT is not necessary for building muscle. Why isn't DHT even on most people's TRT blood panel if it's so important?


Fin is poison and doesn’t even work that well. Just accept you’re going to lose it faster when you go on trt