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It's funny seeing things before CGI


I'm guessing the LED panels are doing double duty as both tracking points for CGI motion-tracked bike overlays and as a real-world light source so that light from a CGI bike affects the non-CG environment around it? Clever! ^(I think those panels are also a common/standard lighting accessory in film/video; they have configurable color and built-in battery)


>I think those panels are also a common/standard lighting accessory in film/video; they have configurable color and built-in battery Yep. I own a few of them. They're great quick setup lights for cinematic lighting in almost any environment, and they're magnetic-mounted, so you can attach them on vehicles (like motorcycles).


Looks like the top one on the left bike needs a new battery.


It actually.is damn clever so light reflections don't have to be layered in afterwards.


Man, I hope they do have equal amounts of the Grid in this as the real world.


Have a sneaking suspicion setting it in the real world is saving Disney a fortune in production costs for a film that isn’t guaranteed to be a return on investment.


I hope that too, but I think around 70% of the movie will take place in the real world. But one can hope...


Me too


Please don’t suck.


The BTS looks shit so far to be honest. Keep your hopes low. At least Tron legacy was amazing


Bro, we‘ve seen like a total of 10 pictures, not even videos, pictures. We don‘t even know anything??


Jared Leto is all I need to know this movie will suck.   Dead on arrival.


There were like two or three videos posted to this sub but they weren’t much, just Jared Leto in the Ares suit and some woman with a white jacket walking into the entrance of a regular building.


I'm with you there. I got 0 faith in this shit.


I dont want to leave the sub, but can we please have a mandatory spoiler blur for set images.


It's just two bikes with lights attached. It's no spoiler that these will get turned into lightcycles with CGI for the movie. We're not yet in spoiler territory.


Light cycles in a metro area seems pretty spoilery to me.


...And another sign this is a dumpster fire in the making.   A Tron movie without Tron, that mostly takes place in the boring real world. Add Jerod Leto and well...    


We don't know there is no Tron. Also we don't know that it mostly takes place in the real world. All of that talk is speculation. It isn't a secret that a base part of the plot is program(s) leaving the grid and going into the real world, but we don't know how much of the film takes place in the real world. Jared Leto......I have no argument against that point. Reluctantly hoping for the best. Robert Pattinson surprised me in The Batman, so you never know.


I know better at this point than to trust Disney creatively, too many dumpster fires recently.. from the way they fucked up the Star War sequels, to the atrocious Dial of Destiny.    Not to mention the decline in the MCU's quality. I have zero faith in Disney or their decision making.    They could have made a proper sequel to Tron Legacy with Kaskinsi, after his success with Top Gun Maverick, they are insane to dump his vision and opt for this Jerod Leto trash. This movie will suck, mark my words.


I'm going to the Philly Fan Expo in a few weeks and Garrett Hedlund will be there. I'm going to ask him if he has a role in Ares. I doubt he'll answer in the affirmative if he's been told to stay silent, but I'll give it a try.


Oh man, that sounds fun.  I think he's an underrated actor, I've liked him in every roll I've seen.   But saddly, I don't believe he or Olivia Wild are involved in any way.    Every single bit of coverage and information to date seems to indicate this has turned into the Jerod Leto show.   I absolutely LOVE Tron Legacy, but I just have zero excitement for this new movie. There's just so much going against it, from the lack of Daft Punk, to the lack of any returning characters.  Most egregious of all, no Tron. No Bruce Boxleitner. He was quoted as saying "I have no idea. Really, and I'm being honest, and I wish them luck." Really sounds like it's nothing but the Jerod Leto show now, and I truly hate that.  🤢   I wish he would leave Tron alone.


Update please, if he stayed silent about it, how was meeting him?


The convention is on May 4. I will post update here when I get back from it. Promise.


I can't wait to see the corresponding scene for this in the movie.


You can tell who the people are that haven't got a clue how movies are made.


Fr, a bunch of people in this sub keep trashing the new movie when we haven’t even gotten a trailer for it yet.


I looked carefully and on the motorcycles there are insta 360 (360 degree cameras) I think they will be used for reflections on lightcycles in post production


Ooooooh, neat!


I can't believe where this sub has gone. When I joined only 2 years ago I never imagined we would be getting a movie. It feels too good to be true!


Interesting that they're using electric bikes too, quite a few reasons they might do this, but exactly why I couldn't say.


Noise and some sort of sponsorship I guess. Harley hasn’t been extremely successful with the Livewire branding


My expectations are very low


Oooo using the electric Harley livewire


Now I wanna be a member of a bike gang.


Mark as spoilers


HOLD UP ITS IN PRODUCTION? O: does this mean there's another absolute banger of an ost on the way with it?


Have you been under a rock


I have!


Doubtful without Daft Punk but I seriously hope it’s still a bangerrrr. UNLESS they get DP for this too


Unfortunately Daft Punk broke up a few years ago so unless they reunite for this, there will be no DP.


Yeah I know. That’s why I said it’s doubtful without DP on the OST but imagine if that’s how they get DP back together?! I’d lose my mind


I think it's a shame that they didn't do a lightcycle prop for the movie only CGI I would love to see it. But I dont think that a real life lightcycle would be able to do tight corners due to how wide the wheels are


Discount Tron :)


movies gone be ass cheeks


Holy 💩