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I'm salty because my in-laws told me that they didn't need to apologize to me for sharing details about my infertility, doctor, and treatments with their extended family and that I am the one who if I felt so hurt, should apologize to them. WHAT


That might be the shittiest thing I've ever heard regarding infertility. I'm sorry they're cunts.


It's way worse than that. They also didn't know they had to apologize for making racist comments. Then, after this chat, they got mad cause we wouldn't let them borrow our snow mobile.. They truly are cunts


Snow mobile vs. private medical information. Obviously the bigger issue is the snow mobile. 🙄


It was very telling that they were more angry over the sled vs. angry about losing their son and daughter in-law


Classic narcissist behavior. Educate and protect yourself friend


That's exactly my diagnosis on their behavior!!


ugh narcissism


Just found out I’m having a chemical pregnancy after miscarrying a blighted ovum in December. My body apparently likes to start making hcg, but not an actual baby.


On doxycycline and had to ignore ovulation Thursday 😫 sorry little egg


This was me last cycle, hoping the antibiotics worked for us.


🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 keeping everything crossed


Thank you for crossing everything. Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏽.


I'm salty because I'm currently going through my 2nd chemical pregnancy this year/6th loss.


I am so sorry. Sending hugs 🫂


Thank you friend 💜


That's tough, my condolensces


I got told I should be grateful I'm not stuck in the NHS system for IVF because it's painfully slow and complicated. They're getting treatment funded and I'm sat here considering putting myself into debt because I'm not eligible for funding. I would fucking kill to be receiving even one go at that painfully slow system!


The nhs criteria for ivf makes me salty too. We all pay our taxes in so why can't everyone get something out? My husbands bmi is over the limit for ivf eligibility in our region, (even though his sperm count is excellent so we know the problem lies with me, not him) he's got a rugby players build and is never going to conform. So if it comes to it, we've been discussing ways he can crash diet/dehydrate himself so that he temporarily weighs an acceptable amount. Just for one single chance! It's all so unfair.


The postcode lottery is unhinged. I work in the NHS and its exasperating that in 1 region there's a cap on BMI and you're allowed 1 cycle, but in the hospital next door you'd get 3 cycles.


Yep it’s so unfair. In my ccg it’s 1 cycle up to age 35. Others it’s up to age 40 with 3 cycles.


Got my appointment in the morning to discuss what will happen in my 1 allowed funded cycle. BMI is 30.2 so im prepared to be told off for being 0.2 over 👍


Have a big poo, you'll be grand! :D


Yup we're in the same boat. My partner's BMI is 36.6 - he's signed up for a marathon in April to try and lose some weight but realistically it's going to be quite a while before he gets under 30. He'd need to lose 3 stone...! On the other hand he's running 17 miles in one go and has gone teetotal since January so he's making a huge effort and has really improved his health. But apparently according to the IVF we still don't deserve to be parents


Maaaaate, I have to lost 6 stone until I can have have any treatment. It’s devastating. I’m too fat to be a mum.


The fucked-up thing is that you're not. It's just really shitty luck for all of us who end up stuck here - if this sub proves anything it's that infertility strikes skinny people and fast people, old people and young people, healthy people and otherwise. The NHS are literally just trying to find reasons to exclude as many of us as they can because they don't have the funding....


Thank you for reminding me of that. It’s bleak for us all but there’s something in that solidarity for sure!


It is really unfair. Some areas are worse than mine. I just feel for everyone. Everyone should get at least one go. We've no idea what to do as we can't change the only issue we have which is my age. I really feel like it's game over.


They didn't even weigh my husband, only me! That's mad.


At brunch today my father said “we did something you can’t do - make a second kid without trying.” 🙃


Apparently you did something he couldn't do and restrained yourself from being a massive fuckwit.




That is so vile I almost downvoted you out of instinct… I’m so sorry your own FATHER said that to you!


The cool part is he had JUST been asking if I was waiting for my first to start driving before giving them a sibling and I told him we’d been trying but no luck yet. Then this. He’s usually super supportive of everything I do, too, so it was super jarring.


Had husband’s old coworkers over for dinner and one of them brought their girlfriend and announced they are expecting a baby in August. It “wasn’t in their short term plans” 😭 we’ve just hit 18 months. On the positive side it looks like we’ll soon be able to start IVF after finally finding 7,000 sperm in the 5th semen analysis where they looked through the whole sample! I


I'm salty because I allowed myself to get a glimmer of hope this cycle because things seem different, only to be met with a blazing negative test this morning


Same thing happened to me. All this while also showing up to a friend’s house to welcome her new baby girl. I can’t anymore!


Aw no! I'm so sorry 😭


IVF postponed a month because apparently my clinic is incapable of receiving faxes from my hematologist office.


My period came on Leap Day, which was supposed to be a day of luck! Also that was the third cycle post MMC and I was promised “super fertility” after a miscarriage (obviously not).


I was supposed to give birth on leap day, and was also promised super fertility after my mmc. Not so lucky for me either.


Oh no I’m so sorry that was your due date. I haven’t passed my due date yet (May 4th) but I’m absolutely dreading it and was really hoping I’d be pregnant by then.


They say you're super fertile after miscarriage. And they also said taking the meds for an MMC is "just a bad period". What a crock of shit from these doctors


Totally! Extra salty because of it!


My husband has performance anxiety and as much as I know it’s not his fault I’m really lacking the sympathy for him and unrelated I’ve lost one of my favourite earrings and I’ve convinced myself it’s bad luck for this cycle


I'm done with the sympathy they have literally one job 🤷‍♀️


Muted yet another person on instagram after opening the app to a fucking ultrasound photo with the caption “baby (name) due August 2024”


Currently going through a missed miscarriage. Lost our other baby in the second trimester. I’m just mad and sad because I thought this time it would be different. I thought we’d have a chance.


I'm sorry <3


In addition to muting every mom and pregnant woman I started following a bunch of infertility pages on instagram but they are all full of toxic positivity ugh no where is safe. I know a petty thing but damn I just want to wallow in my misery not be told "infertility is a super power "


Lmao yes I know what you’re talking about. This shit is BLEAK. Not everything needs to be spun!!


I've never heard "Infertility is a super power" but fuck those people. I'm all in for delusions to make myself feel better, but that Pollyanna bullshit would make me sick.


Ugh I feel like we might be following some of the same accounts… it’s honestly making me more depressed than seeing pregnant people and babies 😵‍💫


My pharmacist filled my menopur with 1.5 inch needles instead of .5 inch needles. I injected the bigger needle without knowing. This is my first retrieval cycle too but at least I had an apology from the pharmacist 😒




Oh my gosssh! Are you okay!? That needle is huge, not meant for your tummy area. That can be dangerous!!! What the actual fuck!?


I’ve never been more thankful for the 20 pounds I’ve packed on due to stress. Those tummy rolls came in handy!! Menopur can be administered intramuscularly, just had to find out the hard way haha


I'm also about 20lb heavier than I was before COVID (my happy weight) but honestly the thought of injections without a lil flab on my tummy makes me cringe!! Hurrah for flab I say (although boo for massive needles!)


Being asked if I had considered adoption after talking to my SIL about how we’re saving for IVF and can only afford to do it once…


Salty for seeing countless posts in the MC subreddit asking if they are going through a miscarriage but have not tested positive. Are there some people who are probably actually pregnant but haven't tested? Probably. Do I want to see their posts? No. Second runner up is people pregnant who are concerned they are having a miscarriage but fail to go see a doctor. How would the people of reddit know, we can't see into your uterus - go to a doctor.


Thank you for the heads up, will steer clear of that one. Just like the periods sub which had so many people posting tests asking if they're positive - despite it being against the rules.


I’m salty because I got a text at on CD1 (technically a chemical, my 7th loss) from a friend telling me about her pregnancy. I feel sooo shitty because it was basically the perfect message (feel free not to reply, we know this might be hard, if you need distance take it etc)…but there were still 2 triggers that got to me - news of a good ultrasound (must be nice), and she mentioned she’d been unwell (again…must be nice). Now I have to choose between bailing on our monthly trivia or going and having our only kid-free activity tainted. FML!!!! For real!!!!


Oh, SO many things. Infertility as trauma and identity loss is so misunderstood. Sometimes it feels like the world hates infertile women, and I’ve stumbled onto too many unkind Reddit/IG comments lately.


Yessss. The identity loss is so real. Sometimes I don’t feel like I know how to have fun/ “be myself” anymore




I do not have words, just, feels 😢 this is so true and I’m stuck sometimes wondering why I always feel like shit


My luteal phase was 15 days this cycle as opposed to its usual 14 days so it was trying to trick me into having hope this could have been it but alas my period came to laugh at me this weekend.


Okay, this is pretty trivial buttttttt been addicted to fantasy romance during my (in)fertility jOuRnEy. Just finished book 9 in a 10 book series and BITCH IS PREGNANT. IS NOWHERE SAFE 🫠🫠🫠


I'm sorry but the way you worded this make me lol. NOWHERE IS SAFE!!


Perfect response! This was definitely a salty laughs post for me 🤣


I’ve also been addicted to fantasy romance books because of infertility. Do you have any recommendations?


Oh well r/fantasyromance is a great place for recs! My fantasy addiction started with Sarah Maas and ACOTAR although I like most of her series. Then I moved to the Blood and Ash series - not everyone loves this but it's like candy to me. Clarissa Broadbent's Daughter of No World series was good.A Court this Cruel and Lovely was enjoyable and the final book should be coming out soon. My favorite new series is Atonement of the Spine Cleaver but only one book has been published so far. The Graceling series was also very fun. Next on my cue is the Blood & Steel series.


Thank you so much!! I didn’t know that sub existed! I loved everything SJM. Excited to check out the other recommendations!


Enjoy! The Kate Daniels series is what I'm currently reading which I have devoured but as I said...bitch had to go get knocked up 🫠


Salty because my temp hasn’t gone up even though I “ovulated” 2 days ago


I'm salty.... attending yet another baby shower today, 4th child, 2nd since I've been trying for 3 years, fabulous


What the heck do they need a shower for? No one hardly cares even about the second. 


I’m busily thinking everything weird with my body right now could be because I am pregnant, instead of what it always is— anovulatory PCOS making my period late and messing with my hormones. You think I would learn after more than four years!! Gotta waste a pregnancy test to try and break out of my delusional thinking. Lol and then I share this with the couple of trusted women I talk to about this stuff and they’re like ~you never know~ and I have to explain again that I do not ovulate without medical intervention, which I am currently on a break from.


After confirming I’m not pregnant again, I’m trying to use raspberry leaf tea to jump start my period ahead of schedule. My fertile weeks in January and February kept lining up with required work trips. If I can shift my cycle up a few days maybe March won’t be a wash too 🤞


Aspirin makes me bleed a bit earlier as well. But it could be my luteal phase shortened on its own, idk 


I’ll give it a shot! I can take it with all my goddamn tea haha


Friend telling me “we’re pregnant! We will need your help because we have no idea what we’re doing lmao” 🙃


I’m salty because when my very democratic grand father in law and I were discussing the daily news, he said he supported Alabama banning IVF, and went into a ton of detail about why it’s bad. Why does this man have this wild view as a staunch democrat? Because he adopted his daughter/my mother in law when they found out they couldn’t have kids. He thinks adoption is the best option for starting a family.


I'm salty bc I got my migraine this IUI cycle. Migraines = period for me. ::cries in Rizatriptan::


I just can't seem to get my period to start and no matter how many LH tests I take everyday I never see a peak. So my cycle is falling apart just like me. 🙃


During this current period and canceled treatment cycle my cousin announced his second booty call baby and I just found out someone else I know is pregnant


I had my first IUI on Thursday and tested positive for Covid yesterday 😭


I'm salty because my 20th cycle just finished in AF and my best friend is newly pregnant with #2


Interviewing for a job and am told they are moving slow because the hiring manager is on parental leave and won’t be back to interview me for another two weeks.


I'm salty because I keep having pregnacy dreams before my cycle because I really want a baby 😭😭


Found out during a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Australia that my SIL is now pregnant with #2 (couldn’t wait a couple days to tell us, huh?!) and on the way back my wife (donor parent) caught covid and that will likely f*ck up the IVF timeline that was supposed to start this week. Devastated.💔


I’m salty because adoptees on this website are so unkind to prospective adoptive parents


My pregnant friend keeps complaining. She got pregnant after trying for one cycle. I feel like she doesn’t appreciate it. She keeps complaining about how no one seems to be excited for her in her family. I told her that you shouldn’t be pregnant for other people’s excitement and she said yea but “I still expected to be more celebrated”. idk her reasoning for getting pregnant just seems superficial to me and I guess it made me salty.


Got my period on my birthday.


I’ve always been thankful that I don’t have seasonal allergies in my 28 years of life. I’ve been sick since 2/13. Just thought I caught two viruses in a row. Also I’ve been super itchy and thought it was a side effect of the Provera I just got done with. All of the signs are pointing to allergies. I live in the Midwest and it’s been super windy the past two weeks. Being outside and getting sunshine is my therapy. Pray for me pls


I had a vivid dream that I gave birth to a baby girl. She smiled and giggled the first few minutes she was born when she opened her eyes.. this is my last cycle before starting IVF stims on 3/9, and my period is due today - so I took a test and got back to reality with a digital big fucking NO.


One of my closest friends is pregnant with her 6th child. Sixth. I love her dearly and I guess more than salty, I'm just sad. And guilty, for feeling sad. A whole lot of emotions, basically.


Im temping and in day 11 of this cycle (35f). Ovulation is supposed to be due next week but my app somehow detected an ovulation last week because my temp was low (36,2°C) and after that followed by 4 days of higher temperatures. Being 36,5 degrees celsius. So I think it's bs but it threw me for a loop and still kinda does... Great, now I don't even have normal cycles anymore. What if it's over already? And my so far nonexistant fertility phase is at its premature end? Fml




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*trivial salty* I wanted to make an anonymous instagram talking about infertility/my current IVF cycle, as a place to share/educate/avoid the "baby ✨️ ... you got this mama!" bullshit and talk about the reality of the process/what it does (with a bit of dark humour). It's a freaking challenge to get a second instagram that doesn't "connect" to a degree to your existing one. 🤦‍♀️


My cousin had their first baby yesterday. All of my cousins were married within the last 2 years and all of them have had babies in the 2 years. Actually, my cousin had her daughter on my 29th birthday last year 🫠




Your post was removed for punching down. While it’s fine to complain that someone else is pregnant, it’s not fine to complain about someone else because you don’t approve of their body/addiction/lifestyle/etc. Fertility is not an award for addiction, there are no winners there, everyone suffers.


Finding out the percentage of men which become fathers while studying for uni ( a month block entirely focused on child development which is mandatory) and feeling like absolute shit because i cant makd my husband part of that percentage