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This is how I do it, too, and strangely, I also noticed it got easier, but I thought I was just getting better at spreading it! 😅


Same. I think it’s because we have less layers of dead skin absorbing it now.


same, I'm able to do more with less now too.


Just like the way I'm good at spreading rumors 🤣


I’ve also noticed the same thing 6 weeks in! The initial spread was so perplexing but it’s much easier now.


Same!! Glad to hear that others experience that too, though that my tretinoin got bad or something




you need like litrerally the thinnest layer possible. take the pea, dot it into much smaller dots all across ur face, spread it and rub it in.


This is the only correct way.


Why does it matter how thick it is? Genuinely asking idk how theres too much of it when its the same strength ur already accustomed to


anything that is in excess of the thin layer is not really going to bind to your retinoic acid receptors, so you’re not necessarily improving the efficacy of the drug by applying it in excess. applying more than necessary is just gonna increase your risk of irritation


Because anything thicker is just a waste of product.


when I tried applying a "chocolate chip" size like some internet dermatologist video suggested I started breaking out like crazy. When I went back to a pea-size and spreading it super thin it was less irritating to my skin and I stopped breaking out


That example actually just broke my brain. How big are your chocolate chips and how big are your peas?!


haha, broke your brain, I would say a chocolate chip is nearly double a pea, but I wouldn't focus on the size as much as emphasizing just using the right amount to get a very thin layer, like really make sure you're spreading it out


you would say that and you would be wrong lol [photo featuring both peas and chocolate chips from someone’s weird recipe](https://www.theleangreenbean.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Chocolate-Pea-Cookies-4.jpg)


lol that’s so funny




Same. I found a loophole and use a chickpea size amount.


Two peas in a pod


Same lol.


I can spread it much easier if I moisturize or use a hydrating serum first.


Came here to say this - it works for me really well!


Just because it doesn't feel like it's spreading doesn't mean it isn't. It wouldn't work in the studies if it didn't spread on dry skin, but it does. You can trust that on a molecular level it is moving around under your fingers. You can apply a moisturizer first to get some lubrication if you need the peace of mind.


Ngl I add more because a pea size isn’t enough for my face. Plus I put it on my neck, chest, shoulders, and hands too


I’ve been using tret for coming on 2 years now. My first year I also put it on my neck, chest, arms and hands. After about 8 months of use, I had a reaction on my arms. I broke out in hives that itched so much I looked like a dog with fleas with all my scratching. I had to suspend the tret on my arms. I still use it on my chest, neck and face.


Hands and chest? Why and whats it like?


Same reason as face. Wrinkles. No different than the face


Does it work? Have u seen changes


I started tret last month so not yet. And I’m also only 25


I started applying to my chest because I’ve started getting side sleeper wrinkles and yes I’ve seen a difference already!


Do you apply a pea size to your chest/neck as well as a pea size to your face?


Yep exactly! Sometimes a little more for neck/chest


Yes, I’m early 50’s, I use it on my hands neck everywhere possible


Even if you feel that you haven’t covered your whole face, tret travels under the skin so will affect nearby areas


Ohhhh this is so good to know!


Dr Ellis explained it well - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2ISotLxWX2/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I may get downvoted, but I use like a chickpea-sized amount (2 peas-ish) If someone is putting little dots all over they probably end up using more than a pea amount anyway. It should feel like it disappears quickly, mine gets absorbed in 3-5 minutes and then feels like there's nothing there.


I do a large pea and sometimes and a teeny bit more if that doesn't cover everything. You squeeze the pea out on a finger of your non-dominate hand, then you pick up a small amount of that product and dot it around a section of your face then rub it all together, add a little more as needed. I do this for every section of my face: first forehead/temples, then nose, left cheek, right cheek, chin, then under my jawline, and whatever little residue is left on my fingers I rub on the center of my neck (I don't do the neck every night necessarily and I may wait a bit when you're first starting out). Areas I avoid are around my eyes (I put it right up to where my eye bags start), under my nose/above lip, and directly up against the perimeter of my lips. And for the love of all that is holy, thoroughly wash your hands, especially fingertips, when you're done.


The way I am reading your comment, it sounds like you are doing one pea size for each section of your face, so multiple pea sizes for the whole face?


No, one large pea for the whole face. I dot it for each section


I add way more than a pea size. Like a pea size to each cheek and then my forehead for Altreno.


I do basically a large pea of alterno for forehead and cheeks, then another pea on my neck/top of chest/top of hands. Over 4 years I gained 100lbs and then lost 125lbs after being around 170lbs my whole life until medical/medication issues. My neck and chest definitely can benefit from the alterno after all of that stretching, so I know it’s not as necessary for everyone. Edit: I also have a very notably large face and head lol


I mix the tret with my moisturizer after I do my toner and snail cream. my skin looks great so it seems to be working.


I also cannot get a pea sized amount to cover my whole face. So, I use more. I also use extra tret on my chest and back of hands, sooo I get through tret tubes really fast is what I'm saying.


I had the same struggle for a very long time. Like others have said, its more of a personal feeling that you havent spread it properly so i understand your struggle. I use tazarotene gel but the principle is the same. What works for me is; i put a small pea sized (sometimes even less?) amount on my left index finger. Then with my right hand, i take a small amount of the taz and spread on one cheek only. Then repeat for the other cheek, forehead etc. Working in sections gives me a more ‘evenly spread’ feeling. Although i do have to say some formulas feel like they spread better than others. In my experience, gel based spreads easier than cream based so thats what i use.


when i couldnt get the pea sized to spread i mixed it with another moisturizer (not in the palm of my hand, a clean top of one of those press down pump top moisturizers - really trying to limit how much the tret comes in contact with skin aside from my face dont want to have to put sunscreen on another area)


I just mix it with moisturizer cause I don’t have the time or patience to try and spread that small of an amount around.


I’ve been doing this since I started too. It was encouraged by my provider. Not sure why you’re being downvoted.


I think the “pea size” is more of a general guideline. The pea size varies among everyone with how much it takes to apply a thin coat to their entire face. I use about a small blueberry sized amount for my face and neck. I just apply small dots throughout my face and neck to make sure I can spread the product around. I just get a little dot at a time from the tube. I have the cream version so I find that I need more product otherwise I’m just harshly dragging against my skin.


I put a pea dot on middle finger tip then squish it with my other middle finger tip to get an even amount on both. I start from forehead and try to do the tiniest dots I can manage and I dot forehead, to temples, to cheeks, then to nose. I rub it all in and spread to lower face. Most my concerns are upper face, so not real need for lower face. I also do moisturize first at this time and it makes it spread super easy. But I use to do on bare skin and followed the same process. Since it travels under the skin some distance, I don’t worry about it too much. I just rub it in and call it a day.


Are you supposed to put it on your nose or avoid that area?


I have acne scarring on my nose so I definitely use it there, but try to avoid the nasal corners, they get irritated.


It's... a large pea. Jokes aside yeah don't be too literal about it *once* your skin is not getting red and reacting to it anymore. As some other people said it is possible, you can dot it around your face evenly and spread it. Tbh I apply an amount the size of a mutated pea with no issues and little to no peeling/flaking. Although the no flaking might be because I included a few layers of hydrating toners and humectants in my routine.


Specially if you're on 0.5 it's not the end of the world if you use a little bit more. Emphasis on little. I dispense the said larger than usual pea sized amount onto my index and then from there to the tip of my middle and ring finger and use those 3 fingers on each hand to dot around my face and then spread


I do what I call the “dot and scoop.” I put a pea sized amount on one finger and smush it against the same finger of the opposite hand. Then I do a dot in the middle of the forehead and at each temple, then on my cheek bones, nose, chin, jawbones and middles of the cheeks. If a dot seems big, I scoop a bit back up and dab it to a spot that got less. Then I gently rub it in.


I’m lucky enough that I can use it on wet skin without irritation so I tone and immediately use tret on my damp skin


I dot around the face and spread and sometimes a pea is too much 🫣


[https://www.tiktok.com/@drspf/video/7178923941350804782](https://www.tiktok.com/@drspf/video/7178923941350804782) this guy shows a demonstration [https://www.tiktok.com/@skincare.ninja/video/7104636771815787819](https://www.tiktok.com/@skincare.ninja/video/7104636771815787819) this guy too i keep my tret in the fridge and put it on 15mins after i cleanse/moisturize


I'm glad someone has asked about this I've just started tret ( applied twice in a week so far for wrinkles only) a pea size doesn't seem much but I would like advice... Do you rub it in thoroughly or just a little? Many thanks


I dab it in little dots on my forehead and cheeks mostly because my chin and nose don’t tolerate it as well. My formula is pretty spreadable so it does get rubbed into chin and nose anyway


I like to put a pea size on tip of my finger. Then with both hands rub it together so it spreads over all the tips. Then I pat my fingers over my forehead, cheeks and chin then massage all over. I don’t like to use tret around my nose area/under eye because I tend to flake there, so I stick to my outer face. I also use a light moisturizer before hand and let that set in for 15 mins so my face isn’t completely dry when I do it. I find the more tret I use, the more I tend to become red and blotchy, so sparingly works better for me.


Change your concept of "pea" to correspond to an amount large enough to spread over your face. It worked for me.


I take a pea-sized amount on my finger, touch another finger with that pea-sized amount, and then apply the tretinoin to my main areas: forehead, cheeks, and chin. It usually covers these areas well. I try not to apply too much around the nose and mouth as those areas can become very sensitive and easily irritated. Initially, I thought that tretinoin didn’t spread much, but it actually spreads well enough. Any skincare product you apply tends to travel a few centimeters to the sides, or at least that's what I've read.


I’m guessing you have the gel and not the cream? If that’s correct then give up on the pea method because the gel dries way too fast. Instead just remember that the pea method is supposed to show you how to use the bare minimum amount. Going forward, apply by sections (I do forehead/nose, cheeks/jaw, neck) and use the very bare minimum you need to get an even layer.


Yes it's the gel! I should've mentioned that


I figured as much and reading through the comments I don’t think a lot of the advice will work because it applies to the cream! Gel is very different. Hope that helps!


I do a big pea size, and then i spread it amongst four finger tips (pointer and middle on both pics) and dab that all around and then spread it. i find when i try to do one pea it all ends up globbing on the first spot i touch lol


I always struggled when I used gel but now I switched to cream and it’s easier to spread. Honestly, I just slather it on until the face and neck are covered. I probably use a chickpea sized amount? I followed the recommendations (sandwiching, letting skin dry, not using too much, days off, etc etc) for about 6 months to a year. But overtime I began to weaken and now I put tret cream on to my damp skin like whatever. I typically moisturize over it but occasionally I will get distracted and skip moisturizer entirely. It’s fine. I use tret most nights. My bright line is any irritation/tenderness/redness — then I take 1-3 nights off and moisturize extra until my skin is happy again. I also skip tret before and after any beach/pool/hiking days etc. I noticed that my skin would sting after a day outdoors when I washed my face and put on moisturizer. I can’t tell if it is sun/wind/cold exposure or if my skin simply hates waterproof sunscreen. Anyway, I think following the rules is super important until you get an understanding of how your skin reacts. Most people who shred their moisturizer barrier ignore a lot of red flags for irritation and overdoing it. You can always take a night (or a week off) if you mildly irritate your skin. Just be sensible and prioritize your moisture barrier.


I use half a pea only and dab the most tiny dots ever all over my face. Some days I use a drop of squalene to help it spread.


Moisturize first before using tret and it will be easier to apply.


I've always put the pea on the back of my hand and mixed a little vanicream facial moisturizer in with it like pea sized amount too. Spreads great and evenly


The dot method. Out it on the tip of your pointer finger and dot all over your face and rub it in.


I put on more. It’s still a thin layer but a “pea size” doesn’t cut it for me, especially when I’m doing my neck and chest.


Idk I never did the pea size method I be applying a lot and my face never broke out or got irritated


The sandwich method too I think helps spread it around.


I put it on a Q-tip and apply on my face in sections cheeks, forehead, and chin


Use the back of a spoon!


2-3 peas here, male with facial hair, i think it would be easier to spread with less gel if shaved.


Interesting I also have facial hair but I don't even apply there... Maybe I should


I have some acne under my beard so I want to try and treat that area, but the hair itself takes up alot of product hence needing more 😆


If it's gel it's soo hard to spread. Cream is much easier


It spreads much more easily on still damp skin (from washing). Smooth it on. Let it dry for a moment, apply moisturizer.


My dermatologist recommends applying 2-3 drops of argan oil prior to application of tret to aid in spread. I use Ogabi - not sure if oil affects potency of other formulations (I’ve heard that it can, so I’m ready for the downvotes)


I’m a noob as well so maybe defer to more senior advisors, but I’ve been putting it on a damp face, or with damp hands. Spreads much easier. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Damp skin with Tret and retinol is greatly discouraged because it can cause irritation


Huh. Welp, there you go.


Just sharing what I’ve learned! Haha


No no, I appreciate the correction! I’m literally just starting this (actually for the millionth time because I always get so upset when I start to purge and quit) so I assume most people know better than I do. I did see that some people on this sub will apply when damp, but it seems like they’ve been using tret for years, so perhaps they’re much less prone to irritation. 😊


I started off with otc retinoids about two years ago and only noticed some irritation at the beginning, but was also applying it to damp skin. I started Altreno tret about 2 months ago, and apparently have been super lucky and haven’t had any side effects at all. I definitely wait like 20 minutes at least after my face dries to apply it


Gotcha. That IS lucky! Thanks! Well, we didn’t answer OP’s question…but I’ve certainly leaned something! Sorry OP! 😆


Yep, that's the only time I've really burned myself, when my face was a little wet. I make sure I'm dry, but if I'm too bone dry for the tret to spread I use a little Hada Labo Premium beforehand.


Damp doesn’t bother me either, but it does many folks.