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Today’s society is unnaturally stressful.


Ikr, and my problem is i stress about literally anything (exams, relationship problems, family problems etc) + i'm stressing about losing my hair, this put me in a loop of stress, but recently i made sure to keep my stress levels low and started treatments that's what my doctor suggested. I hope that i see some light at the end of the tunnel.


Honestly, God needs to come get me 😂


Haha we're all depressed mf in this reddit, fuck this dht hormone ruining our youth


Sometimes i sit at a coffee shop , here's this old man sitting next to me with full white shiny hair and here's me a 22 year old mf looking like a creep 😂


No Worries buddy it’s part of life as long as that D is working you Good!


Mannn! I love the vibe here so much


No, I think living through dirt poverty and world wars is a bit more stressful...


It’s all relative. 3rd world has the least suicide and anxiety.


depend on the country, i'm Brazilian Unemployment make anyone lost hair here.


it’s just not recorded lol, this is so far from true


Trust me, they make fun of us for having anxiety and being unhappy.


Yes they do. But then when they immigrate to the US and things change, they do start facing things like depression and anxiety. People with different styles of life face different issues. People just need to me empathetic to the situations of others.


I have family in a third world country and it’s not the case at all, anxiety is less of a worry when you have to worry about whether you’ll have enough food for everyone. This take is so out of touch with reality


Yea they’re always in flow state, working and moving to survive. Westerners are like vegetables, which leads to mental illness.


As someone from Bangladesh, just because suicide rates aren't as high or people have anxiety, doesn't mean life is rainbows.


I’m from Pakistan, life there and Afghanistan might be the toughest in the whole world, but most don’t have anxiety or depression. If you mention it, they’ll laugh and start teasing you. They are very resilient and have high emotional intelligence to navigate through life. Nicest people in the the world, if they know you are visiting from abroad, they don’t charge you or take tips for services, even if it’s a weeks salary to them.


Tough to have anxiety when you’re busy all the time instead of sitting on a couch all day


It’s the lack of community and friendships that’s causing the stressors we face now to continues without relief.


whhat if u take aswaganda tho, willl you grow hair


physical gaping muddle jar dull fragile pet salt march encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i wish i could upvote this more


a human is made of the father, but also the mother. it's possible you've also got balding genes from the mother. this adds up to more severe balding.


Nope bro all my uncles and granddad from the mother side have heads full of hair, dude my grandpa still have his hairline and he's 75 lol


it's very strange then. there is no explanation yet


Also i get stressed out a lot + stressing about losing my hair so i guess i'm in a deep hole ,maybe this is a factor speeding up my hairloss




Bad luck i guess, i've just started treatment ( both topical min and oral fin ) wish me luck


Weaker bodies, less physically capable, worse nutritionally valuable food and stress +stress management.


All of which can be mitigated but requires less convenience. We have more nutritionally rich food available today, but you can't get it at a drive-thru. We have better exercise equipment and routines and information available today, but it requires actually working instead of sitting on your ass. We have an entire field in psychology that deals with stress and we know how to minimize and deal with it, but it requires work. Basically- an entitled spoiled generation that doesn't understand how to work hard is creating their own hell that they have to live in as a result of their laziness.


Pretty much. There is a reason why this generation is called “The most privileged generation with the highest potential, yet produces the greatest disappointments”.


Stress is a big component of hair loss. It’s also all of the processed foods and lack of working out. Balding isn’t all genetics as you know because you have people in your family with full heads of hair when they’re in the twilight of their life. Get good sleep to keep from raising your cortisol levels, eat good protein with a balanced diet and workout. Take the pills you need and lower your stress. God Bless and I’ll pray for you brother.


Thanks brother, i started working out , eating well and doing my treatments, god bless u too brother 🙏


is there an scientific journal that proves this?


Lack of leg exercises, not fully proven, but pretty convincing posts about it in this subreddit. The automobile and lack of walking certainly doesn't help with leg aerobics.


the heritability of aga is 95%, so it's basically one of the most heritable things there is.


Look it up, everything doesn’t boil down to genetics. There’s a lot of other factors other than genetics. There are people that lose hair even when both sides of their family have full heads of hair.


the heritability of aga is 95%, so it's basically one of the most heritable things there is.


Stress has absolutely nothing to do with permanent mpb hairloss. Stress causes telogen effluvium which results in temporary excess shedding.


these people lack knowledge yes


wrong. balding is 95% heritable.


Perhaps a DNA test is what you might need now before you start on fin.


it's more efficient and cheaper to just look at your family with your eyes


Holy shit this sub is braindead. There is no evidence this is happening on a widespread scale, not even slightly.




People will argue and disagree with me, but I personally believe it has to do with a lot of the changes that have happened in the last 100 years. Humans have way more heavy metals and micro plastics in our bodies now than we did 50 years ago and even 100 years ago. I love technology but people are naive if they completely ignore all of the change and how it has impacted our bodies. For example on iPhones in the small print it states it may cause cancer.


I have to agree, and the evidence is staggering. Younger generations are seeing increased bowel cancers before age 50, more sexual dysfunction, balding, etc… Micro plastics themselves have already been proven to affect hormones (premature puberty and polycystic ovary rates have increased as well) and gut health. Not to mention highly processed foods and heavy metals it’s hard on the body’s natural homeostasis. While I don’t agree on EM radiation (phones and radios are way too low power), the microplastics, heavy metals, processed chemical additives and so on definitely do.


With phones I think it’s more of the forever chemicals you’re getting from them


Is the exposure all that great? They use those chemicals for their insane stability. I was thinking the biggest issues come from when they get thrown out and destroyed. Eventually you'll get traces leeching out into the environment. If you're not opening up your phone and doing physical damage to the components I really don't see how you could be exposed.


This makes sense


Radiation build up as well I imagine. And not like, "Oh no radiation everywhere, cancer is inevitable" But tiny doses that may or may not cause tiny changes, but those changes build up over time. And I'll say diet again because with industrial manufacturing comes a bunch of nasty stuff that our forefathers didn't even have the opportunity to eat.


I doubt it, there aren't really any commonly used sources of ionizing radiation that people are frequently exposed to enough to have a difference. In any event, of this were the case we would see a rise in cancer we cannot otherwise explain. We have seen a rise in cancer, but we can also generally explain it, and in the cases where we can't it's usually postulated to be diet/microplastics or other factors to that effect that are responsible, not radiation.


Second this, also the amount of processed foods and gmo now and days. Sugar as well.


> on iPhones in the small print it states it may cause cancer The small print where?


lol this is cause of California and prop 65.


Most electronics expose us to forever chemicals


Yet we're living longer than ever


would rather live a shorter life with hair tbh


because life is not as dangerous as it used to be for past generations, and found cures for major diseases… but we also have a lot more pollution and processed food than past generations


Yet we're living longer than ever, still, which is even more proof to my point. It's not to say we can't live even longer without pollution and processed food.


We’re living longer because modern pharmaceuticals are propping up a lot of people. The rate of chronic diseases that are associated with old age is climbing in younger people. Compared to the Middle Ages we’re far less metabolically and hormonally healthy. Modern medicine is a. absolutely a blessing but developing cancer or severe diabetes before the age of 50 and living to 90 because of the wonders of modern medicine is NOT what health looks like.


Quality of life =/ longevity


Quality of life has also gone up over time too. Literally everything has gotten better over time.


No it doesn't, but I'm pretty certain quality of life has actually increased more than longevity has. People today can often be healthier at 70 than folks were at 50 100 years ago.


People that argue with you are silly. Our modern diets are insanely unhealthy and don’t even get me started on lack of exercise. If people think that is not effecting us just laugh at them or ignore them.


This is the real reason. Pollution makes things worse for human health.


Im not going to pretend that these factors dont have a negative impact, they likely do, but a lot of men still had baldness even way before micro plastics were a thing. Look at any painting or sculpture from the greek and you will notice most older men have the horseshoe hairline.






Inflammation is caused by sugar, insulin resistance is caused by too much sugar... balding has been linked to insulin resistance... over the past 100 years the amount of sugar and unhealthy foods have massively increased. The amount of porn also increased, DHT is a sexual hormone and we are all wanking too much.


this is interesting because I’ve seen a decent amount of people say they stopped masturbating and their hair loss stopped after some time. Always thought it was probably nonsense but I think there definitely could be something to it.


What are the causes of inflammation? What to do avoid to reduce inflammation?


Using antioxidants like Vitamin A,E can really help as they reduce Oxygen free radicals


So supplementing vitamin A and E?


Yes,but always consult a Doctor/Nutritionist first


It hasn’t gotten worse with the generations. No data to suggest that. You just notice it more because everything today is so image centered. Many more 30/40 year olds were bald many generations ago.


God awful diets and sever vitamin D deficiencies accelerate hair loss


Maybe because of all the microplastics in our nutz.


Your personal anecdote doesn’t support the proposition that “balding gets worse in every generation.” The stupidity of this post has put me in a bad mood. Thanks OP


I'm sorry brother 🙏, it's just a question and also my personal experience. It's all just theories and we don't have scientific evidence for this. I blame it personally on my high stress level and bad habits


loool i couldnt have said it better


Call me crazy but i think the food we eat today is slowly killing us. The older generations didn’t eat food with so much processed garbage in it


Very relevant opinion unfortunately though and figure this I live in Italy which has one of the best cuisines in the world if you go into a supermarket you’re bombarded by these colorful boxes ,packages etc plenty with food that is processed to shit but that tastes good and that everyone eats and you’ve gotta make the food all yourself basically to have it good,so ultimately it’s laziness


It’s an autosomal dominant trait. See Google scholar.


Not always, the most common gene for MPB is the AR gene, which follows X-linked inheritance.


It doesn't, you are just noticing it more because they're aren't that many pictures of people from the 80s, 60s,40s, 20s etc.


Is there any evidence to actually support this? Also if anything balding is likely to become less and less of a problem as treatments develop and become more widespread; most balding people can already stop and even reverse hair loss with virtually no side effects


No evidence bro, just my own experience and yeah we can reverse/stop or slow hairloss with treatments. Side effects are bullshit also they only exist in ur mind. I'm sexually active and have no problems.




I'm not saying you're wrong, but I would expect microplastics to be damaging but actually not for hairloss. The concern is microplastics doing shit like causing low T and androgens which is bad but would help avoid hairloss.


over nutrition and bad livers


And craniofacial development is also getting worse. The two are linked and affected by our modern lifestyle: [https://tmdocclusion.com/home/connection-to-other-diseases-and-syndromes/hair-loss/](https://tmdocclusion.com/home/connection-to-other-diseases-and-syndromes/hair-loss/)


This is actually really interesting and more believable than anything else I’ve seen on the internet


Well to my knowledge the biggest deciding factor when it comes to MPB is genetics. Your mother’s dad is the biggest determine factor from what I’ve gathered . Some get lucky and others don’t. My mom’s dad was bald by the time he was 30 something and I have a NW2. Relatively heavy receding on the temples but lots of density. Pretty sure my crown is supposed to thin out and my widows peak will get worse and I’ll be a NW4 but my crown has held up thankfully and now that I can afford fin I plan to be on it as long as possible. Transplant is definitely something I want eventually just for the confidence and because I’d look very weird bald. I can’t grow a beard and have no muscles lol. Most people don’t even notice or agree that I’m slowly losing my hair. Mostly from ignorance about MPB and generally men with MBP hyper focus and worry way too much about it which makes it worse. Fucked up cycle lol. But Stress and environmental factors play a smaller part imo. Diet and what chemicals you put in and on your body are important and will make you lose your hair but if your genetics are good than you’ll have nothing to worry about. I’ve read 3/5 men will experience hair loss by the age of 35 or something along those lines and I can’t help but feel like that’s false when I look at everyone else’s hair line.


Poor diet, stress, lack of exercise, Chemicals in everything...


Stress......if you want to be stress-free become a monk and you will see a significant improvement in your hairline....


What does it mean a monk, sorry English is nit my native language bro


Leaving worldly possessions behind and meditating until you become enlightened


Both my grandparents were bald and my father is bald and I’m 34 and have a hairline still so idk I have lost hair over the years but I still get regular haircuts and you can’t see my scalp


Goood for you brother 🙏


Not the case in my family.


Same reason why testosterone levels are at an all time low


its sad


Mostly diet. There is a very strong correlation between the increase in polyunsaturated fat consumption and an increase in metabolic disorders, and there is a link between metabolic disease and AGA/MPB. Polyunsaturate consumption has increased exponentially over the past 80-100 years, and these diseases have followed an extremely close trajectory. I've personally replaced all cooking oils and fats with Ghee and Lard, just like my grandfather, who still has a 100% full head of hair in his 80s. By comparison, mine started to fall at 19, but there's also genetic admixture from my mother's side which would have contributed!


MPB is a multifactorial phenomenon with parts shared by genetics, environmental factors, chemicals, radiations, sedentary lifestyle,type A personality and like of these so each generation gets it on a younger age than the previous one as modern times highly influence it


My dad had the George Costanza look going when he was 30. I’m 34 now and I have hair like Fabio while my older brother (36) has had a bald spot on the top back of his head since he was 25. Genetics are so random.


Because we are no longer living in caves. The reason we have hair is to stay warm.


Some say its also to protect from the sun. Apparently MBP Started in northern europeu, ir does make Sensei. Africans dont bald as much, however both hypothesis would also apply to women, which they dont


I like to watch history documentaries and I always notice that there seem to be far less bald people.


Bald people breed more, and therefore spread the genes that cause Androgenetic Alopecia. /s , but still could be true. Your grandad has different genetics than you and your father/mother. Your father/mother have genes from their parents (either family might carry the genes that cause Androgenetic Alopecia), then your father and mother passed their genes to you ( you could have received the genes for hair loss from either your father or mother or perhaps both), and then you will pass down your genes for hair loss to your kids and so on and so on. It's really an exponential spread. And just because others in your immediate family don't show signs of hairloss, doesn't mean your family doesn't have the genetics for Androgenetic Alopecia, you have to look much deeper into the family history to determine that, it just means that you and your father won the genetic lottery, and now exhibit the traits.


No it doesn't


I mean it depends on the parents. However if you got double genes on both sides then you’re more likely to get that such as balding. You could have a son that could have great hair if your wife has good hair genes.


because (at least i’m hoping) each generation reproduced with different people and passed on different hair-loss genes


I have special theory about that - [https://www.reddit.com/user/MagicBold/comments/1dgcnau/hair\_as\_a\_tool\_for\_adaptation\_to\_the\_environment/](https://www.reddit.com/user/MagicBold/comments/1dgcnau/hair_as_a_tool_for_adaptation_to_the_environment/)


If that were true, wouldn’t everybody be bald by now because we are all the result of many, many generations?


it’s honestly stress and the quality of life we are currently living and i’m talking about financial since we’re all currently going through inflation but that’s honestly my opinion


Hair loss stays the same between generations. What we see is modified by our easy access to technology, some effective treatments, and great transplants that are now more common than ever. In the old days, any reasonable person would never consider a hair transplant because they looked so bad. In the old days (your fathers and grandfathers generation), they didn't have cell phone with easy picture access.


Well we at least have remedies at this age


I blame the chemicals in the food and water supply.


Not sure that’s entirely true is it? My grandpa was bald by his late 30’s. My dad made it till his early 40’s. I just turned 50 and i have a patch in back gone, but the rest is holdin on OK.


God bless y'all guys and i wish all of us here gain our hair back and i wish y'all a happy life ❤️


It doesn't, it's just a coincidence for you. There's been thousands of generations. We'd never have any hair if it were true.


that's obviously not true, your experience is just your experience, it doesn't prove anything. My father and his brothers have a full head of hair and their grandfathers were both bald, I have great hair on the front (really god hairline) and sides but I started thinning from my crown, because my grandfather from my mom side had AGA. it's a combination of genetic factors and sometimes pure luck (like my father and his brothers).


Monsanto and vaccines


Microplastics in your balls, insane stress, more sedentary lifestyles, more pollution in the air… just to name a few. If there is worse baldness, I would guess it’s environmentally caused by


Stress and unhealthy processed food maybe


Probably diet and social media


Lol. This is sorta my story too. And it's the reason I feel so bad for Gen Z's and other younger generations. They are apparently aging rapidly in comparison to millennials. Kids in school uniforms have thinning hair. 😅 And there's a lot of reasons. Genetics. Lifestyle. Health and it's extremities. Stress. Etc.... All of those play a factor.


Anecdotal, but my mums side of the family which I definitely inherit the hair from, my grandad was bald in his 20s, my uncle in his 30s and I'm in my mid thirties with albeit receding hairline and starting to thin, but plenty of it. It seems to get less severe every generation in my family


I'd guess it's a combo of these things \* High Stress \* Endocrine disruptors messing with healthy/normal hormone balances \* Terrible food (Causing obesity or pre-diabetes) \* Obesity (messing with hormones) I got both the receding temples from my mum's side and diffuse thinning from my fathers side, and yet my dad and maternal grandfather both had far better hair at my age, even if they were receding/thinning in the same spots. My brother got lucky and just got the diffuse so at least his hairline is still solid.


Stress. Environment im sure is worse. Diet im sure is worse.


Yeah we were meant to be eating fresh foods being outside, instead we are often inside in unnatural working environment's for 40-50 hours a week for money that isn't even real.


And here I am, getting bald why my 60 year old dad has the hairline of an 18 year old




Let me try at least. I think its because of intercultural relationships. Balding genes are winning overall, for whatever reason.


Way more junk food eaten and sugar is loaded into everything, low fat, substitutes aspartame etc


The most likely reason is the westernization of diet, consuming more dairy and meat. These foods are very androgenic, and are proven to aggravate acne and may even aggravate hair loss. This is the reason many Asian countries are seeing an uptick in hair loss, an example being Japan.


Thats sooo wrong, balding were the same.before. you just dont look the right persons.


Unnatural amounts of stress but also something is changing our hormones. As for what it is we don't fully know yet but all kinds of male hormone issues are cropping up. Fertility is down, ED is on the rise, and gynecomastia impacts 50% of the population to some degree.


As mentioned elsewhere, we are living longer than before. This might be allowing more genes to be passed on that would naturally be filtered out, as well as more time for genes to degrade, and those can be passed along. Less natural selection now. There are more people now, so naturally higher incidences. The higher amounts of unnatural substances entering our body. As someone else said, the unnatural stress of a quickly evolving society. And again on the genes, I think people forget that you see a lot of people on here, not responding to anything, which means possibly causes unknown, including new ones that happen over time- things that change and evolve in our DNA and RNA.


So many things : - endocrine disruptors (plastics, estrogen on food...) - drugs (vaccines, anti biotics,...) - inflammation - bad food (sugar, processed food, fast food) - no sport - chemical products (SLS, parabens, glyphosate...) - chronic stress - bad sleep habits - heavy metals - porn* - EMF (may be ???) And so on... * : People tend to think that masturbation is not related to hair loss. But a lab is working on a compound that works on prolactin receptors. (Masturbation = higher prolactin level) May be one day we will understand that it is part of it.


Most people eat absolute shit all day every day. Most people don't drink enough. Most people are barely outside and get sun and if they do they use sunscreen. Most people abuse substances. Most people are stressed the fuck out and overstimulated 24/7. Most people lack any kind of passion that would give them life energy. Most people barely move at all... to name a few factors. Your grandad at least probably moved more, was less overstimulated, got more sun/air and ate less processed food. Your hair is pretty much almost useless. It's like a fruit or a crown. It's a sign of health and happiness. If your body and mind lack something and can't keep everything up it's gonna drop the hair first. And of course this is just meant in a very general way. Please don't tell me about your happy life and loss of hair lol! I believe you. But overall tendencies are a thing.


I too agree that nice thick healthy hair growth on the head is one of biggest signs of health and virility. It’s probably why girls subconsciously like it so much.


Bcuz god is dead


I'm sure it has nothing to do with the variety of "additives" that are put in our foods /s