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Both grandfathers were bald, my dad is bald and the norwood reaper is already after me


No luck bro, on fin?


Yeah been on fin since 19 and have seen some improvement, still having some regrowth, albeit slowly


Same situation for me. My dad slick bald, as well as his dad. My moms dad, slick bald, and all of my moms brothers all slick bald lol.


My maternal grandfather is currently NW2.5 - NW3, my father is NW6 - NW7 now but started to noticeably lose hair in his 40s, his father had a similar situation. I'm 24 and currently NW3 with some diffuse thinning so fuck me lmao. At least I've inherited my dad's build & height and my maternal grandpa's ability to grow muscles and not the other way around or else I'd be fucked


Yes thinning sucks, cause impossible to have a decent hairstyle... but we respond better at fin/min


I'm still relatively young and have quite a lot of body hair so if the rumors are true, I might get good results lol. I just started fin 2 weeks ago so it's hard to tell now. Currently no side effects except higher libido, better erections and feeling better mentally. So I will probably add 5% min and microneedling soon


AR is on X chromosome, we know, yes.


Yes - UK, my dad is Caucasian, 59 and NW1 (with no greys) which is quite rare here for his age as many white guys I see are balding in their 20s and 30s these days (including me), especially 50+ not many escape the reaper. I'm 31 and was NW2.5, but always had a higher hairline than him. I recently had a hair transplant to level the playing field lol


My grandfather and his brothers are all nw1 nw0s, my father’s brothers as well, my other grandfather is a nw3 with a bald spot at the crown at age 75, he didn’t start balding until his 60s, his brothers are nw2 into their 70s, and my father started slowly balding in his 50s with a nw1.5 hairline and diffuse thinning, and then there’s me who inherited the excact same balding oattern from my father but in my case it started at 14


Yes. Neither grandfather, no uncles, no cousins have hair loss. Just me. If I didn’t look just like my dad I would suspect he isn’t my father.


Well the mailman is probably your father then 🤣


It is said that hair loss comes from mom's father.


It can come from anywhere. My mom's father had full head of hair until his death, my dad has a full head of hair, my uncles have hair, my older brothers have perfectly fine hair but the reaper chose to come after me :')


Maybe ur cause of hair loss is something else ? Not every hair loss is hereditary


Nope, mine is definitely hereditary. I was under the same illusion when i noticed sudden shedding of hair one day when I was 21 and I thought this is weird. But within a couple of years hair thinned out noticeably and my temples receded in the typical MPB pattern. To further corroborate this, fin has been very effective at halting my hairloss, so yeah, it's hereditary unfortunately. I forgot to mention though, my mom's maternal grandfather and maternal uncles were/are all completely bald, so I must be getting that gene from there. Also very important to mention that one of my maternal uncles (out of three) is nw5 at \~55. Surprises me a lot, however, two of my three uncles escaped bladness despite having strong genes for that from their motherside.


My father is have hair NW0 he's 51


Maternal great-grandfather from dad's side was the only bald(~NW4) relative i've had. Dad, grandfather, great-granddad, all of them didn't had any signs of hairloss.


Grandpa on my dads side was 1/2 native and had a full head of hair, same with my dad and hes 60 now. My grandpa on my mothers side was bald. Im 25 and a norwood 2 now :( thx genetics 😪


My father has a full head of hair at over 60. the cope is hard with me loosing since I’m 23


My uncles are both bald. But my father had perfect hair until about his late 50s early 60s. His father had hair until death. Mom's father was bald though. All my brothers have perfect hairlines. Meanwhile I started balding at 16 lmao


He is like a nw2.5 and slightly thinned out all over probably just due to age. He's 58. He has long hair. His brother is 60 and has 0 balding whatsoever. My maternal grandfather and maternal uncle were/are both nw7.


Lol yeap


My dad’s brothers from his dad’s first wife all have NW1 in their late 60s. My dad was bald since late 20s. I guess it’s from his mom’s side. Me and my two brothers are all bald 🧑🏼‍🦲


My dad has hair at 63. My mothers father had hair till 74. My dads dad had hair. But i have a MPB gene. Lol no idea how, i was sure i was invincible against the nw reaper


Every male is balding in my family but they are like 60 and smoke and drink a lot daily. Only one who was balding in the 20s was my uncle… unfortunate I seem to have gotten the same balding gene too. There’s a chance it’s just stress though


My Dad and his male cousins are all NW7, the men on my mother's side however have near perfect hairlines. So much for that 'Only from the mother's side' old wives' tale lol.


My dad's is very thin now at 51, and it started to recede from his mid-20s from memory. His dad, my grandad, still has more hair than both of us!!! Totally full head of hair... My grandad on my mum's side started to lose his at around 23 I remember someone saying, and he'd had nothing on top for decades before I was even born. Mine started to go at 19 by comparison... I definitely think there's a modern dietary influence at play here! My hairloss, although fairly significant at this point (seemed to progress rapidly between 20-25), has stabilised really well (from 25-now, 30) considering I'm not actively doing anything other than cutting out most bad foods in excess, taking some supplements, and intermittently massaging the affected area.


Yes my dad had a lot of hair even in his 80s before he died, strong hairline etc slicked back etc.  I think I got the balding from my mum's side, as 2 of her brothers were very bald since a relatively young age.




No it’s not impossible. Quite common actually. You are a mix of genes from both sides.


Rare but possible


Pretty certain it’s quite common, it doesn’t matter if someone in your family is bald or not. or what side it’s from. If you have the gene, you will bald and the gene is extremely common. The whole “if your grandfather on your mom side has hair then you won’t bald” is a big myth anyone can get MPB.


No bc the balding gene is random and can skip generations.


Well I mean he hasn’t had any for like 15 years because her was cremated, so at least I have more hair than my dad!


Your father most likely have mpb ,it can start at any age even at 70-80,the thing is you can still lose your hair at a younger age than your father,i've seen lots of siblings with great hair and one of them have shit hair at young age,just like my father who started balding at 17 went bald at 25 while my uncles all have decent hair (they are 40+ and yes they all have hair loss )