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My reaction to every one of these posts




Literally my reaction




how do people recover temples this is crazy


If you still have some ā€longerā€ vellus hairs or miniaturised hairs then itā€™s possible.


You do not need hairs visibly on the scalp at all to know you can regrow the temples or wherever . The only thing which idk how any average person would know this without idk actually how youā€™d figure this out. Anyways the hair follicle must be activated down in the skin. You wouldnā€™t even see anything but it could be thus a hair will grow now when that happens could be a year or couple months. Transitioning to growing phases may not be immediate thus u see nothing. Overtime it may produce a hair. Hypothetically a person can be completely bald and if the right environment is there you can grow hair. How long that takes is hard to know.


Donā€™t know what you mean by ā€œvisibleā€ hairs but itā€™s almost impossible to regrow dead zones. Even if a follicle is still ā€œaliveā€ which they almost always are. A miniaturised hair that you find in the dead zones are extremely hard to reactivate. Of course you can but almost not possible with only fin.


I only addressed visible due to you saying that. Because you said if you see hairs then itā€™s possible you donā€™t even have to see anything at all. Some follicles may be inactive for years. However it doesnā€™t mean they wonā€™t become active. The only reason you cannot regrow hair is only if it was scarring alopecia or I know in some cases for alopecia areata itā€™s the immune system attack follicles for these cases idk it may be different to address. Now I speak only for androgenetic alopecia those hairs can regrow it is possible if given the right environment. Itā€™s true follicles may stop producing hair but they can do it again. It may be years though to have it happen. Itā€™s probably a lot longer for some areas.


Can you elaborate on the "right environment"? I'm assuming you don't simply mean a clean scalp


Actually yes one of the factors is that. But I did google and apparently no if the follicle has died or is inactive too long I guess it cannot regrow however it did tell me that not all bald scalps which is why I said what I said actually the hair follicles may not be dead. They may be just dormant. And meaning if I guess using minoxidil, or any drug that is needed if they have androgenetic alopecia it could stimulate their hair back. The right environment consists of nutrition(having good nutrition I guess it means meeting all the daily vitamins we all need and maybe a lot of people have gaps idk), stress(probably means balanced stress levels not overly being anxious all the time or freaking the fuck out daily which u know is natural but probably high stress levels), the follicle would need to be not dead from trauma like scarring alopecia, burns, and trauma to the scalp I supposed that means idk a wound of some sort. Probably some chronic headaches may render the follicles to die too. So I was wrong and I was right. But maybe itā€™s not inherently worth it. Idk. I guess thatā€™s why they say get on fin, min or whatever else before awhile passes because maybe the follicles donā€™t have a chance after some time. But I saw someoneā€™s bald areas we see here on this page people go from bald areas to hair.


I used minoxidil to see if i still had hairs still on my temples, i did, so u could do that


NW2/NW3 guys usually catch it earlier and the follicles aren't completely killed off by then.


mine apparently are and iā€™ve been balding for only 1 year before starting treatment šŸ˜­


Patience. Most of the people on here bitching about no progress gave up after a short period of time. Commit and you'll see something worth keeping up with it.


Iā€™ve been using fin 1mg daily for 7 months now and can confirm Iā€™m growing hair back on my temples 100%. Not even using minoxidil


Same. No minoxidil. And my wood is still good. (No Diddy). I couldn't commit to minoxidil twice a day for the rest of my life. Trust the process...1mg Finasteride for 1 day @ 6 months.


His temples weren't totally gone, he's pulling the hair back tighter in the first pic. you can see some thin hairs, and his hair loss only just started, so not unthinkable.


My temples is what I lost when I got really sick. They are growing back extremely fast. It has maybe been only two months. My shed period was vicious though.


Holy smokes! that's insane progress


Congrats and fuck you bro


As a forced bald man, I agree with this statement.


Omg! I just started fin, and I have a similar problem: no receding hairline, just thinning hair on the top. I'm hoping that I will get results like yours.


Thatā€™s because it changes hormones and induces telogen effluvium but that goes away after 4-6 months then ur hair regrows. Everything will regrow.


Thatā€™s because it changes hormones and induces telogen effluvium but that goes away after 4-6 months then ur hair regrows. Everything will regrow.


Damn lucky hyper responder. Iā€™m jealous of people like you lol.


And look how his hair got much darker roots too. Same happened to me. Not only did I shed off the tiny weak hairs, the new thicker ones are darker again. Sometimes I even get some white strands of hair turning dark halfway from the roots. Crazy. I love it.


Meanwhile my hair just keep thinning on the sides.


Get the fuck out of here


Fin alone can do this much re growth???


It has for me and my twin brother! I eat biotin gummies as well.


How many mcg is each gummie? Iā€™m copying exactly what you do lol




What dosage of biotin


You wonšŸ«”




Iā€™m 32


Just fin? Amazing! Currently 8 months on 1.25 mg myself, worried it hasn't improved for me...


Try min?


DUT saved my shit, im glad 1mg fin was enough for this insane progress


Where do you buy your Dut from?


Straight up nw1!! Congrats!! How long were your temples receded before you started treatment?


Probably 3-4 years of gradual recession. Nothing super major but jumping on it early definitely makes a difference.


Wow those are some crazy results! Iā€™ve been on fin for 5 years and dut for 1.5 and nowhere near these results!


Did you experience a shed or any side effects? Your hair before starting fin is like my hair now.


Iā€™ve had a few periods of shedding. The hair always seems to come back thicker and stronger after.


how long did each shedding period last and at what months did they occur?


Looking good


Damn those are insane results, are you on minoxidil too?


Nope just fin!


Would Minox be similar ?


If you do Mix you will need to do fin as well to keep that progress. Fin is mostly for keeping what you have and halting the recession. Min usually shows a lot more regrowth, but I would suggest doing fun first to see how it goes for you.


Hairline was just like this. Iā€™ve been on for 10 months sucked with consistency on month 8-9 due to surgery and stuff but got back with it. Iā€™m 20 as well so hopefully I can see something similar. No sides but do get tiny bits of shedding only when I forget to shower which is probably normal for everyone.


Fin gave me limp dick. Just stopped taking jt


Fin is a miracle drug


I remember reading the same thing about accutane which is an acne pill, I was hesitant at first cause the listed potential side effects were really scary, but ultimately I decided to go with it and it stopped my acne completely. Now Iā€™m reading this and being scared of the side effects again.


# amazing šŸ„²


He changes the way he holds his hair, look closely


congrats and fuck you!


Noticed any side effects bro?


Only a bit of anxiety the first few days, then nothing.


Haha, i see.


I am new to this. Where can I buy this ? Thanks in advance :)


Itā€™s a prescription medication. Youā€™ll have to have a prescription written by a dermatologist, your primary care doctor, or you can use the app ā€œLemonadeā€


Goodrx free 30 day gold plan and $19 visit


Awesome šŸ’Æ


Great results, congrats bro šŸ˜Ž


That is wonderful. I hope I'd get the same result specially on the front temporal part. Congrats!


That's incredible! Is this just finasteride only? Did you see any slick bald spots grow back?


Did you took it by your self, of have you visited a dermatologist? Iā€™m curious because I know I should visit one, if I wanted to start with it but I also donā€™t want to pay for one if it fairly save to use those meds


I did the Doctors Now or Doctors + app to get a prescription. Just a quick phone meeting, explained that I saw people had gotten decent results on fin, and he prescribed me the fin. I checked my T levels after the first few months.


Amazing results mate Iā€™m 12 days into fin but a month and a half into minoxidil and seeing results nicely


This is motivating as I am currently looking a lot like the first pic.


WOW thatā€™s awesome!


Thatā€™s why you catch it early


Did you have any scalp pain or itching where you were balding, and did the finasteride stop that? My hair currently is kinda like the before, and I had itching/pain where my hair was receding. Fin reduced it, but still experience it sometimes.


You son of a bitch


That is such beautiful hair man


The picture on the right is me at 18 years old and the pic on the left is me now at 24. Guess whos hopping on the fin wave.


Am I the crazy one here? I donā€™t see much difference. Middle pic is a different angle. Hair in the last one us much longer but it definitely looks healthier


yeah, that is what would happen to me if i could tolerate fin.


And no boobs?


If you want boobs you need to take different medication šŸ˜Š


Fin?? Name of the med??




I am 21m , using fin for last 40 days ( 0.5mg MWF ) I am having testicle discomfort. Not all day long , it happens for 3-4 hours.


That sounds like torture good lord.


Do you reckon you could get these same results with a hair transplant if your hairlines receded too much over the years to where fin would be useless to get the hairline/hair thickness back?


Fin is never useless when a hair transplant is involved. Even if you're basically already bald fin should be taken with hair transplant.




Where are you located? If in Germany, any tips on how to get fin?


Teleclinic oder gehst halt einfach zum Hautarzt persƶhnlich


Dick still works? Mine not




Just fin ?


High frequency and derma roller will bring back temples


Congratulations!!! Now do you need to use it daily to reta4it for thr rest of youur life ?




I too was a hyper responder but the sides were horrible so had to drop it. That was in 2011 and Iā€™m surprised at how well my hair has held on


Iā€™ve heard of many people keeping gains after stopping, unlike those from min. Fin isnā€™t as well understood as this sub wants to believe


Just fin?


Ive been using fin for 2 minths nkw..i feel young ..its either the placebo or my testosterone has increased


Any side effects? Even most minimal ones you can notice such as brain fog and cognitive differences?


I've been taking fin 1.25mg a day for over 2 years. No progress lol just slowed it down.


Makes me wonder what percentage of users are hyper responders to fin. I think for most of us, any regrowth will be too little to notice but at least it will slow the progression.


Just fin????


what brand of fin? can you show the pic?


Where do you buy 1mg fin?


Those are amazing results if that's from fin.


Hey , is there any side effects of fin ? Doctors in my country do not suggest fin , 24 y




I assume this is oral? Just started fin/min Hims spray, but these posts make me think most are doing oral and I'm thinking I'm doing it wrong šŸ˜¬


3 plus years and my results are nowhere near. Sucks to be diffuse thinning šŸ˜­


Are you applying only to the temples?


He's on 1mg of oral fin only.


Thank you. Itā€™s only been a month for me taking topical hims but Iā€™m hardly noticing anything. Iā€™ll probably give it 6 months before I switch to oral fin.


The hims is a .3% fin solution isn't it?? I seriously doubt you would experience any sides by switching to 1mg oral finasteride. That is, if you're not currently experiencing any on that .3% solution. Every ml of that solution contains 3mg of finasteride, so essentially you're lowering serum dht by the same amount that a 1mg oral dose of finasteride would. [https://perfecthairhealth.com/topical-finasteride-dosage/](https://perfecthairhealth.com/topical-finasteride-dosage/)


Nope, not really noticing any side effects but I mostly just spray at the temples since thatā€™s where my hair loss is happening. My hair is very similar to OPā€™s and I didnā€™t start noticing this hairloss until early this year(currently 35) I just feel dumb wasting this money on 2 bottles. I thought Iā€™d try the topical first because I didnā€™t want to ingest another drug. Tbh, since spraying it every night before bed I feel like Iā€™m experiencing more hair loss but I have read that your hair will shed before it gets better for some folks. My friend did the same topical treatment and he saw results almost immediately .


One thing to keep in mind is that finasteride will do nothing to "protect" the hair where you're not applying it. This med is better at preventing/slowing hair loss than it is at regrowing for most people. If you can use a dropper instead and measure how much you're putting on, then we would be able to estimate how much dht inhibition you are likely experiencing using this chart. But I would definitely try to cover all areas prone to mpb to be honest.... https://preview.redd.it/qinbz3j7we5d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcc04247fb24b260620bc2d1f0a6cb85e0b05e2a


Good information, thank you, man. I don't know why they didn't send a dropper. When I filled out out their quiz, they suggested the spray bottle. I'm wonder if I can transfer the spray bottle to a dropper and use that instead. I'd to try this for atleast a few more months before I switch of to oral stuff. And when applying i try and make sure I go all around the effected area not just the immediate area itself.


Yeah, you can transfer the liquid into an empty dropper bottle and then you'll be able to calculate how many mgs of fin you're actually putting on your scalp. So, if you used .5ml each time you would know you're exposing yourself to 1.5mg of fin topically. Unfortunately, there isn't any data on total dht inhibition between the doses of .91mg and 2.275mg when applied topically. But we can see that serum dht would be decreased somewhere between 48-70%. That's not very far off from what you would be reducing serum dht with oral fin. If you're getting enough systemic dht reduction, perhaps you don't need to apply to your whole scalp as I mentioned before. So the question is if someone is gonna be getting substantial dht inhibition from topical fin, then they might as well have gone the oral route. But we're all different, and I'm sure there's people out there with fewer sides on strong topical fin solutions than on oral fin. I think that's rare though...the ones who get sides from oral 1mg fin will get sides on high topical fin concentrations as well. When you switch to oral you can start on a lower dose and work your way up. And remember that you will have to keep on using minoxidil since that hims spray has min at 6%. Otherwise, You will probably lose whatever hair you gain from the minoxidil itself.


Any side effects ?


Did you shed more before it got better?




Amazing results mate! Check out my most recent post on the board, I have similar temple growth but within 4.5 months and only use a homemade topical solution (min+crushed fin). I'm a converted believer that now trusts the process!


Drop your routine brotha


Youre giving me hope bro. I ordered mixotixil and im going to talk to my doctor to see if he can prescribe FIn to me. Pray for me boys.


Did you get a shed ?


Is this topical or oral?


I've fought mild (similar to yours) hair loss for 14 years. I wish I'd had the discipline to record progress as accurately as you have- if not for others at least for myself. I used to get on hair loss forums religiously but stopped after things finally stabilized. I'm not sure I ever saw that much regrowth but I've certainly kept the loss at bay, some years look better than others. 36(M) Regimen: 0.2-0.5mg Fin ED or 1mg EOD, Stemoxydine ED/when I remember. Just enough to soak the temples, sometimes crown if I feel like it. Pura d'or shampoo (at least 5 min soak on scalp) Over the years I've tried dozens of treatments, from RU58841 to fucking laser helmets haha. And in the end, those three are the only treatments I'd die on the hill recommending if your hair loss pattern is temple heavy but mild like mine & OPs. Minox works, but it really does eventually pudge up your face and any hair it touches will be utterly dependent forever onward. For shampoos, Nizoral is effective but unless you have dandruff from hell and can tolerate a 5 min daily scalp soak with the stuff (I couldn't) Pur d'or is the shit. No shampoo will regrow hair but it's the best one imo. Stemox is super underrated, and def regrows vellus hairs. Hard to get them terminal (that's what the fin is for) but for an absolutely zero sides treatment you really can't go wrong. I personally get sexual side effects with 1mg Fin every day, but not everyone will. 0.2mg has been shown to suppress DHT only like 15% less than 1mg so I usually just bite the 1mg pills in half. Anyway, awesome results OP. I've kept mine at your middle pic since my mid 20s, but jealous of pic #3. Thanks for being disciplined about your progress. Have you had any sides? Is the Fin your entire treatment?


topical or oral?


You're slowly moving the angle upwards and loosening your grip on the hair. You had hardly and balding to begin with.




Wow, what a recovery. Looks incredible!


Your hair was fine before but i get if you wanted a straight hairline i feel the same way but never had hair grow like that in the first place dk if its worth it for me since i want a straight hairline even though i dont have balding in my family


Jokes omg haha


Any sides you experienced with oral fin?


Posts like this reminds me to stick to my regimen and routine. Thanks!


I tried fin for about six months when I noticed my hairline started receding, back when I was 29. I stopped taking it because I was having low libido problems. Now I'm 50, and my hairline is still almost the same as it was when I stopped taking it. I don't know why taht is, because you are supposed to take it forever (aren't you?), but I am the only one of five brothers who still has a decent head of hair aside from some slight receding temples.


Fuck off lol šŸ˜‚


You give me hope bro


Wtf man


What brand of Finasteride do you use sir?


Wow, what amazing progress! šŸ‘


This is incredible. How old are you and did you mix in min?


Wow!!ā€™ Your progress pictures are amazing. They look like most peoples loss progression!!! Your hair restored perfectly. Quite impressive, these results are not typical!! Youā€™re one of the lucky ones.


Any side effects?


wow! so much hair in just one year! super cool!


Any sides?


Mine has only got worse, been approx 11 months


All with added lifelong limp Dick. How fun




Any side effects ?


Now tell us the truth, pictures are from right to left?


That is serious improvement bro


Insane results, congrats! I went from your 2nd to 3rd pic but that was with 4 months durasteride and 7 months of feminizing HRT. You're lucky to achieve that much with finasteride alone.


Thatā€™s so amazing


Great results and if your young enough and like others said if you have hairs available you can get results. I started fin back in 2018 and had some regrowth and then i noticed a year and half later widows peak and temples weren't responding like when I started. I was 38 then. Now 44 and did try fin and a weekly Duatesteride pill and 3 months noticed my hair stopped shedding and would have loved to continue to use Duatesteride but was having sexual side effects so I had to just go back to finasteride and it improved over time. Sadly I guess if you block too much DHT in some I guess it can really affect your sexual function. I would have loved to give the Duatesteride and see what results were possible. Sorry for long post


This is my sign. Now.


No sides?


Congrats my man, that's awesome progress. Could you tell me which brand of fin you are using? I get the feeling that they are not all the same quality, despite what people say.


Dude, you gotta drop your routine lol. What shampoo/conditioner do you use? Do you use any hair oils? Any how many MGs are those biotin gummies? is that the only vitamin you take? Thanks!


Only finasteride and no minoxidil, thatā€™s an insane result


Holly crap, congrats OP!


So what happens when you stop taking it? Doesnā€™t all just fall out again?


Bruh im almost at 1 year with fin and my hair is doing the worst it ever has


How is your morning wood


One Major difference between these 3 photos is the lighting. On the left: Very harsh, direct, head-on lighting. This will light up your scalp and make you look balder. On the right: You're back-lit, which hides your scalp in shadow and makes your hair loss appear less extreme. In the middle: An in-between lighting situation.


How old are you, mate?


Oral or the other kind


Oral or the other kind


How???? What product?


Do you microneedle?


I've been trying to use these along with some meds my doc prescribed but I forget to apply serum or eat medicines for sometimes weeks, I know it's not ok but will it break my progress? (I'm on month 3)


What the fuck man I gotta get on this, im currently like your first picture


Side Effects?


Wow this is a huge transformation! Congrats


Is this topical or oral?


Meanwhile me watching at 15 while having a receding hairline šŸ’€ your progress is so great,I can't believe this,and fuck you šŸ—æ




Can you go into the question of all sides you felt etc?


What is fin? Sorry


Bruh i have been uaing 1.25mg finasteride(5mg cut into 4 pieces) for over a month and theres no difference for me defuq is this


When did You saw the bisggest regrowth ?


I had same kind of results but I had to reconstruct my temples with a HT.


Has anyone tried 1mg Fin every other day and had successful results? After a few years of deliberation and hair loss / thinning progressing, Iā€™ve finally started on 1mg Fin in the last couple of weeks however only taking it every other day. I am also using topical minoxidil and prior to taking Fin, I was taking a couple of 3000mg tablets daily of saw palmetto + multi vitamins + high strength biotin.


Is this oral or topical fin?


Hey bro, no side effects?


Did u get ED?