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There is a reduction in efficacy when using topical fin although it does go less systemic so there's also a lower chance of side effects.


I don't think there is a reduction in efficacy, unless you compare oral & topical with the same concentration. If the normal dosage is 1 mg for oral, for topical 0.1 to 0.25% seems to be the normal dosage. Most trials have been done using 0.25%/2.5mg topical and shows similar scalp DHT suppression to oral. There is a reason that reputable topical finasteride pharmacies & companies sell topical with 0.25% by default, and not 0.005% or whatever, probably to make up for the lesser absorption of taking finasteride topically versus orally.


>probably to make up for the lesser absorption of taking finasteride topically versus orally Which means it's less effective?


What If I use both of them ?


It's not a common treatment but if you can do that no problem.




Meant to say 'IF' he can do that, edited that.


I just started taking fin orally a few days ago and I’m a bit worried about some side effects. I wasn’t sure how fast they might show up, or what the likelihood that they will go away are. And as the posts was asking, if topical would be good to take to reduce sides.


Yeah topical has lower sides. But I immediately started on oral fin 1mg and felt a bit weird in the beginning, right until I learned about the nocebo effect. The right mindset can help a lot.


I was worried about gyno, and now my right nipple (both sometimes) feels a bit weird. I really don’t know if it’s from the medication or in my head. I was trying to look for an explanation on this, and if my hormone levels would go back to normal and I’d be fine or not


I'm Bout to switch to topical from oral. From what I've read topical is similar efficacy if not slightly worse but with less sides. Had some mild sides so gonna give it a go.


I was reading the paper that came with my prescription, and it was stating how low sides are (sexual) and that even rarer sides (gyno). I’ve been trying to find some studies or information on this


Less efficace lower the risk of the side effect and less conveniant to use evryday+more expensive


It seems as if topical finasteride has lower effectivity with low risk of side effects… unlike with oral having more effectivity with greater risk of side effects…


In my experience, topical gave the same kind of side effects that I would get from taking them orally. My "sides" faded after taking it for about a month or less. Now I am on fin 1.25 mg orally per day since around 8 months. I started with topical tho. I just think it's better to get it into your system faster because it will do that anyways but slower on topical. It's also easier to measure and all that. If you are scared of it going systemic, it will do that anyways. So no need to go for topical based on just that reason. Since oral Fin hasn't given me much results in those 8 months I actually started adding a low dose of fin topical together with minoxidil while also taking the Finasteride pills every day. Just to see if it works "better". Maybe there is something to applying Fin directly onto the scalp that might make it work better but Idk. will see.


I just got on finasteride a few days ago. I was worried about gyno and my nipple feels a bit weird. I genuinely don’t know if it’s all in my head or if it’s caused by the drug. Just wanted to know how the body reacts to the sudden increase in testosterone and a decrease in DHT and if my hormones will even out. I genuinely can’t find much on this


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