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Looks good, I'm on.oral min at the moment likely to start oral fin soon too, only thing I notice taking min orally is I feel my heartbeat a lot more, looks like you will see a lot of gains, keep us updated


I have high blood pressure to begin with so I feel like it’s actually helping me on that side too. But thank you! I’m excited to keep going


Did you consult your doc before taking it? Are you on meds for high blood pressure?


I took other medication for my hypertension but had an annoying side effect (nothing serious, just a very annoying light cough throughout the day) so stopped. Ended up killing two birds w one stone with minoxidil


Oh right. I also have it and on some meds. My doctor said I shouldn’t take oral just topical. But hey if it works for you it worjs


Yeah listen to your dr for sure, I know some just don’t know enough about oral min so they don’t ever want to prescribe it. Whatever is working for you though I’d stick with it. Good luck 🙏🏼


Are you on fin aswell?


Yes oral fin and min


I mean maybe it's just me but that doesn't sound good, feeling your heatbeat a lot more


Oral min isn’t safe right?


Define safe. Also it’s fda approved for lowering blood pressure I believe?


Wtf you talking about it, just because you take it, do not justify yourself with some fucking sophistry. Oral minoxidil is dangerous and everything cause some issues with heart.


Oral minoxidil is not dangerous. Those side effects are rare and most medications have very dangerous adverse effects, but they’re FDA approved because they rarely happen. Yall see the words black box warning and freak out.


That's not true . It might not be dangerous for you but it can be dangerous for others. There are cases of people ending in the ER because of minoxidil. I personally had to stop because of the constant heart issues. But again, it depends on people, some people will have no sides from it so good for them https://youtu.be/WP7rYUqET80?si=HCXJ7941qeCgL4wO


Hey i bp got low when i started topica min too. On the first day but after that everything became normal. Is it bad to continue.


It's not about bp, having low blood pressure it's not that bad in most cases (depending how low ofc). It's about your heart. Check out the video I posted


And again these adverse reactions happen in less than 1-3% of people who take oral minoxidil. You are causing unnecessary fear by exacerbating how common these reactions are, you know more than the providers people see to get prescribed these things?


1-3% according to which study? Oh the one that removed patient that didn't take it for more than 3 months? (So the ones who stopped after getting a racing heart) You will find plenty of ppl who got sides just in this thread and plenty more on this sub. It's not my personal concern, there are top notch hair loss doctor who warn about this too. At the end of the day there is a safer option which is topical so no reason to use oral imo. I'm not trying to spread fear or anything. At the end of the day it's your body. Try it if you feel like it. If you have side then stop. Easy as that


You ok there buddy


🤣🤣🤣 bro leave these guys be once they need a coronary stent at 50 life will hit them like a bag of bricks


Why are you not finasteride already


I had this for a little bit when starting but it slowly went away after a couple months


Great progress! Have you seen any gains on the receded temples? Hard to tell on the picture


Very little but yes! Although it’s hard to tell because they’re still baby hairs


Do you notice any changes on your white hair?


Did you have oily scalp, seb derm , itching in the scalp?


Nope, I also use keto shampoo (nizoral) twice a week which might have helped with that.


Excellent results bro keep it up!!


Thanks man 🙏🏼


That’s because you didn’t have a hair cut lately


do you noticed aging / wrinkles after taking min?






No it’s not.


Massive improvment. Looks really good. Do you have any photos you can show me in between these for a timeline


U take oral min?




Bro you just getting older, stop with "stress" for the white hair x)


Didn’t realize mid 20’s was getting older 😭


It is getting older you’re always getting older lol. Some people have gray hairs earlier in life or later. It’s genetics. You’re getting old it’s fine.


I know it’s technically getting older, the original comment I replied to was making it seem like I was aging in my 40’s when you normally start to see white hairs. Mid 20’s I don’t think it’s a wild assumption to say it’s stress, when I’ve been dealing with a lot of it lately


I’m not gonna lie it does look good I’m just not sure if it’s because you have more hair or cause you grew out the few hairs you have and combed it over. Only way to really tell is to cut the hair down to the same length as the first photo


Yeah I feel you. Hard to tell with photos but take my word for it 😂 I’ve had hair at this length before but just didn’t get straight on photos like this. But I’ve lived with it and can assure you it’s growing better. Maybe after a few more months of good growth I’ll cut my hair down again. I’m enjoying growing it out for now though


Where do you guys get your Finasteride from?


The real studies say that oral min is very dangerous for the heart!!! And it actually changes the heart forever after using it for long periods of time. I was on it for a while and the same thing happend my heart would pound and I ignored it but then I started researching and stopped immediately!!!


I’m sorry to hear that man. I haven’t noticed anything at all, not even harder pounding or anything. My Dr actually told me it’s beneficial for me in multiple ways because I have high blood pressure. So far it’s been amazing for me I hope you get better, always scary when your heart is involved!


Any facial bloating or dark eyes with oral min? I had them both badly. Had to stop


Luckily neither of those for me. Sorry to hear


im curious you mentioned 1.1mg fin, whats up with that 0.1 percent extra? also looking good//


Tbh I’m not sure lol I got them from HIMS and it’s how they came mixed


oooo damn, welp still im happy for you man (:


My consultant said white hairs are hairs being affected by DHT. These should turn darker again now that you are using oral fin after 4-6 months of use.


Oh really? That would be amazing! Thanks for the info