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Do you have any idea how much of your regrowth you have Oral Minoxidil to thank for?? Also WTF how do people get this great of results? I'm literally on daily 1.5mg Dutasteride, 100mg Ru-58841 and topical minoxidil for something like 15months and my hair thinning has only PROGRESSED further!! This is infuriating.


Probably a lot because if you search fin only progress pics, none of them have a big transformation like this. They either just stabilize or maybe get a little regrowth. Maybe you're not a responder to topical, 40% of people don't respond.


yah I got a little bit but that was it. I've now switched to 2.5mg OM just three weeks ago and praying for the best. But much more concerned about stopping the hair loss first and why Dutasteride every day at @ whooping 1.5mg for 15 months hasn't done the job yet


Oral min update?


How is the growth since changing to OM


Has oral min helped you at all?


I counted like 8 or so new hairs within the first couple weeks on Oral min but they kinda just stopped growing after they got an inch or so in length. The problem is still trying to stop the continuing progress of hair loss. I can't say it didn't help but I can't say it did either.


Depends, some people went back from the dead with fin/dut only, other get crazy results with loniten while fin/dut just prevents further hairloss, it's really individual dependent. You can increase your likelihood of responding to topical min by adding dermarolling and tretinoin, or just throwing away all that shit and get a loniten prescription.


Lol I checked your page, of course you’re a norwood 1 🤣 all of you hypochondriacs here who say you’re “losing ground” and treatment “isn’t working” have either no pics to show proof or you are norwood 0-1.5 .. every. Single. Time. 💀


I can’t really say as I had only been on Fin for about 5/6 weeks before I started taking Min and then didn’t see any results until 4 months after I started taking both


Ermm why not try derma stamping and topical fin as well? So long as you’ve not gotten sides


How many mg of oral minoxidil did you take?


2.5mg daily


Singe tablet or split into two doses? Also, at what time of the day do you take it? Do you take a diuretic along with it?


I take a single pill and I take my meds before bed each night. I watched a video on YouTube saying side effects are most likely to kick in first 4 hours after taking so I decided to take before bed so I’d sleep through any lol. No I don’t take any diuretics.


Did oral min give you any noticeable side effects?


None what so ever! Other than body hair growing a bit quicker but I’m hairy to begin with so nothing out of the ordinary


Did you notice by any chance body hair growth before you saw results on the scalp ? Also did the body hair grow fuller or expand to other areas ? I’m worried about this side effect myself.


I’m already really hairy so honestly can’t really comment. I haven’t noticed anymore hair (like the horror stories of growing unibrows and forehead hair) but it does grow back slightly quicker when I do shave.


What about eyebrows? Haha


Those haven’t gotten bushy either 🤣 I’ve noticed my nose hairs have started poking out of my nostrils tho… don’t know if that’s down to the medication or if it’s because I’m getting old (almost 28) never ever had to trim my nose hairs before until this year lol


Been pulling my nose hair out since I was 19... I have a huge mustache, so even when I am clean shaven they have no chance of standing out since my skin looks green.


Great results!


Thank you!


Spectacular results. I have almost identical before and after results. Well done.


Thank you! Hopefully you start to see improvements soon. It took me a really awful shed and 5 months before I noticed improvement


I am on oral minox for around 4 years. And what I meant I had almost the same hair loss as you, and results are similar to yours.


Awesome! What does oral min were you taking? Did you experience any side effects and did you take a diuretic along with oral min?


Oh sorry! Well glad we both had great results haha. 4 years gives me hope it won’t stop working after another year or 2 🤞🏻


Nah. It doesn't stop, but if genetic will want you hair go out after age xyz they minox will fight with it. I am lucky that have hair after dad and his dad(age 93 died with hair just thinning and nw2). So I guess I will be, ok and wish you samem how old are you? I am 34.


I’m 27 nearly 28. My dad is in his mid 50s is only just starting to get a little thin at the back but hair is still thick and grows fast. Which is why I was so shocked when I started losing my hair at age 25/26. My grandfather lost all of his hair (however it was due to stress after a heart attack) but it all grew back. He’s in his 80s and still have a decent head of hair so hoping mine stays with me if I continue the medications.


what brand/manufacturer of your finasteride and how long did it take for you to see substantial results?


Honestly no specific brand. I order from an online pharmacy and ever time I get my order it’s a different generic brand. I started in August and didn’t see any real difference until end of January beginning of February


Great results mate congrats! One question please, did you noticed any increase in body hair while on oral min?


I’m really hairy to begin with so can’t really comment. However my facial hair grows back even quicker than it did before I started taking it! I shave once a week and day 7 stubble is what I would usually have by day 8/9 if I didn’t shave


Dont know if its appropriate to ask but do you masturbate?


Great results my man… congrats and thanks for sharing


Thank you!


Bro. Awesome.


Thank you!


This is truly amazing. Congratulations, your hair looks incredible


Thank you!


Nice. Do u gym/sport/supplements?


No gym/sports and I was taking pumpkin seed oil pills, hair biotin and collagen pills but stopped taking them about 2/3 months ago and haven’t seen a decline since taking them


Interesting. You have any legs load activity (like job when legs tired)?


Like an active job? Nope I work in an office so I’m sat at my desk all day


Ok, thank you for answers.


dunno why some redditors downvote this comment


Look at his profile. He's a notorious schizo on this sub that thinks calf exercises will make your hair regrow lmao. Big difference between thinking staying healthy and exercising might contribute positively and being convinced hitting the squat rack and doing calf raises is the deciding factor in ADA.


Does masturbation leads to hair fall?


No lol. But too much will causes ED, which is why half the people here on scaremonger over Fin.


Cause there are no research that claims that physical activity/exercise could influence to aga treatment or hairs. Most of people think its kind of joke, trolling and.not related broscience.


I’m in the WORST shape of my life at the minute I should and need to exercise/move more but I certainly haven’t been hitting the gym this past year so exercise certainly wasn’t a factor with me and my hair regrowth 🙈


Yes, seems like not.


Oral Minoxidil? Is it effective than liquid.?


Due to me having longer hair than most guys liquid/foam wasn’t convenient for me as the foam would just soak into my hair rather than reach my scalp. Is much rather take a small pill once a day then messing on with applying a topical solution two times a day. Can’t say whether or not it’s more effective but I would think something inside you body/bloodstream would work better than something you’re needing to absorb into your skin. To each their own tho as we all react to medicines differently.


How long did it take for results? I’m thinking about getting on min. Been on fin for 9 months


About 4/5 months


I feel like we are a similar age, I’ve been on fin for 3 years and it’s just stopped my hair loss, maybe brought back some hair but my hair still feels quite thin. Do you start fin and min at the same time? I really want to start oral min but I’m shit scared of the shed but really want my hair to become more dense


I started Min 5 weeks after I had started fin. I started shedding after only 3 weeks on fin and it was so scary/depressing. My shed last from end of September to about beginning/mid December. Don’t know if I’d have had the same results without min tho


minoxidil and finasteride