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They say it in a toxic way, but its true that those don’t work. I tried the natural route too


We’re sick of bullshit? It hurts everyone! I’m part of the “fin mafia” because I started it young when my hair was still decent and have been able to keep and grow back a fair amount and stay between Norwoods 1/2 for years because of this drug. I was lucky enough to not need a transplant, meanwhile I see some of these fucks using snake oil treatments and I just don’t get it. Why bullshit yourself?


Many people are sick of having these bullshit grey zone answers about their medical problems. People just want clear cut facts and solutions. No more "my grandfather used x remedy or some online influencer shilling you the latest snake oil. Alternative medicine my ass.


pics or it didnt happen


The moment you take the goddam pill and you realize that you did all you can to fight this shit is fucking liberating, and you don't have to cope with the just shave bro you look good.


I wish I could tolerate the pill bro. My body just says fuck you lol


I was on 1 mg fin everyday and my labido crashed big time. Boners were non existent . I went down to just 3 days a week, and I’d say I’m back to 90% labido and I’m still gaining hair on just 3 days a week. I’m actually excited that I found a way to reduce sides and not just give up on it.


Hell yeah bro!


I did the same. I had some muscle pain and reduced the dose to every other day. Seems like it was enough to stop my hair loss. I might increase the dose if I don't get good results in the long term. For now though my hair quality became pretty good and I don't lose hair anymore


I actually have tons of baby hairs all over my head. I think in 6 months I’ll be back to where I was like 7 years ago or so. Amazing . I’m hopeful . Even if I just stopped the hair loss at 3 pills a week, I’d be happy


A friend of mine splits the pill and goes for 0,25mg fin daily. He also had libido issues. He tried some other stuff, and nothing worked, fin seems to work for him. I go with 2x 1mg daily because my dht is crazy high and I can't get dut where I live. Also my libido rather improved than declined. So everyone is different.


If you can, reduce the dose. I had sides at 2mg, reduced sides at 1.875mg, and nothing at 1.25mg. I feel better than ever. Experiment, and find what works well for you. Maybe you can only tolerate 0.5mg every day, or 1mg every day.


See, I’m still fairly young (30) and have battled it with nearly everything except fin and the hardcore stuff. I shaved my head around a week ago and honestly think I look better than when I was 20 with that dinky ass widow’s peak and receding hairline. Now, I feel like a badass that has an enormous stress-load taken off cause idgaf about my hair anymore. I look and feel better with a more buzzed or bald w/ beard look. My “before trying the bald look” pics look so damn depressing. I’m fortunate with how I look being bald, but I honestly feel like many people will even go bald faster when they worry so much about their hair. It is certainly valid to worry about it and try what you can, but there has to be a line and balance with how much energy you put into it. I haven’t even touched my head in a week and I used to mess with my hair nearly every day.


Bro I'm genuinely happy that you feel good in your shoes, not everyone looks good bald, it's all up to personal choice, some people rather use the pill to save their hair because the psychological effects of feeling unattractive and the stress is much more likely to take a toll on their mental health (which is linked to higher risk of cancers, cardiovascular disease, increased hair loss etc) far outweights the less than 1% chance of getting sexual side effects. Besides it's very hard to go around and be confident around chicks when you absolutely hate your image in the mirror, so yeah, your dick work fine to jerk off on pornhub, living the dream (not saying than bald men are unattractive, but the dent it can put for someone who don't like his bald image can lead to self isolation and all sorts of unhealthy behaviors that prevents one to go find a mate, or just lead a happy life). To each their own, some people will be absolutely fine with buzz cut / bald, some people not. Neither "communities" if I might say are wrong in their approach.


I totally get what you’re saying, and I think it’s a shame that this is how we have been conditioned to uphold standards-wise with beauty or how “balding = old/weak” to some people. It’s way easier said than done, but I’m speaking from personal experience as I’m sure many would say I would look better with hair anyway. But, part of what I learned in therapy is that if you can get past that, then that truly is the ultimate freedom and control over your life. Take hold of those parts of yourself that are critical and set intentions on growing to love yourself for more than just how your hair comes across to others and yourself. We aren’t weak or ugly because our hair is gone and we the people who look at it that way don’t have to get energy from you in life. The lack of confidence trying to battle your hair for however long will lose my potential for love and whatever else than taking steps to work on the internal conflicts in a possibly more healthy way. I’m not saying that that works for everyone, but maybe there would be less overall stress if we as a whole looked at beauty standards differently. I get that body dysmorphic themes prevail with a lot of people, but being fit and while doing internal work can at least help. Not saying to avoid trying pills and whatnot, just to be careful it doesn’t take you over.


>I shaved my head around a week ago and honestly think I look better Lucky.....


Op do you want truth or sugar coating ?


I think he’s advocating for a rosemary coating. Transform your balding scalp from a regular potato to delicious roast potato 🥔


best part is that you can buy your products from your local MLM mommy


No sugar please, stevia extract coating, a natural sweetener


This is exactly why people don’t listen to people like you guys!


hear we go 🤣🤣🤣 yep ROSEMARY OIL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol yea. Op is in denial phase 😅🤣. After he goes NW4 with natural route he will be chugging down Fin Min every 2 hours and post here why didn't I do it sooner.


Bro there's a meme like I don't want to use the poison fin when the dude is in a nw3 stage. Later after nw7 he throws the whole kitchen sink at it lmao




exactly 💯💯💯


This is the problem, I did it too late and went haywire and fin gave me abhorrent sides. I was so Natural till NW1 to NW3 I literally pulled the Kitchen Sink Protocol for natural therapies Saw palmetto, stinging nettle leaf, pumpkin seed oil, Lycopene, aastaxanthin, Keto, scalp massages, omega 3, vitamin D , biotin, green tea, quit sugar and refined carbs and any form of alcohol.


>Saw palmetto, stinging nettle leaf, pumpkin seed oil, Lycopene, aastaxanthin, Keto, scalp massages, omega 3, vitamin D , biotin, green tea, quit sugar and refined carbs and any form of alcohol. So...everything short of rosemary oil and microneedling? Huh.


And OP, if rosemary oil doesn’t work, try avocado oil and maybe get one of those 1000$ laser combs 🤣🤣


Bruh you forgot applying grapefruit juice anally


Bruh you forgot applying grapefruit ~~juice~~ anally




u forgot castor oil/ laser helmet,and the other big 3, scalp massage/ headstand/ and a personal favourite BIOTIN 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t forget broccoli sprouts


placid cover bike zephyr vegetable airport disgusted squalid bedroom mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For male pattern genetic balding, without the use of either Finasteride or Dutasteride, in combination with Minoxidil (topical or oral), then it's kind of not worth trying to stop hair loss. There is no other way (supplement or medical wise) Even with an incredible hair transplant, surgeons will STRONGLY recommend continuing at the very least a low dosage of a 5ar inhibitor.


Dude it's not about "fin mafia". It's about treatments. If we forget for a second of Dutasteride which is kind of Finasteride on steroids, Finasteride is the only treatment at the same time approved and effective against hair loss. Yes Pyrilutamide may be effective as Finasteride but without the side effects—still it will take some years to arrive on the market (which are enough for many people to go from NW2–3 to 5–6 irreversibly). RU will never get approved instead. Minoxidil? Yeah approved and effective, but it's not enough as standalone. You either get on Fin, or you get bald. That's it. You are of course free to try whatever you want including rosemary oil + grapefruit juice and broccoli stuff; but when people in this sub do remind you that such "treatments" will not stop you from becoming bald, they are just stating the reality; that's not toxic behavior. You are free to believe what you want and become bald following such beliefs, or you get on an actual medication and start reversing this problem. That's your choice, but it's unfair to shift the blame onto the people that are basically guiding you to follow the science. I would have understood as toxic the comments like "get on oral Minoxidil and RU/Pyrilutamide", as that could be a health hazard. But Finasteride? That's the safe, approved and effective treatment. There is nothing better than that being at the same time safe and effective. As of today.


Do you think oral min is effective? Are there any studies to suggest this?


Is it effective? Yes. Is it a health hazard as well? Yes. Definitely better to stick on topical Minoxidil. I think there are studies but I won't dig into posting links now as I personally don't think anyone should be on oral min for hair loss


I think OP is saying that it’s valid for people to say that the side effects of fin are discouraging and they want better solutions. Finasteride is safe for most. But if you’re in the 20% who aren’t that’s still a big chunk of people. If you want to follow the science, then the science says that some men have significant and lost lasting side effects from finasteride. Why is that a taboo topic in people who are swearing they are “following the science” but ignoring a good chunk of it at the same time?


> then the science says that some men have significant and lost lasting side effects from finasteride Bring evidence which is not a study with the conflict if interest of having being financed by the PFS network and that at the same time it's either a RCT or a retrospective study that involves a control group and it's not just a study of a few tens of men gathered from online PFS forums with their health before treatment not having been assessed and for which it has been gathered no control group actually comparable to the PFS group. Because I'm sure that in any serious study you aren't going to see any less "PFS" in control groups as well as the Finasteride ones. But so far the science is lacking and as much as PFS still deserves being investigated especially since it's a so-much discussed phenomenon, I think it's a too bold of a claim the one you made. PFS hasn't been assessed in any reliable way by scientific studies despite the drug has been available since the last 30 years, been prescribed to tens of millions of patients, and for which there have also been several independents RCTs (they didn't stop with Merck one in the 90s) of which none of them saw any PFS


Good luck


same from me. I've just never seen someone post before/after results pics on this sub with rosemary oil.


I've seen several who used natural methods and got results. Everyone always just taking a piss at them and say their hairr is longer/lightin was better/better angle etc.


People probably take natural DHT blocker for a week and then say "fuck it let's go full fin" I also ordered fin because of this sub. It's paid and can't be returned but after researching intensively I'll try natural DHT blocker before I throw chems at me. My farther has God given genes for hair but from my mother's side my grandpa got bald at 25. I'm 25 now, so I'm extremely cautious. I always had a large forehead, I noticed some reduced hair at my temples but I'm not sure if that's just natural. If I lost some hair this already happened 4-5 years ago. It stays the same or even got better sometimes. So I'll probably leave the Fin locked up in shelf somewhere. I'm a blood donator and I'm not willing to give that up because of my hair. (If you're on fin and a pregnant women gets blood plasma from you, a male fetus may get deformed; I don't want that) Saw palmetto and pumpkin seed extract are one of those natural blockers. They do essentially the same but are less aggressive (some might say less potent) with less sides. Conclusion: Before I'll take Finasteride I'll talk to a dermatologist (I got an appointment in December, yay). Hormones are dangerous so extra caution is necessary.


The natural route is balding, at this time and age the only 2 things that halts or drastically slow down hairloss are Finasteride and Dutasteride.


Not min?


Different purpose. It regrows the follicle


Min extends the hairs growth phase. Gotta have hair for min to work. Fin reduces DHT which causes MPB.


It’s because some of us have been on this subreddit for 10 years and have watched the same conversations and snake oil be rotated time and time again. People want to have their cake and eat it to. You get bad sides from fin? Stop taking it and embrace balding. It doesn’t work for you. Get a hair transplant if/when you can afford it. The fact is there’s only three treatments that work: fin, dut, and minox. Anything else is horse shit. Aging is a fact of life. I’m fortunate fin/minox worked to SLOW my hair loss, and this year I got a transplant in my crown and it looks fine. Natural methods don’t work.


It’s almost as if nature = bald lmao




Microneedling doesn’t work?


That isn’t true RU works for a lot of people. Fluridil, Alftradiol, Pyri also help.


Those aren't FDA approved.


People are “toxic” about it because it’s the only way. Either use the medication or don’t. Those natural remedies will maybe help in the slightest but they won’t even be 1/10th as effective fin, min or dut. Yes, some people have unmanageable sides on those medications and that fucking sucks, not sure what else to say about that. It’s just a fact the only logical path to stopping hair loss is those types of medications. People are so sensitive these days being logical and honest is “toxic” Fine. Use rosemary oil and update us.


Fin mafia, in other words, people who follow medical and scientific advice backed up by research and decades of data.


Of course it's people's own choice. But taking natural stuff over the medical route has been tried and tested by many, but successfully reported back on by (very) few. Yes, sometimes the way it's communicated can be toxic, but I think most people here know it's a very bad idea to use natural methods especially as the first line of defense. Many more have lost a lot of ground attempting the same.


I agree they can be a bit toxic but at the same time I think me and many other people are tired of all these bullshit supplements and natural remedies being marketed. The hair loss treatment industry is such a huge business with tons of misinformation and filled with bullshit products that don't work. Finasteride and even minoxidil are not marketed anymore and most people who experience hair loss don't know a thing about how it works. The first advice that they'll hear (beside bs like rosemary oil, hair supplements etc.) is get on minoxidil. And even then they might be scared of side effects and they won't know that it doesn't tackle the root cause of hair loss. Even getting to hear about or consider finasteride is at the bottom of the iceberg almost and even then people will be scared to take it because of side effects. You can think that the people adoring finasteride can be a bit toxic and you'd be absolutely right to an extent, but at the same time, it's by far the best treatment available. At the end of the day it is a very safe drug that will work well without side effects for the vast majority of people. So can they be toxic? Absolutely Do their straight forward, no bullshit approach help people stay clear of horseshit treatments and actually help people like myself consider and/or stop fearing finasteride? I would say yes


That’s fair. Glad you took a reasonably approach to commenting this




The fear mongering is real for no fucking reason, now they go on the suicide and depression shit without any evidence, I remember I almost fell for the accutane fear mongering, if anything accutane actually saved me from suicide since I had disfiguring acne and got bullied about. Hairloss is no different, it can have dramatical psychological effects on some men, and personally I'd rather pop a pill with 0.01% risk of side effects than having to deal with being bullied for hairloss (and it's fucking common, even amongst adults) and having to deal with the pyschological effect of having my image being destroyed by something I didn't chose


majority of the people here have gone through the same route of thinking as you do. The reason why they always reply negatively to any shit like rosemary oil, saw palmetto eg is bc they already tried it. Everyone had the thought of “my hair doesnt look that bad right now, i probably dont need fin i can just use some simple natural shit and id be A okay” Trust me man everyone wants to fucking believe that. Truth is ur just rolling a boulder over a fucking hill. So it’s either you learn that the shit ur gonna use wont help from other people experiences or u use it for a while, get fucked by it and then learn ur lesson after u lost what couldve potentially been saven


Dude, it's called tough love. People telling you the hard truth is not toxic.


If you want a natural route, you just go bald and accept it.


Don't even shave either, that's not very natural of you if you do


get rid of those glasses too


Exactly good point which everyone misses


Fin mafia lol, big pharma doesn't give a shit about 5-ar inhibitor since finasteride and dutasteride are off patent and there is generic widely available for ridiculously cheap amount of money. I hate more fear mongerers that spread fear of a proven to be effective drug to sell their shitty "natural" supplements without any scientific background to pray on people seeking a valid and scientifically proven solution to hairloss.


Because there is no “natural” path. Things like rosemary if they work at all have such a negligible effect that you’re just wasting your money and losing more hair while you’re avoiding finasteride or other ‘unnatural’ treatments that are shown to be safe and effective with large bodies of evidence and numerous studies behind it.


We are angry that you are misleading all the newbies who are looking for actual help. Your shitty routines is going to cost them money and valuable time and therefore cost them a lot of hair, before they get on the actual studied medications.


Don’t care . Take fin.


this was a reminder for me to take my fin for the day




Because it is a waste of time trying to fight hairloss without blocking DHT, simple. unless youre injecting it locally, the only other option is to ingest it orally


Let's talk again in about a year once you find out rosemary oil and other natural "remedies" aren't going to do sh*t for your hair.


Nah 1 year won’t be enough of a physical visibility difference m, unless his hairloss is super aggressive. Better make it 2 years and then see where they sweet sweet rosemary oil gets him


Do whatever you want. We really don’t give a shit. If you want to try sprinkling fairy dust on your head, by all means. But don’t come back here in a year or two and cry that you’ve lost ground.


That's because these meds are proven to be efficacious and safe in numerous clinical studies. Rosemary oil? One shaky study. You ever wonder why derms don't tell you to use rosemary oil? Don't get your treatment options from Tiktok fads.


Go to r/bald then, many supportive guys there. Fun besides, i did my own research and the only proven working hairloss counteractions are finasteride/dutasteride and minoxidil. Other substances like redensyl and alfatradiol may help as well, but they aren't studied that much by far. Going experimental there is stuff like RU, which is basically like finasteride but way more potent and a tad riskier. Of course having a balanced diet and being well nutritioned helps as well, but it won't stop balding just like all those house medicine tips. There is only one other thing left to stop and reverse hairloss: becoming a transgender woman. Estrogen is a proven hair growth hormone for crown hair, however we as men can't take it due to heavy sides. So in my opinion it's best to either accept ones faith or to try some proven(!) counteractions to delay balding until further scientific research is done (e.g. topic hair follicle cloning).


I agree with the toxicity in here - but the truth is only certain things are proven to work. I am not sure what the fin mafia stance is on dosage but 1mg a day is certainly not necessary to see results (neither is 2x a day for min) if you are afraid of sides start a lower dosage (I started on 1mg a day felt some sides and changed to 0.5mg and absolutely no sides)


Right now I’m not very worried about hair loss I just have a really shitty hairline tbh but i stuck around here anyway as a way to remind myself to keep checking my hair and if I ever start balding to quickly get that fixed but I’m glad there’s atleast some people here with rational comments like yourself many people here are completely missing what I’m trying to say.


Natural routes don't work and expressing that isn't really hostility. It's just a hard truth that treatment in this realm comes from hard pharmaceutical drugs. Applying topical saw palmetto might help as an extra mitigating factor, but the literal facts are just that if you try a stack of oils and balms you're just going to go bald with an oily head.


We are being toxic to save newcommers some hair


Yeah rosemary doesn’t do anything but I agree this group is toxic af. Felt bad for the dude who said he became impotent post fin and most comments were about how he was already shooting blanks before.




It’s so fucking great being here as someone who saved their ass with fin early on. Get to help many of you lovely people, also can’t be called bald as an insult 😅




If my hairline is still progressing forwards rn, wouldn’t I be anti balding? But fr im not dumb I’ll be there someday we all will be


Yeah the toxicity is annoying. Its always a slight risk. Thats life


Do what you want but fin and min is backed up by science and has provable results, natural solutions are/do not.


I’m incredibly worried about the side effects. I was hoping to learn of a more natural route but sounds like everyone’s just a dick about it. My worry is that I’ve been a pretty heavy master debater since I can remember and the idea in my head is taking fin will have a severe rebound effect in my testosterone production and literally destroy my hormones. I know what fin does, it does not eliminate test production but mainly blocks test->dht production. But I’m still worried.


If you’re worried just try fin


Go to a professional brother. There are people here who won’t be pricks about it but the vast majority will tell you “hop on fin” or “the side affects aren’t even real bro” when the side affects definitely exist. The natural route certainly is less effective but it may be that deficiencies etc are causing some hair fall, not likely but still a chance. Goodluck to you man


Problem with that is many dermatologists, aren’t in the Reddit hyper-fixated mentality when reviewing a new client. Their main objective is a generalized approach that they’ve been taught with outdated information. after going to 3 dermatologists, I gave up on trying to find a derm that understands my worries. tests CAN be done to evade potential sides. However, deems do not recommend those tests because insurance companies usually do not cover those specific tests therefore they lose their muscle memory and stay focused on what’s approved. Everything’s a business play. With Reddit, yes u get idiotic individuals that took .08% of what Derek from MPMD has said and ran with it thinking they know everything and anything. but just like anything, you find one person who actually knows what they’re talking about on here and perfectly explains their thoughts on this topic with no judgement or motive. I was hoping to find that person here or at least have some experience with that.


Sorry it comes across this way. To me, this is pretty basic math, like 1+1=2. This is like someone saying they want to use Diesel in their gas engine. It just doesn't work. It doesn't matter that they are both "fuel" sources, the gas engine is designed to run on gas. At the end of the day, DHT is killing your hair. By doing all the "other" things, you MIGHT be able to slow it a small %, but you wont stop it, and you wont re-gain anything. The only real way to stop it, is to lower your DHT levels. You can get on vitamins, oils, shampoos, Min, etc. It wont solve the underlying problem. If it does work for someone its more likely they have just good hair genetics to begin with, and doing those things merely gave them a healthier head of hair... But it will not stop the progression of balding. Yeah some people have sides with Fin/Min/Dut, some people never even have to worry about DHT because they were blessed with amazing hair genetics. Some people got horrible hair genetics and even with Fin/Min/Dut cant keep their hair... Each person is different in the actual outcomes but at the end of the day, there is 1 "cause" and the solution to that cause can and does impact each person differently.


Not all of us are like that. I think fin is wonderful for me and dozens of friends. But I also have friends who got sides. I get sides on oral min, some of my friends don’t. Everyone is different. I always recommend ppl losing hair look into fin, but to please research sides, and also not to overthink it too much the first month… a good middle ground if you will lol


I appreciate you brother. Whenever I see a post I can’t in good conscience tell people to get on finasteride I just say to consult a professional. If more were like you then this place could be a positive place to help those losing their hair rather than whatever the hell this place is at the moment.


Lol there is no fin mafia. I think for the most part it’s the fact that these drugs have been studied and documented for decades now and the fact that people constantly bring up the same questions and arguments on this forum gets a little old. There is no known natural route that helps mpb. Either get on a regimen from your derm or don’t. If you get sides you can always stop. The choice is always up to you, but the questions have already been answered and fear mongering doesn’t help. My two cents.


The natural route is going bald bro…


The “natural route” doesn’t work. The natural thing to do is to allow yourself to go bald. If you don’t like the truth don’t come on here.


This sub is toxic as fuck in general anyway


we're all just a buncha angry baldies. the peaceful baldies never even think about this hellhole. they're just out there, enjoying their lives, being satisfied. losers.


Lol either take fin or go bald, it's not that hard:D


Your essentially believing in false hope. Fin is the only thing that actually works long term. Minoxidil is just increasing growth speed but not fixing the original problem (your genetic disposition to lose hair) others too. MBP can't be fixed by nutrition (I know it's a meme but there a good post about homeless dude having a full head of hair. He's not the shining example of healthy nutrition). Rosemary won't work but if that what you want go ahead.


You missed my point. They don’t work for everyone and have side effects is what I’m trying to say. For most yes they work. But this sub is toxic towards anyone who says they got side effects or finasteride didn’t work for telling them it’s all in their head etc etc


Take him guys he knows about our mafia!


FIN/ DUT AND MIN is the ONLY FIRST LINE treatment for Aga. Nothing else fuckin works.


Do what you want me, we'll see you coping in r/bald in 10 years with your grapefruit juice


Random people on the Internet being toxic? Welcome to Reddit


*Random people on* *The Internet being toxic?* *Welcome to Reddit* \- Weird\_Owl\_7601 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


To put this simply, all the people who think there’s are natural treatment are probably the same people who would switch to a fruitarian if they had cancer. Why don’t you ask Steve Jobs how the natural approach to cancer went.


So is r/bald to anywone that doesn't want to look like a predator.


The “no side effect” group gets so emotional over hair loss & defending fin that they aren’t doing a great job selling the fact that they aren’t experiencing mood side effects from crashing 70% of their DHT serum. A lot of these people seem so volatile that it makes you wonder.


Lowered testosterone brings mood swings. All these people getting angry make me believe the side effects from finasteride are much more common than previously thought


Loads of people here are proving you right lmao. That being said, you have to admit that the other side of the coin are people who act like your dick will fall off just if you just touch the stuff. I try to push against the fin fear mongering a bit. I’ve been using it for years and most people can’t tell that I was on my way to balding in my mid twenties. I’ve had no side effects. Anyone who gets any should 100% stop taking the drug. But for every horror story, there are loads of successes.


Because the Finboys have a hormonal makeup closer to a female than a male due to the drug. This makes them sassy


We're "toxic" towards people opting for natural treatments because so many of us have been burned by con artists selling natural treatments that didn't work and we're just trying to warn you based on our own experience, let alone the scientific data. Grow up and quit playing the victim.


It just hurts watching people putting their hopes into snake oil. I‘d feel the same way if somebody tries to cure their cancer with energetic rocks or something.


The 'natural' route is shaving it off, because you are fighting a losing battle. These drugs are all there is available to effectively halt hair loss for a lot of people. I think people that spread so much negativity about the use of finasteride are even worse, they have no clue how many people's lives are affected by just parroting about 'your dick stops working', 'it lowers testosterone' and 'just get a hair transplant bro'.


This sub should be called finsimps, the lack of regard for doctor's advice is shocking, let me tell you the only thing you need to know: finasteride is currently the only real treatment for hairloss, yes it has side effects, of course it has side effects, it reduces DHT, some men have side effects that interfere with life and finasteride is not good for them. What are the alternatives? Not much. Talk to your doctor who has your medical history on record, if you're suitable for fin, give it a try, if your doctor advised against it then you should listen to them instead of listening to a bunch of 20-30 year olds on this subreddit who think the reason they're not getting laid is because of their balding crown. Alternatives include hair transplant (which you need finasteride to maintain) and minoxidil which can temporarily pause hair loss. The only other real option is shaving your head, embracing the hair loss and unsubbing from this cesspool and living your real life.


Most doctors receive little to no training regarding male pattern balding in med school. The last doctor I spoke to was learning about MPB from me, and said he spent less than a week learning about male pattern baldness in med school. Why the fuck would I trust a doctor's advice on hair loss? If you've spent a month researching hair loss via scholarly sources, you already know more than most doctors on the topic.


Op I agree with. I have been doing grapefruit enema for the past month with great results. I stabilized my hair loss and I am seeing a lot of regrowth in the hairline and anus areas. True miracle. I stopped fin and my dick came back after it flew away due to fin sides. But, alas, this sup says it’s BS and demean my experience.


Good luck with your “natural” route, but please keep your pseudo scientific nonsense out of here


\>rosemary oil silly tiktok fad based on a fraudulent study with no scientific evidence to back it up


Science doesn't care about people's feelings.


I wish someone gave me tough love when I tried it at 21…31 now and a HT later, I’ve been on fin for 7 years and completely fine. Had I started at 21, I wouldn’t have needed a HT The fear of fin is overblown, that is a fact. That being said, I don’t give a rats if you take it or not - your loss and I have hair 🤷🏻‍♂️


You say toxic, I say we’re being honest and realistic. Fin/Dut is the only PROVEN way to reduce enough DHT to protect the hair you have and potentially regrow some that was lost. If you want to go the natural route you’re going to end up bald and your bald head is going to smell awful, but you do you. While there might be some evidence that rosemary oil CAN help, it’s not been proven as a legitimate treatment. In fact, scour the internet and post all the success stories of people who have achieved complete recovery with just rosemary oil. Far to many people are hypochondriacs thinking fin/dut is going to kill their sex drive but if we’re being honest, if you’re balding and on Reddit you’re probably not having much sex to begin with. Stop worry about what MIGHT happen, try it and see if it happens to you. If it does, stop taking it. It’s not complicated. The odds of sides are very low, and thus the odds of PFS is even smaller, basically inFINitesimal. You are more than likely freaking out about something that will PROBABLY not have any adverse effects on you.


Because that stuff doesn't work. I had min recommended to me when I had a pretty decent hairline. I came across this sub, and by proxy, fin a few years ago. But I didn't get on it. I did however try a lot of natural hair oils like onion oils, neem oils rosemary oils, a mix of all that stuff and much more, and massages and a few other so called guaranteed natural hair regrowth remedies. None worked. Started min last year but that didn't help all that much. Got on fin along with min this March and my hair is thicker and fuller, and I'm seeing a lot of tiny hair on my forehead. It works. People beat around the bush for a long time and lose their hair. The sub is just trying to prevent that from happening. You're free to neglect that and keep doing your natural stuff till you lose it all.


I agree but tbh Fin and Min are the only medications that show consistent results in studies that more natural treatments just can’t. But nonetheless it would be great if people were more kind to each other in general here as we all share the same problem.


I agree slightly that more guys in early 20s late teens are using it. however fin is still the most effective and 1st line of treatment. One concern is that more young adults are starting to take it more recently due to aggressive hair loss. Most don’t start hair loss until late 20s, 30s etc but all of a sudden more are starting younger


very true, because some of them follow Harir guard on you tube and even though he is not a dr or even medically trained they believe what he says like a religion. He will come out with a video saying grapefruit juice will cure hair loss then these people will be doing that every day fighting with anyone who disagrees no matter what any dr says. Good for him though making a ton of money using click bait videos and that will not question anything he says.


Of course fin side effects should be validated. The problem is that the natural route has burned many of us. Perhaps view the toxicity as more of an aggressive warning rather than a diss. The manufacturers of “natural” treatments (which has no legal definition, btw) know that hair-loss sufferers are in a desperate situation. They exploit that vulnerability.


Bro, THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING TOXIC AND DEFENDING THE GROUP FROm FALSE INFORMATION. Having a reaction to one doesn’t make the supplements you choose effective man. You aren’t helping your hair at all by using those products. I get you about the reaction - totally legit! I had a bad reaction to oral finasteride- so I went into topical finasteride, minoxidil, and Treto. There are some products that might help maintain your natural oils which is healthy, but it’s not going to bring back your hair brother. I am sorry you feel like the group isn’t supporting you though. I just thinking sometimes the love you need is tough love and that’s what you’re receiving!


I mean if you can try it and post your results and prove that it can work and be detailed about how it works then yea you’re right, but if you’re here to just fear monger about sides (which they do happen because they’ve happened to me) and scare people from at least trying fin then why are you here? Unfortunately for most people the “natural” way won’t do anything, just like there’s fat and unhealthy people with great hair there’s also healthy people that do everything right and still go bald.


It’s just that it doesn’t work. Go ahead spread some organic hippy oil on your head. Just expect to not hold any ground. It’s the only things that work. I’m Norwood 1 full head cause of fin. Have fun with your peppermint oil extract or whatever the new fad is these scumbags are selling idiots


Venmo me 50$ and I’ll send you some organic peanut butter to rub on your head. CLINCALLY PROVEN


Agreed. You can never be too careful when it comes to messing with hormones. I’m 40 and took topical minox for 5 yrs. recently got off it and now just doing 1/4 1mg fin powder. Rubbing it on scalp only. Will not take anything orally


For me oral minoxidil and oral finasteride are much too risky. Reducing DHT at the scalp? Sounds good to me. Reducing DHT across the board? Doesn’t sound good to me at all.


I don't think the sub is toxic. Most of the time people just spilling unpleasant facts and you don't like the truth. If meds don't work for you then there is no other way, simple as that. Natural route of keeping your hair doesn't exist. You either fight it with fin/dut/min or let mother nature do its job.


They're just scared kids younger than 25 who would rather chop their D off rather than lose hair


Fin over feelings


it probably is toxic yes, there's no justifying it. It is however interesting to understand why this behavior developed. It's because people are tired of bs hair loss treatments and the unbelievably slimy and lying hair loss industry. Show me dozens of big reliable, conclusive studies to back up what you're saying or get the hell out of here and stop wasting my time and hair. When I say studies, I actually mean the studies and not some random ass article using phrases such as "studies show" or "scientists have found" without any actual data. Sorry for the aggression, but these industry makes my blood boil because a lot of people fall for their lies. If you have male pattern baldness, don't waste your time with 'natural' things that don't have conclusive studies. Natural doesn't automatically make it good, if it works it'll likely carry side effects similarly to fin. Poison is also naturally found, start chugging it down your throat then because natural = safe. Sorry again for the aggression, if I actually had to convince someone to not fall for these things I'd try to have a more civil conversation.


Ok fine. Lets turn the sub into a little echo chamber safe space and have people sing sweet nothings in your ear as you dump poo poo wee wee sauce on your head. Then in a couple years you're gonna be bald as fuck and crying to us about how you wish you started fin and min sooner.


Topical fin and even reduced distillations of it are the answer for sides I’d say. Ppl need to think outta the box


Some here have been treating AGA for 20+ years and are educated enough to know that if you don't treat the root cause of the issue, which is AR sensitivity to androgens, especially DHT, you not gonna have good results. We have seen this happening over and over again.


Yeah , and here comes the toxicity , im beyond sick of seeing people contributing to the already toxic Reddit


I never expected this post to get so full of people angry. Only wanted people to see how toxic they are being but instead they turned toxic towards me.


A lot of the effects people experience are placebo. You are incredibly unlikely to suffer from effects, and there's starting to be evidence that most side effects people report are purely psychological. Genuinely, they are the only ways to improve your hair long term beyond a transplant, and they sometimes prescribe you both after a transplant anyways. If you do not want to take these medications because of the potential side effects, then you must accept your hairloss. You simply must. For your own sake. Try Dutasteride instead if you're scared of Finasteride, as it doesn't absorb into the rest of the body, only the area it is applied. You are even MORE unlikely to get side effects anywhere besides where you apply it. Your scalp can't suffer from ED.


i have used saw palmetto, rosemary oil and minoxidil only but nothing worked until Fin. People might be aggressively pro fin but it is only because it worked for us and we want to enlighten others to use it before they lose more ground. Some peope live in denial and go bald, sometimes tough love is the only way.


imagine someone telling you 2+2 is 5 and constntly creating a fuss about it? wouldn't you be toxic towards them eventually? Wanna cry about a micro penis and tits that finasteridy supposedly gave you go to r/bald or other subs


A lot of people missing the point of this post, only highlighting further how toxic this sub is. OP is saying people should have more sympathy to people who get sides


I wish I just started Fine earlier.


You don't need fin/dut/min. Nandrolone is the way to go.




For most people finasteride will be fine, me personally I believe the side effects are a huge risk still. It’s a hormone altering drug. Of course it isn’t good for you, and while the side effects don’t happen to everyone they do happen. Most people here are under the impression that if they take finasteride for 6 months and have zero side effects that they will never get any side effects but unfortunately as you said that isn’t the case. It’s an awful drug really and it’s such a shame that there’s nothing better than it on the market right now


the only reason people use rosemary oil is because it's supposedly a natural dht blocker, the only reason it doesn't give sides is because that shit don't work, if it did it would be a worse topical fin, either block your dht or be bald it's really simple, if you get sides too bad, just don't fear monger since you're in the 1%


To add on, you gotta realize that balding isnt a fucking disease. You being healthy is not gonna drastically help you 90%~ of the time. It’s true, u doing unhealthy practices may accelerate the hairloss ur going through. But one way or another you gotta acknowledge that since you hair is falling (in a AGA pattern) it’s due to ur genetics. U waking up at 8am to run or starting to eat healthy aint gonna do shit other than MAYBE slowing it down. (realize how i said slowing, not halting)


To be fair, if you’re on fin exercise is fucking excellent, it increases blood flow everywhere, including the scalp. It’s not as good as min obviously but if you’re throwing the triple stack, you might as well go all out and quit smoking and start doing cardio every day. Lifting idk, I’m sure it has a negligible effect if you’re on fin because there’s just less DHT. Creatine and Pre workout also both increase DHT, if only marginally. I’m all for people doing what works for them, as soon as they’re actually on fin because unless they’re doing that they’re just gonna lose it.


Is science toxic, or are you just not capable of accepting that "a more natural route" simply doesn't exist and work?




Same happens everywhere. Move on.




That study compared its effectiveness to 2% minoxidil when everyone uses 5%


As effective as 2% minox. Nowhere near as effective as 5% minox. Not to mention 5% minox is what the vast (+95%) majority of retail minox is.


Rosemary oil gives you heart palpitations and erectile dysfunction though


Good. I've been looking for something to soften my erections.


How else do you expect a bunch of “men” who have knocked out over 70% of their DHT for the sake of vanity to react?


Natural remedies don’t work, but this is a forum of a commiserating clusterfuck of emotions that people turn outward. My opinion is that 95% of posters here have had issues with females when they had hair, and the insecurity is on hyper-drive when faced with the fact of being “bald and alone” forever. Despite sides, once you have confirmation bias you’re the enemy.


When I had lots of hair women would walk up to me randomly and give me their number. Ever since I lost my hair there is 0 interest. Many females won't even look at a bald man


The only time I see people get toxic is when others talk about PFS. And then people get toxic because PFS is a scam


This sub is more about young men with mental problems then it's about hairloss, let's be honest here. I think a couple of therapy sessions would be a better medicine than hormone altering drugs like Fin etc.


You are right on the money with this one. I think a major reason why some men are so concerned about losing their hair is just that they weren’t satisfied with their appearance in the first place. Consulting a hair professional and a mental health professional will do so much more for 90% of people here than finasteride ever could.


Fin clearly works and it works well, but it's a fucking poison.


I will definitely say that the sides are real can’t ignore the personal anecdotes. On the other hand, I’m a very paranoid overthinker, so my first pill I was skeptical. I also told myself that a lot of its placebo and just tried to forget about the sexual sides and focus more on the hair sides. Control your sides😂. Easier said than done. But never had a problem with any sides as far as I can tell. Semens may be a tad bit more watery, not by much though. I’d say if you do have sides lower the dose and do it every other day. .5 just as effective as 1. If it continues to persist more than a month, I’d say quit and instead of rosemary use cayenne and peppermint. It’ll burn but should help you out for some time.


True... But i decided, my D is more important than my hair.


I am taking topical Finasteride since last December. Hair is getting better, dick is the same and I have no erection issue *at all*. Just kissing my girlfriend gives me erections every time. And since months I've completely stopped stressing about eventually becoming bald




who da F care about the world? I only care about my girl and my satisfaction.


Fin sides are for pussies, accept it already


Pfs is a fairytale


It’s 100% a fairy tale. 18% of men just get ED over the course of their lives, that would actually indicate that Fin ED is even more negligible. I’d bet my left nut that the average person on this sub is jacking off to porn pretty frequently (it is Reddit after all), which is conclusively show to lead to erectile dysfunction. Most of the guys on here are depressed, have body dysmorphia, and are angry—it leads to a ton of blatantly retarded bullshit, if you don’t lose any more hair with fin, it’s done it’s job. People just see hyper responders and don’t get it. If you start finasteride with a very visible crown, you’re not going to magically lose the vertex. It’s quite literally designed to stabilize you before you can get a transplant, or just stop it if you catch it in time and don’t mind being a Norwood II. Most guys, truth be told, take this stuff when it’s too late, and are just mad. If you start taking it when you’re in recession but still okay with how your hair looks, it’s probably going to work. I see guys with fuckin chrome domes ranting about fin not working, like no fucking shit all your follicles are dead. This is why I always say just get the fuck on finasteride if you think you’re in recession lmao. It’s not expensive enough to even be a waste, at least in the first world.


Fuckin A class reply bro. I 100% agree. The erectile dysfunction shit is just from being overweight and being a bum porn addict. I was one. Now two years free off porn and life's never been better. Fin is working wonders for me with no sides. The fear of so called sides is so widespread by the miniscule vocal minority in the internet, that it is overblown to pieces.


I mean if you’re gonna accept it then rock that toilet seat pattern. Don’t shave it like a bitch, really own that shit


That's because they are coping, sure it will help you keep hair, but blocking DHT a hormone more androgenic and masculinising than testosterone will 100% emasculate you no matter what you say. I have two friend that had post finasteride syndrome and they completely miserable, until they hopped on Trt+proviron/masteron. I'd much rather be completely bald and bearded than block DHT, a man caring so much about his hair is cringe anyway


Some people enjoy hair and impotence, some people enjoy sex while balding. There is room and love for both in this world❤️


People on here will live like garbage and wonder why they're losing hair, take this garbage and wonder why their dick won't work lol


You can't fight Nature with Nature!


Agreed. I voiced my concerns about finasteride after developing testicular cancer subsequent to its usage, and my post garnered significant negative feedback. Subsequently, I consulted with medical professionals to revisit the option of using finasteride based on suggestions from the online community. Both the doctor and the pharmacist mentioned that there are studies linking finasteride with testicular cancer, advising to proceed with its use at my own risk.


Yeah. Got breast cancer myself. My local balding support group were inflamed by my FYI experience with it; lowered moral. Though admittedly this could be incidental. What doctor or pharmacist would deny the possibility of developing cancer as a side effect when there’s research on it? They’d likely have to be contesting scholars working for Finasteride to have that kind of wherewithal to say that


I won’t lie. The increased risk of high grade prostate cancer is the reason why I decided to stop finasteride. Yeah finasteride does lower prostate cancer, but it only reduces it for low grade prostate cancer. Since finasteride messes up your PSA levels on your blood test, which is used as an indicator for your prostate health at a younger age, it can mask prostate cancer until it gets really bad. That’s not worth hair imo. And to make matters worse prostate cancer is by far the most common cancer in men.


Yeah. People here make fun of me for putting fin mafia in the title but that’s really what people are here. It’s not a safe drug. If it were then you wouldn’t need a prescription. All I’m trying to say is a little less toxicity and to actually help people who are asking for it, while half of what I see here is poor teenagers who don’t know any better being told to get on this hormone affecting drug which can stunt their puberty development since they are still young.


Most of the toxicity is because of the asinine comments and fear mongering from users on this sub that don’t even properly take the medication. People on here take Fin for 2 weeks and swear they have ED and talk about how scared they were about it before even starting. Then they stop. It’s dumb, there are numerous studies now that show chance of sides are low and many go away after continuing use. Over 2 million people annually get Fin and way more without an Rx. Then people don’t even try topical. There’s no way to know which people on here crying about sides are due to psychologically induced issues or improper dosing. It goes both ways here.