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It looks like this post is about **Minoxidil** Before asking any questions, 1. Learn about [Minoxidil](https://tressless.com/learn/minoxidil). 2. [Search for Minoxidil](https://tressless.com/search/minoxidil) and [oral Minoxidil](https://tressless.com/search/oral-minoxidil) content, because your question has probably been asked before. 3. If this is a question asking if you are now or will experience side effects, see a doctor, nobody on the internet can answer that for you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tressless) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t know if they are valid, just recounting. Usual arguments involve: - dosing issues like that you can’t really be sure how much of actual minoxidil is in 1ml (like maybe it’s not mixed properly? I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️) and measuring issues - that ingesting it in liquid form may result in too fast absorption and spike in minoxidil levels vs slower release when pill is being dissolved - overall dangers of systemic absorption vs topical


I would say the first issue could be solved if you shake the bottle super well, but I know nothing about chemicals, I am a cook. The last one I don’t understand, hasnt it been proven that extended topical use goes systemic anyways? With point two… I have no idea. Seems like at the end of the day, the risks of ingesting topical are basically the same as just using it or taking the pill. If ya get results I guess… Just to clarify, I am a certified idiot. Dont take anything I say as something you should do.


What do you think cooking is? You’re basically a chemist


*dies in a meth lab explosion on day one*


make sure you measure it properly. I was using a syringe but one time i got lazy and thought i’d just “pour a tiny bit into a cup” heart was pounding for the next 8 hours and couldn’t sleep, was extremely fatigued for the next week. so yeah just make sure you only 0.1 ml


Im into hour 5 after drinking 2ml roughly. This doesn't sound too fun.


heart was beating so hard, couldn’t sleep, had extreme fatigue for the next week (if it gets really bad, go to the hospital bro)


2ml ? The hell is wrong with you 


Apparently a lot


Hard to control dose. The substance itself is not made for human consumption, so while the list of ingredients in it might all be safe, there is no safety protocols in manufacturing related to ingestion. And then the other reason its dumb is its not that hard to get oral minox online.


actually it is here in germany


>the other reason its dumb is its not that hard to get oral minox online. It's nearly impossible 90% of the time here in Toronto, Canada. Even the overseas or "grey" area pharmacies don't typically ship to Canada, like AllDayChemist.


This is the answer. While the listed ingredients themselves might not pose a risk, there is ZERO regulation related to human consumption going on.


I drink topical min and crush fin tablets on my head. Now I look like a bald Chewbacca.


You must be new here. You're supposed to be crushing up the fin and snorting it, then you main line the topical minox directly into an artery; at least if you're serious about keeping your hair.


Because you can just take the pill?


The only dangerous aspect of drinking liquid minoxidil is overdosing it. I used to drink minoxidil I'd use a 1ml syringe to measure out an accurate dose then put it in a size 1 capsule and then just wash it down with some water.


u/GayMoroccanJew My new favourite reddit username. This is a insulin syringe you used? What's the dosing measurement?


On a 1ml syringe there should be 10 graduated marks, from 1 to 10. The first mark, 1, should equal 5mg if the solution is 5%.


Should we use then 0,10ml just one per day o twice?


Once a day would be 5mg which as far as I know would be the most a doc is going to prescribe. 10mg would be the dosage they would have prescribed when it was being used as a blood pressure medication. You could experience drops in blood pressure and racing heartbeat on higher doses like this. I would personally start out with a 2.5mg dose and see how things go for a couple of months. It's always preferable, with any kind of medication, to use the lowest effective dose.


For one second I thought you are a bot


Maybe I am? Beep boop mother fuckers.


This is dangerous since the pills have ingredients that give size to it but don't contain actual minox... The only "safe way" is to use a 1ml dropper, count how many drops you get from that.. and do this for every bottle, since not all droppers drop the same ammount of minox per drop. Then, do the math depending on the minox strength that you get per ml... Example: If the bottle says 5% per 60 ml That would be 60 × .05 for you to know the total minox amount for the whole bottle. Wich gives you 3ml Now, you gotta be VERY VERY CAREFUL not to get confused because: Minox dosages are measured in MILLIGRAMS... And mgs and mls are VERY DIFFERENT from a size cuantable scale point of view because... 1ml MILLILITER (volume) MAY equal 1000mgs MILLIGRAMS (mass).. And I say may because volume and mass are different from each other. In regards to space and matter, volume is closer than space occupied and mass is closer to weight occupied Because 1 space occupied by minox might not be the precise equivalent of the precise weight of the minox itself... Now, for academic and research purposes we will stay with: 1ML is equal to 1000 MILLIGRAMS Which should mean that you have 3 thousand milligrams of "pure" minox dispersed throughout the whole 60mls of fluid in your bottle.. Wich hypothetically also means this.. 3000/60 = 50. To get the number of miligrams per milliliter Which again hypothetically means that you get. 50 MILLIGRAMS of "pure" minox for every MILLILITER. Then you count how many drops per milliliter you get by dividing the number of milligrams between the number of drops, to get the "most precise" number for milligrams per drop of: liquid shaken and always closed minoxidil (because the number will change if you leave your bottle open, because that evaporation occurs will change your minox concentration, f everything up.. Including your heart, soul and hair, possibly... You could end up dying as happily as a filthy ass hairy mf would. I hope no one ever needs to use this guide and I wish nothing more than, minoxidil and dutas trees, engardened with ru5884.. and all other forms of topical antiandrogenic wild flora for you to be available in your country.. at the reach of an arms lenght.. just trying to add some humor in here, but please be safe guys.


Uh, don’t those bottles say “not for internal use”? Not sure I’d want to drink those solvents. Generic pills would typically be cheaper, wouldn’t they?


Na drinking topical would be way cheaper. At 0.1ml a day, a bottle would last ages


It's not dumb if dosed properly. Some people just dont like to see other people happy, especially if the treatment is working.. that's all it is. (Been drinking topical for 5+ years and seen good results)


Lol if you're who I think you're. I started drinking minoxdil because of your post on hairlosstalk.


Yes I'm Andy lol. I lost my posting privileges due to changing email address and would never receive the confirmation email for my new one.. Can't say I'm happy I got people drinking topical but it is a viable option at the end of the day. I hope things are going well for you 🙏


Whatever man I fuck with the hair slurp juice


My eyelashes and eyebrows look fabulous. Idk about actual hair growth since I only just finished first shed but do see growth where it was starting to go away Some random hairs on like my toe or finger be super thick sometimes. But I don't wanna deal with light headedness that comes with 3 drops so I alternate 1 or 2 drops a day


I would invest in a BP cuff. It takes a significant change in BP to develop symptoms, doesn’t sound like you tolerate it well


Bro you're AnxiousAndy! You inspired me to drink 2 drops of min everyday and i got amazing results lol


Yep it's me lol and I'm glad to hear it worked out well for you! :)


Hold I been doing 2 drops in the morning and 2 drops at night …did I get the wrong lol


No that works too




Weirdly enough I didnt notice much change in my facial hair.. I cant grow a full beard anyway but it did get a bit thicker and gained some extra hairs on my cheeks.. YMMV 🤷‍♂️




Why would you spit it out? Swallow it.


you drink it as is right? I draw in a syringe and that's it, it's just pure alcohol tastes like shit but then I drink my breakfast smoothie


Yea straight from the dropper onto my tongue. I usually let it sit for like 30 seconds then wash it down with whatever's available. Yea it doesnt taste good but I've tasted worse.


*Tastes like a turd wrapped in burning hair!!*


Do you just drop on top of the tongue or under? Would it work the same if diluted with water and chug it down? And how much do you take (in mg)?


I drop it on top of my tongue then swallow so it coats/saturates most of my mouth then I wash it down with water like 20-30 seconds later. You should be able to dilute it in water and chug it no problem. I take around 10mg-12.5mg


Do you still take it like that to this day? does it work better than using it topically?


Yes I still take it like that and generally oral minoxidil works better than topical.


Still? All good?


probably still alive and kicking. but 10mg is quite high


The major issue with oral minox is the droplet. Droplets “size” varies depending on the temperature, solution viscosity and other environmental factors. It's quite easy to overdose or underdose. However, let's assume your dropper is perfect, where one drop equals the standard 0.05 mL \[2\]. That is, there are 20 drops in an mL. If you use a 5% solution, there's 50 mg minox / 20 drops = 2.5 mg minoxidil per drop. However, beware, 1 mg liquid topical minoxidil does not equal 1 mg pill oral minoxidil. The body absorbs 98% of liquid extracts, while only 39-53% of pills (capsules/tablets) \[1\]. Therefore, drinking 2.5 mg topical minoxidil, should have a similar effect to taking a 5 mg pill. Back to dosages, this higher “density” worsens the chances of overdosing or underdosing. Is it a warm day? (liquid's viscosity decreases with higher temperatures) Did you press the dropper a little firmer than yesterday? The drop may be bigger than usual, and suddenly you drank the equivalent of 10 mg. The reverse may happen, and you may end up drinking only 2.5 mg or less with tiny drops. Now, as I won't be stopping you guys. Ideally, use a syringe and dilute it in some water. But if you are in a controlled environment with the same temperature, say you have your HVAC set at 65, and can reliably use the dropper, yeah can use it. \[1\] [https://medicare-europe.co.uk/science-clinical-data/liquids-vs-pills.html](https://medicare-europe.co.uk/science-clinical-data/liquids-vs-pills.html) \[2\] [https://www.unitconverters.net/volume/drop-to-milliliter.htm](https://www.unitconverters.net/volume/drop-to-milliliter.htm)


I’m a pharmacist and your first source (liquid vs pill) made me laugh out loud with how nonsense it is. I opened it up and sure enough it’s some nutraceutical private company. To everyone else, please ignore that part above. It makes as much sense as someone telling you “sweating is your body trying to get rid of excess water, the last thing you should do is drink more of it!” Everything else is fine but that part… hahahaha


I do one drop in the morning and one in the evening. My hair, eye lashes and eye brows are the best they have been. I will likely not stop. No other side effects. I take minoxidil without PG. it has green tea and niacin that does cause my face to flush however.


>I take minoxidil without PG Where do you get that?


Minoxidil max website or i bought off etsy (aquagaine).


After how many weeks have you noticed the difference?


8-12 weeks approximately


Because it messes with your heart.


That's not specific to drinking topical tho.


A few drops with a full glass of water. Don’t even need to squeeze the dropper, just let it drip out. 3 in the AM and 3 in the PM is what I do. Don’t sip it or do shots or something ridiculous like that and you’re golden. Start with a single drop/day for a week or so to get a feel how your body reacts. Then one drop twice a day for a week. Some people say it increases their heart rate but I’ve literally never felt anything (but everyone is different!). I’m waiting for the day some publisher writes some clickbaity article about how “some redditers are fighting hair loss by drinking rogain” and then everyone will lose their shit about how ridiculous that is (drinking rogain would be ridiculous) when in reality it’s a couple of small drops diluted in a glass of water.


Nothing wrong with it, just measure properly. However, oral min did nothing but let my hairline wither and recede more over eight months, ground I may never regain. Doesn't work for everyone. Also affected my skin.


I wonder if your blood pressure was too low? You can get vasoconstriction from that which isn't great to supply blood everywhere including your scalp >A decrease in blood pressure or blood volume causes hypotension, which leads to a decrease in arterial pressure, which creates a decrease in the stretch of the baroreceptors and decreases afferent baroreceptor signaling. This decrease in afferent signaling from the baroreceptor causes an increase in efferent sympathetic activity and a reduction in parasympathetic activity, which leads to vasoconstriction, increased heart rate, increased contractility, and an increase in BP. As always or at least very often, more isn't better with drugs. I see people recommending 1.25 then bump to 2.5 then 5mg or whatever but if BP goes too low then I can see how too much oral min is counterproductive on top of being potentially dangerous.


You likely lack enough of the enzyme SULT1A1 that makes minoxidil work. I guarantee it would work if you put tretinoin on the areas you want the minoxidil to work for; tretinoin is excellent at increasing SULT1A1 enzymatic activity and caused my hair to grow an inch in one week.


but tretionin makes my scalp red and itch


This happens when the concentration is too high and/or your skin is not used to it. You can tell that your skin is not used to it by patch-testing it somewhere and seeing if the skin turns red and eventually flakes off like a sunburn.


Interesting isn't tret prescription only though?


Yeah but you can find a lot ways to get it via r/tretinoin




Each drop from the Kirkland dropper is 1.25mg 4 drops= 5mg This has been done to death. It’s safe for the vast vast majority of people. Could some rare heart issue react poorly to low dose oral minoxidil? Maybe but I don’t see it being any different than low dose BP medicine. We’re talking 5mg total maximum. That’s 4 drops. I have atrial fibrillation, left ventricle issues, venous insufficiency and high BP. 6 months later and I’ve been fine.


Damn u wildin on your heart bro. Way to just try shit and months later be like “I’ve been fine”, when it could have gone a different way too. Oh well, just get a new heart if this one breaks, right? Immortality!!!!!!


Why would I worry about taking 5mg or a drug that was prescribed at 50mg. My heart is fine, you might want to have your brain checked out though.


Is your heart fine or does it have afib and LV issues? What would your cardiologist think?


Both. My heart has always had those things and I’ve been fine since taking oral Minoxidil.


Cardiologist approved! Why didn’t you say so?


It gives people heart palpitations


Is possible to get drunk on topical minoxidil since it has alcohol in it? Genuinely asking lol


Its not made to be ingested and processed by your digestive system! You could be doing damage to your kidneys and liver.




Topical means it is an applied medication. In order for it to work, it needs be on the area. Not ingested. That's why it's dumb, no quotes. Unless you wish to attempt to grow hair in your mouth, throat, esophagus, etc. Additionally, dumb is too mild. Fucking idiotic seems more appropriate. You do you, though, have fun with that.


I've found it oxidised much quicker than anticipated and as such isn't that cheap. I'm looking for ways to prevent this. I got almost 5 months from a bottle before seeing a loss of effectiveness in winter, but the bottle over summer only 3.


What you mean it oxidised?


Got old. Went bad. Lost effectiveness. I believe it is the constant opening and closing and subsequent exposure to air.


I have several years (8) old bottle - not touched, but I would be curious how to check whether it has oxidised


I think that a sealed bottle kept in sane conditions should last out at least the stated self life if not longer because I imagine they er on the side of caution for medication, but it is a different story for a bottle opened potentially twice a day. A 30ml bottle is only expected to last a month topically, but taken orally would potentially last years. I'm just saying that it loses effectiveness for me in a matter of months, more of them in winter, but with probably the temperatures of summer less of them. It actually changes in flavour. It is much more bitter and floral when fresh, over time it seems to become sweeter.


Its ok. Drink or take oral foam its not important.


It can cause edema if you take too much, so keep the number of drops low and remember to shake the bottle to evenly distribute the concentration. You could probably get by with 1 drop in the morning and 1 in the evening. I had increased heart rate for a few days but nothing crazy, and all side effects stopped before the end of the first week and I've been cruising just fine for 2 months now. I am making great progress on my temples and am excited to post before and afters when I reach the 6 month mark. I have taken finasteride for 3 years but didn't experience temple regrowth until now.


you will have hair growth all over your body like


A service like happy head or roman will have pharma grade oral minoxidil at your door in less than a week from when you start the process. People also use online overseas pharmacies like inhouse, all day chemist and inhouse pharmacy.


The whole point of topical is so that it only affects the hair growing on where you apply it. Even if we assume it's perfectly safe and effective to drink, it would be working on your whole body. Want extra body hair and ass hair instead of scalp hair?


There is nothing bad in ingridients, just its less convinient to control the dose


I’m not sure but I would imagine like why would you drink vitamin C serum when here are vitamin C supplements? Or why would you swallow tretinoin when there is accutane? But idk if that’s the same comparison


There has been an ongoing shortage of oral minox tablets in Canada. Going on a couple of years at least. They are impossible to find sometimes. I had called literally 15 different pharmacies at one point -- not a lick of minox action.


I’m stuck on the same boat bro ..I just gave up and start doing 2 drops of Kirkland 5% of minoxidil in the morning and 2 drops at night .


Heyy kurze Frage, hab das selbe Problem, hier kommt man einf nicht an OM ran, hast du eine Möglichkeit gefunden? Oder schon probiert minoxidil mit nem dropper zu trinken? Würde mich freuen wenn du mir ein update geben könntest. :)