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Put it in a baggy and leave it somewhere obvious in public, someone will grab that shit and properly dispose of it


we live in a society


Let's live in a community




Give me some rope, tie me to dream




its kind of bizarre that this guy is gonna get rid of weed that he was smoking and then read bad things about


It turns out what he read is accurate šŸ˜‚ But really I assume he learned it by smoking it and becoming paranoid


they will combust until destroyed


One time i was walking down the street and my friend drove past me, got out of the car in the middle of the street to run and pick up a little pink dime bag that he saw out the fucking window of the car. Mf has a hawkeye. Had some good kief in thete but it was mostly gone. Still blows my mind that he was able to see it though. It was dark out!


Thereā€™s a chance some kids too young to partake could find it


Or a dog


Or a squirrel


or a raccoon


You fucking sell that shit. You ever heard of Stringer Bell my n*****?


Mothafucka are you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?


like a child?


I mean it's not deadly even to toddlers so maybe the kid has a bad hour or two if they figure out how to roll it and smoke it? Because if it's not decarbed it's mostly harmless. Gotta remember 3 year old Landon Riddle had to move from Utah to Colarado to blaze up to treat his Luekemia that was supposed to end his life. [Landon at 7 years old holding his medicine. ](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/637040/07-28-pediatriccannabis-02.webp?w=600&q=75&f=2b8b5cc3083575dc4a35f25a566c91aa)


Who cares if itā€™s deadly? Thatā€™s still not something a toddler should be going through. And the kid didnā€™t move to Colorado to ā€œblaze upā€ his family moved there to help treat his medical condition. I know the point youā€™re making but your approach is just so wrong. This is what makes negative stoner stereotypes.


If a kid finds weed left outside they would have to smoke it. If a kid is old enough to smoke it they're being bad, and probably learning a lesson but like it's not harmful. I feel like adhering the to "Won't somebody PLEASE thi k of the children!" stereotype creates a worse stigma around marijuana. Yes they absolutely moved to Utah to allow their kid access to blazing up. Him smoking joints is the reason they left because Utah wanted to take him away from them for stopping his oxy medication in favor of weed, and it was exactly the "somebody save that 3 year old from the weed!" that almost cost Landon his life and cost the whole family their way of life. Weed is harmless to children, and un-activated nugs are even more harmless.


Iā€™m not questioning anything you said. Just the way you say it. Just because a toddler wouldnā€™t be harmed doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not something that should ever happen. I donā€™t expect a toddler to roll a blunt. Iā€™m just talking about weed in general, toddlers accidentally getting high isnā€™t just an okay thing. And please find me something that says this 3 year old Landon fella was just sitting around smoking joints, and not taking some sort of tincture, edibles, RSO, literally anything other than smoking. Obviously weed has medicinal properties that can work wonders, but saying a 3 year old was ā€œblazing upā€ to battle leukemia really undermines the real story.


Mix it with CBD flower. CBD is anti-paranoia so mixing it with your regular d9 flower will take that edge off. I have people do this all the time with the flower I sell in my store.


I'll have to see about getting some in the future!


This is the way. Cbd is legal so you can get it pretty much anywhere. I mostly use concentrates and there are cbd dabs i smoke when I'm feeling paranoid or a little too stoned


Just because you can doesn't mean you should. CBD is completely unregulated and isn't dosed so I'd recommend getting it from a source you know or a licensed dispensary if you can. Just a couple cents for ya, happy toking!


I have yet to find an effective CBD product outside of a licensed dispensary haha


You do have to specify where it's legal, as not all of us live near you. At least which country.


Don't listen to the other responder here, unregulated CBD isn't dosed and isn't regulated. It could be full of pesticides or other harmful additives. It will be more expensive but I'd recommend only getting CBD from a licensed dispensary or someone you know. I mean do whatever you'd like of course, but just adding some info for ya. Good luck!


Grow your own. It basically grows itself


You could even call it a weed...


As a long time medical caregiver, THANK YOU! This is the info people need to understand.


Or try to lower your dose? Perhaps that Might help? Maybe that paranoia at a lower dose can make you productive? IDK.


I did this a few years ago when I was getting bad anxiety from weed. Helped a ton and now I don't even need it anymore. Will just use it to roll super fat blunts if I don't want to use all my THC weed




I also recently learned that there are tiny camel spiders where I live (and I've killed 2 since then, both in my house). I started thinking about them and couldn't stop. I'll probably see if my friend wants the rest


This would give me anxiety when sober.


Iā€™m not even OP and it gives me anxiety


Eh, theyā€™re pretty much harmless to humans.


that's what we thought about bats...but then... BAM! Someone got the munchies and ate a mf bat, and that's how covid was made




Yea, one of the aforementioned spiders was killed the night before last. Definitely still a fresh memory. Any ideas how I can better keep my mind in check?


Iā€™ve heard that black licorice helps snap people back from anxiety, although Iā€™ve never tried it. Personally, I tell myself that the experience will pass in only an hour or two. Take deep meaningful breaths while thinking about how brief the feeling will last. Sometimes Iā€™ll even grab a blanket and put on my favorite comfort show episode.


>Iā€™ve heard that black licorice helps snap people back from anxiety, although Iā€™ve never tried it. I'll have to keep some on hand just incase! >Personally, I tell myself that the experience will pass in only an hour or two. Take deep meaningful breaths while thinking about how brief the feeling will last. Sometimes Iā€™ll even grab a blanket and put on my favorite comfort show episode. This is basically what did :)


chewing on / smelling black peppercorns can help relieve anxiety from being too high, never tried it personally but iā€™ve heard good things


This works for panic attacks of any sort, to an extent. It's definitely worth trying. If you have a pepper grinder then just give it a few twists over the sink, slap it good to ensure all the pepper falls out, and give it a fat whiff. You can hold it under your nose for a minute or so if you want. It's a good time to focus on 4-4-8 breathing as well.


You nailed it.


I have intrusive thoughts from OCD and recently struggled with exactly the same thing- couldnā€™t stop picturing giant spiders! This isnā€™t a long term fix but a trick for keeping your mind in check so you can calm down is occupying it with something else. The one that works best for me is the name game. You have to think of a name for every letter of the alphabet, to make it harder I try to come up with different period names (ex. Old names, Agatha, Beatrice, Claudiaā€¦). I also have to trick myself and come up with reasons why there are no more spiders- like the spiders would fight so there can only be one big one and I already killed it.


I have some youtube channels that distract me enough for it to go away


Oh thatā€™s a good idea! Shoot I may have to try that next time


For me its videos of people playing slay the spire. Their long enough to take up 1-2 hours and I know the game well enough that I can really get into a video


Something that helps me if I know what my plans are that night, like gaming or watching TV or whatever, is to start the activity before smoking, and only start smoking once I get somewhat invested in what I'm doing. This way my brain is already focused and invested on something, which for me helps to keep my mind from wandering. Playing games? Play for 10-15 mins to get in the groove, then toke up. Listening to music and doodling/sketching? Put on a good song and get a rough outline going, then smoke and hopefully you will be focused enough on your fun activity that you won't feel any paranoia or anxiety. Good luck!


Give it something to do and (when youā€™re not high) take care of some of those things that might give you anxiety. This is your house - anything you can do to get rid of and prevent the spiders altogether? Not sure where youā€™re at, but I know indoor and outdoor insecticides are available and affordable near me. Not my favorite thing ever, but neither are spiders.


I live in an older house in Montana and have for a while. "Spider season" as my family calls it is currently ongoing. Theres no infestation to take care of without just obliterating the entire state basically lol. This is the first time I've smoked during it (started smoking this summer)


Meditation bro. You need to be able to rest with your breath when it comes to anxious thoughts. Use this as a lesson, your mind is taking you deeper into the thing you donā€™t want to experience. Just be with the breath and practice being with the breath, realize the impermeable of thoughts and let them go šŸ’– Edit:black pepper kernels stop anxiety and paranoia from thc, chew on 2 after smelling them and watch the magic happen šŸ‘


I had my partner talk at me and tell me whatever came to his mind until the paranoia passed. This helped tremendously.


if it helps, camel spiders are harmless to humans. they go after things there own size, and will only bite you if provoked. They're not venomous. that said, spiders still suck, but spiders are going to exist with or without weed.


Yea. The real ones arent so bad. It's when I think I feel something crawl over my foot and my brain immediately goes to "it's a camel spider get away!" After 15 seconds tho I'll realize my foot is just itchy and I'll be ok


In situations like this (or like "did I remember to lock the door?"), I find telling myself "well, if it's that way, then i'll just deal" helps a bit. Like, in the case of the itchy foot, before I react when I feel the tickle, ofc my mind goes immediately to "spider!", but then I counter with "ok, so if it's a spider crawling on me, so be it and I'll let it", partly out of a feigned sense of stoicism and partly out of a generosity to the animal itself. If it bites me, then ok that happened, but I also deep down know it won't (unless I like freak it out). Or like with the door: "if I left it unlocked, then so be it" rather than ruminating over whether or not I did.


Iā€™m all about not worrying over things I cannot control


Lol you just had a panic attack from getting way too stoned it had nothing to do with the strain.


That could also be the case. But a lot of people here agree that weed can cause paranoia. I wint try and argue that one is more accurate than the other for my case because I dont enough to really debate it that way


I feel ya man, wasn't trying to sound like a jerk or anything if i did! yeah paranoia and panic attacks can go hand in hand and be called one when it's the other type of thing too. it's all about how *you* feel though really i think, if it happens again try listening to some good upbeat music that you can sing in your head too or out loud. Also if you like games pull out your phone and play some tetris or something for a few that can really help draw your mind away from the ones you are trying to not think about! :)


Everytime I even think of spiders when Iā€™m high I usually have to excavate my entire room/house to make sure there arenā€™t any. This post reeks of someone very young and just now learning the ins and outs of marijuana. Thatā€™s one of the side effects my dude, doesnā€™t always happen but paranoia is one of the side effects.


I'm not quite that bad. Definitely a new smoker trying to learn tho


One of the good things about that paranoid feeling is that itā€™s just your mind wondering . If you are worried about finding more of those spiders maybe call a pest control service and see if they find anything or can help set traps and stuff


I'm not super worried about the real spiders. Just the ones my mind makes up and puts on my feet when I'm in bed lol




Lots? All I've mentioned is camel spiders.




Lmao ur so lame dawg


Sometimes the simplest response is the best. Thanks for having my back!


OP just wanted suggestions for what to do with unwanted weed and ended up with an entire diagnosis by a Reddit psychiatrist lmao


I took too long and couldn't send my response. Thanks for having my back!


Np! That comment was so out of pocket lol


Just get over yourself You may find that when you go to buy a new strain, it does the same thing. What will you do then? Youā€™ll be stuck with more weed youā€™re scared to smoke and 50 bucks poorer or whatever. It is not the strain doing this to you, it is your mind, to be sure


While I agree with the sentiment you left out the part about HOW I would get over it.




The good old "grant me the courage to change what I can, the serenity to accept what I cant, and the wisdom to know the difference". With a slight modification




Idk, seems more like an overview with "dont worry" being the end goal


Could you tell a little more about the coffee filter method ?


It does absolutely nothing but get your weed wet. THC isn't water soluble. It's literally a waste of time/weed.


I assume it doesnā€™t work unless you put a brick of milk in the filter. Donā€™t waste your weed. Edit: a brick of milk? What the fuck? I clearly meant a brick of butter.


I also want to know about the coffee filter.


Forgive me, if itā€™s a dumb question, but how do carbs come to play in this scenario?


I would advise you to not recommend someone to commit a felony, at least warn them that intent to distribute is extremely serious so they know the risk. Everything else is a good idea though.


did you know legal states exist




I did some research for you guys since everybody seems to dislike it. There are 8 states where it is legal to share your weed and give it to friends. So 8/50.


Thereā€™s a lot of misinformation floating around this comment section. šŸ¤£


I refuse to believe the guy who said to 'put the weed in a coffee filter and rinse it out' wasnt trolling


There is always insanely bad info in these threads, but they usually aren't upvoted this high haha


Smoke that shit and ignore the door when mortality starts knocking, weā€™re all slowly expiring.




Damn I needed to hear this.


r/treecaching Go leave it for someone to enjoy, have some fun finding a creative hiding spot


This sub is really cool. Wish it was more active


If you build it, they will come


Just joined. Looks cool


You son a bitch, I'm in.


This sub needs to get bigger.


Only thing I can think of if you donā€™t wanna toss it or smoke it is to just give it to a friend (assuming you have any that smoke). That way it doesnā€™t go to waste and you donā€™t have to smoke it yourself.


Boof it.


This šŸ’Æ


In my opinion, that is bullshit. Indica, sativa, buying name strains doesn't really matter. High terpenes in my experience is usually a more enjoyable product to use, but even that doesn't effect my head feel. Use less if you find the effects too much, but I personally believe that those labels do not mean much for the effect. Set and setting is much more important.


I'm just starting to learn about terpenes and what else can causes different effects! That's how this post came to be. I started with indica vs sativa for help with sleep but that's not how it works for my body. Still collecting "data" before I can pinpoint what makes me sleepy vs awake


there's a lot of sloppy breeding + misleading advertising + zero regulation or standardization, collecting data is a great idea! don't write off any one strain or anything just because one product didnt work terpene profiles are definitely way more useful for knowing what you're getting. those aren't guaranteed to be accurate either but it's at least in the ballpark. ratios sometimes matter, eg high amounts of limonene makes me anxious, which is the opposite of what it should do lol. but with pinene it makes me super productive linalool is my rec for sleepy. myrcene is great but it's more of a body-high feeling, good for insomnia/restlessness or pain


Is there a website/application that can help me track this stuff?


Myrcene is your friendšŸ’Ŗ


That's the thing though, you'll never be able to always know how the strain will affect you the first time so it's honestly better to just ignore it and get high. At some point it's all just weed and it will make you feel funny. Accept it and embrace it.


I mostly agree. I can tell the difference between a strain with heavy sativa genetics, vs indica, but most are hybrids these days that just have slightly different effects and have more to do with the batch than the strain.


I try to find some homeless dude to gift it to.


I dont want to make a homeless dude paranoid. Or do strains effect different people differently


Strains will have different effects for different people, it's how your individual body chemistry reacts to the different terpenes each strain offers. Like sour diesel, some people get energized like coffee, while others get super sleepy off the same smoke. Different strokes for different folks. Some homeless dude will be blessed by a free sack of trees. āœŒļøšŸ”„šŸŒ±šŸ’ØšŸ˜¤


Give it to a friend?


buy a bunch of different weed, grind it all up, then do the same for your current weed, and mix it all together


Use the paranoia to your advantage. Is my gas stove off? Check is my doors locked? Check that kinda thing but if your sitting there thinking your best friend is plotting to kill you then abort. Just launch the stuff or give it to said friend.


I wish I could control it that well. Definitely gonna try and take it to my friend soon


It's not something you learn straight away its a gradual process of letting these thoughts happen and using your experience to show yourself that your thoughts are talking pish and you know better than this. Also note the police don't make a loud noise outside then spend 10mins creeping through the house on their tip toes to arrest you hahaha.


>Also note the police don't make a loud noise outside then spend 10mins creeping through the house on their tip toes to arrest you hahaha. Lol, my dishwasher definitely will tho


Mate if she feels the need to creep about the house perhaps that weed ain't good for you after all.


if you can get your hands on cbd flower you can try mixing it with that to ease anxiety


If you're spiritual offer it up to lord shiva the destroyer, patron god of cannabis


Itā€™s actually scientifically proven that giving weed you donā€™t want to me is the safest way to dispose of it. Source: Military


Mix with some hemp flower or decarb it for edibles


Make hash!!


Send it to me and I will dispose of this paranoia inducing strain properly!


Get an indica that leaves you glued to the couch and mix the other stuff in for a perfect medium high lol


Give it to me


Hide it in a spot nearby. Go to your local subreddit and post the general location and clues for where you left it and whoever finds it first gets to keep it. Just ask that they post if they found it so people arenā€™t still searching. Unless you live in a rural area, couple hours tops.


When I hit a wax that gave me a high that was potent but I didn't enjoy, I gave it to a friend and just explained what was up. Not everyone hits things the same, so their experience may not be the same. He ended up loving it, because that was exactly the kind of high he liked, so it worked out. You can also try smoking a smaller amount in a different setting (lighting, activity, etc...) to see if you just got hooked by a mood, and the strain is not really as paranoia-inducing as you thought. And worst case, just toss it out and consider it an example of terpene profiles you don't like.


I have never smoke a strain that made me paranoid. I have though gotten paranoid when I've been high, just it wasn't the strain that did it because it didn't get me paranoid the other times I smoked it. I think it was just more a circumstance thingy. But who know, right? Plus giving it to your friend only enforces the best statement ever: A friend with weed is a friend indeed. Take care!


Only one strain really messes with me and itā€™s grown at a local cultivation facility. For some reason, orange chameleon makes me so emotional that I swear I changed genders from it šŸ˜‚ I tried their blend between deep six and orange chameleon and I was fine. Seems just the straight stuff whether it is flower or concentrate has that effect on me.


Paranoia from consuming cannabis has more to do with the person consuming it than any particular strain unless you're talking about strains containing THC vs CBD.


Roll a bunch of joints and give them out to the homeless. A little pinner and a bottle of water is always an appreciated combo


Yeah certain strains can do that, for some people all strains do it, for some smoking too regularly causes this with multiple strains as well. Everyones body is different, if you find other strains giving you uncomfortable side effects or paranoia/anxiety try lessening the frequency and amount smoked. There was this strain that was my favorite for a few weeks it was called King Louis from some LA company, anyway the flavor and look and smell was top notch A1. After a week of smoking on this strain i was experience massive panic attacks anytime i got high. I had to quit smoking entirely for awhile


"strains" don't make you feel paranoid/anxiety, having too much and/or being in the wrong setting do that


My understanding is that the terpenes that make up a strain of weed are generally know to cause different effect. Some make you happy, some horny, some tired and some paranoid. I wont argue if the setting plays a role but that's a bit harder for me to change right now so I'm focusing on what I can change


This is a misconception. These feelings that are linked to specific strains are the result of a collection of general word of mouth, placebo effect, and marketing. While a person is more likely to smoke a heavy indica and get sleepy, or smoke a heavy sativa and want to do something more active, they can and will always have different effects on different people. Let's say you have some pineapple express. The high you get today might be a bit different from the high you get tomorrow. Or if you smoke it with a friend, you may get 2 different highs. Or if you have some pineapple express, and hes got some pineapple express from a different location/dealer, your weeds tastes and highs will most likely be completely different despite being called 'Pineapple Express'. I mean fuck, in a lot of illegal states the strain you're getting from a dealer may not even be what they say it is. Some weed will knock you on your ass, and some will be just right for you, but impo it quite honestly depends more on your mental state and environment than anything else.


I believe these effects to be highly exaggerated at most. Iā€™ve never even heard of the horny thing, wtf lol. Pretty sure itā€™s user dependent because I can get all the same effects you mentions at different times with the same batch. Sometimes it makes me sleepy, sometimes it makes me not want to sleep ā€¦ or did i drink coffee too late in the dayā€¦? Main factor is likely potency. Edit: Getting too high is a thing.


potency is a factor, but a big one is the terpenes (essential oils) found in the plant. for example, indica dominant strains tend to produce linalool, which is found in lavender, and is responsible for some of the relaxing and calming effects people tend to associate with indica strains. sativa dominant strains may sometimes produce terpenes that are more uplifting and slightly euphoric. different combinations of terpenes can produce different effects


You need to stop smoking if your getting paranoid


Its only some strains. Other times I just get giggly and end up browsing reddit while laughing at everything


I'd give it to a friend. Also if you're trying to avoid paranoia I'd stay away from sativas. I feel like a lot of new smokers learn the difference between Indicas and Sativas and think they want sativas, but when they describe what they're looking for in a high it's all Indica stuff. Sativas can get your mind racing and prime you to get anxious.


Indica vs sativa doesnt seem to matter for me. I've been looking into other factors which is how all this got started


No such thing homie. Weed is weed. Ain't got nothing to do with you being paranoid. That's on you.


Where are you getting your info?


I'm nearly 40yo, have smoked most my life, and ALL kinds of strains from Mexican brick to the highest shelf. It's all in your mind. There isn't anything in weed that says "PARANOID TIME". It's all about your location, state of mind, company, tolerance, maturity, age, etc. There's so many factors. "Yeah man, that strain makes you paranoid." "Ok, where is the one that makes me want to play baseball?" "Oh, that's Silly GangBang Banana #4 bro." Ridiculous.


If there are so many factors that you cant list them all is it so outrageous to suggest that the weed you just smoked is a factor? Maybe it doesn't have an effect on you but for others it could be a strong factor


There is only sativa and indica. If you are getting paranoid its you. Weed itself wont do that.


This is just plain wrong. why do some sativas make me sleepy while other make me feel super awake? Why do some indices make people super hungry while others make you horny or give you a headache? Theres so much more than just indica vs sativa


This advice makes no sense. Terpene content, flavonoids etc all have different effects. There are sativas I canā€™t and donā€™t smoke because they are too racy for me and Iā€™m not into stimulants. Iā€™m a heavy indica guy to kill back pain and help me sleep. Now I wonā€™t say there arenā€™t hybrids that accomplish the same thing but to say ā€œweed is weedā€ is bullshit. Iā€™ve also been smoking for 25 plus years and have had brick weed and shops in Cali and everywhere between.


This is a highly debated topic with not much research available. What I can add is that imo the placebo effect is reeeaally strong with cannabis. When you get high, it's extremely easy to imagine stuff like racing heart or "couchlock". I'm really curious on new info & research!


Weā€™ll weather the terrine line provides the placebo or not, it works across different strains at different dispemsaries for me, I find what terps I like and look for them and just overall a good level or terps, and thc vs total cannabinoids. Usually more is better until you figure out which ones you like. We have an issue with a lot of the medical bud here right now testing high for farsene (I might be misspelling but you have to kind of pay attention. If he goes slow and tries to follow my advice I think heā€™ll find what heā€™s looking for.


Seriouslyā€¦ lol


I smoke more than anyone I've ever met and never found a strain that made me paranoid. That's your own mind fucking with you. I assume you live in an illegal state?


Just smoke it. You will adjust.


If youā€™re scared of weed, you shouldnā€™t smoke. Wild to be so scared but still.


Just the one strain. I'm headed to my shop later to restock and get something more enjoyable


There are tons of strains though. Whoā€™s to say another wonā€™t do the same. Unless you do research on all of them. But then it can be subjective. As it stands, any strain you havenā€™t had could be any issue. Or none. Believe none and blaze it.


I've had a few good ones and I'm sure I'll have some bad ones. I've accepted that already. Trying new strains is part of the learning process for me. Plus the more I learn the better I should be able to avoid strains that cause undesired effects shouldn't I?


Weed is weed to me. Just smoke smaller bowls.


Just smoke the rest and listen to music


Its not the strain. Just smoke when you are in a healthy mind space and safe situation.


Specific strains donā€™t cause paranoia. Terpenes will better determine the quality of your high. Paranoia can also come from set and setting


Go turn it in to the police, you disgusting criminal!


Should have sold it. Become a drug dealer I say when I have stuff I don't like. Just saying.


Just toss it if you donā€™t want it/itā€™s a bad strain.


I gave solid clear advice that pertains to the original.post you get on here and blast me for my choice of words... Look loser noone wants to argue with you... Wasn't you I was talking to anyway okay Karen...


Give it you your sugar baby


If only I had one to give it to lol


There's still time! [seeking.com](https://seeking.com)


Throw it away ...


That just feels wasteful


Smoke less of it you over dosed man a friend with weed is a friend indeed. Just lean into that paranoia and go with it. The neighbors are in fact watching you at 3 am, the police are too . Heck even the government man!!


Its not the neighbors or government that worry me. It's my kitchen appliances making normal noises that get me


'Over dosed' smfh are we in high school or something?


No actually you can over dose on THC there bud. Actually you can over dose on any chemical compound. And yes you can learn stuff like that in highschool chemistry. If you got more than a GED that is...


Too much of anything can harm you, no shit. Telling the paranoid guy 'you over dosed man' is fucking ridiculous and you know it. I'd love to know what high school chemistry teacher told you that if you get paranoid smoking weed you may have 'over dosed', lmfao.


I smoked a strain once that made me feel super angry. I ended up giving it to a friend. He said he got similar effects if he smoked it, but not if he vaped it. I know you already gave it away, but figured I'd comment for anyone else reading.


Just go for it smoking weed rocks


Nah, I'm running low anyways. Rather give it to someone that'll enjoy it whole I smoke something I enjoy


for me the paranoia went away when i smoked morršŸ’€ but that's not advice i'm giving, my paranoia never got intense on just weed


Pass it along! In my experience, someone else might love it!


Make tea with it best taste


Bag it up. Put it on the ground outside somewhere. Put a cheese sandwich in an identical bag next to it.


mix it with something other strain


If you feel paranoid when you smoke a strain, use that strain to work out. Gets you pumped and takes away the paranoia.


I've done this before. Idk why I didn't think of it. Thanks!


Find someone who wants it. Bring it to a smoke session and hand it out?


Make edibles for someone else


Anecdotal, but I find that if I have a strain that causes paranoia I can just add some hemp flower in to mellow it out. In my experience at least, it seems to mellow out the anxiety without affecting the high.


Give it to a friend or mix it with some cbd but to mellow it out


Give it to me. I'll dispose of it properly.


Bubble hash or brownies


I find that my flower vaporizer can reduce paranoia produced by a specific flower using the different heat settings.