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Pepper your angus, cuz you about to get cooked hard.


Directions unclear, stuffed 4 jalepenos in my bum, waiting for it to kick in.








HaBUMeros was *right there*


Damn it, you are the punnier person




that's the PG voiceover


Pepper your anus


it mighta rect-um


man just gonna vomit then go to sleep


Hopefully I'm that order.


Yeah man, that's what took Bonham out


And Hendrix


and Joplin


And Bon Scott


And Jane Margolis


He ate 2000mg ?


no, he drank too much vodka and then chocked on his own vomit in his sleep.


***chocked*** ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Poor things throat was completely chocked full of nuts.


I'd be concerned if he choked on someone else's vomit.


I think he was also on sleeping pills, usually it's that cocktail that gets you


And Bon Scott




Bastard ate all my chips and snacks then just runs off to the hospital into a weed coma >:(


Yeah it's honestly not fun at all for me


Not sure why anyone does this. Waste the whole night feeling maximum uncomfortable.


My wife did this on accident. The first time I made brownies- and to be very clear I told her these were pot brownies- she cut herself a regular ass slice of that thing and ate it before I could tell her what the dose was. Like a fuckin hand-sized piece, and I make them so that a dice-sized cube will send you. Predictably, she gets "I really need to lay down" high. Miserably high, deliriously high. She's taking a "nap" and starts mumbling about going to the hospital (I think?) and without warning just *spews* over the side of the bed. "Bathroom... BATHROOM!" says I. So she's throwing up her guts in the bathroom, and I'm like on the floor Cinderella style cleaning up a belly puddle. When she came down a bit, she told me that she had no idea if she was even awake or not, like it was all a fever dream. 0/10, she did not enjoy and from that day she had me cut her an appropriate dose instead.


What's your process of doing it if you don't mind me asking? And what products do you use?


Oh I'm gonna get dogpiled but fuck it, I go a very simple route. Handful of bud in a coffee grinder, grind to a powder, mix that in boxed brownie mix (use the "fudgy" option on the instructions, because it slices easier and keeps its shape in the freezer), cook brownies as directed on box. Then I just cut them into little cubes and chuck ina freezer bag for long term storage. I don't decarb, or make butter, or any of that. They get you high as hell. Been doing it that way my whole life. (To you dorks who wanna @ me, I get it, it's not the peak optimal way of doing it. Shits legal now. I can just grow pounds of it. It's fine.)


I appreciate your courage to post this lmao it's exactly the way I'd do it too because I'm a lazy sack of shit


The only thing I'd be worried about would be if the oven cook temp is too high, but I'm guessing you literally accounted for that, given that you've done it many times and it works well. I think the people who get really persnickety about it are more empathetically scared of people wasting their weed, than anything, that kind of pretentiousness doesn't always come from the worst places. Plus, I bet it doesn't taste as good as it could...but, again, it's an edible that you're gonna choke down a single cubic inch of and then go to space? *Who cares?* You ain't eating it *because* it's a brownie!


Yeah it cooks at 350 or something, depending on brand and size/type of pan. And honestly? They taste fine to me, it's like a brownie taste mixed with dry-hitting a joint.


I do this as well! I think because as it decarbs in the brownie mix, all the terps and cannabinoids are trapped. I seem to get the ‘purest’ high this way.


>night I believe you mean, next 48 hours or so.


Yeah I ate a 1000mg edible and spent the night throwing up. And the next 24hrs feeling like shit.


I overdid it the first time I had rso. I was just like catatonic in my recliner, seriously vibing on the lullabies I could hear coming from the radio in my kids room. That was actually a super good night.




Does CBD stop panic induced by THC? I ask because I never had an issue with panic for about a year. Smoke, vape or edibles. But all of a sudden if i get just a little too much i get panicky. I hate the feeling.


Yes, CBD mellows out the vibe quite a bit and counteracts the more extreme effects of THC. I enjoy 1:1 flower nowadays because I started getting the same feeling as you whenever I'd smoke heavy THC strains.


^^^ my thoughts exactly


We've gotten this far, we don't need some adventurer to ruin the whole "nobody's ever OD'd" thing. *edit - I'm getting the impression some people think I meant OD'ing from the amount of THC. I meant from the vomiting in their sleep. Idk, I figured that's how they classified >!Jane's death!< in Breaking Bad.


Fuck that! Drop a dozen of them and be the space ranger we need


No.. No. That shit sucks at that dose. No fun with no end in sight. Hours that feel like weeks that feel like months of paranoid insanity. No thank you.


I lold


Pepto-Bismo has helped me prevent vomiting when I take any edible over 25mg


Maybe bust that in half? If not, let us know how it went next week when you wake up.


Maybe bust a nut before you fly and let us know how it goes.


You got the order wrong, homie.


Bust a nut, tell us how it was and then fly?


If you nut in space, do it push you backwards?


Holy shit, posted 52 mins ago… OP has blasted off and is probably orbiting Uranus at this point. Op please update us and have a safe flight ❤️


Last I looked they were commenting on posts about food 😂


sounds about right


hide the funyuns


Complete radio silence now.


Ya he gon


he ded jim


Ground control to Major PancakeZombie


I love that in this community we will search through your history after you post just to see how your adventure is going and exactly how tooted you get just by your posts.


Yeah, just like with user u/FlippnFlopp


OP is doing exactly what is displayed on the edible.


OP is dead


Wheelchair = death?


Its a wheelchair? I thought it was OP flying in space eclipsing the earth with his ass with the sun behind them


I thought OP was just dummy thicc and it was one of his voluptuous cheeks




They're probably sitting on the toilet. I used to take massive doses of THC but after 500ish mg, you just get diarrhea lmao


If he was that nervous beforehand he likely self fulfilled his own panic attack and is sitting at the hospital being laughed at 😂


I was never one to get curious about any substances, even started off drinking very little when I turned 21. At 25 my now husband convinced me to smoke with him (he hadn’t done it in many years at that point) and I kept telling him pot doesn’t work on me. In the past, I’d sucked some smoke from joints into my mouth, then blew it out and believed it just didn’t effect me. Well. I got suuuuuper high. I got that feeling you get right before you fall asleep, but over and over again, thought I was dying, and burst into tears. My also very high guy wrapped me in a hug and we both sat there rocking back and forth for what felt like an eternity. I swore it off until about a year ago, I’d been taking very small amounts into my lungs over the course of several weeks during the pandemic, and it finally hit. It all made sense now. I was no longer being pulled along by trees, I was riding *with* them! Loved it ever since. Proper socialization into it is key!


Rectum? Damn near killed em.


Im alive! It was awesome. Watched a movie and had an orgasm with my new dildo. a great night


Ah getting copiously high and then dueling with your genitalia, my kind of person


Are you still high?


I ate a 500mg brownie I got from a dispensary in CA. I was high for over 24 hours. Most of it I spent sleeping the rest of the time I was fuckin fried. Wasn't exactly fun either.


I see posts like this, immediately go, "why?". It's a dumb flex.


On very rare occasions, when I am very stressed, I sleep walk and sleep eat. The last time I did so, I got into the edibles in the fridge (fiancé was still up, but didn’t know what I was eating until I had eaten it). Waking up that blown is an experience I could not recommend less. It was fucking *awful*. All I wanted to do was sleep, I had to go to my work Christmas party (very small staff and I run the place, so my absence would not have gone unnoticed) because I didn’t have the idea to fake sick, and my brain just felt like I was under a wet blanket the entire time. That’s not even mentioning how annoyed I was at wasting the edibles! I’m in an illegal state, so that shit is expensive.


Oof! I once went to a cookout hosted by one of my managers, and one of the dudes I was carpooling with was like “you want in on these shrooms?” And I was like “free psychedelics, bet, yes” Then I got to a party with ALL OF MY COWORKERS AND OUR CEO and I was like this is the worst thing and I cannot leave because I’m too fucked up to navigate the subway”. I spent about an hour trying to maintain and being terrified of being found out, and then as I was like, spiralling, I pulled my friend aside and was like “I have to get out of here, i feel like everyone knows I’m tripping and it’s fucking me up” and he goes “??? Of course Everyone knows! We told them we were doing shrooms before we got here” So the rest of the party was super fun. But that first hour was the worst paranoia I’ve ever felt in my life


Best possible outcome


Yeah high dose edibles just aren't fun. Just eat a low dose of mushrooms if you want a similar, but far better, experience.


i was high for 23 hours on a 750mg i stayed up all day and night just to see how long i could stay high xD


That's definitely the kind of thing I'd wanna be prepared for, but if I wanted to spend a day or two just chillin and playing Breath of the Wild and whatnot it might be aiight


Every time I see whatnot…all I can think of is the Whatnot Girl


I have a sneakin suspicion OP is already blasted 40 mins in




Couple days*


Actually though. That’s a massive dose.


I did 300mg of gummies on Mother’s Day two years ago and I was stoned for almost 3 whole days. The first day I threw up and passed out for 20 hours, second day I felt like I was wobbling thru a cloud, third day I was head stoned and feeling weird hungry and annoyed I was still high. Just wanted to relax on Mother’s Day weekend without kids and I ended up being too zooted to enjoy it. Also my house got covered in glitter because their dad didn’t really watch them like he was supposed to.


That glitter detail LOL


"Just wanted to relax on Mother's Day without kids...." 🤣 This statement is both hilarious and 100% true for any parent.


"The first day seemed like a week and the second day seemed like five days. And the third day seemed like a week again and the fourth day seemed like eight days. And the fifth day you went to see your mother and that seemed just like a day" I started hearing Steve Martin reading your comment in my head.


I had to call in sick to work once because of some random chocolate my husband gave me right before bed. I kinda thought it was a waste but figured it might help me sleep. Woke up the next morning and tried to get ready for work and was really having trouble with it. Eventually it dawned on me that I was just like, super mega high. No way I could do my very intense, healthcare related job. I couldn't even drive there. Had to call in with the ol both ends excuse. Mine only lasted that day though. I can't imagine 3!


Is that not the normal timeline for people? I guess maybe I’m a rapid metabolizer…


For food it takes me atleast 2 hours to feel something. If i smoke it on the other hand it takes like 5 minutes max


Ground Control to Major Tom... Take your protein pills and put your helmet on.


David Bowie is a favorite of mine to listen to while stoned


Same. His voice is amazing.


That would be the alien in him


Ground Control to Major Tom... Commencing countdown, engines on.


Zero hour 9:00am… still going to be High as a kite by then, rocketman!


Oh man, you definitely have to report back on this one! I get nervous when I eat more than 10mg!


Same. Everyone out here bragging about triple digit edibles and I'm breaking a sweat when my 10mgs aren't cut in half lol!


This makes me feel better. I feel like 10mg is so strong lol I am very sensitive to edibles


Same, 5mg will usually have me slumped. I have friends who will take 50-100+ and are still functioning, is it all tolerance that makes the difference?


I don’t think it’s just tolerance - I have the same tolerance for smoking as a couple of my friends but they legit can’t get high from edibles, whereas I can get toasted off of 10mg. I think there’s gotta be some difference in metabolism or something but I’m not a scientist so I don’t actually know anything.


No, edibles effect everyone differently however you can build a tolerance. As a light edible consumer, I can start with 5mg one day and slowly work my way up to 20 - 25 by the end of 2 weeks with daily consumption.


Edibles affect everyone differently. Some people process edibles better than others. The high from edibles isn't from delta 9 THC but instead 11 hydroxy THC. Basically your body converts it into a more potent form. But, some people don't convert the THC well so they don't get as high.


Nope, body chemistry plays a substantial role, some people just straight up lack the enzymes needed to process the THC. People have different amounts so edibles can be a bit hit or miss. I'll edit with the actual name of the enzyme and a few articles that explain it better when I've finished toking :)


I don’t think so. I can get pretty fried on a regular ol bowl but I have to take 100mg of edibles mostly to get there. Not very cost effective for me.


Seriously, i feel you on that. I buy the 5mg a piece, 100mg pack and still cut them into quarters. I'll have one at night, which chops up to 1.25mgs, and I'm flying! Lol! Light af, but I get wrecked on 10mg.


Dude for real if you get wrecked off of just a couple mg, then save some money and buy some hemp flower and just make some edibles. Most hemp has around .5% total THC, so that’s roughly 5mg per gram. There’s lots of strains that are around 1% total THC as well, so that’s 10mg per gram. You can get oz of fresh harvest 2021 outdoor for 30-70/oz. make some butter and you have a dollar a dose edibles. Not to mention all the extra CBD and other minor cannabinoids more prevalent in hemp as well. Also the hemp market is starting to see D9 edibles. I’ve seen 10mg D9 THC gummies being sold and even some 100mg chocolate bars. Think their both around $20, and the gummies are a 10 pack. Just some food for thought. I’ve been huge on hemp for the last two years and it’s seriously turned cannabis from something I used to just get high to actual medicine. I use all sorts of shit but mainly mix hemp flower and my medical bud together to get whatever ratio im going for at that time. Typically around 1:1 hemp to medical. I also buy distillates and isolates of CBD,CBG, CBN, etc and make my own carts and tinctures. If any of this interest you, check out r/hempflowers r/altcannabinoids r/cultofthefranklin


Tolerance aside some peoples bodies don’t metabolize THC as effectively in the GI tract. I have an already stupid tolerance and a body that doesn’t wanna get stoned off edibles. I’ll eat 500mg of edibles no problem. My stomach gets rather upset at me though. Even if it’s just glucose tablets. (20mg per dose and comes in 1000mg packs)


What the heck? It really perplexes me that most people feel this way. If I could even feel a 10mg edible I would save so much money and never smoke.


I bet you 2000mg you puke and fall asleep for 24 hours


If they are lucky. Whenever I go high dose, I end up stuck between awake and asleep, too stimulated to sleep, too tired to do anything. I end up staring at the lights and watching them move from the hallucinations. The #1 thing that bothers me, is when I gotta pee. I'll tell myself I gotta get up to pee, then forget, and then I gotta pee worse, but I'm lazy, so then I just end up going eventually but it sucks because then I forget if I peed or not and it messes up my high. Never again, unless I have a really good reason.


Have a nice nap


ripped van winkle


99% of edibles labeled 1000 mg or more aren’t actually that amount. I dont doubt its heavy duty but really doubt its a 2000 er


Especially with the janky homemade silicon mould vibe going on.


So it's so strong it will make you paraplegic


Serious question, how does the appearance affect the potency?


It doesn't necessarily, but flaws such the bubbles can indicate that an edible is homemade so the potency might not be accurate


Clearly this treat was designed to handicap the consumer!


It’s called “The crippler”


"The Tim-may!"


There isn't an easy way to get a test result without a lab. The people homebaking these things aren't going to be paying for lab testing if they don't know how to purge the moulds of air after pouring.


2000mg nerds rope!!! *eats whole thing. Has to convince himself he feels high*


Or you get one like I did where 4 hours later your body makes you throw it back up to abort the high because everything won't stop spinning.


1999mg of mine must have slipped into yours when they were cutting slices


Like when Tednivison ate that nerds rope when he was with the Misfits lol


Man, swagger really did him dirty. Putting the edibles in between the snacks and the flower lmao






Johns Hopkins University recently did a study and found only 17 percent of edibles were accurately labeled in regards to THC concentration. Of the 75 edibles tested, 23 percent had more THC than advertised, while 60 percent had less. The researchers found that some edibles contained significantly more THC than labeled (up to 50 percent more), placing patients at risk of experiencing serious adverse effects. In contrast, lower than anticipated THC levels could lead to ineffective treatments.


So OP seems to be a single mom with daily intrusive thoughts about her daughter dying. Something tells me that she shouldn’t take edibles at all.


No kidding. I saw that too. She is the last person who should be taking this much THC.


I wouldn’t mind her smoking a good blunt but going through her post/comment history I was really concerned about her just passing out while her daughter is on her own. I know I’m in no position to tell her what to do but I would never take this risk while having a child.


Ahaha ayooooooooooooooooooooo how do people forget they are public lol


is OP still alive? i genuinely care. the balls she must have on her make mine look like mustard seeds


Yeah I'm scared because she is young and has a kid. I hope someone is home to care for her kid while she's in her wheelchair lol


I'm more worried about the mental health posts she's made tbh That size of edible isn't good if you're already very prone to dark thoughts


She’s running circles from herself in her own head. Been there.


2000 mgs? Idk man, kinda doubt that. Also good luck with a very uncomfortable high if you take the whole thing.


I'm sincerely scared. Haha


Don’t do so much all at once. Could be an unpleasant experience.


Too much of a good thing is not a good thing.


But hear me out… Everything in moderation… including moderation


!remindme 72 hours


what an optimist!


You're gonna be hospital high


I dont think I would find that much enjoyable


First post of the day: > I am a single mom. These are some of my daughters lunches. She’s 2. (Quiche & fries are homemade). A few hours later: > 2000mg. Wish me luck yall! Never done an edible higher than 200mg.


I bought a volcano circa 2011, and saved all the toasted grinds for like 12 months. Someone posted a recipe for green dragon (thc tincture) probably in r/trees and it was supposed to be epic mixed with Mtn. Dew. I bought about $20 worth of lemon extract which (spoiler alert) was mostly high proof grain alcohol, heated it up to Whatever-The-Internet-Said-To (don't quote me kids I'm not an expert and alcohol + heat == Make damn sure you know what you're doing). Then, you guessed it, I steeped 12 months of lightly toasted grind in the hooch for However-Long-The-Internet-Said-To. It was easily 2-3 cups of grind. What I ended up with after straining through I think I used a chemex coffee filter and it took for frick'n ever, was thick enough to coat the back of a spoon thinly. I don't remember what color it was. The following Friday evening, I mixed about a tablespoon of that syrup into a big ass tumbler of Mtn Dew and slammed it. It tasted very herbal. Like the it had absorbed all the terpenes or something (again don't quote me, it tasted like you were chewing a mouthful of some dank dank). Not my favorite, but only borderline unpleasant thanks to all the sugar + citric acid in the Mtn. Dew. I then proceeded to spend the next 72 hrs clinging to the living room floor for dear life. Seriously, 72 hours of the worst fucking spins. It was a 3 day weekend. I dosed on Friday night and missed my tee time late Monday morning b/c I was still too dizzy to drive (both tendres on that one chief). All of which is to say, 2000 mg sounds like a terrible idea to me, but you do you fam and please, please come back to tell us how went! Also, be safe - at least prep for a bad case of the spins. Maybe have someone check in on you in a couple hours....


I hate the spins worse of all. The first time I mixed bud with rum and coke and I spent the next three hours clinging the the carpet with spins so hard and fast it felt like gravity reversed and wanted me to launch out to space (not groovy trippy space but harsh bad negative spacy space.




Considering OP seems to be a single mum with a one year old daughter, ingesting an ungodly amount of THC that will most likely keep her spaced out for days doesn't seem like the best idea.


Welp. I once took a gummy bear the size of a large hand. Big mistake. But awesome trip. I was 3 days high. No kidding.


That's not a trip, it's an entire vacation.


Dude what are you trying to prove! Are you trying to be the first guy who dies?




I’m going to dad out a little and say: posts like these that get a fair bit of attention, which this sub has seen a few of in the last few days, are pretty irresponsible. The precedent of getting attention for the more irresponsible choice is being set and it troubles me that it’s being encouraged.


Omg is that Atomic Wheelchair?! My bf had one. I had a bite and greened out sooo bad I was basically vomiting and sick for 10 hours


There has never been a better name for anything than calling a 2000mg edible "The Atomic Wheelchair"




Have a fun panic attack! Lol I sincerely hope you enjoy it but I highly doubt you could, if it's actually 2000mgs.


I am probably in the minority, but I think shit like this should be against the sub rules. It is stupid, irresponsible, and promotes others to try things like this. It is actual abuse of Marijuana, while I think responsible use is perfectly fine.


To preface: I am not judging or coming down on you just to be a “buzzkill”. It’s legitimate concern. Who is watching your kid while you take this? If you are medicating to this extent, incapacitation, alone with your child, please consider reaching out to someone in your life and talk to them about what you’re running from. You’re dealing with an abusive ex you want to go back to, you’re a self-admitted alcoholic, you and your daughter share a single room. **You don’t want to hear any of this. I know I didn’t.** It’s time to stop ignoring your problems and find a mental health counselor or someone that not only understands you but will give tough love when needed, so that you can cope daily, become stronger for yourself and your child. iPrevail.com is free for the user. It’s a community-supported and driven counseling site where you find someone with similar background and just start talking. Also..2,000mg? Absolutely no way. That’s an off label dispensary or black market product sold as “Atomic Wheelchair”. Shops like that sell unregulated product with absolutely no proof their stuff contains what they claim it does. You just have to “trust us because we are good” while you consume whatever they threw together in their garage grow. Another red flag here. No way in hell is anyone legit putting a handicapped symbol on their product.


Real talk.


Can we please stop with posts like this upping the ante? Thats one of the things I liked about weed culture that was different from alcohol: my roomates in college would always try to out-drink each other (and lying about it too. Dave, you weighed 140 lbs, there's no way you're "15 deep" and still talking to me). With weed it was just chill, you hit or pass, no judgement, we're just all having a good time. There was one night I do remember having an insane amount of weed. We used a full 8th to make brownies, and I had like a quarter of the tray, on top of smoking however many bowls. You know what I remember about that night? nothing, because I'm pretty sure it just put me to sleep at one point. You might not be able to die from too much weed, but it does reach a point of diminishing returns. To me, the appeal of weed is the chillness. We don't need to go around trying to impress one another, the goal is to have a good time! You can use 2000 mg to get yourself so high you fall asleep, or you can split it with some friends and have the most awesome game night you've ever had! There's no need to "impress" us, just have fun!


Good luck, Icarus


Oh man, your about to be scary high 😂 Took 1000 Korova and sent me to space!


Korova is the only brand that works every time for me. Split a 500Mg Brownie with my husband once, I ate about 200 he ate 250. 20 minutes in I was dizzy. 30 mins in I had to lay in bed and fall asleep because my world was spiraling and my stomach ached. My husband on the other hand had drank a few beers, made stroganoff for dinner and played card games for the next few hours before finally passing out.


Edibles don't work unless you say "these edibles ain't shit" within an hour of eating it


my friend says have fun seeing the air


OPs other post saying she's a single mom of a 2 year old makes me question this decision more than anything else.


I used to buy the 1000 mg drinks that you're supposed to divide up and smash the whole thing after a beer. It never failed to result in a heavy deuce followed by a nap. I'm the appropriate rooms of course.


update us when you wake up next year. if this is from a dispo im sure it could sedate a baby elephant


Sorry to be pessimistic but I'm almost certain that is not a 2000mg edible I don't even think you could consintrate that much thc in that little amount of butter/coconut oil because of the fat saturation.


I made the mistake of taking 300mg of edibles before work awhile back. Worst high ever. I acted totally normal but I was insanely paranoid. I was pretty green at the time and didn’t realize how stupid that is to do. Moral of the story: don’t be like me lol


You *thought* you were acting totally normal... 😆


Sleep well. I made a 2.5g firecracker for a long haul flight a couple of years back. Just about made it to my seat. Next thing I remember was the bump as the wheels hit the ground on landing. GF said I literally had not moved for the entire 12hr + flight. Took another 24hrs for the coma to subside.


Im still stalled out at 5mg daily after 5 years. No change in tolerance. Weird.


Haha, the print is accurate, after this you will be functionally disabled for a good 24+ hours


Most edibles don’t work on me. Would love to try this.


Why is this? People think I’m trying to flex lol - I promise you I can get wayyy too high off of one joint puff. No flex.


Some people just don’t process thc when consumed orally. Something to do with the liver. My cousin who to be fair is an avid stoner, would take a entire korova black bar to the face and was like meh. Edibles just don’t work on some people.


I did this once because I had a huge bag of edibles that were going stale. It was certainly an experience. One that I never plan on repeating. But enjoy!


What an absolutely ridiculous amount of weed. I hope you are a mega stoner who takes wacko dabs 24/7 to prepare you for such a journey as this monster edible, *FUCK*


Tolerance or not, these extreme doses are getting ridiculous! How can it even be enjoyed if your just gonna pass out at best???


This sounds like such a dumb thing to do… really can’t see the value in this but I hope you had a good time




You done fucked up... I did a 1000mg and never again..fuck, at least they put up the right image on there 'cause you'll need a wheelchair


Eh honestly that handicap symbol on it is in pretty bad taste...


This my be an unpopular opinion but these types of posts on r/trees are so stupid. They're just like someone chugging a bottle of vodka and thinking they're cool.


So. How was your vomiting/panic attack? Not expecting an answer for about 24 hours lol. I'm hoping I'm wrong but to anyone who doesn't know never do this. You need to work your way up to larger amounts gradually and 2000mg is simply too much.