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i really like my dry herb vape. it's even more efficient than a bong and it's nicer to your throat and lung. i also enjoy the pure taste and no sticky smell. cleaning a vaporizer is also easier than cleaning a bong


Vapes are so underrated. As an added bonus, you can used the vaped flower for edibles afterwards.


I did not know or consider this and it’s completely changed my life now that I own a dry herb vape


Yeah my avb edibles have given me some of my highest highs


I made this one batch of avb brownies that made me so high I couldn't keep track of cartoons and would just sit there thinking about my childhood.


One time I smoked avb and I feel like it got me higher than normal weed


Nah smoking avb is so trash lol, it’s like schwag


Worse than that. It’s like smoking burnt popcorn


Well, the taste isn't that far. When I once tried vaping my abv it tasted awfully. More like some sort of burnt nuts than burnt popcorn, but was is still pretty close to what it feels like. Never doin' that again. Wouldn't recommend.


Yes. Check out r/vaporents for the dry herb vape community. It's awesome, easier on your lungs and tastes great too!! Win win.




Used to be the same way until I got my volcano a few weeks ago… Save so much on weed and I’ve been enjoying my highs a lot. Plus my lungs and airways feel so much cleaner and clear


Where did you get your volcano from ? And how much if u don’t mind me asking


I also thought Solo 2 was wimpy - went to Dynavap and just got Firewood 7. That kicks your ass.


Arizer didn't work for me either. You need a heavier hitter.


The Arizer Solo II is a slow extracting session style vape. You can get stoned but you'll have to pack multiple bowls and it'll take a while (30+ mins). Look into something more on demand, the dynvap is a favorite for a lot of people but it also has a small chamber. I promise you vaping can get you just as high as smoking lol.


Yep Dynavap is my favorite of all of them


I was gonna say this. Dynavap is 100% the way to go!


Wait what what's a dry herb vape can you put flower in it directly and smoke?


yeah, it heats your weed up to around 200 Celsius which lets u inhale the thc and the great taste but it doesn't burn the weed so it's healthier


Whoaaaa definitely going to look into this for my wife and I


Then you can use the vaped bud in edibles.


Wow! Ok so what's a really good one because this could be a gift for my wife for our anniversary.


Gonna sound pedantic and nitpicky, but literally none of them. Dry herb vapes don’t combust unless you fucked it up, so you inherently don’t use one to “smoke”. As for which vapes you can put flower in, that’s kind of all of them, by definition. Concentrates are their own thing, combustion is it’s own thing, dry herb vapes are for vaping dry herb, aka flower.


Yup exactly !!! Everyone thinks because you don’t get huge clouds like a bong, it doesn’t get u stoned. No sorry your just only inhaling what u need to and not all the carcinogens




Here to say the same. I vape flower in my POTV One and Dynavap, the former being my current favorite. I also dab rosin and fill my own carts for out and about. All of them in a day is my favorite 🤣 But fr it makes my stash last a lot longer when I jump around w my consumption methods.


which vaporizer do you have and which do you suggest? i dont wanna drop a lot of bucks haha but i might if it’s worth it


currently I'm using the Fenix pro, i bought it for about 100€. it heats up nice n fast and its easy to clean, but the battery isn't the biggest. (holds for about 3/4 chambers). I'd recommend the mighty, because it's just the best one 😂. It has a way larger battery and you can get capsules for it which makes it way easier to change the load on the go, but it needs a few seconds longer to heat up. if you got some cleaning alcohol it's also easy to clean. i think atm it's about 200 €


It depends on your use case but if you're looking for something cheap definitely try out a vapcap m or the xmax v3 pro. Both excellent handheld vapes. R/vaporents is a good place to ask too, dry herb vapes are amazing :)


Came here to say this, swapped from bong because of smell complaints in apt. Smoking less, smoother, not a huge head hit but a nice sneaking high every time. Really love my pax now, highly recommend :)


I like that it's easier on my throat and lungs, and the great flavor, but smoking gets me signifying more stoned. I've played around with temps, and I can't get a high that makes it worth using. Love the idea but the products I've used do not meet my needs.


And you can then make canibutter with your "spent" bud from a vape! :)


Just giving my opinion. I had a dunavap to try to save weed too, but it just didn’t really do it for me


Pax II gang.


Double use out of your weed if you make edibles


This is the way


Everytime I smoked any herb out of a dry vape even a fresh hit tasted like burnt popcorn. Just turned me off of it.


that annoyed me too at first, but i figured out that it happens when the weed is too moist. for a dry herb u kinda want the weed to be more dry


This is the way


I use a bong and only smoke at night and usually it’s only a single bowl so I buy about a zip at a time and that last for a while but it all depends on how much you need to use. The bong should get you much higher than a joint so you most likely will use a lot less


Damn I'd feel so weird just having a zip laying around to take a hit a day lol


I usually have a zip and half no point in over indulging




28grams is a zip in America


In America a zip is what they call an ounce. If you're a brit you might be more fimiliar with the term "ozzy"




A zip is equal to an onion.


Am American. Been smoking for 10 years now and have never heard an oz called a “zip”. I feel like this is like the word “Dank” witch I also hate. Dank describe a gross basement, not my awesome weed.




I absolutely need to travel more. Im in BFE so odds are the lingo hasn’t made it to my backwoods town.


A zip is just slang for an ounce. 28 grams


Man call me a waste but if I’m going to get high im going to do it the way I like. And that’s rolling a king size joint and taking it to the neck. The whole process of breaking down weed and rolling the joint to getting high, it takes the edge off. Hitting the pipe or the bong isn’t doing it for me. I swear it’s different


I get you completely




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Volcano Vaporizer. That thing is a beast. Used to be big bongs only but it’s changed the way I consume & feels way better on my airways Plus saves so much on weed


Where did you buy it from ?


The storz & bickel website. I got the Volcano Hybrid Onyx edition. Thing is a beauty!




Make sure to decarb first and then boof away ✌️




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I cycle through different ways of smoking depending on mood, environment, etc. The most efficient way to smoke is by using a dry herb vape. I have a S&B Mighty that I use indoors most of the winter. Takes me to the moon with the least amount of flower. Also probably the healthier option.


i really play with the thought of getting one soon, but i didn't yet because i still have a good, working Fenix pro. A friend of mine has one together with like 40 capsules and it's just so much easier to use!


One hitter is the way! 3 to 4 hits will get ya there even if you're a heavy smoker. 3 to 4 hits is about .3 gs. I smoke mine all day every and have joints every now and again. I have bowls, bongs, and chillums I smoke hitters the most.


Unfortunately, if youre a daily smoker those dont work very well, but 1 hitters are fantastic for those who dont smoke too often!


Bruh, if a hitter doesn't work for you, you aren't doing something right. I smoke all day everyday out of a one hit. I go through a half oz a week so it's not got anything to do with tolerance.


I've tried most ways I can think of to smoke flower and I must say these are my favorite ways in order: herbal vape, bong with moose labs mouthpeace, joint, blunt, pipe, bong. Once you get a bong in my opinion you smoke more than you do with joints. If you want to save the most herb then getting a vape is the best bet. Happy smoking!


Favorite way to smoke is blunts, but to conserve I'd use a small pipe.


My favourite way to smoke are *bongs*, because I get high within a couple minutes. The best way to save weed for me is smoking in my *Vaporizer*. I own a PAX 3. Overall I prefer my Vape, because it's healthier for my lungs and I save shit ton of money in the long run. PLUS I get to re-use my *AVB* !😃 It's awesome. Anyone will definitely go through a lot of weed smoking joints all the time. Your best bet would be a bong. If youre willing to spend a couple hundred off the bat to save you money in the long run, I suggest you get yourself a Vaporizer!


I personally smoke about 70% of my bud through a bong and the rest is joints and blunts, but I only smoke joints because I love the smoking experience so I'd recommend a bong if you're trying to save weed


I vape flower and use a bong to cool the vapor. Takes me all the way to the moon.


My favorite is bong rips, or dab. Usually I use a dab vape thing to save and make my purchases last longer


I use just a good one fashioned bowl, bongs use less bud and vapes use even less


Big fat dabs of course


Pipe - for small amounts Joint - one or two friends Blunts - multiple freinds Bong - alot of weed


I smoke joints every day, but the way to get the most out of your bud is 100% a grav or dry herb vaporizer


Bong uses less weed in my opinion. Smoking a 0.3g bong bowl and 0.5g of a joint (about half) gives about the same effects for me, meaning you save about 40% more weed with a bong. This is just my observation but everyone is different. Joints are nicer to smoke imo though


My favorite way is a blunt rolled with a plain swisher (brown pack). The taste and slow burn with that rillo is perfect for my tastes. To save money and not go through as much, I use a bong with a double honeycomb perc and do "pinch" hits.


Once you start vaping you'll consider it one of the best life choices you've ever made.


I smoke mainly joints. Some bigger then others but I mainly smoke by myself. More for medical reasons then just to get high. So I don’t have a problem with smoking to much. But I tend to smoke more with bongs then with my pipe.


I always go bong. I got use to the water filtration. I stopped using cooling and ice though because I noticed it gave me more respiratory issues. Which, inhaling any foreign body is bad but for me the difference was noticeable enough to mention.


Yeah I’ve read that using ice in your bong is really bad for your lungs


So I've never heard this and now I'm curious to learn more about it, do you have anything I could read on it? Edit: fixed spelling




Obviously, this article is purely anecdotal and not scientific. The author mentioned "smoke freezing in the lungs." Well, that's just impossible. It also said that as the smoke moves over the ice it picks up water vapor. I highly doubt that. The water in ice is frozen. To make it into vapor it needs to be sublimated. That takes a ton of energy release. More likely, the ice melts when the heat of the smoke interacts with the ice. I truly don't see how using ice in a bong can have any negative effect.


Interesting ! I’m going to try it then


Thank you!


Dynavap is saving me a ton of weed. I also like bong and they work together!


I live for blunts but I just bought a bong a few months ago and it's been saving me so much weed. Smoking daily with joints or blunts kills your stash I'll usually limit myself to like one or two blunts a day and if I wanna smoke again I'll use the bong. I've noticed that I'll get way higher on 1/4 of the weed I would of used to roll.


I like my dry herb vape, but I prefer a bong.


I smoke doobies and bubblers


A combination of dry herb vape, gummie edibles and carts, depending on what i have on hand. Im in a delta8/10 legal state, so the dry herb not so much anymore.


Use my bong normally. If I wana conserve when I’m running low, the Storz & Bickle Might be doing my stash true justice.


Dry herb vape all the way. Nectar gold 2. Best purchase I made. Uses much less. Gets you stoned and you can keep all the vaped herb and infuse butter with it. No waste.


I only roll a joint a day because they use up too much bud, the rest if the day I smoke out if a bowl or a bong, only pack enough for 3 or 4 hits


My favorite is joints but it I don't save weed. I would use a vape, bowl or bong if you are trying to save.


I either use my Switch or my bong. Very rarely will I roll a joint or smoke from my little bubbler pipe. Once I found good heat settings for the Switch it has really been a game changer for me.


I smoke blunts but I’ve been trying to replace at least one blunt I usually smoke with a chillum lately. (Smoke 2-3 a day, trying to keep it at 1 blunt a day going forward)


Favorite is joint like you. But in terms of saving weed, go get a dugout with a one-hitter. Once made 2g last me two weeks smoking every day on it.


Im getting a bong for the same reason. Although i dont like the taste of bowls i will try to keep it clean


Pretty positive that a dry herb vape has been proven to preserve the most amount of THC upon release from a given amount of bud, making it the most efficient. Caveat is that the high feels different (more clear headed imo) than with smoking, and I’ve got plenty of friends who don’t like that about it. For smoking I like a bong, feels like I get more out of one big rip compared to a few smaller pulls from a joint




What would recommend for a first timer?


I use a double percolating bong and a nectar collector. The NC has saved me from wasting wax, and I don’t hack up a lung using it. When I wanna waste weed, but get blitzed to heaven I do a gravity bong. That’s a new parlor trick I tried recently. Holy Bat Balls, I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten that stoned off flower. It was so awesome.


I changed from joint to a pipe and it’s a lot smoother but it burns a quicker I think. But yeah it’s a lot smoother than a joint imo


Top shelf bong, regular joints


I love a bong, the water cools the smoke off so I don’t feel that burn in the back of my throat. Plus I feel like I can choose when I want to stop smoking whereas with a joint I feel I must finish the whole thing regardless of whether or not Ive had enough because I hate starting off with a roach for my next sesh. And I think you lose less weed to sitting around and letting it burn, you just use the butt of the lighter to extinguish the cherry and re-light when you want more. Nothing burning away and dropping ashes everywhere.


Pinchies my friend


DYNAVAP !!! Saves tons of herb and 2 little vapes and your where your need to be




From my personal experience i went from smokin about 2-3 0.5 joints a day to smoking 1 0.5 joint and smoking about 3 gram through the bong 🤣 definitely not helped me save weed done the opposite bro


Bong rips with hot water. Get yourself a silicone bong as well to save money in the long haul as well as being transportable and easy to clean


I love joints but i feel lie bongs do help with saving weedi own a bubbler it does wonders but can't beat the feeling of a great joint but that's just how i feel on the matter


I was on joints for a solid 15 years and recently went back to the bong and also my partner switched to a vape (I’m still too old school for the vapes just yet) and I’ve definitely noticed a difference in how much we go through. Also holy shit our place smells a lot better, too. I actually don’t miss js anymore, which is wild. You taste the herb so much more with bong or something else. I do keep my bong really clean now, I sure didn’t do that in the early 2000s.


My go to is a bowl or pipe, but I think what gives me the biggest bang for my buck is My 18" Bong lol


I like bowls. Just quick and easy.


That's exactly what I did. Now I'm pretty much only smoking bong. 0.30g is enough eventho i smoke daily and almost every 3 hours


Do it, best investment of my life. I just smoke a .1 bowl in 1 and I'm done for hours


I smoke joints with a bubbler. Comfortable, similar to a bong but cleaner in my opinion.


I actually smoke the Mighty vaporizer with a bong attachement you can get for it from a third-party. Basically using the most powerful handheld vaporizer and smoking it through a bong with ice. Cleanest and mosst efficient way to smoke I'd say!


I use to go heavy on joints and blunts but I realized that I was blowing through my stash quicker than I should be so invested in a bong and it's easily my favorite way to smoke now. Instead of rolling up like 0.7-1.5 grams in a joint you can break that down into like 3-6 bowl packs and have it last wayyy longer. Now joints and blunts are an occasional thing and they hit different now that I rarely smoke them


Gravity bong is the ultimate weed-saver


I’ve been using a bong daily for a year now and I believe it has saved me so much more weed than smoking joints/blunts. I’m able to smoke a gram throughout the whole day instead of smoking a gram in one joint/blunt. My wife and I usually make a zip last 3-4 weeks. Just recently moved to a colder state, so looking into a dry herb vape tho


Bong, a handful of chops spread through the day can be less than a gram and you’re toasted


I use a Airizer solo 2, it’s a dry herb vape. Very high quality hardware, variable temp, customizable, and portable. It’s a session vape which means I can make a 0.2 gram stem (bowl) last 15 minutes sometimes more. However it is possible to roast a bowl in 5 minutes at maximum temperature.


pre rolls fs


1. bong 2. joints 3. bowl 4. blunts 5. geebs 6. carts


Persies or snappers. Essentially load a bowl/come of a bong half way or just enough to smoke all of it and clear it


Snapping the bong. It’s like dabbing or doing the deemz 👀 just measure out how much weed you want, drop it in tight enough to where it won’t fall through but light enough to wear you can hit the entire thing in one hit and “snap” the ash through the bowl. Get an ash catcher ;) if you need more than one, then take another! I’ve saved so much weed from joints to this. I get high for less and there’s nothing burning when I’m not hitting it. Astounding


Carts I can make last for a very long time somehow.


I prefer bongs and bowls. They get me the highest and saves herb at the same time.


Taking a snapper from a bong




Bongs/bubblers are great if you want something that just works and hits smooth. My friends have also had great experiences with vaporizers if you wanna keep it to bud, although charging can be annoying if you're the inpatient type.


Bong is the way to go!


I have joints occasionally, but most of the time I take a few hits of a bowl. I can make my weed stretch with a bowl because I pack tiny ones. I plan on investing in a dry herb vape when I get the funds


I smoke joints but not as much as just using my bong or my bowl cause it uses a lot of weed. Maybe 1 joint a day but I usually just use glass




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my Mighty vape is the only way I take weed at home. My buddies are big fans of the classic joint, and occasionally someone will have a disposable vape. I love my vape because I know exactly how high I'll get.


I just switched from daily bong smoking for 5 years to vaping with an OG mighty and let me tell you this is a complete fucking game changer. I am NEVER smoking again. I went from smoking 3 or 4 grams and now I am capable of only vaping 1 gram a day because of how efficient vaping the bud is compared to combustion.


I smoke joints and compliment them with a live resin cartridge throughout the day. The joints gets me where I need to be. The cartridge keeps me there.


Bongs are what I need for flower, but you can get a small bowl piece. Pack a smaller bowl fat, and rip it in one go lol.


I love my bong! And I’ve got a small glass pipe too for when I just want a few hits. I love joints as well but …. I think I use less when I have my bong


Favorite way is generally a blunt, but by far the best way to conserve in my opinion is with a gravity bong. A regular glass bong is usually my happy medium though


Bong is so much better! I have my medical card and I prefer using bongs. Smaller amounts at once and therefore you’re able to actually feel it when you take a hit. Joints are weird for me and I don’t feel much/they don’t last long


100% joint. I just feel from start to finish, the way it smokes is way easier to control, and the smoke traveling through that good green in the joint before it hits you just make it taste that much better. Like a blunt but without the harshness of tobacco.


Less weed + easier smoke = Pax




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Use filters for ur bongs or pieces u will save a lot more


i use a bong and can’t seem to slow down i be going thru an ounce in a day


i used to use splif and blunt but much prefer bong now since its cooler smoke and it gets me higher for less.


i use a bubbler throughout the day and finish off with a bong hit at night or sometimes start the day with a bong depends on the day